Rio 2 (2014) Poster


Rachel Crow: Carla



  • Roberto : Wow! You still got moves, Ju-Ju.

    Jewel : I'm so exhausted.

    Blu : Yeah. We should get some rest. Find a local inn, or a B and B nearby.

    Roberto : What is this crazy talk? No, no, no, you guys are staying in my nest. I'm on patrol tonight. Mi casa es su casa.

    Jewel : That's really nice, Beto

    Blu : Thank you, but we're fine. Besides, our whole family couldn't possibility fit in your bachelor pad.

    [Everyone enters Roberto's nest] 

    Blu : Whoa.


    Blu : Real state must very cheap around here.

    Jewel : Wow. This is incredible.

    Roberto : This old nest? I put together last minute. With my own two wings of course... And my strength. And my brawn.

    [drums playing in his chest as he flexes his pecs] 

    Tiago : Dad, it's huge! It has six bedrooms! I get the big one!

    Carla : No! I'm the oldest.

    Bia : Only by 3 minutes, 2.5 seconds.

    Roberto : I had hoped to one day be blessed with a flock of little Robertos to call my own.

    Blu : I bet you did.

    Tiago : No way! A bird bath!

    [slides down a vine into the water while laughing] 

    Blu : Tiago, caref... Ah!

    [water splashes onto Blu] 

    Tiago : [Fart-bubbles emerge from beneath Tiago]  Jacuzzi.

    Roberto : [Roberto chuckles]  Blu, let me tell you something. If anything and I mean anything, ever happens to you I will take care of your family. All right, buddy. Sleep well. Good night, Ju-Ju.

    Jewel : Good night.

  • Eduardo : [Before swooping onto the loggers]  Lead the way, Blu.

    Blu : [Overjoyed at his father in law saying his correct name]  Ah...! That's my name! Yes... I am Blu!

    [Eduardo a-hums him] 

    Blu : Oh, right... Birds of blue feathers...!

    Jewel , Tiago , Carla , Bia , Roberto : [Joined by the entire flock]  ... Have to stick sogether!

  • Carla : [seeing her mother give a tearful laugh]  Mom? Are you okay?

    Eduardo : [startled and drops Blu]  "Mom"?

    [turns to face his grandchildren] 

    Eduardo : I'm a grandpa?

    [taking it in] 

    Eduardo : I'm a grandpa...


    Eduardo : Look at me, I'm a grandpa!

    Jewel : [as her father laughs]  Daddy, this is Carla, Bia and Tiago!

    Bia : Nice to meet you, sir!

    Eduardo : There's no "sir" around here, young lady! You can call me "pop-pop"!

    Carla : "Pop-pop"? Ooh, I like that, has a nice ring to it.

  • Jewel : [Jewel arrives flying]  Hey! Everyone, look what i found. Blu? Kids? Where did everybody?

    Blu : Okay, who's ready for some breakfast?

    Jewel : Unbelievable.

    Bia : [Carla throws the whipped cream on the pancakes]  Did you know that these whole wheat pancakes have twice the vitamins and minerals of regular pancakes?

    Bia : And with the blueberries, it's four times as tasty.

    [Blu flies to the refrigerator and opens the door] 

    Bia : Hey, where are the blueberries?

    Tiago : Oh, Dad! Looking for this?

    Blu : [Tiago throws a blueberry and Blu is doing a soccer move]  Bring it! It's down to the final minutes, he's got magic in his feet. He shoots, he scores.

    Carla : [the blueberry felt in the pancakes]  Goal!

    Bia : Goal!

    Blu : [Blu start to dance celebrating his victory]  Oh yeah, I got it, I'm good.

    Tiago : Heads up, Dad!

    [Tiago throws more blueberries at Blu, causing Blu to hit the frying pan and Tiago to be crushed by a pancake] 

    Tiago : Awesome!

    [Tiago, laughing, sees Jewel] 

    Tiago : Hi Mom!

    Carla : [Jewel arrives on the scene]  Busted.

    Bia : Time to go.

    Blu : [Carla and Bia fly away]  Oh, hey, honey! Hey, you hungry?

    Jewel : Blu, we talked about this.

    Blu : Did we? I don't know, yeah so um, what do you got here?

    Jewel : [Jewel shows Blu a brazil nut]  Breakfast

    Blu : [Blu stinging the nut with his paw]  That's... That's funny but seriously what, what is that?

    Jewel : It's a Brazil nut, I never thought I'd find one this close to the city. I want to show the kids how to open one.

    Tiago : You mean like this?

