
315 Reviews
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A saga that took it to the next level
28 July 2024
My expectations were met a hundred times over, but I never thought it would be this good and epic to describe how the excitement rushed to my brain recollecting data and fact from the 2015 mad max movie, connecting all the dots with an outstanding performance from key actors to begin with.

In a way like always similar to good movies comparable to ones like this you loss for exact word as to praise the acting but here I would commend the director for such an outstanding display of prowess exclusive to him and his crew, I would always recommend movies like this to someone in search of a knock out.
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X-Men '97 (2024– )
A thoughtful approach to a sequel
15 June 2024
A coherent thought Indeed, the making of the X-Men 97 was indeed a way to redeem the audience for marvel studio, cause at a time I felt marvel had lost all source for reasoning that they made movies that not only threaten the reputation of their but posterity also, on that note I was also a victim of this hysterical behavior there's, but this series though a continuation of some sort made me believe and relive the heydays of marvel animated series.

Nonetheless at must ensure that the series get the right tone of excitement from the beginning, with that in mind I do look forward to more amazing shows like this.
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A splendid movie
15 June 2024
If only it was real

The mind behind such innovation would be praised for the incorporation of time traveling to stop crime but In realty and I know that if that were to happen it would break into sectors like finance, war and even medicine but that's a whole other story for some future near or maybe far.

The movie was nothing to look towards to until you see Tom cruise and his dashing appearance, then you sit down and then your start guessing what's in this movie Tom cruise wouldn't just be in a movie if that movie wasn't going to be a hit but the trail runs cold the intensity of the movie magnifies, the trail reason being the movie unravels and then you start to ponder the the question why and when is there a reason who is this why did he do it.
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Fallout (2024– )
What did you expect
1 June 2024
As the name implies the fallout out of men and women alike including something cringe, meh I thought of this series as a low budget series with a wacky backstory for a series but men did it brought out the best package in each episode like a surprise to a kids birthday party in fact I've got to admit the best series of the moment until the resume of the boys and other totally knockout series in production right now, I thought I came to the conclusion that I've seen it all but this story packs something different though one will understand as one sees the difference in the making both the story and the characters uniqueness and comparison can be dated on some odd factors seeing how many contradictory events came to play but that makes it all the more enjoyable, it's like sitting back relaxed and let them fallout with their entertainment for your pleasure I gotta say one of the best out there see it and live to tell the tale.
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Hmmm it's all around us
23 May 2024
Mama who's my daddy, guess he's the devil in every man's heart, part one. If this movie hasn't said it all through Al Pacino I don't what will then cause for greed power and ambition took the screens and gave it a name, he that is Kevin lost sight of what's right but still you can't run from who you really are, anyone can put on a mask That's how the world turn. I won't say I wasn't fazed by the actions through which Keanu Reeves exhibited cause that's the true nature of man things look beautiful when you want more and then with all the hurt healing takes root to balance the scales in this case for the fame and wealth he sacrificed his love life and his wife for it, if only he had listened to her just to be tempted again by any other means necessary, my greatest concern is we all are guilty of similar crimes and not even the Pope can be deemed worthy of being a virtuous man in an imperfect world, i respect the wishes and attention detail to the message this movie has inspired but it's still gonna be the same after all is been said and done after all I am a man.
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23 May 2024
Fatally attractive in so many ways but not accounting for the characters cause each one packs a different flair that makes you want to see it all through to the end of the end, the hunger for more only grew beast like after the first three episodes were finished and i saw nothing but the hype was just everywhere and almost everyone was talking about it, at first I didn't realize they was a blur that slowly diminishes as the story progressed to pick up on the elements that makes this anime so good that you can actually taste it metaphorically I mean, talk about dialogues so intriguing and interesting that everyone with an actual word forms a sentence and it's like a spell been casted right there for the viewer to be captivated by it and find different reasons not to let go cause their journey to the end was never the goal but the journey on the journey was and most of us fell for that beauty And it sucked us all in, beyond journey's end is by far the first of it's kind and I love it.
