
312 Reviews
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Tarot (I) (2024)
Not that bad...
1 June 2024
The film gives you what you expect just don't watch the trailer it you're gonna watch this flick because it'll ruined most of your moment's.

It's a fun watch with an interesting subject and fast-paced screenplay almost makes it a definitely one time watch film. Story doesn't have much to offer just goes with the flow and explored the Tarot cards which is nothing new to the world but I like how they connected the demons with the card yes the cinematography & visuals could've been better but still you don't have to use your brain to watch a horror film. Director's could've easily made a best horror if they research the storyline proper and use the cards well to make a proper thriller instead of a horror.

Acting performance was average nothing much to offer as the story is restricted and the climax is kinda way below average for me directors should've done something thriller with the end though.

Overall A nice tp flick to enjoy if you had nothing to watch but don't expect much...
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Perfect drama, Creepy, Sychotic....
30 May 2024
American Horror Story series is a perfect example of how a Drama series should be. This is not a general type of stories and don't be bluffed by the series name because it is totally different from what it's reflecting.

Stories that aren't very digestful but once you're in it once you've made the connection with the characters then this will be a perfect treat for you till the end.

Just watched the 1st season and I must say this is not everyone's cup of tea nor this is bad this is an experimental cinema that writer / director have written and directed it so well that you just mesmerize in that world and what to know more about it.

From episodes to episodes every character perspectives has shown which is quite good and there are many shades in just a single character which you'll understand once you watch all episodes yes series is lengthy but it takes time to build a perfect story I would say.

Performance & music is the soul of this series specially the camera angle, visuals are also delight to watch.

Overall Definitely Recommended if you're a cinephile and love to watch every genre then this will be a treat to watch........
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Supercell (2023)
1 May 2024
An amazing concept based on natural calamity thing like Tornado is always interesting to watch. Supercell does have some nice moments like cinematography in Tornado shots is absolutely amazing and the background score running with it makes the perfect scene even the climax sequence are good but it is very rare in the film.

Movie biggest drawback is it's screenplay which is dull and very slow paced and it can easily disconnect you with the movie and it's characters.

Secondly character performance isnt that good enough to hold your attention neither they have the proper writing in the film.

Film becomes completely borefest within the 15 mins of the film Tornado shots is the only interesting thing that I like rest is just below average for me...
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The Claim (2000)
Emotional ride...
29 April 2024
What an emotional ride it is. From start to end director grips you into this one and the setting that this film has is amazing to watch specially the cinematography will amaze you and kinda hooked you up till the end. Story is about a man's greed and how he suffers when he realises that what has he done is brilliantly explained by the director. Specially the character performance is what surprise you the most.

This film has lots of emotions, depths into the character and a strong teaching value the director teaches us and it'll led you straight into the heart.

Cast of this film is damn good and everyone performances is the highlight for me special mention to Peter, Sarah & Natassja this 3 carries the film for me and the emotional performances will hit you hard.

Cinematography, Screenplay & music are top-notch and well suited for the film.

Overall a must watch emotional flick with tons of amazing performance and a perfect story to binge it....
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Civil War (I) (2024)
Alex Garland Mysterious take on a War film..
20 April 2024
From the first frame itself the movie builds up the tension of war apocalypse and the scenery that were shown in the film is disturbing yet very stunning.

Outstanding cinematography and different camera angles works very well in the film. Director certainly shows in every frame and tells the audience something like what the heck of the life they're living and what war does to the general people and how bad they get affected.

Alex direction is on pont nothing that clueless I've seen watching the film even the conversation of the characters is so intense and engaging to watch while seeing the film.

Screenplay is fast paced and sound designing is on another level specially the gunshot sequences and gore substance. Everything is accurately shown consistently well.

Climax is not well scripted but still it can easily attract you with the violent gunshot sequence and stunning visuals.

Talking about the performance Kristen Dunst screen presence is enough to hooked you into the film specially when she act without even saying anything and just reflect it with her eyes says a lot of her personality. Rest of the cast was on point and well suited throughout the film.

Camera works and different angles that they have shot completely takes you on a different ride and it kinda connects with you within the start of the film.

Overall Alex Garland does his job again and deliver a chaotic story with powerful performances of the characters...
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Immaculate (2024)
Not a horror but violently gore....
17 April 2024
This film isn't the horror what most will expect but it is bloody violent in many scenes specially with the main character.

