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Utter Codswallop!!
11 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Dear UK National Lottery, please stop wasting money funding utter rubbish such as this load of poorly acted tripe.

Much like a lot of Lottery funded films over the years this is a film that would never have been (and indeed should never have been) made if it weren't for the funding grant this film received, unfortunately it did and it was.

There are some good ideas here, the tension leading up to and the subsequent occurrences of a nuclear explosion works but is quickly glossed over, there is confusion as to whether this was a story about a terrorist attack and its aftermath or a war with an invading force of unidentified origin.

Coupled with a cast that (with the exception of the criminally underused Anna Chancellor) couldn't act their way out of a paper bag let alone a post nuclear crisis and you have a badly stitched together mess.

There were far too many plot holes, far too much unexplained and too many cardboard characters that quite frankly no one cared about, especially the leading lady who was just awful. It would have been better to have concentrated on the war (if it really was one, kind of ended a bit quick didn't it?) and forgotten about the really irritating kids.

Oh and before I forget, a note to the British Board of Film Classification who seemed the need to advertise 'Contains strong sex' in the classification card at the start, they were clearly watching a different film to everyone else as the semi clothed cousins 'sex scene' was one of the dullest and most unerotic sex scenes I have ever seen!
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
So near and yet so far
20 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
To summarise the much anticipated Prometheus:

Fantastic visual effects Amazing attention to detail Lots of nice little nods to the 'Alien' universe Wonderful soundtrack

Pity therefore about the non-sensical storyline and lousy script then as this made absolutely no sense whatsoever. I like a challenging story that actually makes you think but the only thing that this - and lets be honest here – utter mess made me think was 'what the hell is going on?' and that was before we even got to the last third of the film where things really fell apart.

For me this was one of my most anticipated films in years, a brilliantly created build up of trailers and other publicity sold this film (as it should of course) and almost tempted me to go and see a film at the cinema for the first time in twenty years.

Oh boy am I glad I resisted that temptation as when I put the DVD in my player I was gob-smacked at how disjointed and completely muddled up the storyline was. Whilst it was lovely to spot the nods to previous 'Alien' films that were nicely incorporated throughout and I was delighted to see that the same visual look had been continued, it did little to hide the fact that from a story telling point of view, this film is a turkey.

I so wanted this to be brilliant and in all bar the story (and some of the rather wooden acting) it was. Therefore for me I have to say this was a very nicely done missed opportunity that should have been so much better.
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Super Tanker (2011 TV Movie)
Straight to Video Fodder that isn't even good enough for that fate!
30 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Two of my hard earned pounds were parted with on the impulse purchase of the DVD of the film so bad that for the UK straight to video bargain bin market they actually changed the title and I had to submit its new identity to IMDb!! The plot (for want of a better word) revolves around some unstable element extracted from a meteorite that is now causing a few problems (in this instance accidentally wiping a large chunk of Canada off the map following an accident) so rather wisely the authorities decide to discreetly get rid of it before anyone starts asking any awkward questions.

So far so good until we are first subjected to this film's extensive CGI effects budget. Literally tens of dollars must have been spent creating a CGI super tanker (which by the way in no way resembles the very nice DVD cover art work) as the aforementioned unstable material is transported away with the intention of sinking it in the deepest part of the Pacific Ocean.

Does everything go to plan? Of course not...

So with everything going wrong, daft plot devices - sorry - deadly clouds that destroy everything they come into contact with being released all over the place and general panic amongst the powers that be, it is time to bring in our heroes straight from central casting.

The obligatory trio is made up of the usual suspects, cardboard characters that consist of the emotionally damaged hero, his intelligent eye candy sister and superfluous comedy side kick Japanese guy, the history and juxtapositions of which are established in convenient three years earlier style flashback that actually has little whatsoever to do with the 'plot' at all.

They immediately clash with the military guy before descending into the bowels of the ship (or a disused warehouse in Bromsgrove which is more what it really looks like) and make a total Horlicks of the whole rescue operation, releasing another comedy cloud that proceeds to use up another ten dollars of the CGI budget as it wipes out Honolulu.

What is surprising in the midst of the cheap as chips mess is that there is some decent acting talent here, whilst the three specialists who are flown in to save the day are instantly forgettable, there is the presence of Ben Cross who was Spock's father in the recent Star Trek reboot but quite why he agreed to appear in this tripe is anyone's guess.

The Greek captain of the ship is also a decent actor and character who deserved more screen time and a far better script as well. The rest of the characters are so dumb as to be utterly unbelievable, not least whoever is flying the Super Tanker's seemingly endless supply of helicopters around, constantly not learning their lesson and flying into those deadly clouds every time in order to provide a further explosion to wake up the audience who by now have most certainly dozed off if they have not already walked out.