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Vengeance as a disease
21 May 2024
In all of time combined meaning past and both the present vengeance to me is seen as an emotional imbalance that weighs in on the victims mind depending on the type of pain caused or inflicted, having the right mind to keep calm in the sight of such devastating moments is the highest form of victory that one could come to achieve in his or her own journey through life itself, how remarkable for that Caesar lost his self to the burning flames of hatred and put himself with indecisiveness combined lost control and gave power to the hate that came to be and surrounded his thoughts with the goal of only having killed the man who killed his family at the cost of his own life and neglecting his role as a leader, nature in a way tested his conviction by putting koba his enemy in front of him and made him decide the results of his actions was the whole movie and cost him everything to the bitter end.
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Compassion meets hate
21 May 2024
Leadership is as cunning as it is dangerous to handle, moments of emotional turmoils takes root not because one is good at handling such effects to great lengths on the mind but knows when it's right to strike, it was epical but brief in the slightest way possible to comprehend the difference between the bridges of hate and it's opposite rival it out till the bitter end, the movie as a continuation of the rise of the planet of the apes depicts in the highest form true leadership been demonstrated in a quality comparable to that of a prince in a political series, why this wasn't just based on the destruction of human race the quality of the story was original coming not in Fair comparison to the mainstream zombies movies that everyone's talking about instead you see the resemblance but in a new light, one would really enjoy this story if one likes to dabble with affairs of faith in all it's might take it from me this one didn't disappoint in the slightest.
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Andor (2022– )
Destiny as one would call it
16 May 2024
Andor is like a plague if one Doesn't cut it off it spreads like a disease like it should but in this case it doesn't have to be stopped but encouraged, like often all that involve in a revolution are set to cause destruction, death, hunger and suffering the aftermath is inevitable, I say destiny cause all that led to the incident of the andor being empires threath was not a fluke, men star wars just have this flair that any series be it animation or film just goes beyond the ordinary and you can't just gainsay their reputation in all authorities when it comes to entertainment, like the concept of andor is nothing new when you think about it but the way the story lights up the atmospheric components in your thoughts to devour something new never disappoints, all the episodes were thought of thoroughly before airing and they put in the good work i love it.
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Satisfying in a way
16 May 2024
All this Kong thing I think is about time the end game comes, like there's no threat real enough to even call forth the formidable Godzilla even when it's a tag team battle, if they continue in this direction eventually it would result in a flop and that could be catastrophic for even we the fans, scenes that took my breath away were included and that's amazing but i bet so many have had enoughof this Godzilla and kong thing, don't get me started on the fact that a kung fu fighting monkey or gorilla took form in arms in a whip that he uses i mean who taught him how to fight like that, coming from humble beginnings you can tell the story evolved but now it's heading somewhere different, great entertainment though but other than that ehh nothing Comes to mind.
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Shōgun (2024–2026)
Well played
26 April 2024
Deceit, cunning and Everything that makes him a complete Lord, this should be a Bible of some sort indirect but at the same time direct in a vague manner, toranaga dono always keeping you in suspence not knowing what comes next is absolutely amazing and devastating in the of the unknown, this series taught me a valuable lesson of some sort that in life you yourself is all that matters, the imprint of one's name and legacy on the world is all that counts, the ambition to be the king it only counts when you see everything and everyone around you as an instrument for your ascension to the top, I've seen so many variations of power been display before cliche, in this case he already has a head start being born of high blood the cunning and deceit were just a gift from the gods and behold those talents weren't wasted on him, best series so far just another boom bang series that explodes till the end.
