Congressman Mo Brooks (R-AL), a candidate in the Republican primary for the 2022 Senate race, engaged in a systematic effort to cast doubt on the integrity of the 2020 U.S. presidential election and to make the case that its result should be overturned by state legislatures and Congress. Using incendiary language, he encouraged President Trump’s supporters — in remarks at the Rally immediately preceding the insurrection on January 6th — to march to the U.S. Capitol:

Today is the day American patriots start taking down names and kicking ass. Now our ancestors sacrificed their blood, their sweat, their tears, their fortunes, and sometimes their lives to give us, their descendants, an America that is the greatest nation in world history. So I have a question for you, are you willing to do the same? My answer is yes. Louder! Are you willing to do what it takes to fight for America?

Now, a year since the election, Rep. Brooks is under scrutiny by the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol, faces a lawsuit brought against him and other defendants — including former President Donald Trump — by Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), and is a subject of a recent news report suggesting a small group of Republican congressmen played a role in organizing events on Jan. 6, including activities that co-organizers tried to block out of concern the situation would turn violent.

Ever since, Rep. Brooks has continued to promote the “Big Lie” even after the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) warned that the spread of this conspiracy theory continues to propel domestic violent extremists.

What follows is a comprehensive timeline of Rep. Brook’s public statements (e.g., in Congress, on social media, in media interviews), his known activities related to the presidential election and the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, and his subsequent statements about his role that day and claims about the integrity of the result.

The following materials include information that is both incriminating and exculpatory, but on balance the evidence shows Rep. Brooks’ responsibility for engaging in efforts that helped cause, intentionally or unintentionally, an insurrection against the United States. Rep. Brooks made arguments that went beyond simply claims of election fraud to assert the system had broken down into “lawlessness” and robbed Americans of the rightfully elected candidate. Combined with his efforts that raised Trump supporters’ false expectations that Republicans could overturn the certification of the Electoral College vote on January 6 and his violent rhetoric, Rep. Brooks helped inspire vigilantism.

Several potential explanations might account for Rep. Brooks’ actions. The most innocent would not include a deliberate attempt to overturn the election. More evidence would be required to definitively assess what exactly motivated him. The list of possible (and possibly overlapping) explanations include:

● Delegitimize Biden: Brooks may have sought to undermine the incoming Biden administration before it began.
● Red meat: Brooks may have hoped simply to galvanize his own supporters in Alabama, with an eye toward accruing support for the Alabama Senate primary election or to drive fundraising.
● Groundwork for 2024: Brooks may have sought to set the stage for the longer-term future by advancing the independent state legislature doctrine to pave the way for a state legislature to argue that an election has “failed” so that it can send an alternative slate of electors to Congress.
● Groundwork for future vote suppression: Brooks may have sought to create the political conditions necessary for Republicans to pass voter suppression laws in multiple states around the country.
● Coup: Brooks’ objective may have been to keep Donald Trump in power.

Regardless of his motivations, Rep. Brooks took the following actions:

● Advanced the unfounded argument that mail-in ballots are a substantial source of “voter fraud & election theft” (as early as May 16, 2020)
● Advanced the false claim that substantial numbers of non-citizens participated in the 2020 presidential election (starting November 5, 2020)
● Became the first Republican member of Congress to pledge to reject the certification of Electoral College votes (November 7, 2020)
● Made a series of five floor speeches in Congress to advance false voter fraud claims and lay out the basis for the rejection of the election result (starting November 12, 2020)
● Advanced arguments consistent with the “Eastman memo” and the “independent state legislature” theory, arguing the election “failed” because other state officials besides state legislators– such as state election officials or courts– were involved in making rules for implementing the 2020 election (starting November 18, 2020)
● Claimed that when a variety of disproven allegations of voter fraud are tabulated, the result is that “President Trump handily won the Electoral College and a second term as president,” a position more extreme than perhaps any other Republican member of Congress, many of whom generally argued the election was in doubt or should be reviewed before its certification (December 3, 2020)
● Falsely alleged that then-candidate Joe Biden solicited votes from undocumented immigrants (starting December 3, 2020)
● Repeatedly tied his effort to object to the certification of Biden’s victory in the 2020 election to the survival of the nation, arguing Republicans must “fight to the last breath” for the defense of the country. (starting December 3, 2020)
● Repeatedly said the election was “stolen” and called for Republicans to “fight” in the context of other violent and militarized exhortations:

E.g., Tweet, Dec. 5: “I firmly believe this election has been stolen by the Socialist Democrats. I’m going to fight!”

E.g., on FoxNews Radio, Dec. 7: “We have a choice. We can either fight for fair, honest, and accurate elections or we can surrender. It does not make any difference what the odds are of success. The question is, do you surrender? Do you duck in your foxhole and wait till the fighting is over with? Or do you stand tall and fight for the Republic of the United States of America?”

E.g., Sean Hannity radio show, Dec. 22: “On January the 6th, this is somewhat akin to the Alamo, although I hope we will survive. But it was the Alamo where you had courageous people stand tall.”

While sometimes his exhortations to “fight” seem to more clearly refer to the political fight inside Congress or at the polls, Rep. Brooks frequently makes statements equating the political contest with 1776, the Alamo, survival, foxholes, and the sacrifice of lives for the sake of the nation.

● Joined other Republican members of Congress to coordinate a meeting with then-President Trump at the White House to plan for the objection to the certification of Electoral College results on January 6 (December 21, 2020)
● Gave a fiery speech at the rally at the Ellipse, urging supporters to go to the Capitol and claiming “we are not going to let the socialists rip the heart out of our country” (January 6, 2021)
● Spread false claims that Antifa activists were responsible for the violence at the Capitol, starting at the moment the House was called into recess (starting January 6, 2021)
● After Congress resumed following the clearing of the Capitol, gave a speech on the floor making a variety of unfounded assertions, claiming that the election was stolen from Donald Trump. (January 6, 2021)
● In the days following the insurrection, falsely alleged that Joe Biden’s campaign staff personally engaged in fraud (January 7, 2021)
● Continued to advance false claims until at least October 2021 that President Joe Biden was elected on a wave of massive voter fraud, including pushing for “audits” in Arizona and other states (starting on March 3, 2021)

A number of details point to further questions about Rep. Brooks’ role in the events of January 6:

● “Stop the Steal” organizer and militia-aligned Ali Alexander claimed Rep. Brooks was one of three Congressman– along with Reps. Paul Gosar and Andy Biggs — who helped Alexander plan the events of January 6 to “put maximum pressure on Congress while they were voting” in order to rally more Republicans to vote against the certification of Electoral College votes. (Rep. Brooks’ office told the Washington Post that he “has no recollection of ever communicating in any way with whoever Ali Alexander is.”)
● Rep. Brooks attended the rally at the Ellipse wearing body armor, an action that the Department of Justice assessed he took in his personal capacity.
● Sued by Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-CA for his role in inciting violence at the Capitol, Rep. Brooks claims he was acting that day in his official capacity with the support and in coordination with the White House; the DOJ rejected his claim to be acting in an official capacity in a brief to the court.

The timeline below makes clear that Rep. Brooks was early to emphasize the importance of January 6 and to whip up support for the Republican objection to the certification of the Electoral College vote. It also shows that he repeatedly states as fact outright and repeatedly disproven falsehoods — even details from his own past. He lifts claims out of context from published reports suggesting a level of deliberation on his part. What the record does not show may also be of import; for instance, Rep. Brooks does not put any emphasis on the role of Vice President Pence in choosing to certify the election.

The following Timeline includes public domain material compiled by groups including Rep. Zoe Lofgren’s (D-CA) staff in its Social Media Review of statements related to January 6, published in March 2021; additional social media research by Advance Democracy, Inc. (ADI), a non-partisan, non-profit organization that conducts public-interest research & investigations; a chronicle of media appearances compiled by Media Matters; and additional research by the authors. If you think we have missed any key information, please notify us by sending an email to [email protected].

Before the Election
Election Day Through January 6
January 6
After the Insurrection

Before the election

In the run-up to the 2020 election Rep. Brooks joins President Trump and other Republicans to sow doubts about the legitimacy of the elections, and in particular to claim that mail-in ballots lead to substantial fraud. Rep. Brooks starts to tweet stories about illegal voting and mail-in voting fraud in spring 2020 and into the summer of 2020, using rare instances of fraud uncovered in local elections that were caught and pursued by authorities to suggest mail-in ballots in general lead to “voter fraud & election theft.”

Voting by mail has been found to be “rarely subject to fraud.” A Heritage Foundation database of election fraud reports details approximately 1,200 allegations of voter fraud over the past 20 years– for which there were 1,100 criminal convictions. Multiple recent studies confirm that the use of vote by mail confers no partisan advantage.

  • May 16, 2020, on Twitter, Rep. Brooks advances the claim that mail-in ballots equals “voter fraud & election theft.”

  • May 16, 2020, on Twitter Rep. Mo Brooks says he has “seen & heard from LOTS of witnesses re voter fraud & election theft.” He references a 2000 race for a Senate seat in Washington and says it “[took] a recount to take that one.”

Additional context: While the 2000 Senate race between then incumbent Republican Slade Gorton and Democrat challenger Maria Cantwell was decided by fewer than 2,000 votes and a recount was automatically required, contemporaneous news reports did not suggest there were allegations of fraud at the time. The Washington Post called it a “Recount without Rancor.” Absentee ballots that were received by the deadline did play an important role in the outcome, but were subjected to recount to determine the winner.

  • May 21, 2020, on Twitter Rep. Mo Brooks endorses a tweet by conservative media personality Ann Coulter claiming “‘Vote by mail’ is a random ballot dump to addresses all over the state.”

  • May 21, 2020, on Twitter, Rep. Brooks references a case of a former Pennsylvania Judge of Elections who was charged and pleaded guilty to election fraud charges in three elections.

Additional context: Rep. Brooks conflates the charges in the case, which related to accepting cash to “add fraudulent votes on the voting machine” with vote by mail, presumably making the case that this isolated incident is evidence that Democrats generally seek to “steal elections.”

  • June 28, 2020, on Twitter, Rep. Brooks refers to a case where a Paterson, New Jersey Councilman and two men linked to his campaign were charged with election fraud related to mail-in ballots.

Additional context: Tweeting a Breitbart article, Rep. Brooks claims this case “proves” that mail-in voting causes “voter fraud & election theft.” The two were charged and ultimately indicted by then New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir Grewal, a Democrat. USA Today later reported that while it is “charges of corruption have been made in a local New Jersey election conducted by mail,” “assertions about how that case shows a systematic problem with voting by mail are not supported by evidence.”

  • June 29, 2020 on Twitter, Rep. Brooks claims that absentee voting is safe but voting by mail lacks safeguards.

Additional context: According to recent analyses by the Bipartisan Policy Center, Brookings Institution and the Brennan Center, voting by mail is safe and secure from fraud.

  • July 23, 2020, on Twitter, Rep. Brooks again references the Pennsylvania case, tweeting the statement of the U.S. Attorney in the case.

Additional context: Rep. Brooks again conflates the Pennsylvania scheme, which saw the indicted official add 113 fraudulent ballots across three elections to machine vote totals, with proof that voter fraud will be “easier” with “mailed ballots.”

  • July 26, 2020, on Twitter Rep. Brooks tweets an article that rounds up recent cases of voter fraud by John Solomon.

Additional context: Solomon’s previous work at The Hill came under scrutiny by his own colleagues for his repeated failures to make appropriate disclosures that led to “serious doubts about the credibility” of his sources. Fox News later parted ways with Solomon when its own research arm warned its hosts not to trust “his disinformation.”

