Experts in e-commerce, CMS, PIM, Symfony, and product information management

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BitBag sp. z o.o.
ul. Ostrozki 2/3
86005 Biale Blota
+48 797 954 681
[email protected]
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BitBag is an eCommerce software house working on amazing B2C, B2B & Multivendor Marketplace projects. We use Ibexa DXP as a frontend CMS for advanced content management, which works great with headless applications.

We offer Symfony & Sylius development services along with consulting, Event Storming sessions and team leading. We hire only experts in the technologies we work with. This way we are able to deliver a better product in less time, which is more stable & well designed at the same time.

We provide high quality & tested software using BDD methodologies and advanced tools for code analytics.

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In a world all about delivering excellence in digital customer experiences, you can build new revenue opportunities, create memorable experiences and turn your clients into digital champions with Ibexa Digital Experience Platform (DXP).