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Beyond Revenge - What the brainless critics omits
10 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Twenty year ago, just to read something, I bought my first comic of The Savage Sword of Conan, after that, I watched the John Milius film and specially the books of Robert E. Howard and many more comics. I been reading many reviews and almost all the critics seems to know nothing about Conan except the movie with Schwarzenegger, a very good movie but...

Even when the new Conan The Barbarian has his flaws, a story with a few things in commons with "The lord of the rings", not so much reference to the countries and races of the Hyborian age, and a not so wonderful soundtrack like the Basil Poledouris's masterpiece. If you compare Jason Momoa with the descriptions of Robert E. Howard, the comics, he is perfect as Conan in every scene: he is rude but not so stupid as seems to be in the Milius film, he is full of anger but knows how to use it and knows how to show other emotions, even his dialog is good. Conan, Khalar Zym, Marique, Tamara almost every character show his own story not as pure good or pure evil, every one has an important part.

It began like a bad "pastiche" of JRR Tolkien and after a few minutes became a true Conan movie, with a lot of action, great sword battles, lot of blood (everyone who had read the tales of Conan knows is impossible tells his story without blood sequences) but a wonderful story not only about revenge, but also the sons and daughters thirst to keep the legacy of their parents

I love the John Milius I have seen that film more than 30 times, but I have to admit, this new adaptation (not remake) is far faithful to the work of Robert E. Howard in every single thing.
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Art trash
11 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I have to admit, I didn't read the book, and have not watched "la Nana" the other acclaimed Chilean film; so when I began to see this movie I wait to find something unique, the taste of the Chilean talent but after five minutes I found a few things used by others directors: camera on the hand technique and of course the good looking hero (vicuña, his acting it's very good but they could use some new face) like "Saving private Ryan" , basically in the first minutes of the movie to impact the audience with this world. Chile it's a beautiful place, and any good director (I mean like Terrence Malick)can do good scenes, but after a few minutes there is nothing more than the basic story, the good acting, and the sense they could do so much more.

------ warning possibly spoiler------- About politics, I was hoping a human side in every aspect, and for most part of the movie I found it, but there are some scenes terrible, I don't care who was the bad guy in the past, I care for the heart of the people who live it, but here Littin took his side in way almost ridiculous and in that moment I confirm I was watching the same old story about the traumas of the Pinochet time.

Frankly, I' m not a fan of the Chilean cinema, I loved "Tierra del fuego" of Littin, but watch this movie reminds me the very painful experience of "Transformers 2", counting every second to the end, feeling the bad taste of what could be.

There are many kinds of bad movie, for me this is some kind of art trash (or art of trash), I mean a film made to be a piece of art, but in the end the ambition of the director kill the poetry when he do things who seems to be different of the commercial movies, but are the same thing you can find in other better works.

After watch a movie like this cannot stop to praise "la Nana" at least to make something different.
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The Redemption of WB...But It Could Be Better
10 December 2009
I grew up watching Looney Tunes and after watch Space Jam I really felt Warner Brothers killed the spirit of the show, so when a mistake give me the chance to watch a few scenes of this movie, I had to spend more than one hour of true entertainment, watching the redemption of WB. But sadly it wasn't all perfect.

The movie seems to have just a few bad things: 1 - Steve Martin: I don't know what's happening to him, it was one of the better comedians I have ever seen, but after "the out of towers", he overacting in every film he does, frankly in this moment he is annihilating the legacy of Blake Edwards and Peter Sellers with the new Pink Panther films.

2 - Jenna Elfman: She it's a good actress but in this film it really is at the same level of Steve.

3 - The story is really good, the jokes and themes a terrific, but there are some little things in the plot bad (I will not tell it because the movie deserves to be watched).

It's not a masterpiece but it's just a few steps to be a true return of the Looney Tunes.
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Battlestar Galactica: Razor (2007 TV Movie)
The Same Garbage
13 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I'm an old fan of the Classic Battlestar galactica. After watching again the whole season I truly believe Glenn Larson set many things in a very logic way, for example the martial law that gives Adama the power to command the fleet against the bureaucracy of the council of the twelve, something that Ronald D. Moore erase with the "immortal" president. I try to find something good of the new version after hear so many reviews, but I really don't understand how can they be so blind, specially with Razor, who is the same old garbage withe the same mistakes from the show.

