
5 Reviews
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This movie sucks
13 August 2023
For a fan film they did the best they could possibly do to make it look as nice as possible. Going into this I knew it was never going to match the big studio Spider-Man films but comparing the films would be unfair. My biggest issue with this movie is the story. And yes theirs a lot of problems this movie has. This movie crammed too much stuff and instead it should've been a much simpler movie. I bet it would've been cheaper as well. Also the acting is horrendous. Again a given for a fan film, like what else was I to expect. I will say I thought this movie would be way worse so it exceeded my already low expectations. In the end I'm glad this kind of movie came out. I think this is a good starting point for fan films and I can't wait to see what other fans for other franchises come up with in the future. Maybe I'll create my own fan film.

August 12 23.
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Short stories put together to make a movie Ending sucked
9 January 2023
What a weird all over the place movie. I've been wanting to watch this for so long and that whole nft trash is awful. I don't know how Kevin smith stooped so low with the NFTs for this movie but at least he played it at his film festival which I attended. The idea is great for this movie but when it was chris Jericho's little story it kinda had nothing to do with killroy which was unfortunate and killroy popped up outta nowhere randy orton style. At parts this movie felt lazy but in the credits it said that Kevin worked on it with some college so what most likely happened is the college students each got their own killroy story and made it and then later Kevin smith slapped his name on it even though he probably didn't do anything. I legit thought this movie would be like tusk but unfortunately it's the cheaper version with a weaker weaker script. Very disappointing but at least the film festival that Kevin smith did was cool. Nov 30 22.
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Interesting doc but only for a true fan
30 August 2022
I thought this would be a documentary about jack septic eyes life and we did in bits and pieces but overall it's about the tour he did and I didn't even know he did. He even came to LA and I should of went. I bet it's so entertaining live and in person. It looked like a lot of fun based off the audience reactions. But unfortunately for the documentary it's not that much fun. It's not the documentary's fault. It happens with everything that's live like Hamilton or other filmed musicals. Everything is so much better but the best part about this movie has to be when he's in Ireland remembering his whole childhood and how hectic it was. In the end this doc is for the big jacksepticeye fans and I used to be one and watching this was fun but I'll probably forget this by tomorrow, this isn't the Billie ellish doc or something else but it's still good but I would've preferred more about his personal life but what we got was still good.
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The House (III) (2022)
Good animation horrible short stories
29 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What the actual nonsense did I just watch. This so called "movie" is basically 3 short films clumped together into 1 movie. It's just like the French dispatch where they're lazy and put short stories together. Anyway the animation is great I will say that. I don't know if it's cg or stop motion. If it is stop motion that would be a achievement in itself because man all those little fibers on the people are really good. The details in the animation are great. The story and the characters are the complete opposite. I want to admire the fabulous animation but man did I get bored. The first story was pretty boring but I did like this haunted house vibe. It could've been even creepier having it all be a dream or something at the end instead of the two kids leaving out in the snow. The 2nd story was interesting at first but then became boring until the end. And that last story is the worst. The ending made no sense of it being a boat. In the end this movie unfortunately sucked with having no real story that ties each of the stories besides it being the same house but at least the animation is good.
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Great Sequel
2 May 2022
5 stars. June 3, 2014 Great movie and better than the last one. The animation got better and a better adventure. With awesome new weapons and gadgets. And just like the book bit better.
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