Review of L.A. D.J.

L.A. D.J. (2004)
You're wrong
10 November 2004
You are not looking at the film from the right frame of mind. The reason your reactions are so strong are the same reasons why you should rent the movie again. You clearly don't get it. It's a different kind of film in a time when everything is special effects and vampires. This is the type of movie you have to read between the lines on. That's why I'm fairly certain the two negative comments below are part of a smear campaign. They are simply trying to stunt the growth of the film in the DVD market. It ain't gonna happen guys. I got news for you.... there are far too many people in our corner. I have received personal messages and witnessed peoples reactions in theaters and screenings all over the world. And yes, some people don;t get it. Because they are not dialing into the humor. Then there are other people who catch on and think it's the funniest movie they have seen in a long time. Well, please tell everyone you know how bad my movie is, because if you are what I think, then it won't matter because nobody will believe you anyway. Which that's precisely why you write anonymously over the internet. If you have any courage at all, send me an email @[email protected]. Sincerely,

Tim Producer
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