So overall it is a mess and yet another example of a poor film that probably started off as a good idea very badly executed having been saddled with a dire script, twenty dollar special effects budget (All right, lets be generous, say thirty five dollars) and then unleashed on the unsuspecting public.

Memo to self, stop buying cheap DVD's from bargain bins...
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MI-5: Celebrity (2004)
Season 3, Episode 8
Oh dear, the Riff and Bea Episode….
27 July 2008
Oh dear, the Riff and Bea Episode….

Every great television series has one really duff episode that is so spectacularly naff that you wonder watching it if the creative and production staff left the apprentice trainee in charge of creating one episode whilst they popped down the pub.

It took Spooks until episode eight of series three before they suddenly took fans by surprise by delivering this utter clunker of a story. A burnt out rock star and his equally drugged up missus get mixed up in a silly story of a kidnapped baby which for MI5 get lumbered with as it's 'politically convenient', this in a major nod to the celebrity culture that we seem to be constantly bombarded with these days.

Even poor old Harry Pearce looks dumbfounded at the whole thing pretty much throughout although whether this is because the script called for it or it was just actor Peter Firth's opinion on the lousy storyline is not quite clear.

There are a couple of good bits though, the return of the deliciously slimy Oliver Mace as the head of the JIC and a nice little 'B' story involving a Member of Parliament and his spectacular fall from grace that in a typical bit of burying bad news is hidden from public view behind the silly kidnap story.

It would have been better if the story of the disgraced MP was given prominence and the vast majority of the terrible Riff and Bea storyline ditched.

Still I suppose every great series has to have its bad moments
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Off we go in search of that elusive treasure - a decent script!!!
10 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Well that was poor… Now don't get me wrong, the first National Treasure was silly but enjoyable and had at least a decent thread of a plot running through it, therefore imagine my disappointment when I put the sequel in my DVD player.

Dear oh dear, an utterly astonishingly awful sequel of which all the major players should be thoroughly ashamed of even being remotely connected with, heaven only knows what the talents of Helen Mirren, Harvey Keitel and Jon Voight were doing in this dire pile of poo.

Yes it is watchable but that is only because it is so bad that it is utterly laughable, indeed it has been a good few years since I enjoyed a movie because it was so utterly awful. The plot holes (a tenuous description since there was very little plot to have holes in really) were so huge you could drive a bus (or in this case a beer lorry) right through them.

Feel free to sit back and laugh at the inane nonsense of it all as we flash from Washington DC to Paris, then London (cue what should have been an excellent car chase through central London that was very disappointing not to mention geographically impossible!) back to Washington DC and then a few other places by which time I was either losing the will to live or just didn't care anymore until I was asked to believe that a lake had magically been installed at the top of Mount Rushmore so that it provided access to a South American hidden city of Gold.

What a load of cobblers….

As the team carried on in search of the most elusive treasure of all (that would be a decent script I presume as they were desperately in need of one) there was also the horrific sight of the mysterious 'Page 47' which sadly opens the door for the inevitable Disney dash for cash that sends us on a collision course towards a second sequel.

I think I will give that a miss somehow
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Poseidon (2006)
Not bad at all, there have been worse remakes....
21 May 2007
Whilst not holding a candle to the far superior original in terms of script, plot and acting, this remake of the classic 1972 'The Poseidon Adventure' is at least watchable which is more than can be said for a lot of the seemingly endless tide of remakes hitting cinemas these days.

The characters (for want of a better word) are a bit thin and cardboard and the plot really is just a long string of reasonably predictable set pieces but at least it entertains. The best bit is the special effects which are absolutely top drawer. For some reason Hollywood can do some really good FX and CGI when it comes to boats and the CGI rendition of the Poseidon itself in the opening scene is incredibly well done.

Top marks also to the Producers for making sure the Poseidon is a proper British flagged Southampton registered ship and not some Americanised tub.

Much like its predecessor though I fully expect this version to become stable Bank Holiday afternoon television filler material for the next twenty years. Just a pity a remake of 'Beyond the Poseidon Adventure' can't be done from this.
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Maiden Voyage (2004 TV Movie)
Yet another Die Hard straight to video rip off with cardboard villains
4 September 2006
Yet another Die Hard straight to video rip off with cardboard villains… How many more of these god awful cheaply (and badly) made rip off of the more popular action movies of the late 1980's and early 1990's are there still lurking out there? For the record (not that you will care really) this one is yet another blatant rip off of a combination of Die Hard, Under Siege and Speed 2 complete with a full complement of clichés and predictability.

The non descript villains are the usual selection of cardboard cut out gun toting thugs who are dispatched by various means as the film progresses, the hero naturally is an ex cop or something that has family and attitude problems and of course he brings along to the party not only the usual emotional baggage but also a matching piece of eye candy and his annoying son.

