Dazed and Confused (1993) Poster

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MPAA Rated R for pervasive, continuous teen drug and alcohol use and very strong language

Sex & Nudity

  • There are sexual jokes throughout the film but none of them are overly explicit.
  • A senior boy jokingly tells a freshman girl to open her mouth and asks if she spits or swallows (referring to oral sex) and she is unaware that the comment is sexual.
  • Teens refer to having sex amongst other things. There are no sex scenes whatsoever though.
  • There are a handful of makeout scenes and one scene where a boy fondles a girls clothed breast while kissing her.
  • Teens briefly kiss.
  • Some sexual jokes

Violence & Gore

  • Everything in the movie is lighthearted. Nobody is seriously hurt in it and although there is one actual fight scene, there are no serious injuries.
  • A young man pours beer over another young man's head before punching him in the face. He responds by tackling the former to the ground and punches him in the face a few times before the fight is broken up; one of them is then seen with a slightly bloody lip and a couple of facial bruises.
  • A few freshmen boys are spanked with wooden paddles. We see the face of one of them as his bottom is hit 5 times onscreen.
  • Some freshman girls get partly covered with various sauces and other substances, among a few other things.
  • Four kids in a car knock over a mailbox with a baseball bat, and a man runs after them with a gun. He then shoots at them as they drive away, but no one is hurt.
  • An angry woman storms out of her house, shotgun in hand, and points it at a young man who is chasing and bullying her son.


  • Language is quite present throughout the movie, but to current standards it is what can be expected from most R rated films.
  • 59 uses of "fuck", as well as frequent uses of "shit". "faggot" is used a few times and "cocksucker" is said once.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • Constant weed smoking throughout. Characters roll joints, buy and sell weed, and smoke it in countless scenes. Alcohol is used consistently also. Pretty much every character is either drunk or stoned by the end of the movie.
  • Many characters smoke cigarettes as well as weed.
  • The main drug used is Marijuana.
  • There is a scene where a teenage boy buying weed, and later the same person attempting to sell it at a party (no dialogue). (Brief)
  • Some other drugs are discussed, but no others are used.
  • Frequent use and consumption of cigarettes and alcohol. A freshman lies about his age to buy beer.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • A man punches another man who throws him to the ground and starts repeatedly punching him in the face.

See also

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