I wish director had explained more about the storyline because some parts of the story hasn't been explained properly in the film and left incompleted. Still the direction feels good in terms of thrilling scene and gore this movie stands out very well.

Screenplay is fast paced and the cinematography shown in the film is totally suitable.

Music is another good part of the film and it also carries the film and makes the momentum of thrilling tone ongoing.

SYDNEY SWEENEY one of the career best performance of her from start to end she carries the film with her amazing screen presence and last 15 mins was totally goosebumps. There are also some great suporting cast which also does their job perfectly well. I don't feel the horror but yes in some scenes it is gore and disturbing to watch.
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Maidaan (2024)
Ajay Devgn Madness.. Best Sports drama in recent times..
16 April 2024
Last 30 Mins of this film is pure goosebumps specially the match sequences the camera angle the emotions and the character performances just deserves one word - OUTSTANDING... Ajay Devgn performance is just gonna be remember for many years specially in emotional scenes and the character that he plays in the film is truly memorable and the scene in which he has to show how cancer patients suffer is literally shocking and heart-breaking to watch. Ajay Devgn just dive into the character of Rahim saab and from start till end you won't take your eyes off from him his performance is that good.

Talking about the rest of the cast and players are damn brilliant though they got screen time from the 2nr half but still in the climax they'll steal every limelight it takes specially in match sequences which is unbelievable.

Cinematography and music are amazingly done by the makers specially the ground shots and camera movements whenever match starts is a pure cinema to watch.

First half is slow paced and takes time to build the characters but could've easily trimmed few minutes to cut short the movie but the 2nd half will totally worth your time and money specially the climax and the emotional scenes done by Ajay Devgn is like never seen before.

Overall A must watch biopic sports drama specially watch for the performances, emotional aspects and the storyline... Those who love sports film this will be a treat for them....
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Mission to Mars
15 April 2024
Not the best space film but yes definitely impactful and make you hooked up into the space world and their dynamics.

Direction is good but the screenplay and pacing could've been better throughout the film. Yes it's a CGi fest but as compared to 2000s era movies it is good to watch.

Character performances & music score is I like the most specially the suit design looks great to watch.

Director has taken the freedom in the storyline and present the unique style of it sort of imagination fantasy and the visuals it create makes my day.

Overall not a must watch but still feel good film with a space ride venture and great character performances...
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One of the worst action movies in recent times....
12 April 2024
The man who gives us TZH & Sultan like movies had made this crap is unbelievable because this film is one of the worst action films in recent times. Just wanna ask AAZ why you have to torture the audience like this, first watch it for yourself or some experts and then release it because this is a bigcast movie that everyone is waiting for.

There is not a even a single scene that has depth or make emotional connect with the audience not even the characters of the film have made any impression the writing is that bad. Screenplay is like a headache for me after listening the dialogues and humour.

Storyline about AI could've been the golden opportunity for the makers if it had been well executed, but the execution is so bad that even I'm shocked after watching the film because this film will be one of the worst big budget action films in recent times.

Even the action scenes that are displayed in the movie has not made any impact it's like just watch and forget type of scene we're watching. Connection is very important in action films whether it'll be from storyline or characters because it'll give you the momentum where the action sequences feels enjoyable whenever the moment comes but this is major lack in the film.

Just with the heavy military vehicles, choppers and big explosion doesn't make your action larger than life it has to have a depth with the character or the story that should make impact with people.

Prithviraj as a villian surprise me well but that too has shorter role which was unexpected and the character was not utilized well enough.

Akshay, Manushi & Ronit Roy are the only cast that acted well in this mess because atleast they've been doing what they've told but rest of the cast are intolerable specially Tiger & Alaya in the humour part is irritating on another level.

Bgm is the highlight of the film I would say because songs are easily forgettable.

This film is the biggest misfire in terms of direction, storyline & the execution.

Overall a disaster with the big names is all I can say.....
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Talk to Me (I) (2022)
Crazy horror ride...
7 April 2024
The starting 10 mins of this film is enough to give you chills specially the way screenplay runs in the tensed scene is literally terrifying.

Have heard about this film a lot never watched a single trailer of it but when I watched it this might be one of my best horror movie of a time.