The supposed luxury cruise liner that is running between Florida and Mexico is carefully described as a cross between a liner and a ferry – this goes someway to explaining how come they appear to be larking around on a rusty cross channel ferry – in New Zealand! The acting is as wooden as the deck, the script woeful, the one liners predictable, the villains utterly inept and the plot has holes in it you could sail a boat through.

There seems to be a never ending tide of this sort of rip off straight to video rubbish polluting the late night slots of television and the DVD bargain bins of supermarkets everywhere (although even this film is so bad it has yet to see a DVD release yet but give it time!) Is there any chance of something at least half decently made, semi believable and most important ORIGINAL?!? No, I thought not…..
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The Low Point of British Film Making?
30 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
In the late 1990's the extremely talented Rowan Atkinson did a series of commercials on UK television for a credit card company that featured a very funny James Bond spoof character and his long suffering sidekick Bough.

This was ripe for developing into a film (although I though a TV series may have been better) and sure enough before long along came Johnny English.

Oh dear….

Something went badly wrong somewhere as this was by far and away one of the worst films I have ever had the misfortune to have to sit through and marks a very low point in the history of British film making.

As a Bond spoof it could have worked on so many levels but instead the talents of Rowan Atkinson and others were wasted on an utterly drivel laden script devoid of nearly any laughs whatsoever.

It also proved that John Malkovich will appear in any old rubbish these days but even he must have thought of leaving this turkey off his CV… It transpires that the couple of clips I saw on TV at the time of the film's release were the only two minutes worth watching. Indeed this diatribe of insulting codswallop was so bad I just gave up when the showing broke for the news, shook my head in disbelief and walked away.

And then all was revealed – I discovered it was written by the same two utterly useless talent vacuums who penned the almost franchise killing Bond film disaster Die Another Day! That explains why this film which should have been so good was so utterly awful!!
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Mind Numbingly Awful…..
30 August 2006
Mind Numbingly Awful…..

If I was an eleven year old watching this film, I would have walked out of the cinema citing this as an insult to my intelligence. Don't believe the hype about Harry Potter as it is little more than a large cash cow that the studio execs signed up to drain as many children (and their parents) as possible of their cash.

The story is atrociously bad, the acting not much better and the special effects pretty bad. The whole plot is utterly ridiculous and packaged together in a film so dreadfully written that it should never have made it into print let alone onto celluloid.

It is extremely rare that a film, even a really bad unwatchable one makes me want to switch off before the end but I had to turn over after just ten minutes as I could not stand this utter codswallop any longer.

And yet the popularity of this series seems never ending as sad people dress up their kids in badly imitated costumes from the films so they can queue up outside bookshops in the middle of the night to purchase the latest instalment. I appreciate that Star Wars makes fans queue around the block (Ok maybe not the tiresome prequel trilogy) but at least that has some redeeming features to it that do not insult the intelligence.

Avoid this badly written claptrap at all costs!
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Nice Special Effects – Pity About The Rest of It…..
30 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Nice Special Effects – Pity About The Rest of It…..

This attempt by Steven Spielberg to bring us a 21st Century interpretation of the classic H.G. Wells was certainly a brave project so what did we get? In the end we had a very well made film but with some notable low points that just did not seem to gel properly. The special effects were impressive as was the photography and direction whilst for the most part, the cast did their bit.

However we can only speculate as to how good this film really could have been were it not for a number of major failings.

Characters – There was not really a single memorable character amongst the cast, with the exception of Cruise's battling divorced father (and even he had a number of faults), their was an awful lot of cardboard cut outs, cannon fodder and plot device carriers with no depth or even names for the most part.

The Kids – Any movie with clichéd 'irritating yet cute' characters grates with me. Once again instead of a couple of ordinary reasonably intelligent children, we got the delinquent teenager with the attitude problem and the irritating little girl with the health issues (allergic to peanut butter, back problems and claustrophobic). If this is representative of the majority of the youth of today then quick frankly its time to pull the plug on the entire human race!

The Nutter – Tim Robbins is a great if underused character actor but his role in this as the nutter in the cellar was utterly pointless and should have been jettisoned at the first script review.

The Plot Holes – You could see the car being repaired just in time plot line coming a mile off. Meanwhile there was no apparent explanation of how on earth the teenage delinquent son managed to escape certain death to appear once more at the end although yet again I suspected this was what was going to happen.

The Alien Defeat – Yes I am fully aware that the way the alien's just roll over and die in mid battle because of bugs in the air is indeed in the original story but it still smacks of a lack of imagination Star Trek style end of episode reset switch that brings the story to a juddering halt.

