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Climate Research

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Climate Research (CR) was founded by Professor Otto Kinne - creator of other leading international journals. CR is edited by worldwide acknowledged experts and published by Inter-Research. Editors, Review Editors, Referees, and the publisher are committed to achieving the highest possible scientific and technical standards.

Major environmental journal

CR is a major scientific publication in environmental sciences. According to the Journal Citation Reports 2024 release, CR features an impact factor (IF) of 1.2 from 4611 total cites (5-year IF = 1.6), Immediacy Index = 0.3, Eigenfactor = 0.00071, JCI = 0.28. As a multidisciplinary journal, CR is continuously being developed by the Editors to reflect the changing needs of the scientific community served by the journal. Authors enjoy worldwide visibility. Accepted manuscripts are published quickly. Good color illustrations are welcome; no charge for these is made to the author.


Climate is a major determinant of the evolution and manifestation of life. Modern human societies are changing the global climate. The investigation of climate dynamics and of the interaction of climate with ecosystems, and the assessment and control of human impacts are among the greatest challenges facing present and future generations. CR evaluates, selects and disseminates important new information in these vital areas of environmental research, with specific emphasis on the effect of climate variability and change on organisms and ecosystems.


Basic and applied research devoted to all aspects of climate – past, present and future. Investigation of the reciprocal influences between climate and organisms (including climate effects on individuals, populations, ecological communities and entire ecosystems), as well as between climate and human societies. CR invites high-quality Research Articles, Reviews, Notes and Comments/Reply Comments (see Clim Res 20:187), CR SPECIALS and Opinion Pieces. For details see the Guidelines for Authors. Papers may be concerned with:

  • Interactions of climate with organisms, populations, ecosystems, and human societies
  • Short- and long-term changes in climatic elements, such as humidity and precipitation, temperature, wind velocity and storms, radiation, carbon dioxide, trace gases, ozone, UV radiation
  • Human reactions to climate change; health, morbidity and mortality; clothing and climate; indoor climate management
  • Climate effects on biotic diversity. Paleoecology, species abundance and extinction, natural resources and water levels
  • Historical case studies, including paleoecology and paleoclimatology
  • Analysis of extreme climatic events, their physicochemical properties and their time–space dynamics. Climatic hazards
  • Land-surface climatology. Soil degradation, deforestation, desertification
  • Assessment and implementation of adaptations and response options
  • Applications of climate models and modelled future climate scenarios. Methodology in model development and application

Focal points of applied research:
Climate effects on agriculture, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture; surface and groundwater quality and supply; pests and pest control; urbanization and economic developments; environmental protection; human wellbeing.


  • Climatologists, meteorologists, atmospheric chemists and physicists, bioclimatologists and biometeorologists, paleoclimatologists
  • Biologists, ecologists, biological oceanographers, marine biologists, limnologists
  • Soil scientists, geologists, paleontologists
  • Hydrologists, physical and chemical oceanographers, physical geographers, biogeographers
  • Landscape planners, environmental managers, environmental protectionists, agronomists, agriculturists, foresters, fishery biologists, aquaculturists, wildlife specialists
  • Public policymakers

Publication fees

The only publication fee charged by the journal is the Article Processing Charge (APC) for Open Access publication. There are no other article submission or publication fees such as page charges or colour charges.

Conflicts of Interest

Authors, Reviewers and Editors must disclose relationships (e.g. financial, economic, institutional) that may affect the integrity of the scientific process. Please refer to our Conflict of Interest Policy for details.

Neutrality of editorial decisions

Inter-Research journals are following the Committee of Publication Ethics advice on neutrality for editorial decisions. In brief, editorial decisions in Inter-Research journals shall not be affected by the origins of the manuscript, including the nationality, ethnicity, political beliefs, race or religion of the authors. Decisions to review, edit and publish shall not be determined by the policies of governments or other agencies, but just by the journals themselves, and are purely based on scientific merit of the submitted work and the work’s fit within each journal’s scope.

Open Access articles attract far more attention than non-Open Access articles—in some cases more than 10-fold. Open Access articles are immediately available to a much broader audience, including the general public. This potentially results in a wider and greater impact and faster citation growth.

Authors may select Open Access publication for their article at the time of manuscript acceptance. Article Processing Charges (APCs) for publication apply. Open Access articles are published under the Creative Commons by Attribution (CC-BY) Licence. Copyright remains with the original copyright owners, and copying and re-use is almost unrestricted.

If Open Access is not selected, articles will be published with Subscriber Access (no publication fee), under which access is limited to the journal subscribers and copying and reuse of the article are restricted by normal copyright law. Fuller information on Open Access and policies on author self-archiving (‘Green’ Open Access) of Subscriber Access articles is found on the main Open Access page.

For Open Access, the APC is based on article type and date of article submission, so the final APC price is already fixed for APC funding applications necessary prior to article submission.

The Article Processing Charges (APCs) are:

Articles submitted on or after 1 November 2022

  • €2500 for Research or Review articles
  • €1250 for Notes
  • € 650 for Opinion Pieces or Comments

Tax information

For purchases in the European Union, the VAT number of the paying institution must be provided, otherwise VAT will be added at the standard rate for the country of the purchaser. For Germany, VAT at 7% will always be added.

Fee discounts

Authors of studies originating from countries where limited funds are available for APCs can request to have the APC reduced. Applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis, and will require the provision to Inter-Research of specific funding and other resourcing information related to the study. In general a study must have been funded to at least 50% by a country eligible for the Research4Life program or classified by the World Bank as low or lower-middle income. A complete waiver of the APC is not available for journals where there is the option of publishing with Subscriber Access at no charge. Please apply to Feewaiver before submitting your manuscript.

Creative Commons Labelling

Only articles clearly marked with "CC BY" in the top right corner of the front page are published with the Creative Commons by Attribution Licence. The CC-BY option was not available for Inter-Research journals before 1 April 2013. Articles marked "Open Access" or "Free Access" but not marked "CC BY" are made freely accessible at the time of publication but are subject to standard copyright law regarding reproduction and distribution.

All CR articles are available online. Articles published >5 years ago may be accessed freely. Currently articles published in 2019 or earlier are freely available.

CR articles are usually published every 2 weeks (except e.g. on public holidays).

Subscription Information 2025

Permanent online access to subscriber content published in 2025: € 785

The price does not include Value Added Tax (VAT)

Zusätzliche Informationen

  • The price above is for a single-site subscription. For multi-site or consortia pricing, please enquire directly.
  • CR is no longer printed as of the 2023 subscription year.
  • Tables of contents and abstracts for all articles are available online free of charge.
  • Prepayment is required to activate the subscription. Subscription requests must be addressed directly to the publisher.
  • New subscribers can purchase back access at discounted prices.


For further details, enquiries or orders please contact Subscriptions