  • August 20, 2020, on Twitter Rep. Brooks tweets a New York Post story with the headline, “Confessions of a voter fraud: I was a master at fixing mail-in ballots.”

Additional context: The story, sourced to a single “political insider” that “spoke on condition of anonymity,” purports to explain how “some of the biggest names and highest office holders in New Jersey have benefited from his tricks.” Media Matters, a nonprofit that tracks conservative misinformation, chronicled how the anonymous claims were picked up by other outlets and Republican political elites.

  • September 4, 2020, on Twitter: “19 more noncitizens (mere iceberg tip) prosecuted in North Carolina for voting in AMERICAN elections, yet #Socialist #Democrats deny voter fraud exists.

OF COURSE Socialists say that … since they do it!

USA beware. Dems seek to steal White House.”

Additional context: In the 2016 election, according to local election officials in 42 jurisdictions across 12 states, votes by non-citizens accounted for just 0.0001% of votes. Over the past two decades, multiple nationwide and state studies, including in North Carolina, have identified only a miniscule number of ballots cast by non-citizens. Most notably, even a commission created by President Trump to investigate his unsubstantiated claims that millions of non-citizens voted in 2016 failed to uncover any evidence of fraud before disbanding.

  • September 4, 2020, on Twitter: “History rebuts #Socialist #Democrat “there is no voter fraud” via #VoteByMail propaganda. Per 2005 bipartisan commission, including liberals Jimmy Carter & Tom Daschle: “Vote by mail is…likely to increase the risks of fraud and of contested elections”

Additional context: The 2005 report by the Commission on Federal Election Reform referred to by Rep. Brooks, Building Confidence in U.S. Elections, noted that in Oregon, which has had a vote-by-mail system since 1998, “there is little evidence of fraud,” before speculating that “vote by mail is, however, likely to increase the risks of fraud and of contested elections in other states, where the population is more mobile, where there is some history of troubled elections, or where the safeguards for ballot integrity are weaker.” Overall, the report notes that while the Commission was “divided on the magnitude of voter fraud– with some believing the problem is widespread and others believing that it is minor– there is no doubt that it occurs.” In a separate study analyzing states that voted by mail prior to 2018, the Brookings Institute similarly identified very few cases of voter fraud in vote-by-mail states.

  • September 26, 2020, on Twitter: “And so the election uncertainty (Voter fraud?) begins.

9 military ballots illegally discarded by election officials. As expected from military voters, 7 of 9 discarded ballots were for Trump.

Stolen election risks are REAL! I’ve personally seen it.

Additional context: In the same article shared by Representative Brooks in this tweet, Luzerne County Manager C. David Pedri noted that this incident “show[ed] that the system of checks and balances set forth in Pennsylvania elections works.” Additionally, in August 2020, the Trump campaign failed to produce any evidence of fraud related to mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania after being ordered to do so by a federal judge.

  • October 17, 2020, on Twitter: “Alabama @AGSteveMarshall, @realDonaldTrump & I fight to protect equal protection & one person/one vote principles barring illegal alien count from distorting Congressmen & electoral college vote allocation.

Supreme Court expedites hearing this issue!”

Additional context: The Supreme Court has since declined to weigh in on the legality of the plan by President Trump to exclude undocumented immigrants from the 2020 Census figures used to apportion seats in Congress. It has been longstanding practice for the government to count all residents, regardless of immigration status.

  • October 30, 2020, on Twitter: “SCOTUS has a consequential decision to make in Trump v. NY. Will it support lawlessness or will it support the Rule of Law? I hope our amicus brief submitted today helps the Court understand the ramifications of this case and decide it correctly.

  • October 30, 2020, on Twitter: .@AGSteveMarshall & I support President Trump’s efforts to protect American citizens’ 14th Amendment Equal Protection, one-person, one-vote right. That’s why we sued in federal court to exclude illegal aliens from census apportionment counts.

Election Day Through January 6

Following the November 3rd, 2020 election, Rep. Brooks rose to prominence as one of the most vocal proponents of unfounded voter fraud claims, making a variety of arguments to support the idea that the election was stolen from President Trump by Democrats. He was the first Member of Congress to promise to object to the certification of Electoral College votes on January 6.

In pushing to overturn the 2020 election, Rep. Brooks appears to lean heavily on a legal theory known as the independent state legislature doctrine. Historically, the doctrine was invoked to argue that state legislatures possess nearly unlimited power under the U.S. Constitution to set rules for federal elections so they cannot be constrained by state constitutions. The strong version of the doctrine imagines that state legislators are “wholly independent from gubernatorial or state judicial interference.” Its proponents essentially take a maximalist view of U.S. Constitution Article II § 1 (“Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors”) and Article I § 4 (“The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof.”) See Rick Hasen, Identifying and Minimizing the Risk of Election Subversion and Stolen Elections in the Contemporary United States, U.C.L.A. Legal Studies Research Paper Series No. 2021-50 (Sept. 18, 2021).

In Bush v. Gore, the Supreme Court stated that a “state legislature’s power to select the manner for appointing presidential electors is plenary; it may, if it so chooses, select the electors itself.” 531 U.S. 98 (2000). But for the most part, Rep. Brooks and other Trump affiliates did not argue that Republican-held state legislatures should formally seize control of the appointment of electors for the 2020 election. Rather, they argued state legislatures should override the popular vote by pointing to a provision of the 1887 Electoral Count Act that gives state legislatures the power to send in an alternative slate of electors should the state have “failed” to choose a president on election day: “Whenever any State has held an election for the purpose of choosing electors, and has failed to make a choice on the day prescribed by law, the electors may be appointed on a subsequent day in such a manner as the legislature of such State may direct.” (3 U.S.C. § 2). As Hasen explains, to make this argument, Trump’s allies claimed, under the independent state legislature doctrine, “that in states where Biden won, the election had ‘failed’ because other actors besides state legislators were involved in making rules for implementing the 2020 elections.” (However, it is widely understood that this is a misreading of the statute, see Adav Noti’s No, State Legislatures Cannot Overrule the Popular Vote.)

If those alternative slates of electors were numerically sufficient to tip the election to the Republican candidate, and Republicans controlled both houses of Congress, they could accept those “bogus results” and declare their preferred candidate the winner.

Looking forward, Hasen outlines several potential scenarios showing how this election subversion strategy could play out in the 2024 election and beyond to deny the popular vote in various states. In one, he suggests the Supreme Court’s conservative majority could endorse the maximalist version of the independent state legislature doctrine to undermine valid election results. He notes that Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, and Brett Kavanaugh have expressed support for some aspects of the doctrine at various points in 2020. See Republican Party of Pennsylvania v. Degraffenreid, 141 S. Ct. 732, 732-33 (2021) (Thomas, J., dissenting); Republican Party of Pennsylvania v. Boockvar, 141 S. Ct. 1 (2020) (Alito), Moore v. Circosta, 141 S. Ct. 46 (2020) (Gorsuch, J., dissenting from denial of application of injunctive relief); Dem. Nat’l Comm. v. Wis. State Leg., 141 S. Ct. 28, 34 n.1 (Kavanagh, J., concurring in denial of application to vacate stay). In the other scenario, he argues that state legislatures could simply declare that the elections “failed” and send an alternate slate of electors by pointing to the independent state legislature doctrine or alleging voter fraud. The end result could hinge on control of a majority of state delegations to Congress. Rep. Brooks on several occasions sketched out the latter scenario as a roadmap to overturning the 2020 election.

  • November 5, 2020, on Twitter: “Count every LEGAL vote!!”

  • November 5, 2020, on Twitter: “As a U.S. House member, I’m going to be very hesitant to certify the results of this election if Joe Biden is declared the winner under these circumstances b/c I lack faith that this was an honest election. Listen to my interview @WVNN where I explain.”

Rep. Brooks tells Alabama radio station WVNN: “But in a bigger sense, part of the problem is the uncertainty interjected into the election process by this early mailing of ballots en masse. And let me give you an example of something that has crossed my mind that is unsettling. Let’s say in North Carolina, where a ballot could come in nine days after the election and still be counted, which means we’re not going to know the North Carolina official result for at least nine days after the election, in contrast to Alabama where at least we’ll have a number on election night or perhaps the day after. So some voter sends in a ballot, does not know if it ever got to where it was supposed to go, so that voter shows up at the polls on election day and votes. Okay? And the poll worker would have no idea that that very same voter has also sent in a ballot, in which case if both are counted that one voter would have voted twice. And so you’ve got an additional layer of complexity and risk of error because now you’ve got a piece of paper and hundreds of thousands of others and you have to make sure that none of those ballots that were mailed match the names of any of the people who voted on election day either innocently or in hopes of voting twice in one day. And so, in Alabama we have a pretty simplified system. We have one way in which you can vote early, and that is based on the belief that you won’t be there on election day, at the polls, there is going to be some barrier, and that’s called absentee balloting. And what you do is you go get yourself an absentee ballot, you show your identification, ie to verify that you are in fact the person who’s entitled to vote, which is in stark contrast to this mail-in voting, where if a ballot goes to the wrong address, the person who gets it could just fill it out and send it back and someone may have lost the right to vote, or you may have gotten away with voting for somebody else. Both things are bad. So, in Alabama, when you get your absentee ballot, then, you’re marked on the voter rolls as having voted, and that voter roll is sent to each voting location, so that if that person comes in and tries to vote a second time, the poll official has their computer database that shows that person has already voted and he cannot vote again on election day. So you’ve eliminated that risk with our absentee ballot process, a risk that is prevalent in a lot of other states. Additionally, whether you vote absentee or vote at the booth on election day, you have to show ID. You have those to mechanisms for voting, and no others, and then you have a computer system that can rapidly collate these votes, add ’em all up, spit out a number, and boom, you can get it done real quick. And if Alabama can do it, any other state can do it. You know, we’re not one of the richest states that can afford all of the bells and whistles, but yet we get it done in an effective and efficient manner, because our state legislature’s passed laws that make it effective and efficient and also honest. The only weakness in the Alabama system is that you don’t really know if a person is an American citizen who can lawfully vote, and that’s because the Democrats out of Washington, D.C. have made it extraordinarily difficult for election officials to determine if a person is a United States citizen when they register to vote.” Answering a question, he replies, “Well of course the Democrats want that kind of process because it has more vulnerabilities to election fraud. And the Democrats are renowned for engaging in election fraud, voter fraud, election theft, however you want to categorize it. By way of example, can you think of a single instance in which a Republican candidate, and his campaign, was accused of voter fraud or election theft. Now I’ve been in politics for a good number of decades, and there’s probably been an example, but I can’t think of it. Okay, that shows you who is the beneficiary of these loose rules that enhance the weaknesses in the election process. What I want, and what Republicans generally want, is we want only eligible American citizens having the right to vote and some kind of verification process that ensures they are in fact the ones who are voting. And no one else should be allowed to vote, and there should not be any effort by anyone to deter somebody else from voting. We want all people who are lawfully eligible to vote- that are American citizens- to vote. But we don’t want the others. You don’t see the Democrats doing anything at all that minimizes the risk of election fraud, of non-citizens voting. Everything that the Democrats seemingly push for, creates another weakness that the criminal element that wants to steal elections can exploit.” With reference to Pennsylvania and Arizona, he says “I have concerns about all of them.” He goes on, “I’ll tell you right now, I don’t have confidence, if Joe Biden is reportedly elected President of the United States, I do not have confidence that the person who would be sworn in, was sworn in because that person in fact got the lawful votes needed to win the Electoral College. And if I have to vote whether to ratify this process, the swearing in of the President of the United States, and if I have to do that as a member of the House of Representatives, I’m going to be very hesitant to do that under these circumstances because I simply lack faith that this was an honest election based on all of the things I know about election theft and voter fraud from the past, coupled with how much easier it is to steal an election or engage in voter fraud with this system that the Democrats have been so successful in implementing around the country that has weakened my and a lot of other[s’] faith in the system.”

