Ranma ½ (1989–1990)
Greatest Anime Series EVER!!!
11 March 2002
Where to start, where to start?!? Ranma 1/2 is possibly the greatest Anime series ever produced, written by the ever talented Rumiko Takahashi, based on the MANGA of the same name. It has it all, romance, comedy, and the GREATEST CAST OF CHARACTERS TO HIT MEDIA SINCE THE "A-Team!!!" But seriously though, Ranma 1/2 follows the plot of a young japanese boy going through an identity crisis of sorts. You see, whenever Ranma Saotome is splashed with cold water he, becomes a 'she'. This is all due to some

strange Chinese Curse, that he acquired on a training trip through China. The meat and bones of the series deal with Ranma's attempts to cure himself while dealing with numerous fiancees' none of his choice I might add. You see, Ranma's father is a bit of a heel. Genma Saotome, who takes the form of a giant Panda

when wet has eveidently arranged for Ranma to merry into the family of his(Genma's) closest friend Soun Tendo. Soun ole' boy gets a little more than he bargained for. In addition to being promised to one of Soun's daughters, Ranma has also been promised to at least 3 others. In the

end Soun decides it best to give Ranma his daughter Akane, whom at first, shares Ranma's extreme dislike for the entire situation. What makes Ranma 1/2 so great is the characters, and their very interesting personal relationships. The chemistry between Ranma and the rest of the cast is adorable. For example, Ranma while on the outside, rejecting Akane, deeply loves her, this

makes for a very heart-warming main plotline. In addition to the deep dramatic overtones, Ranma happens to be very funny. If you

can stand japanese slapstick, mixed with heartwarming drama, I

suggest you do as I did and START WATCHING RANMA IMMEDIATELY!!
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