Black Knight Sword of Rage (Premium)

Average User Rating:
 9.20 / 10
with 4 ratings and 2 comments

Art:  9.00 / 10
Audio:  9.50 / 10
Playfield:  9.00 / 10
Game Play:  9.25 / 10

"Overall" Rating Histogram
9  75% 
10  25% 
Percent of All Ratings
User Name:&nbsp;<a href="" target="userrateAntoshka" style="color: black"="">Antoshka</a> &larr; Click for all of user's ratings &rarr; (217 Total Ratings, Averaging 8.2 / 10) 
A really good pin from general RITCHIE!!! way better than Black Knight 2000....

Has both easy, and hard shots! The modes, and the multiballs are very balanced.... And even though it does not have very many shots, jt is quite challenging!

Excellent sound package.... First time i heard Ritchie comment my gameplay with " RUN home to yer mudder, maggot, i laughed very high!!!

 Art: 9 / 10
 Audio: 10 / 10
 Playfield: 9 / 10
 Game Play: 9 / 10
Overall&nbsp;: <b="">9.2</b> / 10
2021-03-22 13:34:08
User Name:&nbsp;<a href="" target="userrateericnipro" style="color: black"="">ericnipro</a> &larr; Click for all of user's ratings &rarr; (1 Total Ratings, Averaging 9.0 / 10) 
This is a great game, I've played Black Knight 2000 and this is better, compared to other current games, this is much better. It takes a while to really appreciate the complexity of what you can do. Multi-ball, physical lock on upper play field, and virtual lock on lower play field can be combined to have 6 balls in action. Add a ball, monsters, lower play field war, it's all brilliant. Fantastic game!
 Art: 9 / 10
 Audio: 8 / 10
 Playfield: 10 / 10
 Game Play: 9 / 10
Overall&nbsp;: <b="">9.0</b> / 10
2020-03-19 01:27:30
User Name:&nbsp;<a href="" target="userrateyunkjard" style="color: black"="">yunkjard</a> &larr; Click for all of user's ratings &rarr; (38 Total Ratings, Averaging 8.6 / 10) 
 Art: 9 / 10
 Audio: 10 / 10
 Playfield: 9 / 10
 Game Play: 10 / 10
Overall&nbsp;: <b="">9.6</b> / 10
2023-03-03 07:09:52
User Name:&nbsp;<a href="" target="userratecrobi1017" style="color: black"="">crobi1017</a> &larr; Click for all of user's ratings &rarr; (2 Total Ratings, Averaging 8.9 / 10) 
 Art: 9 / 10
 Audio: 10 / 10
 Playfield: 8 / 10
 Game Play: 9 / 10
Overall&nbsp;: <b="">9.0</b> / 10
2019-12-11 15:31:56

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