The Servant (1963) Poster


James Fox: Tony



  • Tony : Look, Barrett, don't forget your place. You're nothing but a servant in this house.

    Hugo Barrett : Servant? I'm nobody's servant. Who furnished the whole place for you? Who painted it for you. Who does the cooking? Who washes your pants. Who cleans the bathhouse after you? I do! I run the whole bloody place! And what do I get out of it? Nothing!

    Tony : Now, listen, Barrett, look...

    Hugo Barrett : I know about you, sonny.

    Tony : No, look, listen, I am grateful, honestly.

    Hugo Barrett : Yeah.

    Tony : No, don't be daft. You know I am.

    Hugo Barrett : Yeah, I believe you.

    Tony : No, I... I don't what I'd do without you.

  • [first lines] 

    Hugo Barrett : Excuse me, sir. My name is Barrett, sir.

    Tony : Oh God, of course. I'm so sorry. I fell asleep. We've got an appointment.

    Hugo Barrett : Yes, sir.

    Tony : What time?

    Hugo Barrett : 3'o clock, sir.

    Tony : And what time is now?

    Hugo Barrett : 3'o clock, sir.

    Tony : Uh, it was too many beers at lunch, that's what it is. Do you drink beer?

    Hugo Barrett : No. No, I don't sir.

    Tony : Well, come upstairs. We can sit down. I'm just back from Africa, I'm quite liking it. What do you think of the house?

    Hugo Barrett : It's so nice, sir.

    Tony : Needs a lot to be done with, of course.

  • Tony : He may be a servant but he's still a human being.

  • Tony : I want an explanation!

    Hugo Barrett : Might I have a word with you alone, sir?

    Tony : Do you realize that what you've done is a CRIMINAL offence?

    Hugo Barrett : Criminal, sir?

    Tony : She's your sister, you bastard!

    Hugo Barrett : She's not my sister, sir. So if I may say so, that puts us both rather in the same boat. He knows precisely what I mean. In any case, apart for the area being in your room, I'm perfectly in my rights. Vera is my fiancée.

    Tony : What?

  • Tony : By the way I've got to tell you. I've found a manservant.

    Susan : [laughing]  A what?

  • Tony : Do you want to go there?

    Susan : Where?

    Tony : The jungle.

    Susan : No. Not now.

    Tony : Not now.

    [kisses her] 

See also

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