Rio 2 (2014) Poster


Jamie Foxx: Nico



  • Luiz : You're going to the Amazon? Wow, that's wild!

    Blu : Yeah, Jewel thinks it's going to be good for us. Um, how wild?

    Luiz : Real wild.

    Pedro : They got mosquitoes that suck your blood like Slurpees.

    [mimics being squashed] 

    Nico : Snakes that swallow you whole.

    Luiz : Flesh-eating piranhas that eat... flesh.

  • Rafael : You guys are late!

    Pedro : Clock late.

    Nico : But musician early.

  • Nico : [from the trailer]  Now that's a duet!

  • Tiago : Amazon! Let's go! Come on, Dad! Come on!

    Blu : [Blu is keeping his things in his fanny pack]  Okay. Bug spray, check. Water purifier, check. Band-Aids.

    [Tiago gets to snoop around his fanny pack] 

    Blu : I feel like I'm forgetting something.

    Tiago : [Tiago takes out a swiss army knife from the fanny pack]  Cool! The all in one adventurer's knife! I'll be in charge of this.

    Blu : [Blu takes away Tiago the swiss army knife and saves it back in the fanny pack]  That's not for you.

    Bia : [Bia arrives flying with an interactive book]  Hey, Dad, look at this. Did you know that the Amazon has snakes that can swallow you whole?

    Blu : Actually, Bia, all those stories are highly exaggerated.

    Bia : No, really. Look.

    [Bia opens the book with image of a snake, scaring Blu] 

    Tiago : That's sick.

    Jewel : All right, are we ready to go?

    [Jewel notices Blu's fanny pack] 

    Jewel : A fanny pack?

    Blu : Yeah. Linda gave it to me. I need it for the GPS. Where's the GPS?

    Bia : [Tiago tries to take her book from Bia but she doesn't let him]  Hey!

    Jewel : Carla, we're leaving.

    Carla : I'm not going! It's gonna be lame.

    Blu : Okay, here it is. The voice recognition makes it totally foolproof. Here, watch this. Find Linda and Tulio.

    Additional Voices : Searching for dinner in Tokyo.

    Blu : Okay. Actually that does sound like a nice suggestion.

    Jewel : You trust this woman?

    Blu : [imitating a robot]  Yes, I do.

    Rafael : [Rafael arrives flying]  Hey, wait up, family! I'm coming, too! Don't worry, buddy. We got your back.

    Jewel : Eva let you come?

    Rafael : Sure. I promise her a spot on the Carnival show.

    Nico : You did what?

    Rafael : You guys are late.

    Pedro : [Nico and Pedro arrive flying]  Clock late.

    Nico : But musician early.

    [Nico and Pedro high five with their feathers] 

    Carla : Wait, you guys are coming?

    Pedro : We couldn't miss it for the world. We gonna scout the wildest, coolest talent in the jungle!

    Nico : It's our inspiration for this year's Carnival show. Amazon Untamed.

    Carla : Cool! I mean, yeah. Okay. I'll guess I'll go.

    Nico : Amazon jungle or bust, baby!

    Pedro : Who's ready for a tropical adventure?

    Rafael : I know I am!

    Nico : All right!

    Pedro : Let's go, birds!

    Blu : [Everyone flies away leaving Blu behind]  Wait, we didn't do a head acount. Hey, guys, wait up!

    [Blu falls from the tree] 

    Additional Voices : Recaulcaling.

  • Additional Voices : You have reached your destination.

    Blu : You see? It works like a charm. Here we are.

    Carla : Where?

    Blu : These things have a margin of error.

    Jewel : I told you not to trust that woman

    Bia : [Bia with her book sees a larva]  That's a Heliconius larva. It's about to enter the pupa stage.

    Tiago : [Tiago appeas behind Bia]  You said poop!

    Blu : Hey, kids. Stay close.

    [Bia and Tiago leaves the area] 

    Jewel : I'll get them.

    [Jewel goes behind Bia and Tiago] 

    Blu : Okay, you guys stay put. I'll look around.

    Rafael : No worries. We'll be here. We're not going anywhere.

    Pedro : My feathers is popping up on the back of my neck

    Nico : I don't like this.

    Pedro : Let's back it up.

    [Nico and Pedro retreat] 

    Jewel : [Jewel continues searching Bia and Tiago]  Bia? Tiago?

    Blu : [Tulio continues searching the strange sound]  Come on, lady. Don't let me down.

    Additional Voices : Calculating route to Funky Town.

    Blu : Oh, great.

    [Blu continues searching for signal and Tulio continues searching the strange sound] 

    Blu : Okay, guys! Guys?

    [Blu flies towards the area where Jewel, her children and friends were] 

    Blu : Good one, guys. Very funny. Good, good. Very witty. Jewel, where are you? Kids? Jewel?

    [a macaw leaves far Blu] 

  • Blu : Sure is nice to meet you, sir.

    [Blu extends his wing out to Eduardo] 

    Eduardo : Tuck that wing away, Stu. Now, come here.

    Blu : Right, sure, okay.

    [Blu doesn't move] 

    Eduardo : Closer.

    Blu : Oh! Really?

    [Blu takes a step closer] 

    Eduardo : Closer.

    Blu : Um...

    [Blu takes another step closer] 

    Eduardo : You brought my Jewel back to me. I thank you. I'm going to hug you now.

    Blu : Oh! Um... okay. I just...

    [Eduardo tries to hug Blu] 

    Eduardo : Oh!

    Blu : Ow.

    Eduardo : Now, come here, you.

    [they fumble to hug each other when suddenly Eduardo grabs Blu in a tight hug] 

    Blu : Ow... okay. There we are. My pleasure.

