View The Current Issue

This issue of Inside Supply Management® delves into managing supply chain risk and prioritizing agility. The cover article discusses how integrating artificial intelligence (AI) can lead to value generation. Also read about the power of cross-collaboration, the intersection between logistics and X-shoring, and how the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA) is shaping supply chain resilience.

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Inside Supply Management Magazine

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In Inside Supply Management®’s annual technology, data and analytics issue, learn how artificial intelligence (AI) and generative AI are on track to revolutionize procurement — including tips for using such tools, how to avoid potential risks and how DuPont is using generative AI. You’ll find highlights of Institute for Supply Management®’s (ISM®) 2023 Data and Analytics Study, which examines the caution flags on the data speedway. Another feature delves into anticipating the next era of wartime supply chain strategies.

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Most Recent Articles

  • Report On Business® Roundup: June Hospital PMI®

    Dan Zeiger
  • Report On Business® Roundup: June Services PMI®

    Dan Zeiger
  • How to Minimize Trade Risks and Comply with the UFLPA

    Jag Lamba

Popular Articles

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A Climate of New Regulations — and Resistance

Dan Zeiger
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The Strait of Malacca’s Global Supply Chain Implications


In The Current Issue

  • Member Only

    April 2024 ISM® Report On Business®: Hospital

  • Member Only

    April 2024 ISM® Report On Business®: Services

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    The Intersection of X-Shoring and Logistics

    Sue Doerfler

Must Reads From All Issues

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Long COVID for Supply Chains

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SEC Ruling Might Slow, But Won’t Stop, Climate Transparency

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‘Full Speed Ahead’

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How US$100 Billion in Supply Chain Goods Disappear Each Year

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Norbert Dean, CPSM
Vice Chair

Carnival Cruise Line

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TriMark USA

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Founder of Intelage and Strategic Consultant
Tenzing Consulting


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WESCO Distribution, Inc.


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Michigan State University

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Bath and Body Works



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