The tension it builds from start whether you take it from the storyline or the characters that are just playing for fun but they dont know how dangerous it can be is so thrilling as well as creepy to watch and with this type of direction as a debutant director is totally insane.

Fast paced screenplay with tensed music made the atmosphere really scary specially when the incidents scenes happen it's just unpredictable and totally worth watching it.

Character performances by every cast does a phenomenal job specially Sophie Wilde just nailed the role of Mia in every possibility. She just acted like there is literally a ghost inside her which is creepy.

Climax of this film is the highlight for me because the connection that directors have made at the end was totally unpredictable.

Overall A treat for horror fans in terms of all aspects horror, thriller, creepy moments you'll get it all.. Highly Recommended......
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A horror treat for horror fans....
5 April 2024
The First Omen will give you a terrific experience of horror, and some very disturbing scenes which will make you think what you have watched.

First of all I didn't watch any of the previous films of this franchise was completely gone with zero expectations but after watching it I can say one thing for sure this is the best horror I've seen in recent times.. Superb direction by Director Arkasha specially the way she has presented the film wih every scene is just amazing to see.

Movie builds up a strong scary atmosphere which will definitely maintais the balance of horror & some terrific thriller portions that audience will not expect.

From the first scene itself the movie indicates you that this isn't a generic horror you've come to watch because it has a strong gore & violence substance which definitely the story demands and the director didn't hesitate to show.

Screenplay is well engaged yest it takes time at the start but still you'll be interested to hear more whereas Cinematography is also quite good at some places with unique camera shots and frames were shown.

NELL TIGER is the soul of this film in every frame she shines and there's a scene in the film where she kinda fights with evil that scene is just pure goosebumps for me and the performance of her in that scene is 🔥.

Story isn't new that we haven't seen previously but what makes this film better is the performance of actors and proper direction by Arkasha Stevenson.

Overall this movie for me is unexpectedly good because it's surprise you at many points rather than a typical horror. It has horror but don't expect it to be light hearted because there are some serious scenes which some people are not gonna like... (4/5).
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A complete Action packed ride
29 March 2024
Just watched it in IMAX 3D and it is a complete blast. First of all watch it on a big screen as possible and specially try to watch it in Imax because it'll give you a complete experience specially in the visuals and cinematography format.

Movie doesn't waste time start right on track with Kong's perspectives and this is literally a Kong storyline type of a movie where Godzilla just played a supporting role in the 2nd half of the film which is powerful too.

Engaging story with fast paced screenplay but in the monsterverse type of a film all you want is the battle between the creatures and this movie does that on a high note specially in the last action sequences which is outstanding.

Visuals are appealing and it looks good on the big screen to watch specially in IMAX it's just grow your interest much more to the film in terms of cinematography which is also looks amazing to watch throughout the film.

Hollow Earth sequence in the film is definitely well choreographed in terms of action, visuals and gravity effects that were add on it.

Action sequences are the main soul of tthis film specially last 20 mins is all you here for. Director has given one of the best fighting shots in the climax battle that makes the movie spectacular.

Direction is similar to the previous one first it's build the story which is just a side plot of the story because you didn't gonna recognise much rather than focus on a characters.

Overall this film will completely give you a fun ride with it's amazing visuals/ Cinematography and the action sequences between between the characters is phenomenal. Must watch on a big screens for a complete action packed ride.....
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A Sad Reality of today's world....
26 March 2024
Right from the 1st frame the movie keeps you engaged with his lonely tone setting and a environment where how a person is bored with his life nothing good is happening to him/her in the world and all it wants was just a friendly guy to talk and understand his feelings.

The way director Jamie Dack has set the dark tone in the entire film is just perfect in every frame. Director actually wants people to feel the horror moment of this type of thing which easily can happen with anybody in today's world.

There are some scenes which are so disturbing and hurtful to watch but yes one cannot deny that it actually happens in the real world and we're living with it.

Talking about the performance LILY MCLNERNY has given an outstanding performance throughout the film infact she just lives the character in the movie and the way she acted in the intense scenes was remarkable. There is a scenes where a character is clearly in a disturbing mode and the way she performs that scenes felt like a reality. Rest of the cast supports the film well and totally justified it.

Cinematography is as good as the storyline/screenplay which is well engaged and keep you hooked till the end.

