Custom Courses

To inquire about the College building a custom course for your organization, contact Erin O’Brien at [email protected] or (775) 327-8205

Download our Custom Course List

Below is a list of existing custom courses. If you have a topic that is not represented on the list, we can create almost any course you desire. Courses can be presented in person (in your jurisdiction or another location) or online.

The JS designations below reflect those courses that are eligible for credit in the master’s or Ph.D. in Judicial Studies.

Administrative Law

  • Administrative Law: Advanced (JS 649)
  • Administrative Law: Fair Hearing (JS 612)
  • Administrative Law: High Volume
  • Administrative Law: Unemployment Compensation
  • Administrative Law: Utility Regulatory Adjudication
  • Administrative Law: Workers’ Compensation
  • Ensuring Fairness in Your Hearings
  • Essential Skills for Administrative Law Judges
  • Essential Skills for the Unemployment Adjudicator
  • Ethics for the Administrative Law Judge
  • Evidence Challenges for Administrative Law Judges
  • Forensic Evidence: When Science Is Presented in Hearings
  • Judging in the Digital Age: Conquering Discovery and Admission of Electronically Stored Information
  • Managing Cases Involving Commercial Drivers Licenses
  • Mediation for Administrative Law Judges
  • Neuroscience and Decision-Making
  • Traffic Adjudication for Administrative Law Judges

Alternative Dispute Resolution

  • Advanced Mediation: Practical Skills and Techniques
  • Civil Mediation
  • Dispute Resolution Skills (JS 625)
  • Dispute Resolution Techniques for Tribal Justice Systems
  • Implementing and Evaluating a Court-Connected Alternative Dispute Resolution Program
  • Mediation for Administrative Law Judges
  • Settlement Techniques

Appellate Judges

  • Advanced Judicial Writing (JS 626)
  • Advanced Skills for Appellate Judges
  • Collaborative Decision Making
  • Constitutional Criminal Procedure
  • Current Issues in the Law
  • Digital Evidence Issues for Appellate Judges
  • Ensuring Fairness in Your Court
  • Essential Skills for Appellate Judges
  • Ethical Issues in the Law: A Novel Approach (JS 619)
  • Ethics and Judging: Reaching Higher Ground
  • Ethics for Appellate Judges
  • Judging in the Digital Age: Conquering Discovery and Admission of Electronically Stored Information
  • Judicial Philosophy and American Law
  • Judicial Wellness
  • Judicial Writing (JS 615)
  • Law and Literature
  • Law and Popular Culture
  • Law, Science, and Ethics
  • Leadership for Judges
  • Logic and Opinion Writing (JS 621)
  • Mindfulness for Judges
  • Neuroscience and Decision-Making
  • The Fourth Amendment: Contemporary Issues for Appellate Judges
  • The U.S. Constitution and Development of American Law
  • The U.S. Constitution and Development of Legal Philosophy
  • Today’s Justice: The Historic Bases (JS 642)
  • When Justice Fails: Threats to the Independence of the Judiciary (JS 645)

Civil Courses

  • Advanced Evidence (JS 617)
  • Advanced Mediation: Practical Skills and Techniques
  • Best Practices in Handling Self-Represented Litigants
  • Business Issues for Judges
  • Case Management
  • Children in Court
  • Civil Mediation
  • Complex Commercial Litigation
  • Conducting the Trial (JS 632)
  • Constitutionalists: The Protest Movement in the Courts
  • Dispute Resolution Skills (JS 625)
  • Dispute Resolution Techniques for Tribal Justice Systems
  • Electronic Discovery: What Every Judge Needs to Know
  • Ethics for Judges
  • Financial Statements in the Courtroom
  • Forensic Evidence: When Science Comes to Court
  • Handling Small Claims Cases Effectively
  • Judging in the Digital Age: Conquering Discovery and Admission of Electronically Stored Information
  • Probate Matters: Education for Judicial Officers
  • Scientific Evidence and Expert Testimony (JS 622)
  • Settlement Techniques

Court Performance and Management

  • Advanced Bench Skills: Procedural Fairness
  • Advanced Issues in Cases Involving Co-Occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders
  • Best Practices in Handling Cases with Self-Represented Litigants
  • Case Management
  • Computer Uses for Judges
  • Computer Uses for Judges: Advanced
  • Conducting the Trial (JS 617)
  • Court Management for Judges and Court Administrators (JM 690)
  • Court Management for Tribal Court Judges and Personnel (JM 690)
  • Decision Making (JS 618)
  • Effective Caseflow Management (JS 627)
  • Effective Team Court Management
  • Enhancing Judicial Bench Skills (JS 624)
  • Implementing and Evaluating a Court-Connected Alternative Dispute Resolution Program
  • Judging in the Digital Age: Conquering Discovery and Admission of Electronically Stored Information
  • Judicial Security: Protecting the Court and the Judge
  • Leadership for Judges
  • Management Skills for Presiding Judges
  • Managing Complex Litigation (JS 629)
  • Mindfulness for Judges
  • Neuroscience and Decision-Making
  • Special Considerations for the Rural Court Judge