The Sound Track – What has happened to John Williams of late? There was a time when the musical genius could do no wrong but yet his recent work, notably the totally out of character (in comparison with the rest of the series) soundtrack for Star Wars Episode III plus this have been very weak and lacking the classic punch and glory of his earlier work

With a bit better script, some attention to the obvious weaknesses and maybe even some different casting, this could have been excellent but as it is, it is watchable but disappointingly average.
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Shadow Run (1998)
Dear oh dear.....
22 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
CONTAINS SPOILERS - NOT THAT YOU ARE MISSING MUCH MIND! There are good bad movies and there are bad bad movies. Then there are British made totally unintelligible straight to video vehicles such as this codswallop.

The plot - for want of a much better word and assuming you can find it that is - basically concerns Michael Caine's dodgy violent armed robber working for an equally dodgy but well connected gentleman (played with slimy smoothness by Edward Fox) in order to lift a van load of banknote paper which we later see, appears to be transported around in the most insecure high security van I have ever seen!! The instrument by which the plot circulates around is something to do with hitting the van when it is in a radio black spot that has been amplified by some steel scaffolding on the nearby cathedral – any science student will tell you this plot device is a load of cobblers for a starter.

Along the way as the film plod very slowly onwards we meet some paper thin cardboard cut out henchman including Leslie Grantham who plays the angry cockney wide boy from the east end of London who provides the muscle for the robbery – in other words exactly the same role he plays in pretty much everything he has ever appeared in so no typecasting there then…..

The script is woeful, the plot almost non existent and the supposedly inter-weaved storyline about the large choirboy, his rather unpleasant mates and the girl he fancies is completely pointless and irrelevant, making up a large part of the film that should have been jettisoned at the first script read through as it would never have been missed.

The clichés are free flowing pretty much throughout. Be it the hilarious meeting of Michael Caine and his employer around a picnic table in the middle of what looks suspiciously like a disused cement works in deepest darkest Surrey or Grantham's stereotype cockney villain.

Along the way we also encounter an escort girl who adds nothing to the story whatsoever except she is nice to look at, some quite nice scenery and actually some decent camera work.

However the heist itself which supposedly is meant to be at the centre of the story takes ages to eventually turn up, is handled badly, has huge plot holes you could drive a bus through and quite frankly the tarted up cheap and cheerful ex British Gas van is not fooling anyone! Also for such a high security cargo, you would expect at least to find a) an armed Police escort and b) a much sturdier van than the second hand rust bucket that this film's budget seemingly only just managed to stretch to.

I can only assume the quite stellar cast were in desperate need of the cash, they certainly would not have done this film to win any awards except maybe a golden raspberry.

And for their efforts, this rubbish that was already old and dated when it was made, lurked on a shelf unreleased for years and then went straight to a £1 DVD release in the 'Cheap Tat' section of my local supermarket!!
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Crackerjack (1994)
Straight To Video 'Die Hard' Rip Off on a Mountain!!
22 August 2006
Maverick cop with family problems and fondness of using his gun – Check! Isolated location with valuable object which is begging to be stolen – Check! Tasty looking love interest – Check! Assorted band of dumb cardboard cannon fodder villains with dodgy European accents – Check! German sounding bad guy played by an English actor with a piece of corny dialogue for every occasion – Check! Corny one liners – Check!

Deary me, does this film take the wee wee or what? The clichés come as thick and fast as an avalanche and most of the cast just stand around gawping at just how bad the script is!

In a blatantly cheap and cheerful straight to video rip off of Die Hard only set on a mountain (complete with some nicked lines from the aforesaid) we have all the usual action move cliché's ticked off progressively as we go along with some good old fashioned violence and nudity thrown in to wake up anyone in the audience who may just have nodded off.

Jack Wild is the cop in full on John McClane mode here who even manages time for the ye ancient bad guy with gun has used all his bullets gag at one point.

In amidst this mess, there are a few well known recognisable faces who I can only assume needed the cash and/or were simply playing it for laughs right from the pointless opening scene that had nothing to do with the plot whatsoever through to the final implausible conclusion complete with ropey dialogue and even ropier effects.

Looking up this three quid from the Supermarket bargain bin effort on IMDb I am astonished to find that this dud spawned not one but two sequels, I have got to find these gems on DVD! It looks like the first sequel is a rip off of Under Siege 2 and the second sequel, well goodness knows! One thing that is always a bad sign is that the actor playing Jack changes with each film and even the character's name seems to change for the third instalment.

Still, blind purchases of cheap DVD's just would not be the same if studios didn't keep trotting out material of this awful quality!!
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Virus (1980)
Somewhere here was a decent story I think
28 July 2006
The little known, seldom heard of film known here as 'Virus' hit the UK shores on DVD in my local supermarket bargain bin for the grand total of three quid.