First: Many unnecessary characters whining for everything. Second: Technology from the future or other galaxy worst than the things we have in our real world. Third: Heroes who doesn't even know how to act in a battle. Fourth: Special effects who seems to be pure CGI because there's no budget (or brain) for something better. Fifth: Collage of scenes made (as seem) with camera on the hand who rattle to make more realistic the story seem to show the guy doesn't know how to use the equipment. Sixth: Almost no music.

-----Spoilers----- The only thing new of this movie it's the chance to watch the old cylons looking as CGI Again we have pure fantasy sequence with battle procedures impossible to make in space and in the reality, these seems to be just something copy from some other war movie. Actually there is a scene almost exactly to another from Star Trek First Contact, the same message, some powerful enemy with something mechanic part in a battle with human trying to escape in a corridor of one starship (I'm not giving all details trying to avoid more spoilers) ------------------

In conclusion: Razor it's just the basic war story in the new Galactica cannon who tries to give some lessons for something we can learn in any other and more entertaining and very much realistic movie or TV show, like star trek First contact, Starship Troopers (movie with main message it's the whole new Battlestar Galactica premise) or even Babylon 5 and Stargate SG1. I recommend only for the fans of the new show how doesn't open their eyes to the fantasy world of Ronald D. Moore where realism it's only in his imagination.
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Jeremiah (2002–2004)
Crusade The Remake
7 October 2007
A few years ago I watch the first episode and it was the worst work I saw from J. Michael Straczynski. A nothing original basic story with somethings in common with "a boy and his dog" (from his friend Harlan Ellison and mad max 2 (the tribes). Just less that a year I had the opportunity to watch the whole first season, and after I had to look for every single episode of the second... what was the problem?, after the cancellation of Crusade, Jeremiah seems to be something absolutely different, and the first episodes are not really good, but once you began to watch it carefully you find it's the same basic plot of Crusade: the war to save the humanity, from the secret groups playing in the shadows (what supposed to be the real Crusade in the Babylon 5 spin off). There is a basic story but at the same time there is a major plot who involves the evolution of every character and new secrets to be revealed, so not even the title hero can escape from his own sins and inner battles, and that's makes Jeremiah a wonderful show, how what seems to be a simple story become something greater with so many original things to find. After season one some major plots are resolved but Straczynski really shows his skills with bigger and better stories full of things to think carefully including new characters to show how the faith it's involved in the war (yeah, in Crusade the Dhrak begin a war, in Jeremiah other one has this role as a human version of what they tried) As I said in the title of this comment, if you watch carefully, you can find in Jeremiah a more realistic version of everything created in Crusade even with good characters and incredible plots.
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Torchwood (2006–2011)
Garbage Sold Like Art
6 October 2007
I heard many things about this show: the new best version of X-Files, the most original show of the year, great characters and more... At the beginning all seems fine, some kind of spin off of Doctor Who with some things in common with "millenium" (the other show from Chris Carter), specially when you look gore, and (of course) stories with lot of horror and nothing clever. Actually, Torchwood, tries to be a more serious show than Doctor Who, with some basic plot full of mysteries and a main character as the "next revelation hero", the Captain Jack Harckness, a bad intent to be a tough guy, because he talk about how to fight the evil forces, he force to the others of the Torchwood team to act as he says but...he doesn't follow his own rules,and it's not because it's a tough or clever guy playing with the destiny with full knowledge (as he tries to show) about their enemies. What it's worst this show abuse with the violence and sex without good reasons, the stories can be good but the treatment is not original and deep and the acting it's poor specially with John Barrowman the worst hero of the year, the only hero who play the tough guy with showing so much weakness. I really expect something better, I can stand a show full of violence if the stories are good, deep, with something to think, something at least original but Torchwood it's just garbage in a pretty package.
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The Collector (2004–2006)
Lost Jewel
9 September 2007
I cannot say less, at the beginning I didn't want to watch it, I thought: "another mix of gore and mystery with nothing good to make you think" (something like millennium) But finally I found at least three good reasons because the Collector it's one of the best shows 1- Unpredictable: from the first episode you'll never know when there's a "happy ending", the stories are very dark but there's no use of unnecessary violence, everything has a reason. 2- Deep: "The collector" it's not an "easy to watch show", there's always a message to think, some lesson, reflection about life and the way we live. 3- Epic: "the collector" talks about the inner war, I mean: the battle between light and darkness of every human being, for their own private desires, the price to make the dreams come true specially when we destroy the life of other people. The stories have a lot of symbols, lot of fantasy but the way the producers use it end in a very realistic message.

