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Why not try something new?
2 July 2023
What I hated most about this movie is the chase scenes. They are so boring and unrealistic. The story is pretty interesting and the acting of Ford is good as always. I don't like that writers always repeat stuff in sequels that they THINK the fans want to see: Nazis, snakes, gross insect, a smart boy, same old friend, the complete Indiana Jones suit with hat and whip. I'd rather see something new! This may sound weird but after the Trilogy the only two movies for me that had Indiana Jones vibes were the mummy (1999) and the first national treasure movie (2004) because they were new and exiting.
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11.22.63 (2016)
Had much potential but doesn't make sense
5 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the first half of the episodes. I am not a fan of Stephen King, because it always starts good and then all of sudden things happen because of "magic". It's like the series IT when the interesting clown turns into a dumb spider or something. Same thing happens with this show. We start with James Franco (who is actually a likeable guy in the 60s instead of a pot smoking anarchist) and he goes back in time and there is a dude that says "you shouldn't be here". Why? This is typically King. We also learn that the past "fights back" when you try to change it. So you are not supposed to change things. But later in the hospital this magic dude appears and Franco has a bad feeling. Isn't "the universe" warning Franco this way? Without the dude and the stuck door, would Franco think there is something wrong? In other cases the past doesn't fight back that hard and Franco can actually prevent JFK. Also is his wife supposed to die if Franco is in the 60s and suppose to live if he's not? Why?

When he returns to the present I was really upset. Why is everything so screwed up? We don't get an explanation of what happened from 64 to now! It would be good to know if Kennedy accidently started a war or was too soft on a dangerous country.

It would have been more interesting if that little helper friend would become "the second gunman" and Franco's trip to the past caused all the conspiracy theories. It would also be more interesting if he saves Kennedy but he returns to a world where a lot of good music and art is gone and nobody knows the Beatles of something. It would be interesting if Franco returns to a better present but chooses for love and goes back to Sadie and let jfk die. Instead we get a crap end.
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My Name Is Earl (2005–2009)
Saw this when I was 20 and 35. Big difference
29 October 2022
I saw this show when it was new and had great memories, so recently I started watching again on Disney+. Season 1 is still beautiful. It's comedy made for adults and I even cried a little at the end of the Joy beauty contest episode. But then there are "cops" episodes in season 2 and looking at the ratings, the fans loved those. I actually hated it. Maybe that inspired the writers to make it into a childish show with bad acting. The prostitute, Phoebe's brother, Darnell and his stupid turtle and Catalina and Randy. I wish it focused more on the intelligent and emotional Earl that had to reconnect with his parents and finding an intelligent partner.
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Is It Cake? (2022– )
It's okay, but is it real?
14 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Yes the host is annoying. But it is fun to guess which cakes are real. So if you are tired of the "jokes", then skip the first 3 minutes and maybe more. I think the makers of this show did a good job keeping the camera and judges away from the cakes to make it a little more difficult. However I suspect they make real objects also more like cakes. Make them more solid or less shiny. But I also suspect that chosing the cakes is scripted. Judges always pick a wrong one first, so the host can make a knife cutting scene and "joke". That would be reason for me to stop watching. I don't mind using some techniques to make it more difficult to see what is a cake or not, but if the whole show turns out to be (partly) scripted I would stop watching.
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It's like an American Broadchurch.
5 June 2021
I recommend it to people who like shows like Broadchurch, the Fall, the Missing and the killing. The only two things I didn't like about Mare of easttown is too much red herrings and characters. It's hard to memorize who's who.
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If you've seen anthology, then skip this one
24 July 2020
They put a lot of effort in colouring old clips and make fancy album art work and smoke and rain on photos, but it's nothing new. Just watch Anthology, it's perfect and complete.
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Westworld (2016– )
Season 1 is The Beatles. Season 2 and 3 are Ringo's solo career
24 April 2020
Watch season 1! It's amazing. The makers of season 2 and 3 don't get why we loved season one. It was a mystery with such a good story. We didn't watch it because we like fighting robots, sci Fi buildings and cars or action scenes. (That is why matrix 2 and 3 suck and Terminator Salvation is also a dumb movie.) I hope the creators of Westworld end this show and make something as great as season 1
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The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
Great show
8 November 2019
Me and my girlfriend just tried this show because we heard it was amazing. And it is. However, we do laugh every time main characters run in to eachother in different cities and even countries. It's like the population of the whole continent of North America is only 400 people. What is also interesting is that I don't really see the (in flashbacks) liberal scenes of Luke and his friends as a utopia or greatest society. I don't want the main characters to possibly return to a society that's only like that. I kinda hope for a future (in this show) with some respect, no cursing all the time and no hipster clothing. (This has nothing to do with religion.)
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Wrong genre. R.O.T.M is still the real T3 for me.
5 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Like salvation and genesys, the makers of Dark Fate don't get what makes the original Terminator so good. It was a horror sci-fi drama where a normal waitress all of a sudden finds out about a horrible future. The first terminator is scary and almost invincible, but is able to be damaged by humans. All the action scenes are believable in a discotheque or the police station. Lucky for us it was low budget and there was no CGI. Arnold repairing his arm or eye was scary. T2 was good and the new bad terminator was scary. The action scenes are great and they were a mix of crazy big action scenes and small stuff like copying the guard in the mental hospital or opening an elevator with scary sword hands. Also a good sci-fi story. T3 was nowhere near as good as the first two films, but it had a new story to tell about the birth of skynet and the ending was great, because it completes the paradox of the birth of John Connor. Judgement day has to happen because otherwise T1 won't happen.