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Like what was the point
21 April 2024
Okay like so many I've seen about zombies this one's was like a good head start the beginning was okay but then as I progressed along the episodes I got feed up with everything about the idea of the anime the plot the story and even the protagonist like what the hell, if I had the ability to delete every memory of it from my brain I would in a heartbeat don't get me started on the so called comedian who gets naked to perform an act to his audience as for the others I just say go to hell, but no hard feelings on the creator though I don't even like bad mouthing someone else's work but maybe it was aimed at a different set of audience like kids am just saying but this time this anime wasn't for me in the first place.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Don't get better than this
21 April 2024
I've never played nor seen the game but this series was an always will be something to remember in case of zombie best series references, coming in hot was the outstanding performance by the girl Ellie she was spectacular in every way to define her aspect though she wasn't beautiful yet the role was splendidly executed based on the fine and talented actress that she is, Pedro Pascal in his own way did something new in his new way of adapting to the environment towards the ending of the series, as in the series his gradual transformation wasn't something I saw coming until the end, like having nothing than lose to the world he lied and it took shape to protect and then destroy what was and will be, well I guess all who view it learned something from it happy enough the series didn't disappoint.
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Someone always will be Stanicky
15 April 2024
In a way this movie falls through all aspects of life if not one, considering how many people tend to create something out of thin air in any case it was bound to catch up with you in a way or another, every movie has it's own meaning slash reason for entertainment focused at the audience but this one's rooted in something entirely different, based on the the genre you might have already predicted the out come but only sightly I know to a geek this is a child's play but from a totally different angle not that am so enthralled by this movie or anything else but maybe the reason was solely cause they presented it as comedy which was okay but maybe one would have taken it more serious if it was a drama am just saying that's why we all make our own review based on the opinion we share from watching the movie so here's mine good looking movie featuring actors like John Cena and Zac Efron men like what did you expect.
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Solo Leveling (2024– )
I couldn't get enough
15 April 2024
Boi or boy did this anime hit the spot, right there with the action required to stay glued all day long to the screen and deserving a rewatch of the entire series not once but at one's discretion wow, okay solo leveling as been on the lookout for a number of years prior to it release but the expectations weren't just met it came as a hunger cause like now I want more of it , I keep my fingers crossed for the next phase but at the same time the hype for part two slash season two just thinking about it makes my heart pound with excitement that could make my head explode, the team and the creator didn't just gave the world an anime he also gave us much more than that I believe there's more to it that Meets the eye and my screen time just went up can't wait for season two.
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Ehh was just an understatement
13 April 2024
Talk about flop in a way that seems undeniably annoying like my gosh was I embarrassed with what my eyes saw, I tend to think that in a way the introduction of part four was out of the wimp or whatever they thought they were trying to prove, there was nothing catchy about this part don't even get Me started on the execution of the movie was the movie solely targeted at four years old cause the disappointment was just too much, coming from the success of the previous years in the making I now believe this would be the end of the po saga as a dragon warrior, even the humor was bad in a way no I was wrong to say that it was horrible to adjust to the right mood if anyone decides to give it a go then like always each one with their opinion that's why we have this community but it will always be at your own risk "SKADOOSH".
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Pluto (2023)
Stimulating profound exhilaration
10 April 2024
Pluto as an anime series always kept the audience on edge, a recommendation by the anime news network months prior to it release it was everything they said it would be, to some who witnessed astro boy it was an extension reprogrammed to celebrate atom most who may know him as astro boy back in the hay days of animations, each episode brings to light yet another reason why you see the story so indepth as to accentuate the culture of good anime, a drastic turn of event gained the story itself the proficiency that it needed as to why one shouldn't question the outstanding work behind such an entertainment genius, despite the critic online about pluto i tend to restructure any doubt of mediocrity that this was trash but in all it's highness Pluto was really transformative as an anime.
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Entertainment cardiac arrest
10 April 2024
Believe me you'd want to see it several times and still not get satisfied with the results of what I'd love to call a great movie, dune part two is down right the best movie of the moment untill something similar far better take this off my mind, I tend to see performance from top notch actors devotion to a role executed at the brilliance of the characters they portrayed, movie magic plus the chemistry from zendaya to our protagonist got my lab on fire and emotional equanimity of the struggle between power and love was mind-gasmic to behold, beyond all the hype, expectations weren't just met but they went as far as culminating the awe in everything entertainment and the tip of the chasm was just the beginning of dune, in all sweetness of enjoying a good story I'll savor every minute second of this movie.
