Citizen Kane (1941)
While it is an example of a film I admire rather than adore, I can see why this film is seen as a classic
27 September 2010
That is not to say I didn't love it, this film is absolutely brilliant in every respect. I just more admire it rather than adore it, but I completely understand its reputation as a classic. The cinematography is enough to earn the film's reputation, every shot, every angle is exemplary and has so much visual drama, and you never know from looking at Citizen Kane that it was made on a shoestring budget. That is not all though. Bernard Hermann's score is superb, the story while not easy to understand at first is interesting and the screenplay is thought-provoking. Not only does Orson Welles direct impeccably, he turns in a magnificent performance as Charles Foster Kane, while the supporting acting is excellent too. People may dismiss Citizen Kane as boring and dull, and I have known people outside of IMDb to say that, but I have yet to hear any of those people to say it is not well-made or directed. As for me, I loved this film very much, and while my praise doesn't completely go beyond sheer admiration I cannot deny it is a great film. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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