Additional context: While the Elections Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council, comprised of top officials from the cybersecurity agency in the Department of Homeland Security, declared the November 2020 election to be the “most secure in American history,” Democrats and Republicans alike have suggested reforms to ensure election security. In 2019, some Democratic lawmakers encouraged investigations into election technology vendors, and Democrats in the House passed several bills prior to the 2020 election seeking to improve security on voting machines and other infrastructure. These bills were blocked by Republicans in the Senate, primarily then-Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell.

  • November 6, 2020, on Twitter (retweet): “‘Democrats are renowned for engaging in election fraud’”

  • November 7, 2020, on Twitter: “I urge @realDonaldTrump & Republicans to fight Biden’s unlawful claims. There’s no way I’ll vote in the House to ratify the Electoral College votes of states where illegal votes distorted the will of the people in those states who voted legally.”
  • November 12, 2020, on Twitter: “Georgia hand recount worthless if illegal ballots are AGAIN counted, this time by hand.

History: recounts help #Socialist #Democrats far more often than half the time statistical probability says they should. Never forget Norm Coleman v Al Franken, etc.I urge @realDonaldTrump & Republicans to fight Biden’s unlawful claims. There’s no way I’ll vote in the House to ratify the ELectoral College votes of states where illegal votes distorted the will of the people in those states”

Additional context: Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger repeatedly expressed confidence in the integrity of the results in Georgia, emphasizing that the “numbers don’t lie.” Additionally, recounts rarely change the results of elections in the United States; it is deceptive to suggest that recounts systematically help either Democrats or Republicans.

  • November 12, 2020, on Twitter: “I kicked off a House Floor speech series today on election integrity’s importance to a properly functioning republic. The first speech in this series focuses on Congress’s decisive role in determining the outcome of presidential elections. More to come so stay tuned.”

Transcript of the first House Floor speech on “election integrity”:

This is the first in a series of House Floor Speeches by me on the recent presidential election.

Some believe the Supreme Court decides who wins presidential elections. That is wrong. While the Supreme Court has a significant judicial role in the presidential election process, the U.S. Constitution and federal law make Congress, NOT the Supreme Court, the judge of who wins presidential elections.

Congress must first accept or reject states’ submissions of Electoral College votes.

Thereafter, if no candidate wins an electoral college vote majority, Congress, NOT the Supreme Court, votes on and elects the next President and Vice-President of the United States.

The Constitution’s 12th Amendment requires states to submit their electoral college votes to Congress, thereby triggering U.S. Code Title 3, Section 15, which requires that:

First, Congress shall meet January 6 following the election, at 1:00 PM, to receive states’ electoral college vote submissions.

Second, the Senate President presides over all proceedings.

Third, each state’s electoral college submissions shall be opened, presented, and acted upon in alphabetical order, beginning with the letter A.

Fourth, the Senate President shall receive and publicly announce each state’s Electoral College vote.

Fifth, the Senate President shall call for objections, if any. Objections must be in writing and clearly and concisely state, without argument, the objection grounds. Further, each objection must be signed by at least one Senator and one Congressman or be disallowed.

Sixth, the Senate and House shall then separate, and each body shall then decide whether to accept or reject electoral college votes that have been properly objected to.

Finally, if the House and Senate both vote to reject a state’s electoral college vote submission, those electoral college votes shall not be counted in the election of the president and vice-president.

United States Code Title 3, Section 17 adds that the Senate and House votes to accept or reject Electoral College votes must occur immediately after no more than two hours of floor debate.

This process has been used in the past to challenge states’ Electoral College votes.

For example, in 2005, Democrat Congressman Stephanie Tubbs and Democrat Senator Barbara Boxer jointly objected to acceptance of Ohio’s electoral college votes for Republican President George Bush after Ohio election officials certified that George Bush won Ohio by almost 120,000 votes.

Similarly, in 2017, numerous Democrat Congressmen objected to all electoral college votes for Republican presidential candidate Donald J. Trump from the states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming. These objections all failed for lack of a Senate cosponsor.

In sum, the U.S. Constitution and federal law mandate that, on January 6, 2021, Congress must decide whether to accept or reject states’ submissions of electoral college votes for President.

If a Congressman and Senator jointly object, then the full House and full Senate must each vote on whether to accept or reject a state’s electoral college vote submission. That vote by Congress is final, determinative, and non-reviewable.

If a state’s Electoral College votes are rejected, then those Electoral College votes are excluded from candidate totals.

My second speech in this series covers what happens if, because of rejected Electoral College votes, neither candidate has the majority of Electoral College votes needed to be elected President.

Additional context: After the disputed presidential election of 1876, Congress passed the Electoral Count Act of 1887, which instructs Congress to count the electoral votes on January 6. The certification of the Electoral College votes by Congress is typically a routine matter, and importantly, it is deceptive to suggest that this process permits Congress to “elect” the next President and Vice President of the United States.

  • November 17, 2020, on Twitter: “#FakeNewsMedia claims no facts supporting @realDonaldTrump election challenges.

Another one: Georgia “finds” 2,600 uncounted ballots in conservative county for 800 vote net Trump gain.

USA elections need safeguards #Socialist #Democrats oppose.”

Additional context: While additional votes were discovered during the Georgia recount, this has been attributed to human error rather than any fraudulent scheme. Indeed, Georgia’s voting system manager emphasized that the recount and audit of the ballots cast during the presidential election demonstrated that “most counties’ hand tallies [were] very close to those reported on election night.” As noted above, Democrats have widely supported legislation to improve election security.

  • November 17, 2020, on Twitter: “#FakeNewsMedia claims no facts supporting @realDonaldTrump election challenges.

Another one: TWO Californians arrested for MORE THAN 8,000 fraudulent voter registration applications!

Two #Socialist #Democrats. How many of the 8,000 did they vote for?”

Additional context: With respect to these fraudulent voter registration applications, no votes were actually cast. In fact, election officials in California noted that the arrest of these two Californians is actually evidence of “how difficult it is to actually cheat the system.”

  • November 18, 2020, on Twitter: “This morning, I delivered the latest in my House floor speech series on Constitutional and federal statutory law that gives Congress (NOT the Supreme Court) final and total control over who wins, and who loses, presidential elections.”

Transcript of the floor speech:

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. This is the second in a series of House floor speeches by me on the recent presidential elections. Previously, I covered constitutional and federal statutory law mandating that Congress, not the Supreme Court, decides whether to accept or reject state’s electoral college vote submissions. Today’s remarks focus on who decides a presidential election if no candidate receives an electoral college majority vote because of a tie, because multiple candidates split the electoral college vote, or because Congress rejected state electoral college votes. Per the United States Constitution’s 12th Amendment, Congress, not the Supreme court, elects the next president and vice president of the United States if no candidate wins an electoral college vote majority. Congress’s decision is final, determinative, and non-reviewable. The 12th Amendment states that if no candidate has a majority of the Electoral College vote, then from the three highest vote getters for President and I quote, “The House of Representatives shall choose immediately by ballot the president.”

But in choosing the president, the vote shall be taken by states. The representation from each state having one vote and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. As an aside, the 12th Amendment requires the Senate to elect the vice-president. There is a twist in the House vote for president: a majority of congressmen does not elect the president, rather the House votes by state delegations to elect the next president of the United States. America has 50 states.

After the 2020 elections, 26 state delegations have a Republican majority, 20 states have a Democrat majority. The remaining state delegations are tied 50/50 with Iowa undecided pending an uncalled election. Hence, if Congress rejects electoral college votes from states with election processes that are so badly flawed as to be unreliable and unworthy of acceptance, House Republicans control the election of the next President of the United States. Let me repeat that for emphasis House Republicans control the election of the next president of the United States. For emphasis, the 12th Amendment has on occasion resulted in Congress electing the next President of the United States. For example, in 1824, Andrew Jackson led the electoral college with 99 votes to 85 votes for John Quincy Adams to 41 votes for William Crawford to 37 votes for House speaker Henry Clay.

The House elected second place finisher, John Quincy Adams, president of the United States over first place finisher, Andrew Jackson, prompting Andrew Jackson to famously declare quote, “The Judas of the west has closed the contract and will receive the 30 pieces of silver. Was there ever witnessed such a bear face corruption in any country before?” End quote. Another example is the 1876 election wherein Democrat Samuel Tilden won the popular vote and amassed 184 electoral college votes one shy of Ohio Republican Rutherford B. Hayes’ 185 electoral college votes.

Louisiana, Florida, and South Carolina electoral college votes were disputed because it strained credibility to believe these states voted Republican while still suffering from the destructive effects of a Republican led invasion during the Civil War. Congress appointed a 15 member commission to study the matter, which split on party lines: eight Republicans for Hayes, seven Democrats for Tilden. Congress then elected Hayes president of United States in a deal that gave Louisiana, Florida, and South Carolina’s disputed electoral college votes to Hayes in exchange for removing occupying Union troops from the South and ending reconstruction. In sum, the history and law are clear, Congress, not the Supreme Court determines who wins or loses presidential elections. Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance of my time.

  • November 18, 2020, on Twitter (retweet): “‘Congress has the absolute right to reject the submitted electoral college votes of any state…”’

@RepMoBrooks told me.

‘And I’m not going to put my name in support of any state that employs an election system that I don’t have confidence in.’”

  • November 18, 2020: Rep. Brooks laments America’s “badly, badly flawed” election system and makes accusations of past fraud in his own elections.

Rep. Brooks appears on One America News and announces that he will not vote to certify election results because of a “flawed election process and hence we have an inaccurate vote count.” He adds, “When you look at the direct evidence and the circumstantial evidence, the probability is that if you could only count lawful votes cast by eligible American citizens, then Donald Trump won the Electoral College.”

When asked about Trump’s lawsuits over the election. Rep. Brooks argues that Congress is the ultimate arbiter of who wins a presidential election.

“You’ve got this election fraud issue. Quite clearly the Democrats have a long history of passing laws that make it easier to engage in voter fraud and election theft.”

Rep. Brooks goes on to make accusations of election fraud in his own election, saying “America’s election system is badly, badly flawed. Now I’ve been a victim, a target of election theft before, fortunately we won despite the Democrats having rigged 25% of the voting machines to register the votes for everybody on the ballot except for Mo Brooks.”

Rep. Brooks describes how provisions of 1993 National Voter Registration Act that make it illegal for voter registrars to ask for proof of citizenship, “makes it much easier for Democrats to steal elections, to engage in voter fraud through the assistance of non-American citizens.”

“I don’t think there’s any question, that the election results being reported in Georgia are inaccurate, that they do not reflect the will of the majority of American citizens who have lawfully cast votes in this election.”

Additional context: As noted above, votes by non-citizens account for a tiny percentage of the votes cast in elections, and there is no evidence supporting the assertion that the Georgia election results were fraudulent. There is also no evidence linking the 1993 National Voter Registration Act to substantial voter fraud. As to Representative Brooks’ claim that he was a “target of election theft” during his race for the Alabama state legislature in 1982, there were documented complaints about malfunctioning voting machines, but no evidence that state Democrats were at fault according to county, state, and federal agencies and no evidence the defective machines — which were replaced — had any impact on the outcome.

  • November 19, 2020, on Twitter: “In my most recent House Floor speech, I share my personal experience as a voter fraud & election theft target when, in 1982, as a Republican candidate for Alabama House District 18, Democrats sought to steal the election by rigging voting machines.”