Overall A must watch flick for today's audience and movie has a very strong message about identify strangers and their identity in today's world. I really liked the film personally for showing the harsh truth and I'm gonna highly recommend this film to every movie goers in today's time......
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Engaging, Dark, Controversial....
23 March 2024
Randeep Hooda directorial Veer Savarkar hits hard from start to end with several powerful sequences and engaging screenplay.

First of all the all n all appreciation should goes to RANDEEP HOODA - What an outstanding performance by him. A true show stellar and the transformation that he did for this film is just remarkable and shows the dedication of hard-work.

From start to end you'll see Randeep Hooda as Savarkar character and he just played that character like he is the one specially in the 2nd half the jail sequence in the film was an eye opener for the rest of the stars of how a perfect acting should be done.

There's one more surprise cast that won my heart was AMIT SIAL he is an underrated actor and phenomenal performance given by him as a brother of Veer Savarkar.

Talking about the storyline it is based on the life of Veer Savarkar and has the depth details specially in the 1st half where it is well focused on the character and the struggle he did in his life specially in jail time and the struggle in jail was very brutal.

Yes there are some flaws in the screenplay & direction because it's a 3hr film and it is very hard to keep audience hooked up till the end so it looses grips few times and sometimes it feels very rushed in the journey of the character.

There are few scenes & dialogues which are purposely used for creating controversies and spreading hate towards the person or a religion which was of no use in the film and it should've been removed by I don't know why they kept it and shown the disrespect to the different community.

Songs & bgm is good supports the film well as well as the Cinematography which was raw & subtle.

Supporting cast also have a major role in this film and all actors have performed exceptionally well.

Overall A hard hitting biography about the life of Veer Savarkar which is definitely excels in major parts and dips in few but still it'll give you an experience after you come out from the theatre. This film doesn't have all kinds of audience because some will like it and some will hate it because of the few scenes yet Cinema lovers still get a thrilling experience from this film....
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Simple, comedic, enjoyable.....
22 March 2024
Kunal Khemu directorial debut is outstanding. This film made my day specially the cast involve in it is so damn good. Directing the 1st film is not an easy job and then to if it's a comedy genre but Kunal Khemu deserves all applause for a fun and super direction done by him.

Now talking about the storyline simple friend group goa trip story with best situational comedy perform by the actors specially Pratik, Divyendu & Avinash just nailed their performance throughout the film.

Chemistry between these 3 is fun to watch and kinda hooked you up in the film. Yes there is flaws in the script because screenplay could've been little tighter and little bit of pacing issues but comedy will entertain you a lot specially in the 1st half is too good.

Cinematography is good specially Goa location is fun to watch. Supporting cast are average because isn't much to do in the film except for the 3 leads.

Dialogues in the comedy scenes is good and supports the scenes well yet songs are unnecessary in the film.

Overall A good time pass film with enjoyable comedy and good performance by the lead cast....
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Better than the previous one...
20 March 2024
Kung Fu Panda 4 is back with a bang. This film has everything we need from the Kung fu panda franchise except for some parts which I didn't like but overall it's a worth watch.

Talking about the storyline yes I think director & writer gets it right this time because it has an engaging storyline with a new journey or a mission that Po has to go to get things right. A journey filled with lots of humour and emotions add into it.

But what I'm disappointed about that they didn't do justice with the characters like Furious 5. I mean After Po they are the souls of the Kung fu panda franchise and this film completely washed that characters and instead they just keep it for the small cameo which I felt is a total injustice.

Cinematography & screenplay is very good and enjoyable specially the chemistry between Po & Zhen is quite good and carries the whole film around. Dads are awesome and their did their part very well.

Action sequences is totally unique and brilliantly choreograph in the film specially 1-2 scenes with Po is simply brilliant.

Visual effects & sound design top notch no complaints over there and same goes for the humour for the Po's character which won't bore you and keep you laughable till the end.

Overall I had a great experience watching this film after a long time and if you are fan of this franchise then this film will definitely puts a smile on your face.....
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Hard Hitting yet unsatisfied...
16 March 2024
Director Sudipto Sen strikes again with another hard subject of Bastar where Naxal story is being described. The story of this film is itself more complicated than any other thing in India. It takes guts to touch this kind of topic and to present in this kind of format takes really guts and this director take this challenge and it is definitely appreciated.