More reason: the acting it's good, the specially effects, and as I said in the first point: This is the kind of show where the producer don't have fear to make the necessary changes to make the stories better, so it's very unpredictable. It's not the kind of show about mysteries: you know from the beginning the rules of the main story but as the season goes you are gonna find the details, the true reasons a secrets of every character, everything from the autistic boy to the past of Morgan has a reason, and that make this a better far better than many things we usually find in the TV.
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Flash Gordon (2007–2008)
Putting In Perspective
21 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say: I'm not a fan of the Flash Gordon comics and the last movie, but after watch the pilot even when I'm very tired of these low budged-full of CGI shows, the new vision of the Alex Raymond's masterpiece feels at least something fair for these times... I'm mean, we are not in the beginning of the "best TV show of the year", the new flash Gordon is not so original like the wonderful the animated futuristic Phantom 2040, and the acting of the main characters isn't really good, but if you think these new work as a modern day TV show, everything is in the right place: ----------- Contains spoilers -------- 1- Every character is the same thing from the old story but... with the changes needed, for example Dale Arden is not a weak woman full in love with flash. 2- Flash is not the great hero with a great life trying to save the universe, he has his own quest. 3- The new Ming seems to be less merciless and more a clever dictator. 4- The show doesn't seems to be full of action, the storyline clearly works to be take the idea of an alien invasion (from the comics) in process, I'm mean: it's not ID4 2, Steven Spielberg's War of Worlds 2, Ming needs to discover Earth and much more. But what is not good: 1- Doctor Zarkov: the actor is the worst of all but the character feels too young and too stupid. 2- Again: So much CGI in every single way, shows like Star Trek TNG, Stargate SG1 and even Babylon 5 now are the teachers about how to use it and not abuse it.

It's not a perfect show, but you cannot ask so much for a low budget and not a great writer, If you wanna a new truly good Flash Gordon you know you have to see some real good science fiction writer behind it (like Straczynski did working with Harlan Ellison in Babylon 5).
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Ghost Rider (2007)
Trying to Find Make Justice
11 July 2007
I'm really tired to hear and read so many bad reviews about this film with not a single real good reason of someone who shows real knowledge about this comic character. So take note about this points to not waist time ignorants: First: Mark Steven Johnson was right: this movie is for those who really love Ghost Rider and know it well to take every single little thing from any of the comics, by example the poster of the Quentin Carnival in the house Johnny Blaze, it's the only mention to this place but it's fair if you think abut who works the story. Second: Ghost Rider began as a mix of western and supernatural comic, and that's it's the beginning of this movie. Later it became in some kind of horror adventure so the best thing about this movie it's watch how Mark made a good mix of the different styles of (at least) three kind of comics. Third: If you read the third collection of Ghost Rider with Dan Ketch as main alter ego from character, you'll find the same spirit of this movie, the comic was dark but Ghost Rider had a code, had the weapons to avoid a transformation in a pure evil character, even when the villains were bloody monsters. Fourth: As Christian I really found here a movie who shows very well the battle of the good against't evil without contradictions in the use of any book like bible or something else, there is a powerful message about how we live in darkness, how the man pays his own bad choices.

For those who wanna know more read "Hearts of Darkness" an one shot of Ghost Rider with Wolverine and Punisher it's the basic story of this movie.