Transcript of the floor speech:

Mr. Speaker, this is my third speech in a series. Earlier, I cited Constitutional and federal law mandating that Congress, not the Supreme Court, determines whether to accept or reject state electoral college votes and Congress, not the Supreme Court, has the final verdict on presidential elections.

My remaining speeches describe voting system failures that threaten our Republic.

For emphasis, all republics depend on election processes that give candidates and citizens confidence that results accurately reflect voter will.

Unfortunately, America’s election process has systemic weaknesses that too often allow voter fraud and election theft . . . and fail America.

Today, I share my personal experience as a voter fraud and election theft target.

In 1982, Democrats dominated Alabama.

All Alabama statewide elected officials were Democrats!

The legislature had 136 Democrats to only 4 Republicans!

Democrats held every single partisan elected office in Alabama’s Tennessee Valley, from Mississippi on the west to Georgia on the east.

In 1982, I ran as a Republican in Alabama House District 18.

On Election Day morning, angry voters called me nonstop about voting machines blocking them from voting for Mo Brooks.

At first, I blew these phone calls off as isolated problems, naively trusting America’s election system. That trust was soon shattered.

I am a former prosecutor. After the election, another attorney and I investigated. We questioned witnesses, examined documents and inspected voting machines.

Our investigation revealed that 11 of 45 voting machines –25% of all voting machines in my district – were rigged to block votes for Mo Brooks.

In contrast, not a single machine blocked voting for my opponent or any other candidate on the ballot!

At one voting precinct with five rigged voting machines, poll workers told voters that, to vote for Mo Brooks, they had to give up their secret ballot right and sign a sheet on a wall for all to see!

After the election, Democrat officials declared the voting machine problem was possibly caused by jostling in transit that somehow affected me but nobody else.

What bunk!

My hometown is the birthplace of America’s space program. We know math.

Mathematically, if there are 26 candidates, and a machine blocks 1 candidate’s votes, the odds of that candidate being blocked are 1 in 26. If there are two machines and each block only one candidate, the odds of that candidate being blocked both times are 1 in 26 squared, or 1 chance out of 676 chances.

Similarly, if there are 11 machines and each block a single candidate’s vote, the odds that all 11 blocked out candidates are Mo Brooks, and no one else, are 1 chance in 26 to the 11th power, which equals 1 chance out of 3.6 quadrillion chances.

Hence, the probability these 11 voting machines were rigged is an overwhelming 3.6 quadrillion to one.

So, the question becomes, “Who rigged the voting machines?”

In 1982, Democrats totally controlled Madison County voting machines.

I was in a hotly contested race to be the only Republican legislator elected in the northern third of Alabama. I threatened Democrat dominance. I was the potential breach in the Democrat Party dam.

Democrats had motive. Democrats had opportunity. Democrats had control. Democrats rigged the voting machines.

Fortunately, despite the attempted election theft, we still won with 57% of the vote.

Mr. Speaker, every candidate and every American has an absolute right to an election system that stops voter fraud, prevents election theft, and accurately records only lawful votes cast by eligible American citizens.

As this speech and ensuing speeches will reveal, America’s election system is riddled with systemic problems that too often render our official election results unreliable.

Each of these election deficiencies must be fixed and eliminated.

  • November 19, 2020, on Twitter. Rep. Brooks shares a retweet that features a highlight of an interview he conducted with The Epoch Times: “‘Congress has the absolute right to reject the submitted electoral college votes of any state…[if we] can’t trust the election results that those states are submitting to us,’ says @RepMoBrooks on @AmThoughtLeader


Video: Rep. Brooks reiterates concerns about voter fraud, and the anecdote that he was the victim of election theft in 1982. Then, he explains why he believes Congress is the ultimate arbiter of the election. He says a “criminal element” can rig elections, and that “Democrats in America are trying to make it easier to commit voter fraud and election theft.” He describes “systemic, across the board” problems with the election “in all 50 states,” singling out mail-in ballot as a source of “election fraud and election theft.”

He goes on to offer an explanation of Congress’s role in determining the outcome of the election.

“Under Article I, Article II, Amendment XII of the United States Constitution, coupled with federal statutes that govern this issue, the United States Congress has the absolute right to reject the submitted Electoral College votes of any state, which we believe has such a shoddy election system that you can’t trust the election results that those states are submitting to us – that they’re suspect. And I’m not going to put my name in support of any state that employs an election system that I don’t have confidence in. And I’d go through the top two or three states that I mentioned a while ago that I lack confidence that the returns that are being reported accurately reflect lawful votes by eligible American citizens. Now how do you do that in the United States Congress? Well on January 6th at 1 pm Eastern time, the 50 states will report to Congress – the President of the Senate will preside over this meeting – will report to Congress what they contend are the Electoral College results in their state. If a House Member and a Senator objects to the submission of Electoral College votes by any state, that immediately triggers a House floor vote and a Senate floor vote on whether to accept or reject those Electoral College votes submitted by that particular state. The amount of debate in the House and Senate floor is limited to under two hours under federal law, and if we reject those Electoral College votes, then they’re taken out of the mix. If the election process problems are so great that after subtracting the Electoral College votes of states that are running a poor election system, a system so suspect that you can’t give credibility to the results that are being reported, then the United States Constitution mandates that Congress determine who the next President and Vice President of the United States will be. Under Article I, Article II and Amendment XII of the United States Constitution, the House of Representatives will be the body that determines who is President of the United States, the Vice President will be determined by the United States Senate, and they can even be members of different parties, if that is the will of the House and the Senate. Now in the House, there’s a little bit of a twist. It’s not a majority of 435 Congressmen that determines who the President of the United States will be. Rather, it is a majority of the state delegations that determines who the President of the United States will be.”

  • November 20, 2020, on Twitter: “MORE presidential election voter fraud evidence. Expert witness & mathematician Stephen Miller SWORN AFFIDAVIT re Pennsylvania:

40,875+ ballots requested for registered Republicans BY SOMEONE ELSE!

48,522+ Republican returned ballots NOT COUNTED!”

Additional context: After Professor Steven Miller made this statement, his conclusions were immediately “repudiated by statisticians [and] political scientists” at Williams College and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. While his critics found his calculations “routine and uncontroversial,” they “took serious issue with [his] assumption that the data that he analyzed was accurate and representative . . . point[ing] to the fact that the survey’s response rates were low, that the survey only reached out to registered Republicans and that voters often tell pollsters untrue statements on their voting history.” Professor Miller has since disavowed his own findings and apologized for a “lack of clarity and due diligence.”

  • November 20, 2020, on Twitter: Mo Brooks quoted as saying, “We know the [election] results are wrong. What we don’t know is how bad wrong.”

  • November 27, 2020, on Twitter: “IMHO, Joe Biden DID NOT win lawful vote majority in Georgia.

Per its right & duty, Congress should reject any Georgia submission of 16 electoral college votes for Joe Biden.

That is EXACTLY what I hope to help do.

See below lawsuit for more! SORDID!”

Additional context: The lawsuit mentioned by Representative Brooks, Pearson v. Kemp, was dismissed on the grounds that the plaintiffs lacked standing and filed the case too late and in the wrong venue.

  • December 2, 2020, on Twitter: “Yep?” Quoting Tweet by @sarahnferris “Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) has been telling colleagues and allies that he plans to challenge the Electoral College votes when Congress officially certifies Joe Biden’s victory on Jan. 6″

  • December 2, 2020, on Twitter (retweet): “Mo Brooks plans to challenge Electoral College vote”

  • December 2, 2020, on Twitter: “REPORT: Rep. Mo Brooks plans to challenge Electoral College vote on January 6 due to claims of ballot fraud. Effort requires at least one member from House and Senate to challenge the results of the Electoral College. Read


@RealAmVoice here:”

  • December 2, 2020, on Twitter (retweet): “.@RepMoBrooks is preparing a challenge to the Electoral College returns when Congress counts the votes:

‘In my judgment, if only lawful votes by eligible American citizens were cast,

@realDonaldTrump won the Electoral College by a significant margin…’”

  • December 2, 2020, on Twitter: “Report: Rep. Mo Brooks Says He’ll Challenge Electoral College Vote If It Confirms Joe Biden As President”

  • December 2, 2020, on Twitter (retweet): “GOP Rep. Mo Brooks to challenge certification of electoral college votes- #OANN”


  • December 2, 2020, on Twitter (retweet): “.@RepMoBrooks plans to challenge Electoral College vote on Jan. 6, report #JustTheNews @S0phieMann1”

  • December 3, 2020, on Twitter: “Mo Brooks planning to challenge Electoral College votes, claims “Donald Trump won the Electoral College by a significant margin, and Congress’s certification should reflect that.””

  • December 3, 2020, on Twitter: “BIG House floor speech by me on Socialist Democrat election theft shortly after 10 am ET today. 4th in my speech series on the presidential election. Watch on @cspan TV or online.”

The floor speech by Brooks, the fourth in the series, delivers his most detailed allegations regarding alleged voter fraud on a massive scale. In it, he lays out specific numbers of votes he says are suspect and calculations that he says, when taken to account, lead to the conclusion that “President Trump handily won the electoral college and a second term as president.”

Transcript of the speech:

Mr. Speaker, this is my fourth speech in a series on voter fraud, election theft and the presidential election.

For emphasis, the Constitution mandates that Congress, not unelected federal judges, renders the final verdict on who won the 2020 presidential election.

Today I begin addressing systemic flaws in America’s election process that promote voter fraud and election theft, undermine America’s election system, and threaten public trust in our Republic.

In America, only citizens are lawfully allowed to vote and control America’s elections and destiny.

Yet, deplorably, in 1993, Democrats rammed through Congress the National Voter Registration Act that, incredibly, makes it illegal, illegal, to require proof of citizenship that prevents illegal aliens and noncitizens from registering to vote.

Why do Democrats undermine our Republic to make illegal alien and non-citizen voting easier?

To win elections, of course.

It is no secret to Democrats or Republicans that, consistent with a 2014 study by Old Dominion University and George Mason University professors, noncitizens and illegal aliens vote 80% of the time for Democrats.

Mr. Speaker, there are many tens of millions of illegal aliens and other noncitizens in America.

In 2010, the Census found 11 million illegal aliens in America. A 2018 Yale study estimated as many as 22 million illegal aliens in America!

There are simply so many that no one can keep track of how many!

Similarly, no one knows how massive the illegal alien voting block is or how many voted in 2020. Hundreds of thousands? Almost certainly. Millions? Very likely.

But what we do know for sure is that the illegal alien voting block was large enough, and critical enough, to winning the presidential race that, at the October 22 Presidential Debate, Joe Biden openly and publicly solicited their illegal votes by promising, (Quote) “Within 100 days, I’m going to send to the United States Congress a pathway to citizenship for over 11 million undocumented people.”

Think about that for a moment.

A presidential candidate on national TV promises amnesty and citizenship to illegal aliens in hopes of inspiring them to illegally register to vote and vote for that candidate!

If that brazen solicitation of illegal voting by up to 22 million illegal aliens is not criminal solicitation of voter fraud and election theft, it darn well ought to be!

And don’t think for a moment that Joe Biden did not know exactly what he was doing.

After all, on May 11, 1993, then Senator Joe Biden personally voted for the National Voter Registration Act that makes it illegal, illegal, to require proof of citizenship when illegal aliens and other noncitizens seek to register to vote!

Mr. Speaker, all Americans deserve an election system that stops voter fraud, prevents election theft, and accurately records only lawful votes cast by eligible American citizens.

Unfortunately, America’s election system is so riddled with systemic flaws that far too many elections are stolen from candidates and the American people.

In my judgment, that is exactly what happened in the 2020 presidential election, where the election theft was so massive as to favorably compare to the old adage that “you can’t see the forest for the trees.”

