
9 Reviews
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Wynonna Earp (2016–2021)
Started out ok than only gets better & better
22 December 2021
It took me a couple tries to get thru the 1st episode (not uncommon for me, seems I'm a weird mood type of person?) There's cheesy moments, weirdness, & then the dialogue gets better & funnier (by season 4 they say the f word, which I'm totally fine with) it reminds me a little like Killjoys with their random hilarious comments. Their clothes & hair styles also remind me of Killjoys now that I think about it (the female characters at least). Sometimes it can be annoying that Wynonna can't seem to get her act together for very long. Seems too repetitive on her 'get trashed & act dumb' routine... I like the characters, & the interesting/unique story line. Definitely some surprises, along with the obvious predictable parts. At the end of the 4 seasons after the last episode they show the actors talking about the show, their characters, & behind the scenes stuff. That was pretty cool.
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Outsiders (I) (2016–2017)
I like the show, sucks that its cancelled
30 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
After reading reviews from other ppl I decided to go ahead and watch it knowing it'll be cancelled & I'll be left wanting to watch more. I really liked the 1st season.

Spoilers: I was upset that Asa died, he was a very important main character in the 1st season. I didnt care for the 1st couple episodes of season 2. Then it picks up again . Once they started spraying a more potent agent orange type chemical, I knew why they had cancelled it. At least I think that's why. After watching a documentary on agent orange, what it does to people, animals, bugs, & the land, it's too close to showing the truth of its effects. That is some bad stuff. I can see that contributing to the show being cancelled. Idk for sure, but its possible... or maybe it would give ppl bad ideas how to go against those in power? Anyway, I liked the characters, but after Asa dies, without getting a straight forward understanding of why, my guess is cuz he left the mountain? Or cuz he killed a Farrow? Hell, why did the girl (who I think is the physical manifestation of "the mountain") gives him the key to the cage, & I thought he was supposed to lead the clan? Or maybe that was an incorrect interpretation by lady ray of the prophesy? It's unclear, but then again, maybe they had to rewrite script, but wasn't supposed to be killed off that soon originally? It's sometimes better having to shift directions from the original story line. It makes things interesting, but sometimes its better if (when they have a clear cut idea & picture &) they have an ending that brings the whole thing full circle. I like when things tie to together nicely.
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Debris (2021)
Mixed feelings on this show
7 June 2021
I like the mysterious sci-fi of it all, didn't quite care for the characters a whole lot. Even the main characters. The male was ok, but the guy he works for is uninteresting. His background, as limited as it was, still didn't interest me. The episodes could be longer. After every episode I had more questions, no answers, even after the series finale. The show really picked up after 5 or so episodes, but doesn't seem like this show is for everyone. My boyfriend couldn't really get into episode 1, & he usually watches anything I happen to be watching.
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This Is Not Happening (2015–2019)
I like most of these episodes
7 December 2020
I 1st watched these episodes on YouTube, not all of them are funny to me. Most of them are tho. This comedy is probably not for everyone of course, nothing ever is, but I definitely like a majority of these. After watching some of the comics on here I then searched for more of their comedy. Thanks to this show for all the new comedy in my life. I love to just watch a few episodes (I have my favorites saved on YouTube) whenever I need a quick laugh or pick-me up.
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Preacher (2016–2019)
One of my favorite shows
11 November 2020
This show is unique, there's really no show like it. When I started watching it, I didn't know what to expect, so when things start getting weirder & weirder towards end of 1st season it of course intrigued me. Then things get better from there. I know this show wont be for everyone, with the weirdness, gore, and whatever else offends people sometimes, but for me I didn't want this show to end. That is until the end, when I just wanted a damn conclusion, worried it would just suck. It's hard to really like an ending it seems. I tend to have high expectations, but it's better to have an actual conclusion than left with a cliff hanger that never gets any more episodes.
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Terra Nova (I) (2011)
Really enjoyed this show
27 September 2020
Wish the show never got cancelled. Was enjoyable & pretty different from other shows I have seen. The main guy is a great actor for this role, plus the commander as well. I highly recommend this show, but it might not be for everyone (that can be said for any & all shows really).
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Killjoys (2015–2019)
I really enjoyed this show
20 August 2020
It's probably not for everyone, but I think anyone who likes shows that are in space (like Firefly or The Expanse, but definitely not the same) or travel in space craft to different parts of galaxy & have some weird elements, but don't mind the overall silliness of the characters should check this show out. I feel like the dialogue just gets better as the seasons progress, especially the last season. They're hilarious! My boyfriend & I really enjoyed this show & we plan to watch it all the way thru again soon. The last seasons storyline wasn't my favorite because what they're dealing with (the bad guy?) just sorta gets a little tiresome at times, but the witty characters kept me engaged, plus you gotta watch the ending of course. It might not be witty for some people tho, but it's definitely 'my cup of tea.'
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Vikings (2013–2020)
I love this show
20 August 2020
I really enjoy watching this show, I've watched it all the way thru at least 3 times now. I would recommend to anyone that likes Game of Thrones (minus the sci-fi stuff) & similar time period shows. One thing I didnt like is when they killed off an important main character & tried to fill the void with the next generation. I know that some actors move on to other projects, but it changes the show too much. I still watch all the episodes they're just not as good. Also the most recent season (the final season of the show) isn't as engaging for me. To the point of not rewatching them yet, but I know I will eventually, just not liking the russians at all, the characters & their storylines are just not that interesting.
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Cursed (2020)
Was good enough to want another season
20 August 2020
I read some of the negative reviews along with positive ones. I like to decide for myself & sometimes it takes me a couple tries to get into a new show, just have to be in the right frame of mind for some shows I guess?? Im weird like that tho. Not sure if anyone else is like that too?

So my opinion of the show: it kept me engaged enough at the end of each episode to watch the next 1. I watched the entire season in just 2 days. There's more gore than expected, but not sure what I actually expected really. Death seems hard for some characters to come by, while easy for others. So there's that. There's some intense scenes & then there's some slower, but its worth checking out, even if it takes a couple tries for you to get thru 1st episode like I mentioned earlier, it happens to me a lot. I am look forward to the next season if that happens. I like the character Merlin (he's in Vikings as Floki) & also the main female lead.
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