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House Television Archives - House Press Conferences Archives

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MN Outdoor Heritage Alliance Press Conference
Thursday, May 2 2002 - watch this program
Representative Mark Holsten and Senator Bob Lessard will discuss legislation dedicating of a portion of the sales tax to natural resources.
HF1671 (Holsten) and SF1589 (Lessard).
A bill for an act relating to natural resources; proposing an amendment to the Minnesota Constitution, article XI; dedicating the sales tax receipts equal to a sales tax of 3/16 of one percent on taxable sales for natural resource purposes; creating a heritage enhancement fund and a heritage enhancement council; modifying the disposition of the payments in lieu of sales tax for lottery tickets.
Runs 26 minutes.

House Republican Press Conference
Wednesday, April 10 2002 - watch this program
House Republican Press Conference held Wednesday afternoon, in response to Senate DFL Press Conference.
Runs 34 minutes.

Senate DFL Press Conference
Wednesday, April 10 2002 - watch this program
Senate DFL Press Conference held Wednesday afternoon.
Runs 29 minutes.

U.S. Postal Service Press Conference
Thursday, April 4 2002 - watch this program
Release of the "Greetings from Minnesota" stamp.

Governor Ventura Press Conference
Friday, March 15 2002 - watch this program
Press conference by Governor Ventura and Finance Commissioner Wheelock regarding the Governor's Twins stadium proposal.

House Republican Press Conference
Thursday, March 7 2002 - watch this program
House Republican's release the House Bonding bill.
Runs 27 minutes.

Representative Jacobson Press Conference
Thursday, March 7 2002 - watch this program
Representative Carl Jacobson unveils a new proposal for the stadium debate.
Runs 16 minutes.

Long Term Care Rally
Wednesday, March 6 2002 - watch this program
Capitol rally by "Seniors and Workers for Quality Care" regarding long term care.
Runs 51 minutes.

House DFL Media Availability
Tuesday, March 5 2002 - watch this program
House DFL Leader Tom Pugh's comments regarding "Phase II" budget.
Runs 25 minutes.

AARP Capitol Rally
Wednesday, February 27 2002 - watch this program
Members of the AARP hold their "Lobby Day at the Capitol" in the Capitol Rotunda.
Comments by House and Senate Leadership.
Runs 22 minutes.

Governor Ventura Press Conference
Tuesday, February 26 2002 - watch this program
Governor Ventura's announcement of his veto of HF351.

House Leadership responds to failure to override Governor's veto
Tuesday, February 26 2002 - watch this program
House DFL and Republican leaders respond to failure of the House to override the Governor's veto of HF351.
Runs 14 minutes.

House Republican response to Governor's veto of budget bill
Tuesday, February 26 2002 - watch this program
House Republican Leadership's response to the Governor's veto announcement.
Runs 9 minutes.

House/Senate Leadership Comments
Monday, February 25 2002 - watch this program
Comments by House and Senate Leadership following their meeting with the Governor.
Runs 16 minutes.

House Republican response to Governor's budget bill comments
Friday, February 22 2002 - watch this program
House Speaker Steve Sviggum responds to questions regarding when the budget bill was delivered to the Governor.
Runs 5 minutes.

Leadership comments to the budget bill situation
Friday, February 22 2002 - watch this program
Comments by Senator Lessard, Senator Moe, Representative Sviggum, Senator Day, Governor Ventura and Representative Pugh.
Runs 40 minutes.

House DFL Leadership Press Conference
Wednesday, February 20 2002 - watch this program
Press conference held Wednesday morning by House Minority Leader Tom Pugh responding to the budget agreement reached between by Senate GOP and DFL and House GOP.
Runs 15 minutes.

Minnesota School Mandate Relief Act Press Conference
Wednesday, February 20 2002 - watch this program
Press conference by Representative Jeff Johnson to introduce the Minnesota School Mandate Relief Act.
Runs 12 minutes.

House Minority Leader Press conference
Tuesday, February 19 2002 - watch this program
Impromptu press conference held by House Minority Leader Tom Pugh, responding to the budget agreement reached between by Senate GOP and DFL and House GOP.
Runs 11 minutes.

Joint House / Senate Leadership Press Conference
Tuesday, February 19 2002 - watch this program
Press Conference held Tuesday afternoon by House and Senate legislative leaders announcing a bipartisan agreement on how to resolve the budget deficit.
Runs 23 minutes.

Capitol rally by MSUSA/MSCSA students
Thursday, February 14 2002 - watch this program
Wednesday's rally at the Capitol by the Minnesota State University Student Association regarding budget cuts to higher education.
Runs 29 minutes.

Joint Coalition Press Conference Opposing Gambling Legislation
Thursday, February 14 2002 - watch this program
Press conference held Thursday morning in the State Office Building by a coalition of groups opposed to the expansion of gambling legislation.

House GOP Press Conference
Friday, February 8 2002 - watch this program
House Majority Leader Tim Pawlenty reacts to Governor Ventura's press conference from earlier Friday morning.
Runs 12 minutes.

House DFL Press Conference
Thursday, February 7 2002 - watch this program
House Minority Leader Tom Pugh responds to the House GOP budget balancing plan.
Runs 4 minutes.

