Queen & Slim (2019)
As if George Floyd would have happened already back then
28 June 2020
Life is ironic sometimes. I had this movie on my list since it came out. When I started watching it I remembered what the premise is and thought how crazy this is. A cop just killed George Floyd a few weeks ago which let to riots and the BlackLivesMatter movement. And here is a movie that came out before that hitting right on that topic of police brutality ans racism. Admittedly this is not the he first movie that tackles the topic but is for sure on of the best ones. David Kaluuya Jodie Turner-Smith are incredible. Their acting is so unbelievably great but not just them separately but the chemistry they have together. It is working right from the start and as they get closer we are just in love with them being in love. Despite it being kind of a thriller and kind of road movie and kind of a drama it is above all a love story. You will also notice how beautifully it is shot. Now I gotta say I hated the ending. Not how it ends because this was clear from the start but the way it happens is too convenient. But it is still a great movie carried by the two leads.
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