I took a chance and bought it…..

Actually this is surprisingly a very good story with an impressive cast list that must have been desperate for the cash although Chuck Connors as a British Royal Navy Captain does take a bit of getting used to! The story line is a well thought out scenario carefully planned and I am wondering what extra interest lurked in the reportedly missing 40 or so minutes of the full Japanese edit.

It was a pity therefore that this effectively straight to video effort was let down by some really bad editing, poor picture quality, duff soundtrack, too many stock images of icebergs and cities and an occasional bit of duff dialogue.

It does however keep running along nicely and unlike many examples of this genre, avoids getting bogged down in unnecessary scenes or throwaway dialogue with the possible exception of the rather bizarre ending.

With a bit of rewriting, some careful cast choices and a decent budget as well as modern effects, this excellent story could be remade to a standard of excellence that would put many of the big budget CGI laden super thrillers that seem to clog up cinemas these days to shame.

Now, is there a movie mogul prepared to take the gamble and put his cash on the line to give this story the proper treatment it deserves?
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Nice penguin, pity about the rest of it
4 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
It could have been so good. Bring together the two most fearsome off world life forms in movie history in a face off and then drop some poor schmucks in the meat grinder along with them.

Sounds good doesn't it? What a pity therefore that five films of back story (all right, six if you must count Alien Resurrection!) were all but disregarded in favour of this dreadful mess.

OK, lets get the good points out of the way first as it will be quicker. The soundtrack was a little generic but good and the penguin was cute.

Now for the bad bits, I hope you are sitting comfortably as this could take a while….

First the cast, some interesting choices and bringing in the original Mr Weyland in the form of the now very old looking Lance Henriksen was a good idea but the rest of the cast (with the possible exception of the aforementioned penguin of course) were forgettable, even the one or two established actors such as Colin Salmon.

The characters were woefully underdeveloped but in the majority this didn't matter too much as many of them were fairly swiftly dispatched in one PG-13 style ungruesome manner or another. It is remarkable though that Mr Weyland hired the best so called experts money could buy yet most of them seemed to know about as much on their so called specialist subject as I know about nuclear physics.

They weren't helped of course by a ropey script, some really atrocious dialogue and one of Hollywood's most infamous and indeed talent less directors.

Then there are our two main players themselves. The Aliens did their bit but for the majority of the time they seemed to content themselves with lurking on over hanging ledges and laughing themselves silly at the Predators.

The Predators provided the aforementioned amusement by being lumbering and inept beyond belief, the fact that they also appeared to have overdosed on coffee, doughnuts and pies adding to the unintentional comedy.

If this was a stand alone alien life forms having a punch up story (i.e. the Alien and Predator films did not exist) then this would just about worked but it isn't so it doesn't, and quite badly at that! The one thing that marked out the original Alien films apart from their overall attention to detail, excellent lighting, photography, cast choices etc was that after watching one of these, you would look around you in the dark, a little nervous as to whether an Alien was lurking just over your shoulder waiting to pounce, they were that good.

This family friendly padded rubbish had none of this gritty tension and even those parts of the 'plot' that were all but lifted verbatim from the original Alien and Predator films were so badly used, filmed and directed that even the most die hard fans of the two series could do nothing more than shake their head slowly in sheer disgust.

The really bad news is that this stinking turkey is to get a sequel - WHY? Has the cinema going public not suffered enough from this one. One predicts the murky world of straight to video may be the sequel's (better than deserved) fate.... I hope! Strictly a film for the bargain bin only, and then only if you cannot find your Alien ultimate box set or Predator DVD's.
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Stealth (2005)
Nice CGi, pity about the rest of it!!
15 March 2006
Well here is something different! For some time now we have had a plethora of reasonably decent films with competent scripts and acting that are then let down by poor (and often unnecessary) CGi.

Stealth manages to achieve the reverse, great CGi let down by wooden acting, all but non-existent plot and a lousy script.

Whilst the special effects impress, that is basically all there is to recommend this cobblers as you will either yawn or laugh your way though this tired collection of clichés and wooden acting in what is little more than a politically correct (i.e. there is a female fighter pilot) twenty first century version of Top Gun.

Strictly one for the bargain bin hunters only!
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What a disappointment….
8 December 2005
From the very beginning with its inexplicable space battle through numerous plot twists that didn't seem to mean anything to the seemingly rushed conclusion, this long awaited final episode in the legendary Star Wars saga was just a tad disappointing.

I had hoped that the progression that had seen the awfully lame Phantom Menace lead to the much improved Attack Of The Clones would continue and in terms of special effects and production quality it did.

