Deadpool (2016) Poster


Parents Guide

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MPAA Rated R for strong violence and language throughout, sexual content and graphic nudity

Sex & Nudity

  • There are frequent strong sex references, both visual and verbal, including the suggestion of a couple using a sex toy and some crude descriptions of sexual acts.
  • Wade & Vanessa, a prior prostitute, do a lengthy sex montage that shows female breasts & body nudity, several graphic sex positions & explicit food/role play.
  • A strip club scene featuring multiple shots of full frontal and rear female nudity. Scene lasts about a minute.
  • The entirety of a fight scene is between a man and another, naked, man. While it is shot with heavy shadow, the vignette and outline of his penis can be seen in every shot - however, they are not the focus of any shot, aren't sexualised, and easy to miss.
  • This movie is much more sexually oriented in comparison to the other Marvel movies.
  • Wade preforms oral sex on Vanessa in one scene while she moans in pleasure.
  • There are two scenes of strong sexual content and the rest are mild verbal sexual references. There is a intense sex scene with some nudity at the beggining and there are some brief shots of female full frontal nudity in a bar.
  • A sex montage also includes moaning, thrusting & the use of a sex toy.

Violence & Gore

  • There is an intense fight scene set in a scrapyard where Deadpool engages in combat, using swords to defeat his adversaries. The scene includes instances of graphic violence and action sequences.
  • Colossus and Angel Dust have an intense fist fight in a scrapyard, with no blood shown as Colossus is made of metal.
  • An extremely intense car chase commences after Deadpool jumps into the car off a bridge. There are frenetic punches and gunshots. The car then flips over numerous times and a man is flung into a highway sign. His entire body splats all over the sign. This is extremely bloody although extremely quick and lasts less than a second.
  • Deadpool kills several mercenaries by shooting them in the head. Blood splatters and at one point, brain matter is spilt out of a person after being shot. Shown for a second or two.
  • There is a music montage of Deadpool killing bad guys by shooting them and killing them with his swords, some blood shown. Deadpool gets shot a few times along the way, but survives. Not too bloody. A man is seen crawling on a hockey rink, leaving a massive trail of blood behind him, and then he's killed offscreen by Deadpool with a Zamboni.
  • Deadpool is known to help people out and it results in violence most of the time.
  • Deadpool goes to a bar which is where he got his name from. And people bet on others dying. And one fight is shown where they gang up on one man and beat him brutally and savagely. You see him after with a bloody face. Not too graphic. Just somewhat intense.
  • Moderately bloody violence occurs throughout, including sight of blood spurts after shootings and stabbings. There is also sight of decapitations and limbs being severed although these are really brief.
  • Deadpool shoots a man in the head and blood splatters all over the camera but impact happens below screen.
  • Deadpool fires 1 bullet and kills 3 people with it blood spurts and brain matter is seen.
  • Some of the violence is done in dark light, where blood and/or gore can be seen quickly, but not with a lot of focus.
  • The movie contains a fair amount of violence with some blood and gore, but it's not overly gory. However, it does include stabbings, shootings, slicing, intense action, torture, graphic descriptions of violence, sadism, and lots of onscreen deaths.
  • A man is strapped to a gurney, under the assumption he's having his cancer treated. He is given a cylinder of material to bite, injected with a drug, and then tortured over the course of weeks. (The torture is mainly him being held in a glass box, beaten bloody, electrocuted and not looked after) This is a disturbing sequence although not particularly graphic


  • The n word is used twice in a song.
  • Many uses of profanity throughout, especially "shit", "hell", "damn" etc.
  • 84 f-bombs.
  • One chopped off middle finger gesture by Deadpool.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • Character inhales gunsmoke before alluding to a future scene about his intentions for masturbating. The inhalation and exhalation is reminiscent to that of a cigarette, even giving the character a form of relief after.
  • Characters drink at a bar throughout. Drunken bar fighting.
  • The main character visits a bar a few times.
  • Two references to cocaine, used as jokes.
  • A man is injected with a drug that will forcibly give him superpowers by unlocking dormant mutant genes in his DNA.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • The film has intense violence, but some of it feels comical.
  • The main villain in this film is sadistic and visibly takes pleasure in others pain.
  • A character is shown for extended periods of time being suffocated in a tank, causing skin defects and deformations which may be disturbing. The entire scene lasts about 5 minutes and may be tense/frightening.
  • Deadpool's face is extremely disfigured, resembling a burn victim. This may be disturbing for some viewers.
  • In a secret government laboratory, several people are shown mutated in various, disturbing ways (such as abnormally-long bones protruding from a man's body, another man covered in boils and hives, etc).
  • A man discovers he has terminal cancer after proposing to his girlfriend. He is shown in a severe depression after receiving the news. This can be upsetting and emotionally intense for some.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Sex & Nudity

  • The strip club scene features multiple shots of bare breasts and lots of body nudity. This scene also shows rear nudity and in one instance someone's pubic region.

Violence & Gore

  • Towards the end of the film, Deadpool kills the main villain by mercilessly shooting him in the head. This happens below the frame but blood splatters on the camera, while a mutant standing next to Deadpool, Colossus, vomits in disgust. However, it happens quickly and it's mostly done for a comedic effect.
  • Deadpool cuts off his own hand to free himself from Colossus, and as he's doing this he references the movie 127 hours. There is disturbing skin ripping sounds, the blood pours down his arm and gore splatters on Collosus. We then see lots of blood around the dismembered hand as it's giving the middle finger to Colossus, but one of Deadpool's powers are regeneration so it does regenerate through a couple days. Very gory but played for laughs.
  • Deadpool and Ajax have a brutal final fight in which both are punched, kicked, and thrown into things. They initially fight with weapons, and then fists. At different points, Deadpool is stabbed in the back with an axe, and Ajax is stabbed in the leg with a sword, and the bloody wound is seen with the sword protruding. The two fight hand-to-hand, and Deadpool is stabbed in the head with a knife.
  • There's an intense torture scene, which is the most disturbing part of the movie. The villain experiments on Wade in very horrible ways, and after the experimentation, he continues to torture him just because he thinks it's fun to do it. Wade is in agony throughout the scene.
  • Deadpool Hunts down Francis Killing everyone who stands in his way in a brutal fashion.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • In one particular scene, a man is tortured over the course of weeks in increasingly more painful/stressful ways to unlock any dormant powers he might have; the torturer, however, visibly enjoys it. These include electrocution, waterboarding, hypothermia and painful drugs. In a final attempt, he is subjected to constant near-asphyxiation over the course of days. This eventually triggers his powers, but disfigures his body immensely in the process as the man screams in agony. Definitely the most disturbing moment in the film.

See also

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