House GOP Press Conference
Thursday, February 7 2002 - watch this program
House Speaker Steve Sviggum and Majority Leader Tim Pawlenty announce the House GOP plan to balance the state budget.
Runs 38 minutes.

House and Senate DFL Press Conference
Monday, February 4 2002 - watch this program
Press conference by House and Senate DFL Members to present their "Act to Leave No Children Behind" initiative.
Runs 16 minutes.

Million Mom March Press Conference
Monday, February 4 2002 - watch this program
Press conference on the Capitol steps to remember Minnesotans who died from gun violence in 2001.
Runs 6 minutes.

House DFL Press Conference from Tuesday morning
Tuesday, January 29 2002 - watch this program
Pre-session press conference by House DFL leadership.
Runs 9 minutes.

House GOP Press Conference from Monday
Tuesday, January 29 2002 - watch this program
Pre-session press conference House GOP Leadership.
Runs 35 minutes.

House GOP Press Conference
Thursday, January 10 2002 - watch this program
House Speaker Steve Sviggum and Majority Leader Tim Pawlenty respond to Governor Ventura's budget-balancing plan.
Runs 28 minutes.

House/Senate DFL Press Conference
Thursday, January 10 2002 - watch this program
Senate Majority Leader Roger Moe and House Minority Leader Tom Pugh respond to Governor Ventura's budget-balancing plan.
Runs 18 minutes.

Department of Finance Press Conference
Tuesday, December 4 2001 - watch this program
Release of the November Revenue Forecast by the Department of Finance.
Participants include State Economist Tom Stinson and Commissioner of Finance Pam Wheelock.
Runs 38 minutes.

GOP Press Conference
Tuesday, December 4 2001 - watch this program
House Speaker Steve Sviggum and Majority Leader Tim Pawlenty discuss the November Budget Forecast.
Runs 29 minutes.

House/Senate DFL Press Conference
Monday, December 3 2001 - watch this program
Senate Majority Leader Roger Moe and House Minority Leader Tom Pugh discuss state's financial situation.
Recorded Monday afternoon, December 3.
Runs 28 minutes.

House GOP Press Conference
Thursday, November 8 2001 - watch this program
Press conference by House Leadership to introduce the new representative from District 12B, and to address issue regarding the Stadium Task Force.
Runs 29 minutes.

House DFL Press Conference
Thursday, June 28 2001 - watch this program
Press conference by Majority Leader Pugh immediately following morning floor session.
Runs 12 minutes.

House GOP Press Conference
Thursday, June 28 2001 - watch this program
Press conference by Speaker Sviggum and Tax Committee Chair Abrams immediately following the afternoon floor session.
Runs 15 minutes.

House GOP Press Conference
Thursday, June 28 2001 - watch this program
Press conference by Speaker Sviggum immediately following morning floor session.
Runs 8 minutes.

House GOP Leadership Press Conference
Tuesday, June 26 2001 - watch this program
House GOP press conference from Tuesday afternoon.
Runs 22 minutes.

Governor Ventura Press Conference
Friday, June 22 2001 - watch this program
Governor Ventura's press conference from Friday, June 22 regarding the current state of budget negotiations.
Runs 26 minutes.

House Leadership Press Conference
Friday, June 22 2001 - watch this program
House Leadership press conference from Friday, June 22 regarding the current state of budget negotiations.
Runs 27 minutes.

Senator Moe Press Conference
Friday, June 22 2001 - watch this program
Senator Moe's press conference from Friday, June 22 regarding the current state of budget negotiations.
Runs 6 minutes.

House DFL Press Conference
Thursday, June 21 2001 - watch this program
Thursday morning press conference regarding the House DFL Sale Tax Rebate proposal.
Runs 15 minutes.

Legislative Leadership Press Conference
Wednesday, June 20 2001 - watch this program
Wednesday afternoon press conference with Senator Moe, Majority Leader Pawlenty and Speaker Sviggum regarding the status of budget negotiations.
Runs 11 minutes.

House GOP Press Conference
Monday, June 11 2001 - watch this program
House Majority Leader Pawlenty's Monday noon update regarding current state of budget negotiations.
Runs 4:58.

Legislative Leadership Press Conference
Friday, June 8 2001 - watch this program
Press conference with Senator Moe and Speaker Sviggum regarding negotiations and the upcoming Special Session.
Runs 20 minutes, 16 seconds.

House GOP Press Conference
Wednesday, June 6 2001 - watch this program
House Speaker Sviggum and Majority Leader Pawlenty's Tuesday afternoon (6/5) press conference regarding current state of budget negotiations.
Runs 25:25.

Governor Ventura Press Conference
Friday, May 25 2001 - watch this program
Friday morning press conference (5/25) with Governor Ventura, Finance Commissioner Pam Wheelock and Revenue Commissioner Matt Smith.
The topic was a proposed new tax plan.
Runs 26 minutes.

House GOP Press Conference
Friday, May 25 2001 - watch this program
Friday afternoon press conference with the House GOP's response to the Governor's new tax proposed tax plan.
Runs 29 minutes.

House GOP Press Conference
Thursday, May 17 2001 - watch this program
House Majority Leader Pawlenty's press conference regarding current state of budget negotiations.
Runs 1:13.

Senate DFL Press Conference
Thursday, May 17 2001 - watch this program
Senator Majority Leader Moe's press conference regarding current state of budget negotiations.
Runs 21:48.