Review of Ranma ½

Ranma ½ (1989–1990)
Now this isn't the kind of stuff America gives us.
25 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Wow... I mean WOW this has got to be one of the best story's I've ever had the chance to read/watch. We all know this famous story. Two martial artist, a man and his son, go to train in the forbidden Cursed Springs and while ignoring their warnings they both fall in a spring each. The dad, Genma, the spring of drowned Panda. And 16 year old Ranma, the spring of drowned girl. Now with every splash of cold water they turn into the very being titled to the spring they landed in. Crazy enough yet? No, thats just the beginning. As if being one of the strongest teenagers to ever exist who turns into a female wasn't enough, Ranma has to deal with crazed martial arts teachers and hundreds of insane art styles, an insane high school principle, opponents right and left who have a score to settle with Ranma wither it be for messing up their life early on somehow or for "stealling" their loved ones. And speaking of loved ones, I've lost track of how many times a boy or a girl has fallen in love with Ranma. And not once has it been his fiancée, Akane. And thats just from the first few chapters/episodes of the series.

The story itself is amazing. I have never come across something so crazy, so bizarre, so... so... out of this world and yet its so down to Earth and believable... I can't even describe it to its fullest. Its just a charming story thats so easy to get into. What I like about it is the humor. Not once have I laughed out loud this much from a manga, and it doesn't have to try any of the stunts you would catch in Simpson's or something of the sort. I could read any part of the comic and I would be laughing from beginning to end. Another thing is the characters. Ranma, you would think making him too strong would be a set back but nooo... with every little problem the story throws at him he's doing his best just to survive half the time and his personality is that of a foolish young boy it would seem but when worst comes to worst he can be a calculating genius. And to think, of the hundreds of perverts in the show, Ranma who hates the idea of perverts all together is considered by everyone in his town, more so by Akane, the worst pervert to ever live. His father Genma, you would think the father character would blend in to the background right? Correct! But whenever he does have some spotlight... he just gives you more reasons to hate him yet at the same love him! You think you know the worst dad ever from an anime? You haven't met Genma. Ryoga, probably one of Ranma's greatest rivals and my favorite character (next to Ranma)... and probably one of the only people he can actually stand. Most likely the strongest character in the series but has two faults, one is his curse that turns him into a baby pig but his worst fault... is his lack of sense in direction! Then we have... you know, I could spend hours at the computer explaining all the characters, the story's, everything positive about it but that would be just pointless.

Check out the series if you haven't, NOW! You WILL NOT regret it! Though I would advise checking the comic out first. I like the anime, but I've had some trouble getting the series at a good price. And a small nitpick, the humor doesn't seem to translate to the anime as well as the manga. I think partly because the comic seems more cartoonish to me. But either way, its a win win! 10 out of 10!
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