Then came Salvation and the crazy unrealistic action scenes happened. Wtf a giant robot spider playing air tennis with a motorcycle or something. It's ridiculous. Genesys was just as bad with a lame Kyle Reese and an unstoppable virtual nano tech evil terminator. Dark fate also has these unrealistic CGI nonsense fights in the sky or in the water. Linda is unlikable, Dani is boring. The rev 9 is too good and you just know he has to die in a factory or lava . All the fighting in the meantime is senseless. This could have been a good movie if the action scenes were believable and the story continued to be about Grace and John Connor. No new or old Linda and no liquid indestructible rev 9. So don't make a CGI Action movie, but make a scary horror sci-fi with a good story and some believable action scenes.
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The Good Place (2016–2020)
5 October 2019
Just try this show. It's such an original interesting story. The people who made this are clever and they always stop an episode with a cliffhanger, so before you know it you've finished season 1. From season 3 on it's like the writers are struggling to keep it interesting, so maybe they should quit the show while it's still fun. Also they should've never made the "Jason" character. I'm sure every adult hates him.
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This was funny
3 August 2019
I don't like the Sherlock series with Benedict cumberbatch or the movie with Robert Downey and Jude law. I hate every unrealistic action movie with too much special effects. This movie doesn't take itself seriously and it actually shows how stupid the other Sherlock movies and series are. This is just very funny and entertaining. A bit like Dewey Cox and Tucker and Dale vs Evil.
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Lucifer (2016–2021)
Fun enough to watch, but never great
16 October 2017
There's a lot wrong with this show. It wastes 80% of it's time on the boring villain of the week and it usually is portrait by bad actors who just say "blabla okay I did because blabla" -solved It's boring. What is interesting is character development. Does lucifers character change? Will other people turn evil or good? Unfortunately you expect the devil to be very intelligent, he isn't. I want him to manipulate and test people. Hopefully the writers will do what similar shows did and drop the story of the week thing and make it darker.
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Designated Survivor (2016–2019)
starts out great but gets boring
22 May 2017
The first episode was of a high quality, but after a couple of episodes this show becomes 3 shows. A "House Of Cards" with a "too good, always makes politically correct decisions"-president. He is just not interesting. I wish he wás evil. A "Homeland" woman who tries to save the world on her own. She's also not interesting and the "action scenes" with her are like the A-team or mcgyver. just amateurish. (just like the black screened beeping Hollywood computers they use, with awful animations.) Then there is the wife and kids and it's just too sweet. The "designated survivor" thing is a very interesting story. I wish there were flash back episodes, why the attackers did it. How was the situation before? Also make Keifer suck. Let him make wrong decisions, be a lousy husband that secretly enjoys all this new power.
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Outlander (2014– )
pretty boring
11 July 2016
This show is not bad. But it is boring. why? Let's compare it to Game of Thrones. People rate that as a 9,5/10. Remember what a 9,5 is and then compare it to this show. Game of Thrones has lots of (interesting) characters. Mostly men. There are women in GOT but they have interesting stories or special abilities. In this show we sadly follow Claire with her annoying British accent. There is no mystery and stuff you want to know like in Game Of Thrones. It's just Claire who traveled through time and now falls in love with Jamie. That's it. They could've made it better by starting the show with her being in Scotland in 17** and make her mysterious (why does she know that Scottish men are walking into a trap or will die? where did she get knowledge from medicine? is she a witch?) and make it last a season until we get to know she's from the future. I watched about 14 episodes and got bored because it's just a soap now
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Gotham (2014–2019)
First you will be enthusiastic, then you will be bored
24 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
When I first watched Gotham I thought it was pretty great. However there is something terribly wrong with it. 1. I imagine that the Bruce and catwomangirl story lines are only interesting if you are 12 years old. Nothing happens. That brings me to point #2: Nothing happens with the riddler, penguin, fish (whatever classic character). Because this is a prequel, their lives are never really in danger. So after about 10 episodes you realize that the only reason people can enjoy is if they like "the villain of the week" episodes. I don't and many others don't like that. If a show wants to get a real fan base, they need to get rid of the villain of the week format. It happened with BH90210, charmed, Friends, Two guy and a girl and many other shows that dropped the story of the week thing and got better in season 2 or 3
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Loft (I) (2010)
not great, but not awful
6 January 2012
I saw this movie on the film 1 channel for free. I'm not a fan of dutch movies and I would never spend money to see those movies. why? Because in all the Dutch movies I've seen the acting is really bad. Loft is no exception. Barry Atsma is alright and the two Marrocan looking actors were also pretty good. But seeing Jeroen van Koningsbrugge being interrogated by the police was cringe-worthy. This movie also tries to copy stuff from Hollywood movies. the actors talk in a way Dutch people don't normally do. (calling people by their family name for example)Somehow you will watch this movie and not really care about the characters because you'll keep looking at them as actors and not "real" people. The storyline of the movie isn't bad and despite the bad acting I kept watching. If you do like this movie I recommend watching "Very Bad Things" from 1998. The story is somewhat similar but funny.
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pretty funny
14 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie isn't as funny as the first one, mainly because it contains not that much footage. The only "new" thing is the music. The play some songs from "archaeology".

But not in a good way. For example. When the rutles are playing "easy listening" They use the video from "living in Hope".

The interviews are very funny, and the video/audio quality is great. When you enjoyed the first rutles film, I think you should see this one. And It's possible to see only this one, and maybe later the first one. Because it is not about the story, It's about the jokes. And the story is pretty much the same as the Beatles's but with jokes.
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