    [Nico wipes tears away from his eyes and him and Pedro watch them] 

    Pedro : Nico, you crying?

    Nico : It's a heavy moment, and I'm very vulnerable right now.

    Pedro : Come here. Let me get you a hug.

    [Pedro embraces Nico and they both start sobbing] 

  • Blu : [the macaw throws Blu and he pulls out a knife-shaped spoon from the Swiss army knife he had in his fanny pack]  Back. Back, you barbarian!

    [the macaw continues flying] 

    Blu : Yeah, that's right. It's an spoon and a fork. Be afraid! Be very afraid!

    [Blu starts aiming at everything with his knife-shaped spoon and Rafael speaks to him from behind] 

    Rafael : Whoah! Whoah, buddy. Put the spork down.

    Nico : [the macaw brings Nico and Pedro]  Let me go!

    Pedro : Bring it! Come on! You lucky I ain't big.

    [the macaw throws Nico and Pedro, and Pedro lands on top of Nico] 

    Pedro : [Blu, Jewel, Rafael, Carla, Bia, Tiago, Nico and Pedro notice that the macaws are Spix macaws but covered in mud] 

    Jewel : I can't believe we found them!

    Bia : Technically, they found us.

    Blu : Okay, we're gonna need some nametags.

  • Rafael : Blu, Blu, Blu! Calm down.

    Blu : Calm down? We had a plan. Help Linda and Tulio find the flock and get home. But when I mentioned it to her she completely shut me down.

    [Rafael, Nico and Pedro look at Blu confused] 

    Blu : And her father? A total nut job. He's got this weird thing about humans.

    Eduardo : [Now from Eduardo's perspective]  He's got this weird thing about humans! He loves them. He's a pet!

    Roberto : [Roberto spits out the Brazil nut]  A pet?

    Blu : [Returning Blu's perspective]  He called me a pet. I can't believe he used the P word to my face. It's like he thinks I'm the enemy or something.

    Eduardo : [Returning Eduardo's perspective]  He's not one of us, Roberto. Keep an eye on him.

    Blu : [Returning Blu's perspective]  And that Roberto? He is always watching. He is always hovering around Jewel. He is always singing something. I can't compete with that.

    Pedro : You gotta bird up, bird! You gotta emancipate yourself from domestication.

    Nico : Try to see this place trough her eyes. Taste the flavors she's tasting.

    Blu : So I should eat a bug?

    Pedro : That's just nasty, thinking about it.

    Nigel : [Nigel dressed as Bob appears]  Glitter. Where is my glitter?

    Blu : [Nigel doesn't realize Blu is in front of him]  I'm sorry. Sorry.

    Nigel : I don't want apologies. I want glitter

    [Nigel, Charlie and Gabi retires of the zone] 

    Nigel : Gllitter it's absolutely essential for a magical presentation.

    Gabi : [Gabi realize Blu is in front of Nigel and tries to advice]  Uh, Nigel.

    Carla : [Carla appears]  Guys! Rehearsals, big day tomorrow. Ring a bell? Come on. You're coming, right, Dad?

    Blu : Oh, yeah, of course.

    Pedro : That girl put the business in show business.

    Rafael : Blu, remember...

    Blu : I know, I know. Happy wife, happy life.

  • [flocks of all kinds of different birds are waiting in line to audition for Nico and Pedro for their Carnival show] 

    Nico : Next!

    Spoonbill : That would be me. Okay, everybody can go home now. You're looking at the next King of Carnival!

    [Spoonbill flies down to enter the audition] 

    Luiz : Hey, big bird! Break a leg!

    [suddenly Spoonbill slips on Luiz's dribbling saliva and crashes across the room] 

    Luiz : Ooh. Walk it off, buddy!

  • [Rafael's wife, Eva, is singing really badly as she auditions for Nico and Pedro] 

    Eva : You can't see it coming. You won't find it anywhere else!

    [her voice shatters the light bulb above them] 

    Rafael : Oh! Brava!

    [Rafael starts clapping] 

    Rafael : Brava! Brava! That was amazing!

    [he flies over to Eva and embraces her] 

    Rafael : Eva, darling, you hit every note. Huh, guys?

    Pedro : Yeah, yeah. Along with a bunch of notes I never heard of.

    Eva : Rafi!

    Rafael : Ah-do-do-don't worry. I'll talk to them. We'll find the perfect spot for you.

    Nico : [under his breath, to Pedro]  Antarctica, maybe.

    Eva : [to Rafael]  You better.

    [waving to Nico and Pedro] 

    Eva : Tchau-tchau. Bye, boys.

    [Eva turns and flies off] 

    Rafael : See you back at home, my tasty mango!

    Nico : None of these acts are inspiring. I'm just not inspired. Carnival is right around the corner and our reputations are on the line.

    Pedro : Copy that. We need something that can make us wiggle. Something that'll make us jiggle. We need something that pops! Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop! You know what "pop" is backwards? Pop!

    Nico : Next.

    [suddenly Blu slides in and slams into some buckets] 

    Pedro , Nico : Blu?

    Luiz : Sorry, bro!

    Blu : It's okay, Luiz.

    [he tries to get Luiz's saliva off his feet] 

    Blu : Good to see you, too. Ugh.

    [Nico and Pedro fly over to Blu] 

    Pedro : Listen, Blu, we are looking for a singer, a dancer, the whole package.

    Nico : Yeah, and you're more of a mumbler-shuffler. You catch my drift?

    Blu : Oh. No, no, no, no. No, no, I'm not here to audition. Uh... I've got news. I am going to the Amazon. Yay.

See also

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