Review of Blade II

Blade II (2002)
Yeah yeah we get it, Snipes is cool
17 March 2006
The first Blade was an entertaining movie, so the sequel should be fine, right. Guess again. While it's certainly along the same lines, this sequel seems so targeted at pleasing a (pre)pubescent crowd that only cares about gore and eye candy that it actually becomes painful to watch to anybody who doesn't fit that demographic.

The main idea behind "Blade II" seems to have been to make everything as "cool" as possible. Apparently, this boils down to Wesley Snipes killing scores and scores of vampires without the slightest bit of trouble. Snipes is so completely invulnerable and the action is so completely over the top that the action alternates between mind-numbingly boring and unintentionally funny.

But at least it looks good, right? Well, not really. The movie clearly suffers from an overuse of CGI, and most of it isn't terribly convincing. Some shots are so fake they even make you laugh out loud. Just about the only thing they did do right was the gore: the are massive amounts of it and it looks truly gross for the most part.

Well, maybe the story can save it then? Wrong again. "Blade 2" about the most by-the-numbers script you can get stuck with. There are a couple of twists, but you can see them coming from a mile away. The characters are as one-dimensional as they get, the plot is very basic yet makes little sense (Blade is such a super person that he can easily wipe out both old and new vampires, so why team up with the old ones?), and the dialog is full of tired and unfunny one-liners that leave no opportunity unused to show us once again how supposedly cool Blade is. Yawn.

"Blade II" is an extremely poor action movie, with a dull, stupid and predictable plot and even more dull, stupid and predictable action sequences. Watch only as a cure for insomnia.

* out of *****
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