After massive kerala story success I had high hopes from this one yes in some parts director has done total justice to the story and the exceution but there are lots of things which is unexplained and unjustified in the film.

Talking about the story/screenplay movie sticks to its words in keeping the story as real as possible but screenplay dips in several parts and many aspects just come from the middle only except they should start from the beginning.

Cinematography is too dull and the colour grading is very bad I don't know why they keep this low. Are they having budget issue or any other things no idea but cinematography is really bad. Character development is very weak because you cannot connect with a single character properly because there are some major scenes happening and yet sometimes you can't feel the pain at all.

Talking about the performance ADAH SHARMA superb performance by her though she could've been more better but still she is really good as well as the rest of the cast.

Overall Bastar story is definitely hard hitting in some parts but as keeping all the aspects BASTAR is a complete misfire which can be more better if it had proper character development & srceenplay execution....
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Yodha (2024)
Action Packed thriller with stunning Visuals...
15 March 2024
Yodha is a perfect High octane action entertainer that will give you a complete edge of the seat thriller ride from start to end.

First of all I really wanna appreciate the director's of this film to create such a good action experience as a debutant is not an easy job.

This is a movie of execution and fast paced screenplay don't expect much from the story because there is a lots of twist in which some are good and some are just for the confusion but what will make you like the film is the Cinematography which is just good to see infact the visuals are really stunning and makes the film shine from start to end.

Action sequences are unique and stylish and good to watch in the film and special mention to one take sequence which is a highlight.

Performance wise definitely A SIDDHARTH MALHOTRA SHOW for me. His character presence, action sequences and the tension that his character creates carries the whole film. You can easily say that Siddharth perosna definitely suits as an action star in coming years.

Talking about rest of the cast Raashi khanna surprises with her charm and performance and chemistry between Siddharth & Raashi is perfect in the film. Disha Patani comes as a surprise package specially her character in this film is just excellent. And she really looks good when she does action in the film.

Overall Yodha doesn't disappoint and live upto its Expectations with stylized action, engaging screenplay & brilliant visual effects. A worth watch....
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Start was good but ended on an average note...
10 March 2024
After reading the title of this film I thought that it would be some space type movies with some alien mystery but this movie surprise me a lot.

First 20 mins was great with an unusual plot and how to survive type of scene and yes the funny scenes was great. Specially the story is actually funny yes you don't have to put your brains to it just go with the flow as the movie progress.

Like the situational comedy scenes but at certain point after that it's just repeat and nothing else. Climax is very predictable and nothing to cheer about.

Screenplay could've been better at the 2nd half of the film because it's just drags for no reason till it reach the climax.

Performance are the highlights specially the lead cast was great and taken the film with their performance from start to end.

Overall it's an average comedy film for me yes it has its laughs and moments but at the end it's just becomes a routine film....
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Shaitaan (2024)
This is good. Engaging Screenplay with powerful performance by the cast...
9 March 2024
Shaitaan proves well and did justice to it's name with brilliant screenplay, engaging plot and a satisfying climax at the end.

Totally enjoyable for me from start to end movie runs on a fast track specially the screenplay of the film is very good because in thriller plot & screenplay plays the key role and this film does it very well though the story doesn't have much characters but still never feel anything forced in the characters and the plot.

Talking about direction after ganapath I totally lost hopes from Vikas Bahl and watch this film with very low expectations but after watching it I think Vikas Bahl is back on track again though it is a remake but still direction is on point and suitable.

For this film I totally recommend don't watch the trailer because it will spoil your 1st half of the film.

Performance wise it's definitely A MADHAVAN Show. What a spectacular performance by him and special mention to the girl JANKI BODIWALA who plays daughter of Ajay Devgn in the film, Outstanding performance by her too.

Ajay & Jyotika were decent but climax performance of Ajay Devgn is too good.

And specially the twist in the last is brilliant and a smart move I would say.

Sound, Cinematography excellent with perfect visuals in the film. It's basically more of a character presentation film with a good act in it and this film does it well.

Overall an engaging thriller with no nonsence factor proves to be a worth watch for me.. Those who have watched the original definitely they'll compare but those who haven't seen it this film will be a treat to watch.....
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Mid story with some cool action sequences....
8 March 2024
Romeo Must Die is a another typical action thriller from Hollywood which has some good action sequences only because Jetli in it but the story is just mid and stretched.

