One Tree Hill (TV Series 2003–2012) Poster


James Lafferty: Nathan Scott, Nathan Lee



  • Haley James : Remembering what?

    Nathan Scott : Your hair. You wore it that way the first day you tutored me.

    Haley James : You remember how I wore my hair the first day I tutored you?

    Nathan Scott : Of course.

    Haley James : What else do you remember?

    Nathan Scott : I remember the ugly-ass poncho that you wore.

  • Chris Keller : [Nathan punches Chris - again]  Ah! Stop hitting me!

    Nathan Scott : Stop kissing my wife!

    Chris Keller : I'll stop when you start!

  • Nathan Scott : When I fell to the floor tonight, I was so scared, I was so terrified. Then I saw you, and I promised myself that if I could just get up, I'd walk over to you... I'd tell you how much I need you and how much I want you... and how nothing else matters.

  • [Nathan is outside Haley's house throwing rocks at a window, Haley walks up behind him] 

    Haley James : Trying to wake up my parents? That's their room...

    Nathan Scott : [runs over to Haley]  Wait, Haley, look I need to apologize, okay?

    Haley James : You should buy 'em in bulk if your gonna hand apologies out that often.

    Nathan Scott : Look will you just... I don't know how to do this all right...? I'm... I'm not like you

    Haley James : What does that mean?

    Nathan Scott : All right, I screw up a lot, all right... and being around you I just I don't wanna be that guy any more.

    Haley James : Well, who do you wanna be, Nathan?

    Nathan Scott : I wanna be somebody who's good enough to be seen with you.

    Haley James : You should've thought of that last night... You know I keep... I keep putting myself out there and you keep blowing it and it's probably a good thing because at this point there is nothing that you can say or do that's gonna surprise me!

    [Nathan cuts her off with a kiss] 

    Haley James : Except that... You shouldn't have done that Nathan...

    Nathan Scott : But I wanted to...

    Haley James : Yeah...

    [jumps onto Nathan and starts kissing him] 

  • Nathan : If you're lucky... if you're the luckiest person on this entire planet, the person you love decides to love you back.

  • [Haley and Nathan are having dinner] 

    Nathan Scott : So you couldn't have ordered a lobster?

    Haley James : Dude, macaroni and cheese is food of the Gods.

    Nathan Scott : Yeah if the Gods are five-year-olds.

  • Lucas : Man, its been like, twenty minutes, do you think they're coming back?

    [Nathan shrugs, then starts laughing] 

    Lucas : What?

    Nathan : Thing, Thing 1, and Thing 3.

    [they both laugh] 

    Lucas : Well, yeah, man, he was the third.

    Nathan : Yeah.

  • Dan Scott : OK, just wait. Let's just talk.

    Nathan : Bout what?

    Dan Scott : I dunno. How's your wife?

    Nathan : [Nathan looks as him mom steps out of the house and looks at them]  Lot happier than yours.

  • Haley James : Nathan, about last night?

    Nathan : Hey, look it's not about sex with me all right. When you're ready, I will be too.

    Haley James : Come here.

    [they kiss] 

  • Nathan Scott : I was hurt, Haley. But I was still proud of you. Everyday.

  • Brooke : Haley still loves you. All you have to do is take her back.

    Nathan Scott : Right. Kind of like with you and Lucas? You see! It's not so easy getting back in the ring. Ecspecially with the one who knocked you out in the first place.

  • Dan Scott : Somewhere along the line, I started hurting the people I care most about, and I can't figure out how to stop.

    Nathan : Well, stop being a dick, Dad. It would help.

  • Nathan Scott : When Haley told me about the tour, I got mad at her. Told her that if she left with Chris, it was over. I didn't really mean it. She left anyway.

    Karen Roe : Nathan...

    Nathan Scott : She's not coming back. What am I gonna do?

    Karen Roe : Nathan, I know what it's like to have the person you love walk away. Trust me. But I know Haley and she's a good person. She'll do the right thing. You just have to have a little faith.

  • Chris Keller : What, you here to kick my ass because I slept with Brooke?

    Nathan Scott : You slept with Brooke?

    Chris Keller : Why else would you be here?

    Nathan Scott : I came to pay for Haley's studio time. You slept with Brooke?

  • Haley James : Hi.

    Nathan : Hey. Thanks for coming.

    Haley James : Yeah, thanks for calling me. What's wrong?

    Nathan : Your song is great, Haley. Chris played it for me... uh, it's a long story, but it's really great. I just wanted you to know that.

    Haley James : Oh... okay.

    Nathan : My mom left... for good. I think. Oh and apparently my dad's the mayor now, so, yeah, today's really sucked ass.

    Haley James : Oh, Nathan. I'm so sorry.

    Nathan : You know for most of my life I would have gone through this alone, but then I met you. And I finally found someone I could depend on like I've got this. So I guess I called you 'cause I wanted to know if that was still there.

    Haley James : Nathan, you can always call me. Always and forever. I want to ask you something, umm, the night of the masquerade party, did we... did you kiss me?