I been waiting for this movie at least 5 years, since I began to read the comics of Ghost Rider Mark Steven Johnson did exactly what I dreamed, took the characters with more respect than Sam Raimi in the last Spider-Man leaving an open door for what could be even better sequel.
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Falling Out the Line
28 February 2007
I been waiting for something like this for many years, specially after read every comic of the second saga The Sentinels trying to know what could be the complete Robotech Story. But it's a shame to find a movie full of CGI, the worst CGI you can imagine specially when you remember the original robotech almost like a "masterpiece" of animation where every character, and every scene was something unique. Not here, the story begins good with new characters and new information of somethings let out of the comics but they change many original elements from the TV show and that is a sin, just to create a story where nothing fits really well. Now, if you wanna know more and investigate some chronologies made by fans using the TV show, comics and the books, the disappointment is greater, the producers create a clever story, but with many changes away from the original storyline and, as I wrote, if you consider the very poor quality of the animation it's just a losing time watch this spawn. You can find fan-made movies of every franchise with better animation.
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Center Stage (2000)
Discovering From the other side
2 January 2005
What makes this something unique? What the difference with other movies about dancers?.

I just can tell I'm not a fan of the dance things, I mean I really hate those many pop singers who abuse of the dance to hide their bad work, so for year I was avoiding these movies.

But when I saw the music video of this film, something was different, there was not the same old story with the cast of pop stars trying to show they are more than a cute face. There was a cast of amazing dancers showing the best of them in just a few minutes.

So, finally I found myself watching this movie with the strange desire about an endless story. Weird, but for one who doesn't like the dance, this was a discover of whole new world were the dancers and the cast make an incredible work in a story who deserve to be with the classic of these themes.

This movie it's not shallow love story of a group of teenagers trying to become in big stars, it's about the crash of the passion and the reality, the time when the real love for something has to be tested to found the perfect place in the universe of the society, something that it's hard to find in a good film.
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North Shore (2004–2005)
Killing the Paradise
1 December 2004
It began like a new good show: great cast, good music, beautiful places and good stories. It was so perfect to be true and the story of the workers of a big hotel of Hawaii soon change to the worst opera of the TV (something with a lot in common with Venezuelan "telenovelas") with very bad guys working beautiful and ambitious women who try to win the love of the good main character in a bad way.

If you watch the firsts episodes and, after that, the last ones, you can find two shows: the first: good in every aspect the second: something completely different with the same cast and music in the same place a real freak show without the magic of the first show. What happen?, that's the big mystery (like the last episodes of Felicity).
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Star Trek: Enterprise (2001–2005)
The Fall of a Legend
29 November 2004
I been a longtime fan of Star trek in every show... till the coming of Enterprise. It's been a painful experience watch how after two great shows the franchise it's dying.

If you watch other space shows like Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda, you feel a lot of power not only in the stories, the cast fits perfect in the characters. In Enterprise the cast it's good, Scott Bakula it's a great actor but his work doesn't fit with what suppose to be the first great captain of the future federation, the model for people like Kirk.

Even when the special effects are good, some stories are almost the same from the previous shows (at least in the first season), and have almost nothing new (they are very predictable) except, of course, some sensuality (thanks for T'pol).

The basic story was good, the song feels like something fresh, but the rest it's far away from the best moments of shows like TNG, DS9 and Voyager, the whole past of the universe of star trek seems something boring.