However what should have been the best of the new trilogy was let down by clunky acting, poor dialogue and plot holes you could drive a Star Destroyer through.

Padme was reduced to little more than a plot device bit part and what happened to John Williams' soundtrack? There we are in the middle of a major fight in the control room of Count Dooku's ship and bizarrely no thumping soundtrack like the Star Wars music we know and love, it was like a key character of the story was missing and this made some scenes seem very flat and empty.

The main problem for the film was that it had about two and a half hours to fit in a list of things that needed doing so that it led (badly) into Episode IV. They had to bring the audience up to date on what had happened since Clones, dispense with the Jedi by whatever means necessary and turn the Chancellor into the Emperor (a wonderful performance by Ian McDiarmid who was clearly enjoying himself immensely. Watch out for the funny looks he gives R2D2 during the crash landing sequence!!) Also they had to convert Anakin into a nutter almost overnight and get him measured up for the most famous suit in cinema history all whilst throwing a very long (too long in my opinion) final light sabre duel whilst dodging a lot of lava in the most implausible sequence in the history of the entire Star Wars saga! It may grow on me but I think I'll stick to the proper original theatrical release of episodes IV V and VI thank you very much!
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Technically brilliant but really for HHGTTG Aficionados only
7 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
As a life long fan of all things Hitch Hikers (hey, Marvin the Paranoid Android was one of my role models when I was a child!) I have been looking forward to seeing the late great Douglas Adam's work on the big screen for years.

And so what did we get? Well overall a very good adaptation is what has been presented, its worth bearing in mind not only did they have to squeeze the novel into two hours (the original TV series had three hours) but also every incarnation of the HHGTTG has always differed from the previous one. Add the fact that it was necessary to make this accessible and understandable for non HHGTTG viewers and storyline changes became necessary and were to be expected.

The best parts were the brilliant casting of Stephen Fry as the voice of the book, the continuation of using the UK as the Earth setting (as opposed to shifting it to the USA as per most films these days) the breathtakingly brilliant scenes in the Magarathean Factory Floor and the expansion of the role of the Vogons complete with their wonderfully bureaucratic officialdom! Also wonderful to see (and hear) are nods to the original TV series including the original Marvin in the queue on Vogonsphere, the theme tune and also the original Arthur as the recorded ghostly announcement. (Brilliant closing line 'Your death may be recorded for training purposes' brought the joke nicely up to date I felt) The special effects overall are excellently done and there are good performances from nearly all the cast, however there are problem areas.

Mos Def was miscast as Ford Prefect by a country mile, it needed a zanier character actor to make this unique part pay off. The Ultimate Question, 42 and Deep Thought plot line was reduced significantly to little more than a side show and whilst the diversion to Vogonsphere was funny and well done, it seemed to arrive in the film as though it had been snuck into the script after the final draft had already been written in a 'Oh we seem to be on Asgard and Vogonsphere, lets play along for twenty minutes then return back to the Magarathea plot again' kind of way.

Also the 'joke' with the bat like things that kept leaping up and hitting them made no sense whatsoever and failed miserably whilst the all important role of tea is severely reduced and the majority of the wonderful banter between Mr Prosser (the bypass foreman) and Arthur lying in the mud was cut and felt very rushed.

The Guide graphics took some getting used to after the familiarity of the TV series version that all HHGTTG fans took as gospel but they grew on me.

Personally I would have preferred the film to have been another half hour longer to allow more of the classic favourite elements better room, however I have at last been granted the wish I hoped for when I first saw the original series – Arthur finally gets the girl, and about time too! Newcomers to the HHGTTG universe will either run a mile in a confused state never to return or be hooked for life. If the latter, two strong recommendations – read the book and watch the original TV series and don't talk to me about life…..
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Sahara (2005)
Entertaining if somewhat daft
25 August 2005
A sequel to Raise the Titanic this was being billed as, excuse me while I have a quick belly laugh! Adapapted from one of Clive Cussler's popular Dirk Pitt series of novels, this very much Holywoodised adaptation is glossy, well photographed and very slick.

Whilst most entertainment these days can be enjoyed by leaving your brain at the door on the way in, for this, it would be wise not to bring you brain anywhere near the door in the first place as the plot leaves a lot to be desired with holes the size of battleship in it.

The original plot line about the highly unlikely story (or plot device, take your pick) of the lost Civil War Ironclad battleship winding up on the wrong side of the Atlantic in the middle of a desert is seemingly forgotten for the middle two thirds of the film until an urgent requirement for something with armour plating and a convenient working cannon turns up.

Whilst there are good laughs to be had and the casting of the criminally underused Willam H Macy as Admiral Sandecker is spot on, there are other problems, not the least of which is the civil war in Mali that seems to be lacking somewhat. More so as the supposed War Lord is as weak as a dishcloth and has a very small army who surrender in a split second the moment the native rebels turn up on horseback and en-masse.

