Let's disrupt your market!

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Infinitum Digital Transformation SL
Rambla Ibèria 97
08203 Sabadell (Barcelona)
+34 937 264 199
[email protected]
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Infinitum Digital

Infinitum Digital: Consulting and implementation services in Digital Transformation 

Our mission: We help companies to improve their Customer Experience, enhancing brand touchpoints and Visitor Journeys. 

Our vision: Become a strategical and trusted partner in the journey towards Digital Transformation 

Services provided: 

Digital Business 

We help companies to Digitally reshape their positioning with:

  • Strategic consulting 
  • Customer experience
  • Digital Workplace 

Digital Operations

We modify existing internal processes in order to disrupt in the market.

  • DXP platform implementation
  • 4.0 Industry implementation
  • Integrations & zero silo status

Digital Marketing

We add the Digital dimension to leverage the overall Marketing Strategy.

  • Digital Marketing & Automation 
  • Data Analytics & Business Intelligence
  • Marketing Analytics

We are a trusted Ibexa Partner 

Infinitum Digital (formerly Microblau) is an official partner committed to Ibexa solutions, with more than 15 years of relationship for Spain. Our team of certified Ibexa developers guarantees a high level of experience with more than 70 projects completed for B2B/B2C clients as diverse as VisitAndorra, UNIR, UAX, BSM and Bellota.

We are a trusted Ibexa Partner. Our commitment to the Ibexa ecosystem has been recognized with three awards: Contribution of the year 2008, Advocate of the year 2020 and best Spanish Customer Project of the Year 2022.

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Ponte en contacto con nosotros

En un mundo que gira en torno a la excelencia en las experiencias digitales de los clientes, puedes generar nuevas oportunidades de ingresos, crear experiencias memorables y convertir a tus clientes en campeones digitales con Ibexa Digital Experience Platform (DXP).