    [Tiago opens a jar of Brazil nuts] 

    Tiago : Dad already show us.

    Carla : [Carla and Bia are changing the channel]  Wait. Wait, go back. Mom! Dad! You're on TV.

    Newscaster : Doctor Tulio Monteiro the Birdman of Brazil announced an important discovery today.

    Tulio : We believe we have encountered a wild blue Spix's Macaw deep in the Amazon Jungle.

    Newscaster : The blue Spix's Macaw was thought to be practically extinct with the last remaining family living under protection at Blu Bird Sanctuary in Rio de Janeiro

    Carla : We're famous!

    Newscaster : If these birds can be found their home will be saved.

    Tulio : There may be a whole flock out there and if there is, we will find and protect them.

    Linda : Hi, Blu!

    Blu : Hi, Linda!

    Jewel : We're not the only ones. There are more of us out there.

    Blu : Yeah that's great. I'm sure they're...

    Jewel : All this time I thought... I thought we were alone.

    Blu : Hey, it hasn't been all bad.

    Jewel : Of course not. But just imagine if there was a whole flock of us.

    [Jewel flies and opens the window] 

    Jewel : How amazing would that be? We gotta do something.

    Blu : We do?

    Jewel : Yeah, we have to fly to the Amazon and help Linda and Tulio find them!

    Blu : Whoah, we can't just pack up and go.

    Jewel : Why not? It's about this family got a little air under our wings

    [Jewel flies to the table while turning off the TV, removing the headphones and closing the jar of Brazil nuts] 

    Jewel : Look at us. iPods, TV, pancakes? We are not people, we're birds! We have to get out into the wild and be birds, Blu. Let the kids connect to their roots. Show them what i had. They need this. We need this. Come on Blu, what do you say?

    Blu : I don't know. Maybe.

  • Carla : He didn't say "no".

    Bia : Which means he practically said "yes".

    Blu : Hey, wait a sec...

    Jewel : It's gonna be so much fun.

    [Jewel hugs Blu] 

    Tiago : Yeah! We're going to the Amazon! Wait. What's the Amazon?

  • Tiny : I'm a terrible babysitter!

    Tiago : This gonna be aswesome!

    Bia : All right, I've done all calculations and each explosion will be perfectly synced to the beat. Unless I didn't carry the one.

    Carla : Here's my vision. Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Yellow! Purple.

    Tiago : Here is my vision. Boom! Crash! Bang! Kapow!

    [Tiago has the match lit in his paw] 

    Tiny : I don't think your parents would like this very much.

    Tiago : [Tiago has the match in his paw]  Here we go

    Jewel : [Jewel stops Tiago before he burns Tiny]  Where are you going, little bird?

    Blu : [Blu takes the match in his paw]  Hey, what is this?

    Tiago : Oh, Dad!

    Blu : Guys, you know the rules. No pyrotechnics without adult supervision.

    Bia : We asked Tiny.

    Blu : That's even worse. Sorry Tiny

    Tiny : You don't have to pay me, Señor Blu.

    Blu : Kids, next time ask me.

    Carla : But you always say no.

    Blu : No, I don't.

    Tiago : Dad, you're in denial.

    Blu : Okay.

    [to Jewel] 

    Blu : Honey, do I always say no?

    Jewel : Yes, I mean no.

    Carla : Great. Now Mom's saying it too.

    Blu : [Blu throws the match]  Listen, we are the last blue Spix's macaws left on the planet. We have to stay safe Birds of blue feathers...!

    Tiago , Bia , Carla : [All together]  ... Have to stick together!

    Carla : I smell chicken.

    Blu : [Blu notice that the match is burning his tail]  Ah! No, no, no! No, no, no!

    [With the fire turn on the fireworks Tiny's] 

    Bia : By my calculations, that his twenty-seventh no today.

    [Blu turns on by accident the fireworks Tiny's] 

    Tiny : [Blu turns off the fire of his tail]  Help!

    Blu : [Blu runs to help Tiny]  Everybody fly!

    Tiago : [the fireworks go off, Jewel and the children fly to the statue of Christ the Redeemer while the fireworks light up and Blu falls and is left next to Jewel and her 3 children]  Oh man. How come dad gets all the fun?

    Carla : Look! It worked!

    Blu : Well, this year is off to a great start

  • Tiago : Amazon! Let's go! Come on, Dad! Come on!

    Blu : [Blu is keeping his things in his fanny pack]  Okay. Bug spray, check. Water purifier, check. Band-Aids.

