Be f<cking holistic

WESEO Digital Agency logo
Hilmgasse 10
8010 Graz
+43 3335 94 140
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WESEO Digital Agency

Be f<cking holistic. A holistic view of the many facets of digitization shapes the work of WESEO. Eighty creative people in Pöllau near Hartberg, Graz, Salzburg and Vienna pursue this holistic approach to accompany companies into their digital future. Design, usability and high-quality content are the visible result of deeper thinking. WESEO not only designs the surface, but as an innovative partner in the field of corporate websites, e-commerce and CRM systems, also the inner values.

It all starts with an initial discussion and a process of getting to know each other between agency and client, which forms the basis for the development of an individual and precisely fitting digital strategy. This can be followed by technical and content-related implementation and finally by ongoing support.

The holistic philosophy is also reflected in the realization of a beneficial content marketing strategy. WESEO's experts in search engine optimization, search engine marketing and social media strengthen a brand's visibility and market position in the digital space for the long term.

Shaping digital transformation

As an official Salesforce partner in Austria, WESEO is dedicated to digital transformation and marketing automation, turning the wheel of time in the integration of CRM (customer relationship management) systems. Solutions ideally suited to the respective companies bundle customer information in a central location and ensure internal company transparency, which improves customer support and loyalty as well as communication at all levels.

Since the founding of WESEO in 2013, the employees of the digital agency, which is established in the DACH region, have been implementing projects in a wide variety of industries and continuously support customers in everyday and extraordinary challenges. Among the clients of the digital agency WESEO are companies from tourism and gastronomy, from construction and industry, from viticulture, crafts and trade, from the culture and technology sector. Hargassner, McDonalds, Redwell, hali and Hannes Sabathi are just a few of them.


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