The biggest failing though is the woefull miscasting of Matthew McConaughey as Dirk Pitt. If Pitt is supposed to be a long experienced old sea dog then he should at least appear older, wiser and less barmy than this, more like Dirk Pitt was portrayed in the dreadful adaptation of Raise the Titanic twenty five years or more earlier.

Overall, its watchable, the special effect are impressive but it is very silly. As this looks like the beginning of a franchise, I hope that they learn from the mistakes made here and consider recasting the Pitt role to someone more mature.
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Inferno (I) (2002)
Hilariously awful!
24 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Well it was just about watchable but that is where the positive points grind to halt, probably just like the career of pretty much everyone associated with this mess.

Plot holes the size of Nebraska, dodgy acting, even more dodgy fire fighting and wall to wall recycled stock footage of forest fires interspersed with some terrible special effects are the main features of a film with a plot so blinding obvious you could see what was going to happen a mile off.

Large slices of the plot have been lifted almost word for word from Jaws, the defiant kid who gets into trouble, the Mayor who refuses to close the road because of the tourist peak, and even more amazingly one character then goes and admits this! Anyway, the fire gets out of control thanks to their local friendly loony with the fireworks (who anyone with half a brain will identify in about a millisecond after he appears) and then its all solved as if by magic by blowing up the dam - this being achieved with the lamest explosions in the history of demolishing things.

The whole film leaves a lot of unanswered questions - What happened to the fire tankers? Where did that convenient abandoned mine appear from and then just as promptly disappear to? Who put that idiot woman in charge? Did we really need the pointless closing scene at the dance with the flashbacks? What was with the random pointless slow motion shots? What on earth was Dean Stockwell (as the Mayor) doing in this rubbish? If you like a laugh at cheap poorly researched B Movie style disaster flicks (and there seem to be an awful lot of them floating around) then go and find this on DVD - my local supermarket is flogging this travesty for just 97p - and I expect many will still think they have been robbed!!
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Dear God this is awful!!
24 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those career stopping straight to video efforts that should never have been made.

I giggle with irony here as this long lost film which for reasons unknown got renamed Bail Out in 1994, has finally landed in the UK shores in a Supermarket cheap DVD range at just 97p! The biggest irony of all of course being that is about what this pile of poo probably cost to make.....

Anyway, I digress....

Leaving aside the fact that my 97p (about 60c for US readers) DVD was utterly terrible in terms of picture and sound quality, brings me on to film itself.

Allow you jaw to drop to the floor in disbelief as you watch some of the worst acting and out of sync dubbing in movie history.

Roll on the floor with laughter at Hasselhoff's introduction scene into this mess as he plays tennis in slow motion, and then later he sings in the shower and attempts to ride a horse - both badly! Giggle incessantly at Linda Blair playing the damsel in distress that is straight out of the Hollywood cheap movie handbook. She must have need the cash methinks....

Go 'Ooooh' at the ten quids worth of recycled special effects.

Belly laugh at the cardboard stereotyped bad guys, the leader of which just has to be seen to be believed. Some of the other stereotypes on offer here are also straight out of central casting.

Needless to say the damsel in distress is kidnapped not once but twice (how careless is that?) and of course is rescued with the usual requisite explosions, gun fights and some weird Mexican fella who appears at a crucial moment before vanishing without so much as a reasonable explanation.

There is also a reasonable gun fight in a scrapyard towards the start that seems to have absolutely nothing to do with the plot whatsoever, in addition no explanation is offered for the Bail Bond guy's mysterious car change in the opening credits.

If you are a fan or collector of Hasselhoff's work, you may want to track this pile of garbage down, especially if you want a laugh.

Everyone else is well advised to steer well clear!
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Creep (I) (2004)
A 'Death Line' for the 21st Century
22 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Basically what we have here is little more than a remake of the hilarious 1970's classic kitsch horror 'Death Line' which ironically was like this cobblers, also partly filmed at the disused Aldwych underground station.

Making good use of the now disused Jubilee Line platforms at Charing Cross as well as the aforementioned Aldwych, this film contains basically the same plot - dodgy murdering mad zombie in the tunnels preying on the lost passengers who have missed the last train - originality is not this film's strong point.

Indeed strong points are sadly lacking. The gore ranges from the poor to the unnecessarily over gory whilst the sub-Gollum nutter is never really fully explained as seems little more than an under developed plot device.

Franke Polente has little to do with a thin script than run down a lot of tunnels and scream every so often, indeed she was like pretty much everyone else in this film, out-acted by a small dog and a pack of tame rats.

