Why Did God Let This Happen?
17 August 2006
Why did God let this happen? That is a question I have constantly tried to come to terms with over the past decade. This film the so called twenty year reunion of the slayer of teens Michael Myers was sold as a film that would be awesome and reflect on the past success's of the series. Yeah, I guess it did that if you only count part one as a success. This film totally forged over the previous three films and said they do not exist and it tampered with the time line of Halloween II. How could this happen? Me a kid who grew up on all six of the original Halloweens and to me there are still only six this was a sin against man kind. This film being made opened my eyes up to the fact that no one cares anymore. This film that shows that no one cares about the fans. It shows that the studios are to stupid to realize that Michael Myeres had a great thing going with the Thorn story line and that should have been pushed further. But no for moneys sake we were given a pop glam WB, UPN interpretation of what a horror film should be for ignorant kids who don't know what came before. Who cares if the local star quarter back from your foot ball team can understand a Halloween movie. Odds are as in the case of my local team there not even at the theater on opening night as they are out doing there rite of stupid passage on the football fields of America. They only way they would ever see a Halloween movie is if there dumb teeny bop per girlfriends made them watch a copy on home video. The fans are the ones who made this film a success at the box office not those idiots and we should be rewarded with are Thorn story line for paying your kids way through college. Boycott this movie. Never watch it.
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