    [Tiago gets to snoop around his fanny pack] 

    Blu : I feel like I'm forgetting something.

    Tiago : [Tiago takes out a swiss army knife from the fanny pack]  Cool! The all in one adventurer's knife! I'll be in charge of this.

    Blu : [Blu takes away Tiago the swiss army knife and saves it back in the fanny pack]  That's not for you.

    Bia : [Bia arrives flying with an interactive book]  Hey, Dad, look at this. Did you know that the Amazon has snakes that can swallow you whole?

    Blu : Actually, Bia, all those stories are highly exaggerated.

    Bia : No, really. Look.

    [Bia opens the book with image of a snake, scaring Blu] 

    Tiago : That's sick.

    Jewel : All right, are we ready to go?

    [Jewel notices Blu's fanny pack] 

    Jewel : A fanny pack?

    Blu : Yeah. Linda gave it to me. I need it for the GPS. Where's the GPS?

    Bia : [Tiago tries to take her book from Bia but she doesn't let him]  Hey!

    Jewel : Carla, we're leaving.

    Carla : I'm not going! It's gonna be lame.

    Blu : Okay, here it is. The voice recognition makes it totally foolproof. Here, watch this. Find Linda and Tulio.

    Additional Voices : Searching for dinner in Tokyo.

    Blu : Okay. Actually that does sound like a nice suggestion.

    Jewel : You trust this woman?

    Blu : [imitating a robot]  Yes, I do.

    Rafael : [Rafael arrives flying]  Hey, wait up, family! I'm coming, too! Don't worry, buddy. We got your back.

    Jewel : Eva let you come?

    Rafael : Sure. I promise her a spot on the Carnival show.

    Nico : You did what?

    Rafael : You guys are late.

    Pedro : [Nico and Pedro arrive flying]  Clock late.

    Nico : But musician early.

    [Nico and Pedro high five with their feathers] 

    Carla : Wait, you guys are coming?

    Pedro : We couldn't miss it for the world. We gonna scout the wildest, coolest talent in the jungle!

    Nico : It's our inspiration for this year's Carnival show. Amazon Untamed.

    Carla : Cool! I mean, yeah. Okay. I'll guess I'll go.

    Nico : Amazon jungle or bust, baby!

    Pedro : Who's ready for a tropical adventure?

    Rafael : I know I am!

    Nico : All right!

    Pedro : Let's go, birds!

    Blu : [Everyone flies away leaving Blu behind]  Wait, we didn't do a head acount. Hey, guys, wait up!

    [Blu falls from the tree] 

    Additional Voices : Recaulcaling.

  • Additional Voices : You have reached your destination.

    Blu : You see? It works like a charm. Here we are.

    Carla : Where?

    Blu : These things have a margin of error.

    Jewel : I told you not to trust that woman

    Bia : [Bia with her book sees a larva]  That's a Heliconius larva. It's about to enter the pupa stage.

    Tiago : [Tiago appeas behind Bia]  You said poop!

    Blu : Hey, kids. Stay close.

    [Bia and Tiago leaves the area] 

    Jewel : I'll get them.

    [Jewel goes behind Bia and Tiago] 

    Blu : Okay, you guys stay put. I'll look around.

    Rafael : No worries. We'll be here. We're not going anywhere.

    Pedro : My feathers is popping up on the back of my neck

    Nico : I don't like this.

    Pedro : Let's back it up.

    [Nico and Pedro retreat] 

    Jewel : [Jewel continues searching Bia and Tiago]  Bia? Tiago?

    Blu : [Tulio continues searching the strange sound]  Come on, lady. Don't let me down.

    Additional Voices : Calculating route to Funky Town.

    Blu : Oh, great.

    [Blu continues searching for signal and Tulio continues searching the strange sound] 

    Blu : Okay, guys! Guys?

    [Blu flies towards the area where Jewel, her children and friends were] 

    Blu : Good one, guys. Very funny. Good, good. Very witty. Jewel, where are you? Kids? Jewel?

    [a macaw leaves far Blu] 

  • Bia : That frog is not poisonous.

    Gabi : What?

    Nigel : We're not dead?

    Bia : It's a very common mistake. But she's a harmless pseudo-dendrobates. You can tell by the pink spots.

    Gabi : But my parents always told me I was poisonous and shouldn't touch anyone.

    Carla : You just had really mean parents.

    Gabi : Oh, wow. So now... we can be together!

    [she starts to kiss Nigel and he tries to attacks Blu and Jewel's family but Gabi pulls Nigel] 

    Gabi : Nigel! Nigel-Wigel-Wiggelpuss!