Again, in my judgment, if only lawful votes cast by eligible American citizens are counted, President Trump handily won the electoral college and a second term as president.

As such, it is my duty, under the U.S. Constitution, on January 6, if the required one Senator will join me, to object to and later vote to reject electoral college submissions from states whose election systems are so badly flawed as to render their vote submissions unreliable, untrustworthy, and unworthy of acceptance.

  • December 3, 2020, on Twitter: “Dale: You are a no on certification of the Electoral College votes, what could change your mind?

@RepMoBrooks: Nothing at this point.



  • December 3, 2020, on Twitter: “My pleasure, Mr. President. Joe Biden must not be allowed to ‘win’ election by ‘buying’ illegal alien block votes via amnesty & citizenship promise to 11+ million illegal aliens.

IMHO, if only lawful votes by eligible Americans counted, you won electoral college & reelection.

  • December 3, 2020, on Twitter (retweet): “Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL): We Have Some Leads In The Senate To Challenge Electoral College Vote”

  • December 3, 2020, on Twitter (retweet): “. @RepMoBrooks on Thursday received public plaudits from @realDonaldTrump after a fiery floor speech.”

  • December 3, 2020, on Twitter: “Joined @foxnewsradio’s Fox Across America with @jimmyfailla today to discuss how Democrats have made it illegal for America’s voter registrars to request information needed to prevent illegal voting by illegal aliens.”


  • December 3, 2020: Rep. Brooks says, “We need to stand up and vigorously fight to the last breath.”

Starts at 20 min. In an interview on Fox News Radio, Rep. Brooks explains how he believes the 1993 Voter Registration Act that made it illegal for voter registrars to require proof of American citizenship before issuing voter registration cards.

22:07 He asserts that there were a “big enough number of potential illegal aliens and non-citizens for the Democrats to cultivate as voters for them to put this provision in law.”

22:38 He references an October 22nd statement by Joe Biden at the presidential debate in Nashville, Tennessee “enticing” a “block vote of illegal aliens” with the promise of amnesty and citizenship.

24:15 He expresses concern that some representatives didn’t understand that “the ruling of the United States Congress trumps that of the Supreme Court when it comes to election contests involving members of the House of Representatives, the United States Senate, or the President of the United States.”

26:20 He continues, that noncitizens voting “is just the tip of the iceberg of the systemic problems that we have with our American election system … We need to publicize it … So that American citizens will know how bad it is.” He asserts that, “Democrats are the ones who benefit from election theft.”

28:07 Rep. Brooks then makes a comparison to fighting at the Alamo. He says, “I’m gonna fight it. Now I might be like the remnants at the Alamo where all the defenders were wiped out. But you know what? In fighting that fight, they changed the course of the history of Texas and the United States of America. And so I believe that on our side of the aisle, we need to stand up and vigorously fight to the last breath for the defense of an America that has treated us so well and has become the greatest nation in world history in large part because of our confidence in our election system, and in large part because the official election results have reflected the will of lawful votes cast by eligible American citizens and no one else.”

30:07 “The United States Congress set a day, a 24-hour period for an election … Under the United States Code, we require that votes be cast on that election day … We did not set an election week, or an election month, or an election system … Everyone of these en-masse mailed-out voting schemes is illegal and none of those votes that were cast at a time other than on Election Day … should be counted with the exception of the few exceptions that Congress has made into law. Those exceptions, by way of example, would be things like military personnel who are serving overseas or disabled people who cannot get to the polls on Election Day.”

33:00 He says that the Democrats “saw this as a way to steal elections generally … Regardless of what their motivation is, if Congress did not pass a law permitting it … then it’s illegal and those votes should not be counted.

Ends at 34:00 ish.

  • December 3, 2020, on Twitter (retweet): “‘This election was stolen by the socialists engaging in extraordinary voter fraud and election theft measures.’

@RepMoBrooks confirmed he is planning to challenge the #ElectoralCollege’s votes when Congress certifies the #Election on Jan. 6.”

  • December 3, 2020, on Twitter (retweet): “NOW [8:00PM ET]: Rep. Mo Brooks plans to challenge Electoral College votes if they certify Joe Biden. The Congressman lays out his plan on STINCHFIELD:”

  • December 3, 2020, on Twitter: “And #Socialist #Democrats & #FakeNewsMedia want to deceive America into believing “there is no evidence of voter fraud.” #Nevada court evidence has identified, SO FAR: 90,000 illegal votes cast. PART OF TOTAL:”

Additional context: On December 8, the Supreme Court of Nevada upheld the Carson City district court’s order dismissing claims of election fraud. According to the district court, most of the evidence presented had “little to no value.” Ten days later, the Nevada Secretary of State also announced that she had not see “any evidence of widespread fraud” in the state’s election.

  • December 3, 2020, on Twitter: “Will #Socialist #Democrats confess? Or #FakeNewsMedia tell the truth?

The remaining itemization of 90,000 votes ILLEGALLY cast in Nevada, that have been identified in court SO FAR:”

  • December 3, 2020, on Twitter: “HORRID!

In #Georgia, #Socialist #Democrat “poll workers” order GOP poll watchers to leave & THEN CAUGHT ON VIDEO dragging out suitcases hidden under table, full of ballots. They then STUFF ballots into voting machines for TWO HOURS!

#FakeNewsMedia question: See voter fraud yet?”

Additional context: The claims related to the video were quickly debunked in testimony by Frances Watson, the chief investigator in the office of Georgia’s secretary of state. According to Watson, the ballots in question were packed up because “the employees thought that they were done for the night and were closing up and ready to leave. When the counting continued into later into the night, those boxes were opened so that the ballots inside could then be counted.” Watson also said the investigation found that “observers and media were not asked to leave” but simply left on their own when they saw another group of workers leave. Notably, Attorney General William Barr told President Donald Trump there was no evidence of fraud in this case, according to the book, I Alone Can Fix It by Philip Rucker & Carol Leonnig.

  • December 3, 2020, on Twitter (retweet): “‘It will get to Congress’- Representative Mo Brooks details his plan to challenge the Electoral College.

@realDonaldTrump [with Newsmax TV’s @Stinchfield1776]”

“Just so that everybody’s clear – it will get to Congress. No vote from any state in the Electoral College is official until it is submitted by that state to the United States Congress. And for emphasis – while the federal courts and even the Supreme Court have a role to play, they are not the final decision maker. Under the United States Constitution, Article I, Section 5, Article II and the 12th Amendment, it’s the United States Congress that has total domain over all election disputes involving races for the House of Representatives, the United States Senate, and the President of the United States. … Whatever we decide governs no matter what the federal courts have decided.”

  • December 3, 2020: Rep. Brooks makes a guest appearance on Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast in an episode on “electoral rot” that also featured appearances by Boris Epshteyn, a Trump campaign advisor that helped amplify false election claims throughout the period leading up to January 6 and was regularly in touch with Bannon, as well as John Fredericks, a radio personality who also helped to advance false claims. Bannon plays audio of various baseless claims about fraud in Georgia during the counting of ballots at State Farm Arena. (Rep. Brooks joins at 29:30)

Bannon asks Rep. Brooks what he will do to “take action” when the electors arrive at the Capitol on January 6.

“Well, very briefly on the law, a lot of people don’t understand this, they think that election contests for federal offices are adjudicated by federal judges or the Supreme Court; that is categorically false. While the federal judiciary does have a role, under the United States Constitution, Article I, Section 4 & 5, and Article II, and the 12th Amendment, the United States Congress hears and rules on, with finality, all election contests involving Congressmen, Senators, and the President of the United States. So that being the case, on January the 6th, at 1 pm, the States are going to submit to the United States Congress at a joint session presided over by Vice President Mike Pence, their purported winners of their Electoral College votes, at which point in time, if a Congressman and a Senator jointly object to a state submission, then that triggers as much as a two-hour debate in the House and a two-hour debate in the Senate, and we then, as bodies, as separate bodies, vote to accept or reject that state’s Electoral College submission, and quite frankly, I’m going to object to Pennsylvania on the House side, I’m going to object to Georgia on the House side, I’m probably going to object to some others, because I am persuaded that their election systems are so badly flawed that the person who got a majority of the lawful votes cast by eligible American citizens did not get those Electoral College votes that they should have gotten, that the election theft, the voter fraud, was that bad. And I’m not focusing on what is all going on in these courts, with a little bit of fraud there, a little bit of fraud here, kind of stuff, or a mistake here or there, computer glitches, whatever, I’m talking about systemic problems, flaws with the American election system that have allowed the socialist Democrats to steal, in my judgment, millions upon millions of votes by counting illegal ballots. And I can go into the details as to how that transpired and what I’m talking about if you wish, but I’m persuaded that if you count only lawful votes, cast by eligible American voters, and you count nothing else, Donald Trump easily won the Electoral College. And that’s how I’m going to conduct myself on January 6th, with these Electoral College submissions by the states.”

Bannon asks what brought Rep. Brooks to this point. Rep. Brooks asserts that he was the “target of election theft once” in a 1982 election, a claim that has been deemed baseless.

Rep. Brooks goes on to claim that then-candidate Biden solicited undocumented people to vote for him in exchange for amnesty. He claims that this solicitation occurred on October 22nd in a televised debate with President Donald Trump. Biden did promise at the debate that he would “direct Congress to craft a legislative pathway to citizenship for more than 11 million undocumented people living in the U.S.,” according to news reports, but he made no statement calling on undocumented people to register to vote. Rep. Brooks asserts it is a quid pro quo. “So in effect, Joe Biden was using that kind of platform to induce illegal aliens to register to vote in greater numbers than they already have and of course to vote for Joe Biden because then they will have amnesty and citizenship. That is egregious. It ought to be criminal if it’s not criminal, because it’s certainly the solicitation of election fraud. And when I put all those pieces together, I thought, you know, we’ve got at least hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens that likely voted, based on all these things, and maybe millions. Well that influences Arizona, that influences Georgia, that may influence Pennsylvania, although Pennsylvania has other issues with their vote, and then I looked further into our election system and into some of the systemic flaws that the Democrats are exploiting and that persuaded me that they have very aggressively fought to steal this election from the will of American citizens. And keep in mind, the socialists have a track record. They are not at all hesitant to engage in egregious activities to impose their social dictate on the rest of the population. If you look at Nazi Germany: socialist. Soviet Union: socialist. Communist China: socialist. They actually exterminated tens of millions of their countrymen and others who believed in freedom in order to eliminate that threat to the consolidation of their political power. If socialists are willing to do that, over history, in these other nations, and not just those three but others around the globe, then certainly, they are willing to commit the lesser crimes of voter fraud and election theft and that is exactly what has happened in my judgment.”

Claims that undocumented people are voting illegally in the United States in substantial numbers such as those Rep. Brooks claims have been repeatedly proven false by journalists and fact checkers.

Bannon says the objection on January 6 “has to happen,” and asks whether others will join Rep. Brooks. Rep. Brooks says a lot of Congressmen did not know “that it’s the United States Congress that determines the outcome of the Presidential election, again not federal courts, not the Supreme Court. We do, by the United States Constitution.”

  • December 4, 2020, on Twitter (retweet): “Rep. Mo Brooks draws Trump’s praise on Thursday after delivering another fiery floor speech.”

  • December 4, 2020, on Twitter (retweet): “GOP AL Rep Mo Brooks on Fox on challenging electoral college results on Hse flr: I’m going to do it, quite frankly, because in my judgment, we are witnesses to the largest voter fraud and election theft, theft effort in the history of the United States of America.”