If creepy films set on the London Underground are your bag, or you just want to play 'spot the tube location' them pick this up on DVD when it hits a bargain bin. If you are looking for classic horror, go and dig up a copy of Death Line (aka Raw Meat).

If you are looking for a quality well written and acted film, you will need to change trains.....
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Reign of Fire (2002)
A Dragon movie that seems to distinctively lack dragons!!!
9 May 2005
Having watched this film twice now, I cannot help but get the feeling that the original screenplay pitched at the money men was significantly different from the end result.

The publicity that even managed to suck a usual sceptical person such as me in had everyone believing this was chock full of endless dragons wrecking the world in general and London in particular, mainly thanks to one of the best bits of cinema poster art for years.

All the good bits however where tragically glossed over in a naff one minute monologue and we where left with some strange hybrid of Mad Max meets Dragonslayer with the cast offs from a TV Movie about Vietnam thrown in for good measure.

Health & Safety rules where set back several thousand years by the terrible opening sequence (a child on a building site is a no no for a starter but then let him crawl around subterranean earth workings – all without safety equipment!?!?) I can see the production meeting where some suits said something along the lines of 'Yeah nice script but when do the American Forces arrive?' and so shoe horned in was a travelling band of burnt out marine loonies and I suspect out went any intelligence and interest this script once possessed.

There where a few good bits, notably the dragons - when they eventually bothered to make an appearance – where well done. The only half decent non-hammy OTT acting performance however came from Izabella Scorupco and she was woefully underused as well as being hampered by a leaden and clichéd script.

Overall – not good, it could have been so much better than this which makes Reign of Fire a major missed opportunity.
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Seconds to Spare (2002 TV Movie)
What a load of cobblers!
22 February 2005
Basically what we have here is a bargain basement action thriller set mainly on a train and utilising numerous bits of other film's scripts (spot the photocopied plots from Under Siege 2, Death Train and numerous others here).

Add every cliché in the book, some truly awful acting, standard issue one liners that don't work, various cardboard characters, the token eye candy and a cast that seemed to be only in this as they desperately needed the money to a budget of about ten dollars and this is the mess you wind up with.

The locomotives acted better than the cast, probably because they did not have to recite the cheesy clichéd dialogue that basically ran from start to finish, it is little wonder that one comment from an Australian (where this Antipodean codswallop was made and is set) wanted to hang his head in shame that they where producing stuff like this.

Stick to Mad Max films please.......
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An inevitable sequel….
23 August 2004
With the overwhelming success of the first Under Siege, it was inevitable that a sequel would be wheeled out before too long. Sure enough here it is, Under Siege 2 – Dark Territory.

Quite why they bothered with the last subtitle I do not known as it is not readily obvious within the action as to its reference but I digress.

This time the terrorists and Segal are all clumped together on a train. Basically it's a similar scenario from the first film, complete with the same Admirals, CIA boss etc from the first instalment.

The weapon of choice this time is a daft satellite weapon controlled by a nutcase and his band of hired mercenaries. The two leading bad guys do however have some wonderful much quotable lines, one in particular I cannot repeat here in print, you will just have to make your own assumption…..

Once again Segal is on his own with just an annoying sidekick/comedy relief (this time a Porter) for company and again he single handed takes on the non-descript bad guys and duly despatches them one by one as per standard procedure in an effort to stop the weapon, save the train and also save his irritating but nice to look at niece.

Sadly the quality of the seemingly recycled script is poor and Segal is hopelessly out acted by the two lead bad guys (Eric Bogosian and Everett McGill) who in turn are out acted by the two former Alaskan Railroad GP7 type locomotives hauling the train!!

Also not helping in my appreciation of this film is the fact that the UK DVD release is badly chopped about and obvious badly done cuts abound throughout. Thankfully an excellent soundtrack from Basil Poledouris saves this film from being just average.
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Under Siege (1992)
An enjoyable romp
23 August 2004
With Die Hard setting the standard by which I feel all action films should be measured, Steven Segal's Under Siege comes pretty close.

Often described (perhaps unfairly) as ‘Die Hard on a boat' this film may not be Shakespeare but does contain plenty of non-stop action, laughs and comical bad guys.

Special mention goes to Gary Busey as the traitorous second in command but especially to the always watchable Tommy Lee Jones who manages to steal pretty much every scene he is in with his character of the former CIA agent turned nutball.

Segal's sometimes wooden acting ability thankfully is sufficiently offset by the quality and intensity of the action going on throughout the film, annoyances however include the obligatory eye candy in the form of Erika Eleniak, she was quite clearly in her element coming out of a giant birthday cake (probably the most memorable scene in the film for many!!) but that is about all.

All in all a good watch if you are looking for a nice no-brain-required action film.
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