Start was good specially like the jail sequence but after 15-20 mins pacing issue started movie seems stretched with easily predictable story at the climax.

If there could've been some little changes it could've easily been a fun ride if the screenplay & storyline were on point.

Jetli is great in the film though he doesn't have much dialogues but who cares we are here for the action and he delivers it perfectly. Aaliyah on the other hand totally loved her performance and her screen presence. She didn't get much action to perform which I kinda disappointed because she looks so perfect while doing the action sequences.

Sound is good and enjoyable in the film but the cinematography feels average and kinda old.

Overall a one time watch for action sequences and the performance of cast rest is just average....
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3 March 2024
A pure torture is the only thing I want to tell about this film.

From start till end it irritates you till you leave the film you can't even bare for like 15 mins film is that bad.

Bobby & Karishma overacting is on another level. Songs are like virus in the brain and story screenplay is the worse.

Don't know what director thought after directing this film I doubt he even watch this film or not. He should be banned for making this kind of pathetic movie.

Only JOHNNY LEVER stands out in this mess of a film with his acting and comic timing.

It's like a headache for me but still I have watched till 1hr 30 mins because I have that kind of patience and that's a good thing for me.

If you want to test your patience be my guest and watch this film you'll definitely get your results.

Overall A Pure Torture irritates you to another level Not Recommended at all.......
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Jung (2000)
A Sanjay Dutt Show .....
3 March 2024
Sanjay Gupta gets the script right this time but fails to execute properly. The entire movie runs on one man show and that is Sanjay Dutt single handedly saves the film from start to end.

First half was very good with complex storyline of a family who desperately needs to save his kid but the mess was made in the 2nd half where story suddenly shifted to gangstar drama from nowhere.

Screenplay is good but at some moments totally mid in 2nd half with unnecessary songs and too much stretched.

Character Performances are the only highlights of the film specially Sanjay, Shilpa, Aditya & Jackie superb performance by all of them.

One song is superb in the film rest of the music is just mess.

Overall a one time watch for Sanjay Dutt performances with the rest of the cast...
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A Perfect Reindeer Game for me...
3 March 2024
Don't go for the reviews trust me it's a very much enjoyable film. From start to end it give a complete hilarious ride yet there are some twist which is good and sometimes it's funny but who cares the movies is giving you fun and making your time good.

I really like the film for character performances specially BEN AFFLECK, CHARLIZE THERON superb performance by both of them and even rest of the cast doesn't disappoint.

The second thing is the screenplay is very engaging, it's funny will make you laugh at the situations and sometimes you'll just think what's gonna happen next.

Climax twist is little unpredictable but it's good because the film doesn't get you bored and you'll enjoy till the end of it.

I like the direction of John Frankenheimer, yes storyline is definitely usual but screenplay is very good as well as the Cinematography.

Charlize Theron is the highlight for me in this film she looks damn beautiful and there's a lot of going around with her character in this film.

Overall a full on enjoyable film with lot's of twist n turns that won't bore you and definitely not disappoint you at all.....
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A Surprise Entertainer....
2 March 2024
This film is unexpectedly so good I'm totally surprised and never thought this film will hit me so differently specially the climax scene is just pure cinema.

Director Kiran Rao what a direction. From start to end this film will take you to a hilarious ride with emotions attach to it and the way the director has executed this film is truly fantastic.

Simple story one small twist and the situation begins. No big actors, not an expensive budget but still with the performances and character presentation this film goes on top. And dialogues of this film specially the accent and the language is totally accurate and well performed and it kinda connect you within minutes throughout the film.

Talking about the screenplay no bored moments movie is 2hr time and trust you wouldn't Know when the film was ended it is that engaging.

I haven't watched previous films of Kiran Rao but after watching this I'm surely gonna check it out amazing direction by her. She knows the depth of the story and the character presentation is on point.

First half was as per the story goes it is fully packed with comedy and humor and it will keep entertain you till the story gets serious and the 2nd half is totally emotional for me as the story gets unfold.

Talking about the performance RAVI KISHAN is the show stellar for me what a performance by him literally whenever he comes on screen just grab the limelight automatically. Rest of the cast is totally suitable and did a fantastic job too.

Songs & Cinematography good and easily get into the vibe.

Overall A must watch film for its Humor, good story, well character presentation and an emotional climax.

Highly Recommended.....
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