Criminal Courses

  • Advanced Evidence (JS 617)
  • Advanced Issues in Cases Involving Co-Occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders
  • Behind the Wheel: Today’s Traffic Offender
  • Best Practices in Handling Self-Represented Litigants
  • Children in Court
  • Conducting the Trial (JS 632)
  • Constitutional Criminal Procedure
  • Constitutionalists: The Protest Movement in the Courts
  • Co-Occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders
  • Criminal Evidence (JS 613)
  • Criminal Pretrial & Post-Trial Challenges: Solutions for Bail, Supervision & Sentencing
  • Domestic Violence
  • Drugged Driving Essentials
  • Drugs in America Today: What Every Judge Needs to Know
  • DUI Primer for Judges: Handling Impaired Driving Cases
  • Ethics for Judges
  • Forensic Evidence: When Science Comes to Court
  • Handling Capital Cases (JS 623)
  • Handling Sex-Related Cases in Court
  • Handling the Criminal Case
  • Impaired Driving Case Essentials
  • Judging in the Digital Age: Conquering Discovery and Admission of Electronically Stored Information
  • Managing Cases Involving Commercial Drivers Licenses
  • Managing Cases Involving Persons with Mental Disabilities
  • Managing Sex Offenders
  • Practical Approaches to Substance Abuse Issues (JS 628)
  • Properly and Effectively Adjudicating Drugged Drivers
  • Scientific Evidence and Expert Testimony (JS 622)
  • Search, Seizure, and Criminal Procedure
  • Selected Criminal Evidence Issues
  • Sentencing Motor Vehicle Law Offenders
  • Sentencing Offenders
  • Sentencing Sex Offenders
  • The Fourth Amendment: Contemporary Issues for Appellate Judges
  • The Fourth Amendment: Comprehensive Search and Seizure Training for Trial Judges
  • Traffic Court Proceedings
  • Traffic Issues in the 21st Century

Evidence Courses

  • Judging in the Digital Age: Conquering Discovery and Admission of Electronically Stored Information
  • Law and Biology: Impact on the Courts
  • Scientific Evidence and Expert Testimony (JS 622)
  • Advanced Evidence (JS 617)
  • Criminal Evidence (JS 613)
  • Electronic Discovery: What Every Judge Needs to Know
  • Evidence Challenges for Administrative Law Judges
  • Evidence in a Courtroom Setting (JS 633)
  • Forensic Evidence: When Science Comes to Court
  • Fundamentals of Evidence
  • Selected Criminal Evidence Issues

Family Law Courses

  • Best Practices in Handling Self-Represented Litigants
  • Child Custody Challenges: Evidence and Orders
  • Children in Court
  • Current Issues in Family Law (JS 634)
  • Dispute Resolution Skills (JS 625)
  • Dispute Resolution Techniques for Tribal Justice Systems
  • Domestic Violence
  • Essential Skills for Tribal Court Judges
  • Ethics for Judges
  • Financial Statements in the Courtroom
  • Judging in the Digital Age: Conquering Discovery and Admission of Electronically Stored Information
  • Managing Challenging Family Law Cases: A Practical Approach (JS 634)
  • Managing Cases Involving Persons with Mental Disabilities
  • Survival Skills for the Domestic Relations Judge

Foundation Courses

  • Administrative Law: Fair Hearing (JS 612)
  • Best Practices in Handling Cases with Self-Represented Litigants
  • Ensuring Fairness in Your Court
  • Conducting the Trial (JS 632)
  • Decision Making (JS 618)
  • Drugged Driving Essentials
  • Essential Skills for Tribal Court Judges
  • Ethics for Judges
  • Ethics for the Administrative Law Judge
  • Ethics and Judging: Reaching Higher Ground
  • Ethics, Fairness & Security in Your Court and Community
  • Fundamentals of Evidence
  • Forensic Evidence: When Science Comes to Court
  • General Jurisdiction (JS 610)
  • Handling Small Claims Cases Effectively
  • Judicial Writing (JS 615)
  • Judging in the Digital Age: Conquering Discovery and Admission of Electronically Stored Information
  • Logic and Opinion Writing (JS 621)
  • Neuroscience and Decision-Making
  • Probate Courts: A Practical Approach
  • Special Considerations for the Rural Court Judge
  • Special Court Jurisdiction
  • Special Court Jurisdiction: Advanced (JS 612)
  • Taking the Bench: A Course for New Judges

