Do not believe the lie
8 August 2024
In some quarters this film is considered dated, but after just seeing it I saw how relevant it is and perhaps always will be. It also has two of the major forces in the whole of cinema, Nicholas Ray the director and Humphrey Bogart the actor. Ray was concerned a lot by the turmoil of youth, and ' A Rebel Without A Cause ' proves that. That film can never be topped, but this heart breaking film comes close. Without the distraction of colour he shows how a youth is put on trial for murder, and it is in the penultimate scene where Bogart pleads for mercy for the youth, showing that society as it was then, and arguably is now, collectively responsible for the way we live, and puts a judgement on certain courts of law. John Derek, who is the youth on trial was never better and his courage at the climax of the film where he combs back his hair before facing a blaze of light is one of the most moving gestures on screen. A drama that exceeds itself and becomes a great indictment and a great film.
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