    Nigel : No!

    [Blu and Jewel's family fly away] 

    Nigel : Somebody, help me!

    Gabi : I'm going to never let you go.

    [Gabi continues pulling Nigel] 

    Nigel : I'm sorry, I'll be nicer. No!

    Gabi : Never gonna let you go!

    Nigel : No, Charlie!

    [Charlie retires as Charles Chaplin] 

    Nigel : Charlie! This is unnatural!

  • Rafael : Blu, Blu, Blu! Calm down.

    Blu : Calm down? We had a plan. Help Linda and Tulio find the flock and get home. But when I mentioned it to her she completely shut me down.

    [Rafael, Nico and Pedro look at Blu confused] 

    Blu : And her father? A total nut job. He's got this weird thing about humans.

    Eduardo : [Now from Eduardo's perspective]  He's got this weird thing about humans! He loves them. He's a pet!

    Roberto : [Roberto spits out the Brazil nut]  A pet?

    Blu : [Returning Blu's perspective]  He called me a pet. I can't believe he used the P word to my face. It's like he thinks I'm the enemy or something.

    Eduardo : [Returning Eduardo's perspective]  He's not one of us, Roberto. Keep an eye on him.

    Blu : [Returning Blu's perspective]  And that Roberto? He is always watching. He is always hovering around Jewel. He is always singing something. I can't compete with that.

    Pedro : You gotta bird up, bird! You gotta emancipate yourself from domestication.

    Nico : Try to see this place trough her eyes. Taste the flavors she's tasting.

    Blu : So I should eat a bug?

    Pedro : That's just nasty, thinking about it.

    Nigel : [Nigel dressed as Bob appears]  Glitter. Where is my glitter?

    Blu : [Nigel doesn't realize Blu is in front of him]  I'm sorry. Sorry.

    Nigel : I don't want apologies. I want glitter

    [Nigel, Charlie and Gabi retires of the zone] 

    Nigel : Gllitter it's absolutely essential for a magical presentation.

    Gabi : [Gabi realize Blu is in front of Nigel and tries to advice]  Uh, Nigel.

    Carla : [Carla appears]  Guys! Rehearsals, big day tomorrow. Ring a bell? Come on. You're coming, right, Dad?

    Blu : Oh, yeah, of course.

    Pedro : That girl put the business in show business.

    Rafael : Blu, remember...

    Blu : I know, I know. Happy wife, happy life.

  • [Blu and Nigel are unconscious due to the explosion, however they are tied to some vines and scream at the same time] 

    Nigel : You.

    Blu : Oh, oh.

    Nigel : You will pay a painful price for your pestilence!

    [Nigel starts to attack Blu] 

    Blu : Hey, stop that! Get off me!

    Nigel : [Nigel continues attacking Blu]  A flurry of furious feathers in your face!

    Blu : You don't have to do this!

    [Blu tries to defend himself from Nigel's attacks] 

    Nigel : No, I just want to.

    Blu : Hey, stop! Stop!

    [Gabi and Charlie arrived at the area where Blu and Nigel are fighting with the porcupine quill covered with Gabi's poison] 

    Gabi : Oh, my goodness. Charlie! This is it. This is it!

    [Gabi asks Charlie to give the porcupine quill covered with Gabi's poison to kill Blu] 

    Gabi : Steady. Steady.

    Nigel : Slap fight!

    Gabi : Shoot! Shoot!

    [Charlie shoots the porcupine quill covered with Gabi's poison to kill Blu but the porcupine ends up giving Nigel and Blu using his peak and flies away] 

    Gabi : Nigel!

    Nigel : Is this the end? I was too young... too beautiful to live.

    [Jewel, Carla, Bia and Tiago hugging to Blu] 

    Carla : Bob?

    Pedro : Hold up! That ain't Bob.

    Rafael : I told you I knew him from somewhere.

    Nigel : My final curtain call. And it's standing room only. Goodbye.

    [Nigel throws himself into the void] 

    Gabi : No!

    [Gabi runs behind him crying and anguished by what she did] 

    Gabi : No! What have I done? If I cannot liveth with thee... then I shall not liveth at all.

    [Gabi commits suicide by tasting a drop of her poison, but not before singing like an opera singer until she faints and dies. The tribe starts clapping] 

  • Carla , Bia , Tiago , Aunt Mimi : Go, Roberto!

    Blu : I could have done that.

  • Blu : Okay. Here we go, coach.

    [flies to the game] 

    Carla , Bia , Tiago : Yeah, Dad!

See also

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