It's alive!
31 October 2020
'Once Upon A Snowman (2020)' is a short film set during the events of 'Frozen (2013)' that follows Olaf as he comes to terms with his newfound existence. It's supposedly the 'untold origin' of the character but it feels rather redundant, finishing just when it feels like it's getting started. Of course, the thing is enjoyable enough for what it is. For starters, it's visually gorgeous. There are a few inventive sight gags and a relatively exciting central set-piece, all of which integrate themselves into the established plot of the first flick in fairly seamless ways. There are also some moments that go out of their way to contextualise elements of that movie, even if those elements have never been 'plot holes' and therefore don't really need 'filling in'. The overall experience is passively entertaining, but it doesn't exactly feel inspired and it lacks much of the charm that its feature-length relatives are soaked in. It isn't bad, by any means, but it isn't all that good, either. 5/10
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