Just My Luck (2006)
Are You Kidding Me?
21 May 2006
I saw this movie knowing that I would be disappointed...but when you're desperately bored anything can happen, even me losing my resolve not to see it.

The Acting: Now, its hard for me to say that "she didn't do all that well" when I'm not a professional actress myself, but...Lindsay Lohan (playing Ashley) didn't do all that well. She definitely overacted her part. I found her entirely fake, and she didn't seem very into the character, and she did not convince me of a single line. It was forced and her character was what many in the writing world would call a Mary-Sue. There were some moments that I could commend her on, but not so many that they blind me to her many, many mistakes. Pretty terrible job on her part.

Chris Pine (playing Jake), on the other hand, did quite a good job......in fact, I probably would have loved this movie because of him if not for-

The Script: Seriously, did I see the same movie that the director and actors saw the script for? The lines were completely and DISGUSTINGLY corny, and sounded horribly forced. They didn't come nearly as smoothly as they should have, and nothing seemed even remotely believable.

My biggest problem was with the script, but there were many factors that led me to give such a low rating: the stunting, the camera shots used, and especially the forced acting that I saw. I was not disappointed, not really, as I expected the movie to be far worse, but I was by no means happy with it.

A word of advice for Lohan, wherever she may be: You aren't a fairytale princess; take roles that will make you seem real, and not desperate to seem perfect.
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