Maybe Berman should try to bring back Ronald D. Moore and Michael Piller, both have great science fiction show with much more originality than this thing.
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Earth: Final Conflict (1997–2002)
The ashes of paradise
30 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Earth Final Conflict began like a new world, a new vision from the creator of Star trek, something fresh and unique full of great elements. A very good cast with an extremely credible Kevin Kilner as William Boone, an ex cop good begins to work as guard of some kind of ambassador of a mysterious alien race (Talons), after the dead of his wife in strange circumstances. But soon the character of Kilner joins to a group with the mission to discover what are the truth intentions of the aliens, why they seem to be so nice and care for the human race. Soon this resistance group begin to discover the sinister plans of the Talons using the humans in they own problems to survive they own destruction. As I said before, the show began great, all was almost perfect, including characters like Da'an, the original Da'an was a big mystery because he seems to be a nice creature but at the same time he has his own evil plans manipulating some people in earth. Soon came Zo'or who wasn't bad but... mark the beginning of the fall of this show because he became the first big enemy of humans, the incarnation of evil, killing what could be something greater in Da'an. The first seasons ends in a great way with the dead of Boone and the second shows a new lead character (Liam) an hybrid being of human and Kimera (another alien race) with some very interesting powers. He replace Kilner character in a good way so another storylines make it better, including the conflict with the jaridians and the atavus. But as I said lines before the evilness of Zo'or begin to take more importance so the new conflicts were less realistic as the same Talons. With time the whole great storyline of the alien roots of Liam where almost totally erased the same with other things of the previous seasons. So when the final season began the original Earth Final conflict was just an almost forgotten dreams, all the magic was missing, just to let some vain intents to keep alive the show including the return of Kilner and Liam for a few episodes. The final episode was just the evidence of how bad was the show with so many bad changes (to think the writers of some episodes didn't know anything about the first stories), it was one of the worst end I have ever seen in a TV show. A real shame because Earth Final Conflict began like something unique, fresh, the stories the cast, after watch so many show from USA, something from Canada from the mind of the creator of Star trek was wonderful but in the end all change to worse. I hope someday someone make a remake of this show, of course using nothing from season fourth and fifth (except the cast, everyone were perfect in his work). I still can dream in a better things.
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A dream comes true
16 August 2004
David Twohy is back, one of the few good filmmakers who really know how to make real good science fiction movies, and nothing better than a sequel from his masterpiece: Pitch Black. This time Twohy change his own story to tells something different, to create a new universe under the eyes of one of the best new characters to the science fiction: Riddick Who is Riddick? Riddick is some kind of Conan from other kind of world, I mean: a man who uses all his knowledge and power to survive the extreme situations, a being beyond the good and evil. So The Chronicles of Riddick as I said is the sequel of Pitch Black, the next chapter of the exploration of this man, this time five years have past and a new empire (necromongers)is destroying every world to spread a religion about the power. But the best chance to stop them is the help of a lost race of warrior from where Riddick belongs, the problem with is Riddick he is a loner with his own rules and own vision of the universe so this is not his war, but by the circumstances he will be forced to fight just to save the only people who mean something for him: the last bound of humanity or goodness. What makes incredible this film?: The unique vision of Twohy, who show us at least three planets full of details, great characters and good dialogue, the deep relation with Pitch Black and the short animate, Dark Fury and much more.