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The Iron Claw (2023)
The story hits differently
8 April 2024
Kinda sad actually cause the feelings all sad halfway through the end of what one looked up to see something phenomenal, like all historical dramas this one was the saddest to me so far, no pressure though still don't know why they decided to make a movie out of it, I get the fact that the von erichs's were iconic and all but then why wait till 2009 to put them the wrestling hall of fame, I'm not a fan of wrestling though but the movie was all too emotionally discomforting, ideas that pulled through as why parental figures won't let their offspring walk the path they chose for themselves not to be a spoiler and all but this was something mainly aimed at an over cautious father figure in the boys lives that ruined them in the first place I frown at the story 30 percent of the movie that all they did was walk the dream of the father at the expense of their lives how sad a tale this was, but in the end Kevin you're the hero..
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
A song of blood and fire
4 April 2024
The tables turned towards the end of the first season, in comparison like all always the house of dragons doesn't even come close as to what the game of thrones was, in fact and reasoning there was no need to even compare with both plots and characters likewise was in their own league power struggles through the ages but in some cases accidents do sure play a larger role as to the ignition of what's about come, setting the stage for an inevitable war between love,blood and power let the outcome be favorable to both the victor and the one who lost the war cause in the end we've heard the song of ice and fire but not of blood and fire, lett the raging flame burn.
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Damsel (2024)
This movie's a fraud
1 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I laughed as the movie progressed it was something of a mockery due to the anticipation of this movie, the hype was instantly diminished when i saw it at first sight hoping that despite the bad and boring take at first it would turn out to be something else instead they bought in the so call dragon that's isn't serious with his roll on top of that he speaks that was by far the major turn off, I hate bad mouthing i only felt the turndown when everything about the movie felt like they robbed me of a good adventure movie, let the rating show you how bad it was but i know it wasn't going to be 6.0.
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Outstanding historical figures
31 March 2024
I've seen it times without number the gifted and talented far out shines those who work to make a living with it, Passion is something extraordinary when it comes to what you love you don't just feel to know anymore you listen sense every aspect of the structure cause that's what you live and die for, it was truly remarkable to dream and make it a reality despite the odds one faces in truth you just need to believe in yourself and do you, Kent miles will be an inspiration to le mans and to those who walk a similar path, in shelby and miles they created the flame that will burn for generations to come in actuality i now believe with no doubt that LEGENDS NEVER DIE.
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Emotionally annoying
29 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I just don't want to even start contemplating on how bad they made mega mind 2 or as one might call it the Doom syndicate, doom syndicate my ass, can anyone even live with this humiliation of villains, I despise the whole idea of a doom syndicate my memories of the one mega mind was great and not needing a sequel Even but noooooo they wanted more out of this now I guess it's it's for children I think should be more cautious before diving full scale into a cartoon like this again instead of this embarrassment I should live with Dora the explorer instead. Chaii to think that this animated comedy would stoop so low as a mockery was by at the Greatest mockingbird any studio as to offer to a sequel am disappointed in all aspects of the cartoon.
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
Two drama kings
12 March 2024
Just thinking about the movie makes my head spin, DiCaprio like when it comes to acting not so many can stand a chance, but hardy did the impossible here not to talk about performance but you just have to give them the credit they deserve it even if they made a fortune from making this movie, talk about survival this shxt was on a whole new level on the contrary maybe it's just the real die hard fan of DiCaprio's line of work but this adds a whole new meaning to surviving itself now don't get me wrong vengeance and starvation combined with pain from a bear fight all in one now thats something to look forward to.
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The Ring (2002)
In for a thrill
29 February 2024
A recommendation that in a way was quite off the mark for me, maybe am not just a fan of horror movies but then I got too see some that sent chills down my spine and making me shout like a bxtch, aww those were the days truly but coming to this it was laughable in so many ways, first I had to prep my mind for how they did describe the horrible experience from the movie ohh i was craving the excitement only to see a totally different outcome from my anticipated view about the movie, in my take the ring it was something to maybe others from the 90s but to me all I can say is ehh. But what the hell.
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