Review of Ranma ½

Ranma ½ (1989–1990)
An experiment in chaos
17 June 2000
Warning: Spoilers
Ranma 1/2 is BY FAR one of the funniest series I have ever seen. In many ways it is Japan's answer to The Simpsons.

The creator, writers, and directors of this fine series show that the phrase "situation comedy" need not be a bad thing. While the plot itself sounds stupid (a boy who becomes a girl when splashed with cold water---I groaned myself when I heard it) the comedy that arises from this and the ailments and love interests of the others is organic and far far more varied than you would think. And it honestly only gets funnier as the series goes on and more and more characters are added, each of whom relates to the others in a unique way. There is NO excess baggage in this series---NO characters that are unique in name only and can be exchanged with others who are equally bland. Much like the Simpsons the secondary characters become as entertaining as the main ones and things progress---everybody has their own personality. Even Nabiki, who hardly ever has any lines, gets a clear personality of her own as the series goes on (and indeed, because of her sarcasm and imp-like nature she becomes one of my favorite characters.)

I do not wish to provide any spoilers to this fine series but suffice it to say that every episode is an exercize in chaos---just when you think that things can't get any more confusing they do.

Also I should point out that as the series goes on not all the comedy is based around the things that Ranma and the others change into (Ranma a girl, his father a panda, and there are others that I won't ruin...) UNLIKE the Simpsons the show has real heart---you CARE about the characters as they go on and you find that you root for Akane and Ranma's relationship (Though unlike the Simpsons you don't have very much philosophical humor, or biting social commentary that make that particular series great, which is a downside---though part of this might be because certain cultural references don't carry over from Japan.)

I have never given a 10 here before.

I give one now.
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