    Nathan : Of course I did.

    Haley James : Oh, no you didn't. That kiss wasn't half as good as this one. I love you for lying to me. Thanks for calling.

    Nathan : Haley... stay with me tonight.

    Haley James : Oh, I was hoping you would say that.

  • Nathan : [after scaring Chris Keller into falling off his chair]  Consider that me hitting you, without the hitting.

  • Dan Scott : Anything else bugging you?

    Nathan Scott : Just you.

  • [Haley and Nathan are on a date, Tim and some buddies walk up] 

    Tim Smith : Hey Nathan, what's up man?

    [looks at Haley] 

    Nathan Scott : Hey guys, you know Haley, she's my tutor...

    Tim Smith : This looks a lot like a date to me

    Nathan Scott : No man, definitely not

    Tim Smith : All right, see you later


    Nathan Scott : I'm sorry about that...

    Haley James : [cutting Nathan off]  Are you embarrassed to be seen with me? And why are you only nice to me when we're alone?

    Nathan Scott : It's just...

    Haley James : ...You know, for an hour you almost got me to believe that you're not a son of a bitch but, God, you fooled me again.

  • Dan Scott : Nathan, how have you been?

    Nathan Scott : Drunk. Bitter. Kinda like Mom.

  • Nathan Scott : I heard about what happened Saturday night.

    Lucas Scott : And?

    Nathan Scott : And if all this stuff about Brooke is gonna make you play any worse, you should just take yourself out of the game right now.

    Lucas Scott : Thanks for your concern, but how about you mind your own business?

    Nathan Scott : The game *is* my business, all right? And I don't want you screwing it up over some chick.

    Lucas Scott : Heh. You're one to talk.

    Nathan Scott : Yeah, I am. See, my game's gotten better; your game sucks. Fix it.

    Lucas Scott : Your marriage sucks. Fix it.

    Nathan Scott : I'll tell you what. I'll give you the same brilliant advice that you gave me when Chris kissed Haley.

    [Nathan copies Lucas' voice and signature squint] 

    Nathan Scott : "Just forgive her, man. She loves you."

    [Lucas glares at Nathan] 

    Nathan Scott : Doesn't help much, does it?

  • Nathan : So a month ago, did you think we be alone in your bedroom?

    Haley James : Oh but we're not alone in my bedroom, we have the fore-fathers with us.

    Nathan : They can watch.

    Haley James : Nathan, can you just get serious for a minute?

    Nathan : Oh I'm serious, come here.

    [he pulls her next to him and they start to kiss] 

  • Nathan : You know this whole thing, is just another chance for you to pick me apart and show me how much better you are. Well there you go dad, you just kick my ass. Congratulations, it was great really.

    [starts clapping] 

    Dan Scott : Don't make a scene.

    Nathan : You know what, I almost killed myself for you. You know that?

    Dan Scott : What are you talking about?

    Nathan : Drugs dad, I took drugs for you.

    Dan Scott : No, my son would never take drugs.

    Nathan : Your son, its all about you isn't it dad? You know why mom kicked you out? Because you're a bully and you don't give a damn about anything other then your own ego.

    Dan Scott : Will you keep your voice down?

    Nathan : No. You know what you should do? You should give mom her divorce, you should do her a favor and give mom a divorce. She'll never be happy with you dad, no one will.

  • Nathan Scott : Trust me, you're better off anyways. Love sucks.

    Peyton : Nathan...

    Nathan Scott : No. Think about it. Dan and Karen. You and Lucas. Me and Haley. You got it right, Peyton. People always leave.

  • Nathan : You realize I wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for you. If you'd stayed in your place at the river court I never would have met Haley. You ruined my life, man. You'd better watch your back.

  • Nathan : Lets just get this over with.

    Peyton : Funny, that's what he used to say before we had sex.

  • Nathan Scott : [hands picture to Peyton]  This is us at the beginning of the year. You were never happier.

    Peyton : [smiles]  You were never hornier.

  • Chris Keller : Well, this is gonna cost you. I mean we've got studio space, first class accommodations, my time - which is worth a lot - and I'm kinda diggin' that watch.

    Nathan : Don't screw with me, Keller.

    Chris Keller : All right, tell you what. Give me the rest of this sandwich and I'm in.

  • Nathan Scott : Hey, where you goin'?

    Chris Keller : Chris Keller's work here is done.

  • Nathan : [deadpan]  I'm happy mom, dad loves me.


  • Brooke : Thank you for coming, Nate.

    Nathan Scott : Whatever, I just ran out of alcohol.

  • Nathan Scott : Evening officer, buy us some beer?

  • Nathan Scott : Evening, officer, buy us some beer?

  • Nathan : So you want me to tell you something about myself? I don't have anything to say. Even if I did you'd be wrong to believe me. Trust is a lie. Nobody ever knows any more.

  • Nathan : [on video for the time capsule]  Voice mail. I hope you don't still got that crap.

See also

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