Problem-Solving Courses

  • Co-Occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders
  • Criminal Pretrial and Post-Trial Challenges: Solutions for Bail, Supervision and Sentencing
  • Drug and Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) Courts
  • Managing Cases Involving Persons with Mental Disabilities
  • Mental Health Courts
  • Practical Approaches to Substance Abuse Issues (JS 628)
  • Sentencing Motor Vehicle Law Offenders
  • Sentencing Sex Offenders
  • Veterans’ Treatment Courts

Courts & Media Courses

  • Basic Legal Affairs Reporting for Journalists
  • Essential Court Teamwork in Dealing with the Media
  • First Amendment and Media Issues for Judges
  • Media Issues for Judges in the Information Age

Enrichment & History of the Law Courses

  • Current Issues in the Law
  • Ethical Issues in the Law: A Novel Approach (JS 619)
  • Judicial Philosophy and American Law
  • Judicial Wellness
  • Law and Literature
  • Law and Popular Culture
  • Law, Science, and Ethics
  • Today’s Justice: The Historic Bases (JS 642)
  • The U.S. Constitution and Development of American Law
  • The U.S. Constitution and Development of Legal Philosophy
  • When Justice Fails: Threats to the Independence of the Judiciary (JS 645)

Skills-Based Courses

  • Advanced Bench Skills: Procedural Fairness
  • Advanced Evidence (JS 617)
  • Advanced Skills for Appellate Judges
  • Advanced Judicial Writing (JS 626)
  • Civil Mediation
  • Commercial Driver’s Licensing Laws: A Faculty Development Workshop
  • Creating an Active Learning Environment: A Faculty Development Workshop
  • Custom-Designed Faculty Development Workshop – choose the subject and we’ll teach you how to teach it
  • Designing and Presenting Effective Courses: A Faculty Development Workshop
  • Distance Learning: A Faculty Development Workshop
  • Enhancing Judicial Bench Skills (JS 624)
  • Judicial Writing (JS 615)
  • Leadership for Judges
  • Logic and Opinion Writing (JS 621)
  • Mindfulness for Judges
  • Using Literature as a Teaching Tool: A Faculty Development Workshop


NOTE: The National Tribal Judicial Center (NTJC) encourages tribal judges to take any of the courses in the curriculum. NTJC designed the courses below specifically for tribal judges.

  • Advanced Skills for Appellate Judges
  • Advanced Tribal Bench Skills: Competence, Confidence and Control
  • Advanced Tribal Court Management
  • Appellate Skills for Tribal Judges
  • Best Practices in Handling Cases with Self-Represented Litigants
  • Court Management for Tribal Court Judges and Personnel (JM 690)
  • Custom and Tradition in Contemporary Tribal Justice Systems
  • Essential Skills for Lay Advocates in Tribal Court
  • Essential Skills for Tribal Court Judges
  • Handling Domestic Violence Cases in Tribal Court
  • Indian Civil Rights Act (ICRA): Protecting Rights in Tribal Court
  • Pending and Declined Prosecutions in Indian Country: Coordinating with U.S. Attorneys
  • Practical Approaches to Family Issues in Tribal Courts
  • Tribal Code Development: TLOA, VAWA, Non-Indians, Domestic Relations, etc. (customized for your tribe’s needs)
  • Tribal Code Development: Writing And Amending Codes
  • Tribal Court Development: Fundamental Considerations for Tribal Leadership
  • Tribal Court Management of Alcohol and Drug Cases
  • Tribal Court Technology
  • Trial Advocacy & Evidence for Tribal Prosecutors
  • Writing for Tribal Judges


NOTE: NJC can offer any web course in a face-to-face environment or as a blended learning opportunity.

  • Essential Skills for the Unemployment Adjudicator
  • Ethics and Judging: Reaching Higher Ground
  • Ethics for the Administrative Law Judge
  • Evidence Challenges for Administrative Law Judges
  • Forensic Evidence: When Science Comes to Court
  • Fundamentals of Evidence
  • Handling Inquiries from the Media: A Primer for Judges
  • Handling Small Claims Cases Effectively
  • Managing Sex Offenders
  • Probate Matters: Education for Judicial Officers
  • Properly and Effectively Adjudicating Drugged Drivers
  • Selected Criminal Evidence Issues
  • Special Considerations for the Rural Court Judge
  • Taking the Bench: An Online Course for New Judges
  • Traffic Adjudication for Administrative Law Judges

Faculty & Curriculum Development (a.k.a. Train-the-Trainer) Courses

  • Creating an Active Learning Environment: A Faculty Development Workshop
  • Curriculum Development Principles and Practices
  • Custom-Designed Faculty Development Workshop – choose the subject and we’ll teach you how to teach it
  • Designing and Presenting Effective Presentations: A Faculty Development Workshop
  • Distance Learning: A Faculty Development Workshop
  • Planning and Presenting Courses Effectively: A Faculty Development Workshop
  • Program and Faculty Development
  • Using Literature as a Teaching Tool: A Faculty Development Workshop