I been a science fiction fan for more than twenty years, reading from Asimov to Herbert, watching from Star trek to Babylon 5, so if there's something I know well is how ignorants are the critics when they have to make a review of a scifi movie, they don't even understand basic concepts of science, so they destroy almost every to tell only good things about those easy and brainless stories, nothing far beyond from Riddick. This is the best Science fiction movie I have this year, the special effects are great but not only for the action scene, because Twohy create a fascinating universe with many good details. A dream comes true for those who want something adult and far better than the new star wars trilogy, something with the roots of the classic literature of science fiction.
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Tragedy of poor saga
25 July 2004
I really cannot understand what's make so good to the critics this Harry Potter, it's the one of the worst movies I have seen this year (not so bad as Val Helsing). I know the cast and the acting is good, also is the soundtrack, but the story have nothing original and it's very predictable. Again we see Harry fighting VS the legacy of Voldemort who, as always, is trying to find a way to return. Only this time some new things of his past are revealed and a more sad Potter (but always the good guy, the same saint Potter of every book). Yeah, the story it's just a little more dark, with many monsters, but still too shallow, there's no real drama or realistic characters, as I said Potter is the same "perfect" good guy and the villains are always the baddest guys, for this reason he always receive special treatment (from the dumbledore and Hargrid, those who don't do it are the bad guys)to guarantee a forced happy ending, even when you know the next movie some little piece of the puzzle of Voldemort will appear. Some new elements have nothing new if you remember movies like Army of Darkness(the book of monsters) and the Frighteners(the dementors). I thought the end of the first movie was the worst I have seen in a film, but this one is the edge of stupidity. To those who want something more realistic and less shallow I recommend to read the masterpiece of Vertigo from DC comics "The Books of magic", and the Trilogy of books "The Passing of the Technomages", both have characters like Harry Potter, but the stories are very much better (in the trilogy of Technomage the first character have tragic past like Potter and even when is the hero of the story he never is well treated)
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Carnivàle (2003–2005)
Extremely slow
11 July 2004
Carnivale is something incredible,it has a great cast, a good basic story but something's extremely slow. For those who have read the comic Ghost Rider and specially Spirits of Vengeance, in some way feels like human version of the adventures of the strange carnival of San Quentin, only this time the origins of this members is unknown and the stories have less action(of course they don't have riders like Johnny blaze) and with more mystery. Miniseries like Babylon 5 tells big stories using in the best way every minute of every episode leaving at least some good to keep you ready and almost "crazy" waiting the next chapter; in the beginning (by obvious reason) did that, but after a few episodes the amazing of the story dissolves itself in the extremely slow way to showing it, leaving the sensation of being losing the time to find nothing real good. I know, Clancy Brown is great actor and his role is wonderful as the other members of the cast, everyone makes great job but maybe it's the style of Ronald D. Moore (the New Battlestar Galactica it's good but It's also too slow). It's a shame because Carnivale has all to be one of the best shows of the year, but it's something terribly bored not something too unpredictable to maintain you counting the days to know what's coming in the next chapter.
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Hope Island (1999– )
Better than Gilmore Girls
1 June 2004
As always happen to me, losing some time I found this show and was just an episode a good reason to become a fan. I know, it's and American version of an Irish show, but in some way it has some things in common with Gilmore Girls: maybe the little town with many good an lovely characters who make this show something unique. With Gilmore Girls, the stories change to something too "beautiful" and silly, like human version of some kind "Hello kitty show", everything was so perfect and clean (the reason why I don't watch it anymore). Instead Hope Island there was a realistic version of the characters, not all was clean and perfect, some themes where very tragic, but with a deep exploration of everything. But what's is better, as I told to a christian friend, there is more heart, true and faith in this show than many studies of the bible I have read in my life, and that's make it unique.
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Tru Calling (2003–2005)
Against The Deadzone
31 May 2004
I like very much Eliza Dushku, she was the reason why a become a fan of Buffy, so couldn't resist to not watch this new TV show, even when I found the pilot episode horrible. So just when I finally began to feel it as something real good, the worst came: the worst episode I have seen since the end of Robocop TV show, just a bad copy and mix of two great episodes of the wonderful The Dead Zone series (the longest day), almost the same reason why I hate the first episode of this show. Yeah I know an episode doesn't mean a whole TV show, I can understand the similarity between some stories, but what happen when you lose your time in something who don't even make the things better?. Eliza Dushku is a great actress as many others who makes her best work in other show; but without good stories they cannot do the best acting, in this case feels like Seaquest against Star trek The next generation, both shows had great cast but the fist one had many episodes with almost the same stories and thing of the second one, so never could be a real good show cos it has no identity as TV show, it's not something real new. The great power of The Deadzone is how surprising can be be every new episode, but even when True tries, it cannot do it. It's really sad because Eliza as I wrote before it's much more than a young star with a beautiful face, but this show doesn't deserve her.
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Dawson's Creek (1998–2003)
When the legend begins...
29 May 2004
