Review of Jack Reacher

Jack Reacher (2012)
OK thriller but quite weak in the knee(cap)
23 September 2022
I have read all the Jack Reacher's books (at least the novels and short stories written by Lee Child) so I knew the plot pretty well and it is well rendered for most of the movie. The first half is spot on, sharp to deliver the action like Lee Child: with a lot of thought but few words.

Then, for some reason it strays from this really fine rendition. My guess is that they couldn't cope with the overwhelming violence of Jack Reacher's stories. They did not want something too off-putting for the masses since Tom Cruise was supposed to bring in a larger crowd. So why did they chose this one story in the first place? Obviously they dug the beginning, the premise and it shows: it is the one thing that is perfectly adapted. But, hello, this is a story which starts with a mass shooting! Certainly the worst kind of terror attack you can show when you specifically focus on the doomed victims in the cross-hairs of the sniper's sight...

I am not a big fan of Tom Cruise and casting him as the imposing silent square-jawed Jack Reacher was definitely baffling. I don't mind much about the size, that is definitely in the realm of creative license for the adapters. Now you can only stretch the adaptation so far without losing the concentrated spirit of the original material. So the real problem is that Tom Cruise always wants to flash his smile, to be funny and agreeable at some point. But Jack Reacher is above all an introverted loner, he does not display his emotions when he is hurt by some bad guy's actions: he dutilfully registers this and takes the steps towards some retribution.

That was the real challenge of bringing Jack Reacher to life, not betraying his original inner strength but making him likable... wild and sexy. In this adaptation of One Shot I cannot understand how they could underuse Rosamund Pike to make her play a frigid attorney whereas Reacher absolutely needs some kind of a delicately veiled lascivous sidekick. Instead we get a scene that is fine for Tom Cruise but totally at odds with the Jack Reacher character where he takes a step to seduce a girl that is basically not sufficiently attracted. Here they miss the mark big time.

Then you get the fight in the bathroom that is comical, which is ok except that it shows Reacher at a disadvantage. That was certainly dumb to have the great Jack Reacher being taken by surprise by two dimwit thugs.

Jack Reacher as Frank Bullitt

Now this is icebox logic, I reckon. Where the movie actually starts losing it for me is with the stupid car chase (Jack Reacher does not like to drive, isn't that an interesting plot device?). Then Reacher doesn't team up with the attorney and does alone to the shooting range. It is great to have Robert Duvall but well... that is a setup that does jettison the fantastic ending in the book. Instead we get some run-of-the-mill shoot-out in a quarry that sorely reminds you of all these movies that ended up behind schedule and out of budget when it was time to wrap it up.

Really a pity that they would show so much energy and talent at the beginning and then got lazy or tired or something to just dish out something that does not come together as a Jack Reacher adventure.

And confirming this, yes it is getting even worse till the very end with that final moaning of the sniper after Jack Reacher is eventually off to a new destination. Almost as if they had brought in another director with his own writer midway through a shoot in sequence.
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