  • December 4, 2020, on Twitter: “It is the duty of the United States Congress to be the final judge and jury of whether to accept or reject Electoral College submissions by states, and to elect who the president and vice president of the United States.”

Video: I hope that our elected leaders both at the gubernatorial level and the legislative level would do what the facts direct them to do. I think it’s getting to be pretty clear that this election has more voter fraud than any presidential election in the history of the United States of America. And, quite frankly, it’s by design on the part of the Democrats. They have created these huge weaknesses that have made it so easy for them to steal votes – and you went through some just a moment ago. For example, 4,000 illegal aliens voting in Nevada that we’ve identified so far. That’s in part because the Democrats crammed through legislation when they were in control of the House, the Senate, and the White House that makes it illegal for voter registrars to seek citizenship information from illegal aliens or other noncitizens that would prohibit them from getting the voter registration card they desire. Which in turn would prohibit them from voting on election day. But the Democrats created a huge loophole by in effect kneecapping our voter registrars so that if an illegal alien or any other kind of noncitizen comes into a voter registrar’s office and demands to be registered as a voter, the voter registrars have no choice but to give it, because they are denied the information that would confirm that these individuals are non-citizens.”

He continues to explain that the vote will come down to Congress. “Just so that everybody’s clear, it will get to Congress. No vote from any state in the electoral college is official until it is submitted by that state to the United States Congress. And for emphasis, while the federal courts and even the Supreme Court have a role to play, they are not the final decision maker. Under the United States Constitution Article I Section V, Article II and the 12th Amendment, it’s the United States Congress that has total domain over all election disputes involving races for the House of Representatives, United State Senate, and the President of the United States. So when it comes to the United States Congress, that’s in our ballpark and whatever we decide governs no matter what the federal courts have decided. Now, in fairness, what the federal courts say can influence what we do in the United States Congress.” Rep. Brooks then explains the process for rejecting the electoral votes which requires at least one member of the House and Senate in order to force debate and a vote. He explains the legal issue about the majority in the House, “Is it a majority of the state delegations that rules on this issue? Or is it a majority of the 435 congressmen? Under the 12th Amendment for the election of President it is a majority of the state delegations that governs that issue. And right now, Republicans have 27 states, Democrats have 20.”

  • December 4, 2020, on Twitter (retweet): “‘THIS IS THE WORST ELECTION THEFT IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES.’ – Alabama Congressman @RepMoBrooks

says he’ll challenge the Electoral College vote when Congress convenes after the holidays to finalize the election results.”

Video: Rep. Brooks says he will contest the certification of the Electoral College vote. “Well, I’m going to do it quite frankly because, in my judgment, we are witnesses to the largest voter fraud and election theft effort in the history of the United States of America. … The evidence that I’ve seen is overwhelming that the socialist Democrats have gone nonstop to engage in voter fraud and election theft and we have to stop it on behalf of our country.” He says he has not been in touch with the White House on his efforts, but that he is working in tandem with others “to protect the sanctity of the election system in the United States of America,the socialist Democrat effort to take over this country away from us freedom loving Americans.” Brooks repeats the story about the Georgia State Farm Arena ballots.

  • December 4, 2020, on Twitter (retweet): “20 House GOP demand AG Barr investigate ‘suitcases’ of ballots in Georgia.

@RepMoBrooks ‘The evidence is overwhelming that Georgia’s election process has been corrupted by voter fraud and election theft.’”

Additional context: As stated above, the claims asserting that the “suitcases” of ballots was evidence of election fraud were proven false.

  • December 4, 2020, on Twitter: “Read this!”

  • December 4, 2020, on Twitter (retweet): “‘This election was stolen by the socialists engaging in extraordinary voter fraud and election theft measures.’

@RepMoBrooks confirmed he plans to challenge the #ElectoralCollege’s votes when Congress certifies the #Election on Jan. 6.”

  • December 4, 2020, on Twitter (retweet): “.@RepMoBrooks is leading some 20 House Republicans demanding Attorney General William Barr open an investigation into the Georgia election.”

  • December 4, 2020, on Twitter (retweet): “The evidence I’ve seen is overwhelming that the Socialist Democrats have gone nonstop to engage in voter fraud & election theft & we have to stop it on behalf of our country.




  • December 4, 2020, on Twitter: “TUNE IN: Tonight at 7:10 pm ET I’ll join @marthamaccallum live on @FoxNews to discuss what I’m confident is the largest election theft in US history & my objection to the House certifying Electoral College votes on Jan 6. #StopTheSteaI2020”

  • December 4, 2020, on Twitter (retweet): “.@RepMoBrooks: ‘Momentum Is Building Strongly in Favor of Fighting Various State Submissions of Electoral College Votes‘

via @BreitbartNews”

  • December 4, 2020, on Twitter: “? laughing but it’s really not funny”

  • December 4, 2020, on Twitter: “Glad to have @RepBarryMoore as an ally in the fight to restore election integrity in America!”


  • December 4, 2020: Rep. Brooks claims that Democrats pulled off one of “the greatest election thefts in history.”

Rep. Brooks appears on Fox News on The Story with Martha MacCallum. Rep. Brooks says of his proposal to challenge, “No question it’s an uphill climb because I’m not sure how many Republicans we have that are willing to do what is necessary to protect the sanctity of our election system. That’s what’s at stake here.” Rep. Brooks then asserted his “judgment” that Donald Trump won Nevada, Georgia and Pennsylvania. “Donald Trump clearly, according to overwhelming evidence, prevailed. He won. If you are counting only lawful votes cast by eligible American citizens. […] And the only reason this is an issue is because the Democrats in my judgment today have successfully been able to pull off one of the greatest election thefts in history.”

When read the rules for objecting to the vote count and asked if he had any support in the Senate, Rep. Brooks said, “I only have one vote in the United States Congress I can control and that’s mine. And I’ve looked at the circumstances. I firmly believe that this election has been stolen by the Socialist Democrats and I believe we ought to fight and one congressman from Alabama is going to fight. Now let me mention something else, there are a number of other congressmen who have come to me and said, ‘Mo, you’re exactly right, we’re gonna join the effort.’ In time, I believe that there will be a Senator who will join the effort because I believe the American people will demand that of their senators. We cannot allow this kind of massive election theft that we have seen across the board and I’m gonna fight. Will there be others that join me? I sure hope so.”

When asked if this is just a symbolic battle, Rep. Brooks said, “You have no idea who is going to win these kinds of political fights or any other kind of fight until you fight them. And I’m gonna be fighting in there, and I hope there will be other people in the United States Congress who will understand the depravity of what has happened to our election system in a large number of different ways. There are systemic flaws in our election system that have been very badly taken advantage of by the Joe Biden team and by the Socialist Democrats that it has resulted in a travesty of an election that as House Speaker Newt Gingrich has noted, is the ‘worst in American history with a possible exception of 1824.’ When Andrew Jackson who was leading after election day had a plurality of votes of the Electoral College was denied the presidency. I agree with Newt Gingrich.”

  • December 4, 2020: Rep. Brooks says Donald Trump was “duly elected” President of the United States. Appearing on One America News, Rep. Brooks states, “If you were to count only lawfully cast votes by eligible American citizens, then Donald Trump won the Electoral College and is due to be re-elected President of the United States.”

“The primary reason to fight the battle is, at least in my judgment, Donald Trump was duly elected by the lawful votes of eligible American citizens. But a secondary effect of all this is, we need to tell the states that we are no longer going to accept their submissions of Electoral College votes if they have a state election process that is so suspect, that is so flawed as to render it untrustworthy of our trust.” “There are a number of states right now that I lack confidence at the reports that they are going to give us.” He goes on to describe that in Nevada, “the evidence is pretty good that over 90,000 votes were illegally cast, that 40,000 people voted twice, things of that nature.” Rep. Brooks reiterates his call to repeal the National Voter Registration Act. He says Joe Biden was “looking at a block vote of 11 million to 22 million illegal aliens.” He then accuses Joe Biden of “trying to induce illegal aliens to illegally register to vote and illegally cast votes because they know we can’t stop them” during the September 22 Presidential debate by an “express promise that they will get amnesty and citizenship. […] There were huge numbers of illegal aliens who participated unlawfully in this election.” He describes that in Nevada, “they were able to identify in a small population state 4,000 illegal aliens who wrongfully cast ballots.” He asserts that there could be millions of illegal immigrants who voted because of Joe Biden’s promise, “undermining the votes cast by eligible American citizens.”

  • December 5, 2020, on Twitter: “Watch this episode of Capitol Journal where I explain to host @DonDaileyAPT why I object to certifying Electoral College votes from states that have bad systemic flaws in their election processes.”

  • December 5, 2020, on Twitter: “I’ve looked at the circumstances and I firmly believe this election has been stolen by the Socialist Democrats. I’m going to fight!”

  • December 5, 2020, on Twitter (retweet): “.@RepMoBrooks Explains Why He Plans to Challenge the Electoral College Vote.”

When asked about his past experience with voter fraud, he says “In one of my early elections, I was trying to break the dam, I would have been the only Republican elected in the northern third of the state of Alabama to the state legislature. At that time Democrats dominated the state legislature … And in 25 percent of the voting machines in my legislative district, the Democrats rigged the voting machines so that all votes cast by voters would register except for those for Mo Brooks. So 25 candidates on the ballot other than me, the machines work for them, did not work for Mo Brooks … The poll workers decided to make periodic announcements that ‘if you want to vote for Mo Brooks for the state legislature, go sign your name on that sheet on the wall.’ … We still won despite being a target of election theft with 57% of the vote.” He explains that they were lever machines and “when you flip the lever … you could vote for everybody on the ballot except for Mo Brooks. The Democrats had rigged it so that the lever next to my name would not work.” He continues, “The Democrats controlled the judicial system, they controlled the investigative bodies that were in charge of it, and basically they made up some flimsy excuse about it being jostled in transit. Kinda curious that only my lever in different precincts across the legislative district were the only ones affected … After our own investigation over a period of time we pretty much narrowed it down to the one Democrat who was responsible for this election theft effort … It’s often only one Democrat … who can influence a tremendous number of votes.”

“There are a number of systemic flaws in our election system that the general public is not aware of. One in particular is the 1993 National Voter Registration Act … that in turn makes it illegal … for our voter registrars to request proof of citizenship … if an illegal alien or another noncitizen … demands to be allowed to vote, to be registered to vote … voter registrars are powerless to stop them due to the conduct of the socialist Democrats, who, in their quest for political power, are willing to support illegal voting and election theft.”

Mo Brooks said this resulted in “Joe Biden getting a minimum of hundreds of thousands of votes spread across America, more likely in the millions. And what makes it even more egregious is that Joe Biden, on the October 22nd national presidential debate, solicited the support of that illegal alien block vote by promising to them … a pathway to citizenship … The political motivation behind that was quite clearly to encourage illegal aliens and other non-citizens to vote. ”

Rep. Brooks explains his plan, “I am persuaded … if only lawful votes cast by eligible American voters were counted, that Donald Trump won the popular vote and won the Electoral College by a sizable margin. As such, I am going to exercise my right and duty under Article I, sections 4 and 5, along with Article II and the Twelfth Amendment of the United States Constitution, to seek to force an election contest in the United States Congress. … The Supreme Court is not the final say on any federal election. The United States Congress under the United States Constitution is the judge and jury that determines whether … a contested presidential race goes to Candidate A or Candidate B. And I want to force a vote on the House floor to reject the Electoral College vote submissions of those states that have such badly flawed election systems that their returns are unworthy of respect by the rest of the people in the United States of America.” He then explains the process for doing this.

