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2023-2024 Regular Session - Tuesday, March 7, 2023



Representative Aisha Gomez, Chair of the Committee on Taxes, called the meeting to order at 1:02 PM on March 7, 2023 in Room 5 of the State Office Building.

The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll.

Members present:
GOMEZ, Aisha, Chair
NORRIS, Matt, Vice Chair
DAVIDS, Greg, Minority Lead
AGBAJE, Esther
HOWARD, Michael
JOY, Jim
LEE, Liz
OLSON, Bjorn
ROBBINS, Kristin

A quorum was present.

Vice Chair Norris moved the minutes of March 1, 2023. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

HF2311 (Bierman) Income tax provisions modified, temporary credit for purchase and installation of solar energy systems provided.

Chair Gomez moved that HF2311 be laid over for possible inclusion in the Taxes Omnibus bill.

Representative Bierman presented HF2311.

Testifying on HF2311:
• Logan O’Grady, Executive Director, Minnesota Solar Energy Industries Association
• Sarah Whebbe, Policy Analyst, All Energy Solar
Chair Gomez renewed the motion that HF2311 be laid over for possible inclusion in the Taxes Omnibus bill. The bill was laid over.

HF1785 (Hornstein) Allocation of revenues from solid waste management tax modified.

Minority Lead Davids moved that HF1785 be laid over for possible inclusion in the Taxes Omnibus bill.

Minority Lead Davids moved the H1785DE1 amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

Representative Hornstein presented HF1785, as amended.

Testifying on HF1785, as amended:
• Nicole Eckstrom, Commissioner, Freeborn County
• Victoria Reinhardt, Commissioner, Ramsey County
Minority Lead Davids renewed the motion that HF1785, as amended, be laid over for possible inclusion in the Taxes Omnibus bill. The bill was laid over.

HF2089 (Her) St. Paul; authorization to issue capital improvement bonds extended and increased.

Chair Gomez moved that HF2089 be laid over for possible inclusion in the Taxes Omnibus bill.

Representative Her presented HF2089.

Testifying on HF2089:
• John McCarthy, Finance Director, City of St. Paul
Chair Gomez renewed the motion that HF2089 be laid over for possible inclusion in the Taxes Omnibus bill. The bill was laid over.

HF2340 (Klevorn) Individual income tax provisions modified, and special education added as an eligible master's degree program for the credit for teachers attaining a master's degree.

Chair Gomez moved that HF2340 be laid over for possible inclusion in the Taxes Omnibus bill.

Representative Klevorn presented HF2340.

Chair Gomez renewed the motion that HF2340 be laid over for possible inclusion in the Taxes Omnibus bill. The bill was laid over.

HF2404 (Urdahl) Individual income tax provisions modified, and credit for teachers attaining master's degrees expanded to include special education degrees and newly licensed teachers.

Minority Lead Davids moved that HF2404 be laid over for possible inclusion in the Taxes Omnibus bill.

Minority Lead Davids moved the H2404A1 amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

Representative Urdahl presented HF2404, as amended.

Testifying on HF2404, as amended:
• Tequila Laramee, Education Support Professional-Associate Educator, Bethune Elementary School
Minority Lead Davids renewed the motion that HF2404, as amended, be laid over for possible inclusion in the Taxes Omnibus bill. The bill was laid over.

The meeting adjourned at 2:25 PM.

Representative Aisha-Gomez, Chair

Lauren Sabes, Committee Legislative Assistant

More Info On This Meeting..
Bills Added:
  • HF1785 (Hornstein) - Allocation of revenues from solid waste management tax modified.
  • HF2089 (Her) - St. Paul; authorization to issue capital improvement bonds extended and increased.
  • HF2311 (Bierman) - Income tax provisions modified, and temporary credit for purchase and installation of solar energy systems provided.
  • HF2340 (Klevorn) - Individual income tax provisions modified, and special education added as an eligible master's degree program for the credit for teachers attaining a master's degree.
  • HF2404 (Urdahl) - Individual income tax provisions modified, and credit for teachers attaining master's degrees expanded to include special education degrees and newly licensed teachers.
House TV Video:
View Archive

00:37 - HF2311 (Bierman) Income tax provisions modified, temporary credit for purchase and installation of solar energy systems provided.
35:17 - HF1785 (Hornstein) Allocation of revenues from solid waste management tax modified.
56:52 - HF2089 (Her) Saint Paul; authorization to issue capital improvement bonds extended and increased.
1:04:34 - HF2340 (Klevorn) Individual income tax provisions modified, and special education added as an eligible master's degree program for the credit for teachers attaining a master's degree.
1:08:41 - HF2404 (Urdahl) Individual income tax provisions modified, and credit for teachers attaining master's degrees expanded to include special education degrees and newly licensed teachers.
Runs 1 hour, 23 minutes.

HF1785 (Hornstein) Allocation of revenues from solid waste management tax modified.
HF2311 (Bierman) Income tax provisions modified, temporary credit for purchase and installation of solar energy systems provided.
HF2340 (Klevorn) Individual income tax provisions modified, and special education added as an eligible master's degree program for the credit for teachers attaining a master's degree.
HF2089 (Her) St. Paul; authorization to issue capital improvement bonds extended and increased.
HF2404 (Urdahl) Individual income tax provisions modified, and credit for teachers attaining master's degrees expanded to include special education degrees and newly licensed teachers.

Additional items may be added/removed to the agenda. Testimony is limited to two minutes. Materials will be posted to the Committee website when they are available. Public testifiers should email their full name, organization (if applicable) and preferred title to the Committee Administrator ([email protected].gov) by 5 PM on Monday, March 6th. Materials to be distributed to the Committee members are also due by 5 PM on Monday, March 6th to the Committee Administrator and the Committee Legislative Assistant Lauren Sabes ([email protected].gov). Please note: submitted written testimony is public and will be included in the official committee record. It may be posted to the committee webpage if received by deadline.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Minnesota House of Representatives · 658 Cedar St. Saint Paul, MN 55155 · [email protected]