Good Movie for 20 year sequel
2 August 2003
Warning: Spoilers
One of the greatest all time horror movie series ever comes back 20 years later.

Alot of sequels take place within a year or two after the movie. In some cases they even try to say it took place five or 10 years later which kills the realism affect.


In my opinion this movie is great. It takes place 20 years later after Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) escapes from her brother, Michael Myers. She has changed her name and presumed the life of Karie Tate. She now has a son who is 17 (Josh Hartnett) who wants his mom to let go of her horror of her returning mass murdering brother.

You can pretty much guess everything that happens before it occurs just like most horror movies.

However, the fact that it takes place 20 years later makes it an awesome flick to enjoy. On a scale of 1 to 5, One being not scary at all and Five being Scary as Hell, it rates a 2.5.

Being a Halloween / Michael Myers fan myself (every Halloween I use my Myers mask to scare the young kiddies), this movie is great.

If your looking for a SCARY movie that will keep you guessing this may not be your type of movie. However, because it is part of the Halloween series, its great to watch.

My rating: 2.5 / 5.0
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