Additional context: During the October presidential debate, Joe Biden emphasized his support for creating a “pathway to citizenship” for millions of undocumented people, but this does not amount to “solicit[ing]” support for non-citizens to illegally vote in the election. As to Rep. Brooks’ claim that he was a “target of election theft” during his race for the Alabama state legislature in 1982, there were documented complaints about malfunctioning voting machines, but no evidence that state Democrats were at fault according to county, state, and federal agencies and no evidence the defective machines — which were replaced — had any impact on the outcome.

  • December 6, 2020, on Twitter: “Some people can’t see the forest for the trees.

Left complains that “only” 10% of GOP Senators & Congressmen acknowledge Joe Biden won election.

I ask why do that 10% ignore compelling & overwhelming evidence of massive voter fraud & election theft?”

  • December 6, 2020, on Twitter: “I’m going to object to Electoral College certification in the House because in my judgement we are witness to the largest voter fraud and election theft effort in the history of the United States. Watch my interview on


  • December 6, 2020, on Twitter (retweet): “Rep. Mo Brooks says he plans to challenge the Electoral College vote when Congress is expected to officially certify President-Elect Joe Biden’s victory on Jan. 6.”

  • December 6, 2020, on Twitter: “I’m absolutely convinced that this is the largest voter fraud and election theft in American history. I will object to the Electoral College vote certification in the House to protect our Republic from the Socialist Democrat take over. Watch my fiery interview on @newsmax TV!”

Video: “The evidence is absolutely overwhelming in Nevada. Donald Trump won the state of Nevada if you only count lawful votes cast by eligible American citizens. Same thing is true in Georgia, same thing is true in Pennsylvania. In my judgment, if you could only count lawful votes cast by eligible American citizens, Donald Trump easily won the electoral college and is [in] line to be the next President of the United States. The evidence is there, you just have to look at it. I tend to focus on systemic problems associated with the election process … they’re willing to steal elections in order to acquire that dictatorial power, and by golly, it’s time for the American people to fight back.”

  • December 6, 2020, on Twitter: “No question it’s an uphill climb to do what is necessary to protect the sanctity of America’s election system. But, we never know who will win these political fights until we fight them. I’m going to fight! Watch my interview on


“In my judgment, in states like Nevada and Georgia and Pennsylvania, Donald Trump clearly, according to overwhelming evidence, prevailed. He won. If you’re counting only lawful votes, cast by eligible American citizens … The only reason this is an issue is because the Democrats, in my judgment to date, have successfully been able to pull off one of the greatest election thefts in history.”

“I firmly believe that this election has been stolen by the socialist Democrats, and I believe we ought to fight. And one Congressman from Alabama is going to fight. … We cannot allow this kind of massive election theft that we have seen across the board. And, I’m going to fight. Will there be others that join me? I sure hope so. … There are systemic flaws in our election system that have been very badly taken advantage of by the Joe Biden team and by the socialist Democrats that have resulted in a travesty of an election.”

  • December 7, 2020, on Facebook: “If you only count lawful votes cast by eligible American citizens, Donald Trump was the clear winner in November and is in line for a second term as president of the United States. I do not believe the vote counts in Nevada, Georgia, and Pennsylvania accurately reflect the will of lawfully cast votes of eligible American citizens. The evidence is overwhelming. These states have systemic flaws in their election systems, perpetuating voter fraud and election theft by Socialist Democrats.”

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  • December 7, 2020, on Twitter (retweet): “LIVE NOW 9-10am EST: Congressman @RepMobrooks planning to challenge Electoral College with me this morning. Join our “Just the News AM” lineup as we break down latest headlines, including #votecount @josephweber19



  • December 7, 2020, on Twitter: “TUNE IN: I’ll appear on @OutnumberedOT with @HARRISFAULKNER on Fox News today at 1:20 pm ET to explain my objection to certifying the Electoral College votes in the US House on Jan 6. I’m convinced we witnessed the largest election theft in American history.”

  • December 7, 2020: Rep. Brooks says the election was “being stolen” and asserts that “We have to fight.”

Rep. Brooks appears on Fox News. In response to his reasoning for rejecting electoral votes from certain states, Rep. Brooks says, “Because the election is being stolen. And we should do everything we possibly can to prevent election theft and voter fraud. To me, from where I sit and the information I have at hand, the evidence is overwhelming that if only lawful votes cast by eligible American citizens were counted, then Donald Trump won the Electoral College and hence would have prevailed for a second term as President of the United States.”

When asked how he would challenge the certification, Brooks explained the certification process. He suggested that rejecting some of the states totals would lead the candidate to not receive those votes. “Now I’m not suggesting a rejection of all Electoral College submissions of all states. I’m focused on ones that have election systems that are so badly flawed as to render the reported results untrustworthy, in which case we should not ratify an untrustworthy election system. We should reject it.”

Brooks later responded to a question regarding the viability of his ploy, saying “If you don’t fight, you’re guaranteed to lose. I will acknowledge that this is an uphill fight. But let’s be clear about something in the House of Representatives. In the House of Representatives, there’s a legitimate disagreement over what kind of vote wins. The 12th Amendment to the United States Constitution where the House is electing a President of the United States says that it’s a majority of the fifty state delegations. Well you know what, right now, Republicans have a majority of 27 state delegations. Democrats only have 20. So we have a majority of the state delegations. The question is, and this is an unanswered question, is whether that same principle enunciated in the 12th Amendment for the election of the president of the United States, also applies to the part of the election of the President of the United States, relative to the acceptance or rejection of Electoral College votes. But in any event, we have to fight, we have to make sure the American people know how badly flawed, systemicly [sic] flawed, our election system is if we are ever going to have any hopes of fixing it so this kind of election theft and voter fraud of this magnitude does not happen again.”

  • December 7, 2020, on Twitter (retweet): “Did President Trump earn a second term? Here’s why @RepMoBrooks says yes. WATCH #stopthesteal #OutnumberedOT”

Video: “Because the election is being stolen and we should do everything we possibly can to prevent election theft and voter fraud. To me, from where I sit and the information I have at hand, the evidence is overwhelming that if only lawful votes cast by eligible American citizens were counted, then Donald Trump won the Electoral College and hence would’ve prevailed for a second term as President of the United States.”

  • December 7, 2020, on Twitter: “‘….if you were to count only lawfully cast votes by eligible American citizens then Donald Trump won the Electoral College and is due to be reelected President of the United States.’”

  • December 7, 2020, on Twitter (retweet): “‘If you don’t fight, you’re guaranteed to lose.’ That’s what @RepMoBrooks told @HarrisFaulkner when discussing whether Congress should reject some state electoral college votes. Watch more here #stopthesteal #OutnumberedOT”

Video: “On January the 6th … the states will certify their results to the United States Congress. Only when the United States Congress accepts those certifications are those submissions of Electoral College votes binding on the United States government. If we choose to reject them, or any one of them, then they do not count towards that candidate’s total in the Electoral College. Now I’m not suggesting a rejection of all electoral college submissions of all states, I’m focused on ones that have election systems that are so badly flawed so as to render the reported results untrustworthy, in which case we should not ratify an untrustworthy election system.”

  • December 8, 2020, on Twitter (retweet): “If CNN calls you names, you must be doing something right.

I’m honored to stand beside my colleagues like @Jim_Jordan, @RepMattGaetz,

@RepGosar, & @RepMoBrooks in the fight for election integrity and freedom.

We will not be intimidated from doing our jobs.”

  • December 8, 2020, on Twitter: “MUST WATCH: Today’s House Floor speech focused on en masse vote by mail schemes that are rife with voter fraud employed by many states in violation of federal law that sets an election day, not an election week, month, or season.”

Additional context: Twitter later flagged this tweet, emphasizing that “voting my mail is legal and safe” and that claims that mail-in voting leads to fraud are “unsubstantiated.”

Transcript of the fifth speech on the House floor:

Mr. Speaker, this is my fifth speech in a series on voter fraud, election theft, and the presidential election.

For emphasis, Congress is the judge, jury, and final arbiter of the 2020 presidential election contest.

Further, America’s election system is plagued by systemic flaws that promote voter fraud and election theft.

Joe Biden exploited one such flaw when he brazenly promised more than 10 million illegal aliens that he will give them amnesty and citizenship if they help elect Joe Biden president.

The Constitution’s Election Clause, Article I, Section 4, is very clear.

Congress has absolute authority over the “times, places and manner of holding elections” for federal offices.

Pursuant to the Election Clause and Title 2, United States Code Section 7, Congress set November 3rd as the 2020 “day for the election.”

For emphasis, Congress set a “day for the election” on which citizens vote. Congress did not set an election week, an election month, or an election season during which citizens can cast votes.

Also pursuant to the Elections Clause, Congress created limited exceptions to its “vote within a 24-hour window” mandate, to-wit:

Alternative voting means for persons with disabilities.

Overseas persons may vote by absentee ballot.

Persons expected to be absent from their voting location or state on Election Day may vote by absentee ballot.

Any voting schemes that allow voting outside of Congressionally mandated times and means are illegal under the Constitution and federal statute.

Congress’s reasons for limiting voting to one 24-hour period are described by the 2005 bipartisan Commission on Federal Election Reform, co-chaired by Democrat President Jimmy Carter and former Republican White House Chief of Staff and Secretary of State James Baker. They strongly cautioned against overly broad absentee ballot and vote by mail schemes because they “increase the risk of fraud.”

The bipartisan Commission found that absentee voting “has been one of the major sources of fraud” in American elections and that vote by mail “is vulnerable to abuse in several ways: Blank ballots mailed to the wrong address or to large residential buildings might get intercepted. Citizens who vote at home, at nursing homes, at the workplace or in church are more susceptible to pressure, overt and subtle, or to intimidation. Vote buying schemes are far more difficult to detect when citizens vote by mail.”

Mr. Speaker, Congress passed laws to prevent voter fraud and election theft by establishing, with minor exceptions, a 24-hour window in which to vote. In contrast, Socialist Democrats use bureaucratic allies or engage in rigged lawsuits involving conspiratorial parties and inattentive judges to obtain sham settlement agreements that blatantly violate the Constitution and federal law to promote voter fraud and election theft with the singular goal of stealing the United States presidency.

In particular, all en masse vote by mail schemes promote voter fraud and election theft and are illegal because they violate Congress’s election procedures and 24-hour voting mandate. As such, all votes cast pursuant to these vote by mail schemes are illegal, void, and should not be counted.

Mr. Speaker, the evidence is overwhelming, compelling, and irrefutable.

If only lawful votes cast by eligible American citizens are counted, President Trump won the electoral college and a second term as president.

Congress can either support illegal voting, voter fraud, and election theft . . . or not.

Because I believe in the rule of law and our Republic, it is my duty as a member of Congress, to, on January the 6th, object to and vote to reject the Electoral College submissions of all states whose election systems are so badly flawed as to render their vote submissions unreliable, untrustworthy, and unworthy of acceptance. And, Mr. Speaker, that is exactly what I intend to do.

  • December 9, 2020, on Twitter: “Catch me on @cspanwj this morning at 8:30 am CT! I’ll discuss objecting to Electoral College votes in the House on Jan 6 and Socialist Democrat election theft. @cspan”

  • December 9, 2020, on Twitter (retweet): “.@RepMoBrooks (R-AL) tells The #FOXNewsRundown his plan to fight the election results on the House floor in January.

Listen and subscribe below:”

Audio: “You know, we have a choice. We can either fight for fair, honest, and accurate elections or we can surrender. It does not make any difference what the odds are of success. The question is, do you surrender? Do you duck in your foxhole and wait until the fighting is over with? Or do you stand tall and fight for the Republic of the United States of America and what underpins it, which is our election system. S I don’t really know how to evaluate the odds of whether we’re going to win or lose. Except I do know this: if you surrender, you’re guaranteed to lose. If you fight, you have a chance to win.”