... it was just a simple teenage drama, but faster than a ray became in a great show. With a good cast, and good stories for four season Dawson's Creek was the perfect mix between good acting, amazing music, beautiful scenes and great scripts. Even when sometimes some seasons ends with some mistakes to begin even worse just a few episodes after all take the original path just to climb some steps to be a better show. But it was the fifth season when all begins to fall to the end, the boys and girls went to college and some new characters were incorporated, Busy phillips as Audrey Lidell was the worst of all, just a young with the mind of a crazy child using some space from Meredith Monroe's Andie McPhee character (I'm still cannot find a reason to let her go out of the show), she made the first mark of the transition of a real good drama to an teenage mindless nightmare... Yeah a few weeks ago I told a friend about how good it's the first season of this show just to hear of her the horrible impression she had when she saw some episodes of the sixth season, and she was right... the fifth season can be acceptable but the sixth it's a real nightmare without a single piece of the first season (except of course the characters). What were the mistakes: Audrey Lidell (she could at least an acceptable incidental character as many other who pass in the previous seasons but now as one the big ones it's just a nightmare); an infinity change of relations between the main characters: Pacey change girlfriend faster than Warren Beaty in his youth, no solid stories o no real good drama, the final episode (the one without Kevin Williams) has just two good scenes the last two, the rest it's trash including the boyfriend of Jenn's grandma. I'm not a fan of Kevin Williams, I hate his horror movies, but I cannot deny he make a incredible work in Dawson's Creek, when he let the show something was lost even when the third season was good, so when he return to make the final episode his work were better than the whole last two seasons, he really made history with the essential TV teenage drama.
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Millennium (I) (1996–1999)
Horror of show
26 April 2004
Lance Henriksen is a great actor, I have seen almost all his movies, and also I love the stories about the end of the world, it something I been study for many years. But this is the big sin of Millenium, as likes X-files, the show tries to tell some stories as if were using real and deep facts about the many studies of the apocalypse, but in the end there's no more than lies without any good logic for those who's been study the theme. Even the character of Lance Henriksen feels like a copy of the role of Jeff Goldblum in the movie Hideaway, of course his time, Chris Carter and his team don't even waist the time at the moment to show shocking and gore scenes, using all the freedom they didn't have in the X-Files. Maybe it's a horror show but I have seen very scary shows with less gore scenes(the Ana Nicole Smith show) and stories who don't try to be based in real facts when there's just lies behind.
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Just a shadow
25 April 2004
I don't know what's it happening with Hollywood, this movie is the perfect example of how you have all the elements to make a good movie except a good script. I'm not a fan of the first Carrie, actually I even don't even like the work of Brian de Palma, but beyond the movie almost all the stories of Stephen King are good, so the classic of the 70's, this time we have a good cast, including Amy Irving the survivor of the first movie in what could be a good role instead some brainless guy use the whole chances to make in every scene something new and original, to make almost the same first movie just this time with a whole new special effects to be more violent with much more blood. As I said in the first lines, I don't like Carrie, but I admit it have some very scary scenes, The Rage it's just gore, the bad one, cos' there's nothing funny (like in the first movies of Peter Jackson) or really scary scenes, just a good cast fighting to make at least something good in this "joke" of horror movie.
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Taken (2002)
Losing Time
7 April 2004
For more than twenty years I been watching and reading science fiction and in the same time I also take some studies about the UFO incident. So when I heard about Steven Spielberg making this miniseries I thought: "something is wrong" and I was right. Spielberg is a great director and producer but is at the same time the king of film maker who believes in the same child theory about the kindness of every alien form who come to earth even when there are many many information and evidence about people who were attacked by beings of others planets. I know maybe is something crazy, but the point is more than the half of this miniseries tells about the nightmare of being abducted by aliens juts to finish showing a good vision of these beings, that is not logical. I know the cast is great, the music and special effects are good but in the end the whole story turns in some kind of sequel of "Close encounters..." with real logic. So this is just propaganda for the goodness of the aliens, who in more than one hundred cases reports, they show no mercy with the humans they abduct. It just a waist of time.
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Smallville (2001–2017)
Fallen Story
31 March 2004
I remember heard about Smallville as a great chance to make something like I see in the first minutes of Superman the movie, but using a perspective of the youth of the last decade, something like Roswell or Dawson's creek. But it was just a dream, the cast is great, every one make a wonderful work except the scripts, it's just a silly way to make a pure superhero show. I love Dawson's Creek and one of the best things of Rosswell was how clever were the producers to take the UFO incident with a young americans story in a realistic way, but smallville has nothing of these great shows (except the wonderfull cast). I remember make a record of some episodes to watch them after the work, but instead a watch them fast as I can, 'cos I found the same structure in every episode, including the silly and almost brainless supervillain, nothing it's suppose to be a show of the adolescence of clark kent, not another young version of superman. I know the new Lex Luthor is something good, maybe one of the best things, the characters are great but as I said a few lines up, the supervillain in every story is one of the most brainless ideas I ever seen(could it be good in the second season). It's really a shame cos it could be a great show.
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One Tree Hill (2003–2012)
More than a story
26 March 2004
I didn't have the time to catch the tv spots when by any reason a finished watching the first episode just a few weeks after the beginning of The O.C., but there's a great difference between both, even when they have a great cast, good scripts, One tree hill feels like something fresh and at the same time more emotional. Some episodes have incredible and beautiful stories, that reminds movies like "stand by me" or the first episodes of dawson's creek, it's that kind of innocence and at the same time deep drama where the whole cast make a terrific(unforgettable) work. It's the kind of show who you wanna watch for more than two hours a day feeling every episode just like a minute of the day. A real pure jewel for TV.
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