What really drowns H20...
3 November 2007
Is the stupidity of the times. This could have, and should have been something to end all the endless, mindlessness of the series, especially because Jamie Lee Curtis was involved, and even suggested it to an extent but lo and behold...we have to deal with that jerk-off Kevin Williamson of "scream" fame with this one. He produces this one, I think, and he made darn sure that it mocked his stupid "scream" sensations to the T! You know what? I bet Jamie Lee Curtis is utterly ashamed of this one. Its hardly surprising. Same old stupidness with dumb characters, dumb actors, and horrible dialogue that is supposed to represent the "in with the times" teenager fan fare and it's just stupid. We have the famous, iconic Laure Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) in a different life with a new ID, trying to raise a son that apparently has been dealing with this bad memory of hers for about as long as she has. UGH! We don't give a rats butt about some lame son who offers nothing headaches galore, and you know what else? the mother-son story plays out more like Linda Hamilton and Edward Furlong in T2! I'm not kidding I swear I could mistake Ms. Curtis for playing Sarah Connor in some scenes. Anyway, the former Ms Strode runs a school (surprise surprise), where lame teens with no brains attend. On Halloween, 1998, Mr. Myers comes a knockin' for dear Laurie...20 years later. There is an attempt at alcoholism to give Laurie some depth, but it's just too ridiculous to say. Curtis has always been a great actress but to see her acting alongside a bunch a bad, no talent actors and writers etc (Minus a cameo from her beyond fantastic mother) is not what a Halloween fan wants to see. I think it was all fixed. This movie is a "scream" movie guised as a "Halloween" film, and you know what? Everybody knows it. It is nothing new, nothing original, and certainly NOT a real "Halloween" movie. Hell, a woman with out clothes who gets killed by Michael Myers, after enjoying a night of hot sex is more apt to being alongside the original Halloween than this! This is "scream mockery" and a really bad one at that. It barrows scream score by that ludicrous Marco Beltrami, and has a lot of naughty words and weird teen lingo as uttered in a scream movie. If there was ever a film to end the series with a really bad note, it's surely this one right here!
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