  • December 9, 2020, on Twitter: “MUST WATCH: I took the fight for American election integrity to @cspanwj this morning. Watch this first clip where I discuss in detail my objection to certifying the Electoral College votes from Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, & maybe more.”

Video: “Under the United States Constitution … the United States Congress is the ultimate judge and jury, the final arbiter of all election contests involving federal officials …” He explains the process, he says he is challenging these states because the reported results are “untrustworthy.” Rep. Brooks continues, “I can either surrender or I can fight to protect the integrity, honesty, and accuracy of our election system, and I’ve chosen to fight. In my judgment, we have very serious systemic flaws with our election system that have resulted in millions of votes being cast through voter fraud, and millions of illegal ballots also being voted and counted. And it is my intention to fight to protect our Republic and the underlying foundation of any Republic is the right to vote and to have that vote accurately counted.” He continues, “we should only count lawful votes, cast by eligible American citizens and nobody else and that clearly is not happening in the United States of America right now.”

He claims that his evidence is “the 1993 National Voter Registration Act that makes it illegal … for our voter registrars to demand the kind of documentation of illegal aliens and noncitizens that is necessary to stop them from registering to vote … What happens is you have a lot of illegal aliens and other noncitizens registering to vote and in fact voting.” He highlights Joe Biden’s “promise of citizenship” during the October 22nd presidential debate. He further cites “studies that … roughly 10% or so of noncitizens voted in American elections,” and “another study by professors from George Mason University and Old Dominion that asserted that about 80% of those votes by noncitizens go to Democrats.”

In response to evidence of election security, he says, “You’re not gonna see evidence of fraud if you don’t conduct the investigation necessary to reveal it.” He accuses the Department of Justice of not conducting sufficient investigations because they did not compare lists of voters with known lists of illegal immigrants.

Additional Context: Studies show that noncitizens do not vote in detectable numbers.


  • December 9, 2020, on Twitter: “Better to be in fabricated “Cult Caucus” than very real & evil #FakeNewsMedia that so badly deceives American people. #CNNisFakeNews

#CNN attack = Patriotism Medal!

I fight for honest & accurate elections.

#CNN lies to protect voter fraud, illegal voting & election theft.”


  • December 9, 2020, on Twitter: “I joined @cspanwj this morning & fielded questions from callers about my objection to certifying the Electoral College votes of states that have systemic flaws in their elections systems.”

Video: “That floor speech is going to quote extensively from a Democrat, professionally paid, election thief expert out of New Jersey, and he details how he’s helped steal elections through this en masse mailout of ballots. . . . What I have said is factually incontrovertible. It’s overwhelming, it’s compelling. And I am more than happy to engage in a public debate in a forum with enough audience to defend my position. And I’ll tell you what, I’ll tear apart the other side. Because the other side unfortunately has been blinded by propaganda. They haven’t done their homework, they haven’t done their research, they have not studied the law. But the law and the facts are clearly in support of what I say. Now these little itty bitty things that are in all these courts all over the place; I’m talking about the big systemic problems that result in millions of illegal ballots and voter fraud. . . . I can give examples out of Nevada, and again that Democrat President Jimmy Carter and Republican former Secretary of State and White House Chief of Staff James Baker in their report to the United States of America, they itemized at least two instances, two cases, two elections in which illegal aliens were significantly participating contrary to American law. There’s plenty of evidence out there; it’s irrefutable. . . . Here’s what I ask you to do: contact your congressman and your senators and demand, demand that they do what is necessary to correct dishonest elections, to prevent voter fraud and election theft, and if they’re not willing to fight for America, you tell them you’re going to fight against them and you’ll never going to vote for them again. That’s the only way this is going to work, for the American citizenry to say ‘I’m fed up with election theft and voter fraud’ and demand that their congressmen and senators do a much better job protecting the underpinnings of every republic, which is whether the elections are honest, legal, and accurate, and right now, this election wasn’t. In fairness, there have been many other elections in the past that also weren’t, and it’s time to clean up this mess, so that we can preserve our republic. And whoever wins with lawful votes cast by eligible American citizens, they win, and certainly, under those circumstances, where it is an honest, fair, accurate, legal election, the winner has a lot more respect from the losers than under this system that is so badly tainted with systemic flaws: voter fraud, election theft, that’s not the way to go.”

In response to a question as to whether there was voter fraud in his own election, Representative Brooks responded:

“In Alabama, quite frankly, we have an election system that is vastly superior to that in many states. We require photo identification to vote, so that when Joe Schmo shows up to the polls and says he’s Joe Schmo and wants to vote for Joe Schmo, you’ve got a photo ID, ‘yeah, that’s Joe Schmo,’ not someone who’s going to vote for some dead person who’s still on the rolls or not someone who’s gonna vote for someone who’s moved out of state, you’ve got voter ID that establishes who in fact they are. With our absentee ballot system, . . . you have to affirm that you’re not going to be available to vote on Election Day, that you’re going to be out of state or out of the community or what have you. We don’t have this en masse mail-out of ballots that Jimmy Carter and James Baker so strongly cautioned against using because they’re so susceptible to voter fraud and election theft. So in Alabama, our legislature has done a pretty good job. Is it perfect, can it be improved, absolutely. By way of example, like the rest of the country, we’re burdened with the 1993 National Voter Registration Act that prohibits our voter registrars from preventing illegal aliens and other non-citizens from registering to vote because we’re barred from requiring proof of citizenship. That is wrong. That undermines our election system, and that’s one of the flaws we have in the state of Alabama, but that’s because of the dadgum Democrat-controlled House, Senate, and White House in 1993 and the absence of enough Republicans to fight to reverse that systemic flaw in America’s election system.”

  • December 9, 2020, on Twitter: “Being asked about the possibility of voter fraud in my own election on @cspanwj gave me the opportunity to point out that AL’s election system is vastly superior to other states’. AL’s system isn’t perfect but other states would do well to replicate AL’s election safeguards.”

Additional context: Rep. Brooks provided no evidence for his claim that Alabama’s election safeguards were superior to other states nor did he describe the criteria on which he based that claim.

  • December 9, 2020, on Twitter: “My House Floor speech today quotes extensively a professional New Jersey Democrat election theft expert’s description of how he steals elections using the en masse mailed ballot voting system. WATCH:”

Video: “Today, I cite an August 29, 2020 New York Post article that quotes extensively from a New Jersey, professional, Democrat, election theft expert’s description of how he steals elections using the en masse mail ballot voting system. … The fraudster and his minions would then take the sealed envelopes home and hold them over boiling water. … 5 minutes per ballot tops is how long he says it takes to steal a vote. … Sometimes postal employees are in on the scam. … The Democratic board of election counters would know the fix was in and not to object. … President Trump handily won the Electoral College and reelection. Hence, on January 6, 2021, provided the required one Senator joins me, I will object to and vote to reject Electoral College submissions of Nevada, Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and all other states whose election systems are so badly flawed as to render their vote submissions, unreliable, untrustworthy, and unworthy of acceptance.”

  • December 9, 2020, on Twitter: “.@LouDobbs, heard you were sick of Republicans not fighting Socialist Democrat election theft. I’m fighting, I’ve been fighting, and I’ll keep fighting to ensure Socialist Democrats don’t steal this election from @realDonaldTrump.”

  • December 10, 2020, on Twitter: “.@AnnCoulter, brilliant writer & political thought leader, election theft article: “Voter Fraud NEVER Happens! (Except in these 10,000 Cases)” SPOT ON, ANN!

America: read, learn & act or lose our Republic. A republic is nothing without honest elections.”

Additional context: The Ann Coulter article cited by Representative Brooks alleges several instances of significant voter fraud: the 2000 U.S. Senate election in Missouri; the 2004 Washington gubernatorial election; and the 2008 U.S. Senate election in Minnesota. The vast majority of her claims are either flatly untrue or unsupported by evidence.

  • December 10, 2020, on Twitter: “The American people deserve to know to what extent our elections results are tainted with illegal votes. I joined @Lancegooden in urging the appointment of a special counsel investigator so we can get to the bottom of voter fraud claims.”

  • December 10, 2020, on Twitter: “It’s time other GOPers get out of their foxholes and join the fight. Our Republic is at stake!”

  • December 10, 2020, on Twitter: “Honest & accurate elections are the bedrock of any republic. Sadly, our republic has been undermined by officials who illegally violated the Constitution. I support TX’s challenge to illegal voting schemes, & I hope SCOTUS decides this case correctly.”

Additional context: The Supreme Court rejected this challenge almost immediately after it was filed “in a brief unsigned order.”

  • December 11, 2020, on Twitter (retweet): “Four Alabama congressmen support Texas’ lawsuit against presidential swing states By @sean_yhn”

  • December 11, 2020, on Twitter (retweet): “Thank you @Robert_Aderholt @RepMoBrooks @RepByrne and @USRepGaryPalmer!”

  • December 12, 2020, on Twitter: “Supreme Court declines to decide Texas case merits.

Constitution is clear: CONGRESS, NOT SCOTUS, has primary duty to investigate & decide presidential election contests.

Bad news: Congress shirking its duty to investigate voter fraud & election theft.”

  • December 12, 2020, on Twitter: “Constitution Article 1, Section 5 states #Senate is “Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members.”

#Georgia voter fraud & election theft is massive.

If only lawful American citizen votes counted, #DavidPerdue WON on November 3.

Senate should so rule.”

  • December 12, 2020, on Twitter: “.@laurenboebert is right! Congress is the ultimate arbiter of who wins presidential contests, not the Supreme Court.

America’s Founders didn’t want unelected, dictatorial judges making these decision. Judiciary isn’t equipped or empowered to decide contested federal elections.”

  • December 13, 2020, on Twitter: “In presidential election contests, Congress has a superior role under the 12th Amendment to the Constitution than the Supreme Court, any federal court, or any state court. Congress is empowered to certify electoral college vote submissions, or not.

  • December 13, 2020, on Twitter: “Cleisthenes: You are 100% correct. My staff screwed up & sent bad tweet out without my prior knowledge. The 12th Amd covers House electing president if no candidate has electoral college majority. Art 1, Art 2, 3 USC 15, etc., define Congress election contest powers & processes.”

  • December 13, 2020, on Twitter: “Emiliano: #Socialist #Democrats misquote 14th Amd & reveal their shallowness.

14th Amd targeted Confederate Civil War veterans.

I stand for honest, legal & accurate elections. Those who support voter fraud & election theft undermine Constitution & America’s Republic. PERIOD!!!”

  • December 14, 2020, on Twitter (retweet): “Congressional Challenge: @RepMoBrooks calls out the GOP’s Surrender Caucus, who refuse to join in with his plan to challenge fraudulent electoral college votes. #MAGA #AmericaFirst #Dobbs”

Video: “Well, it’s happened many times in the past. Apparently, some folks have not done their history. By way of example, the Democrats in the House tried it in 2017 when they tried to strike Alabama’s votes for Donald Trump. Georgia the same way, the House Democrats tried to strike it. Barbara Boxer tried to strike Ohio for George Bush back in 2005. So, this is not unusual. The law is very clear. The House of Representatives in combination with the United States Senate has the lawful authority to accept or reject Electoral College vote submissions from states that have such flawed election systems that they’re not worthy of our trust. And in this instance with what’s happened nationally, I’m quite confident that if we only counted lawful votes cast by eligible American citizens, Donald Trump won the Electoral College, and we should not be counting illegal votes and putting in an illegitimate president of the United States. . . . [T]he bedrock of a republic is an honest and accurate voting system, and if you don’t have an honest and accurate voting system, then you may as well throw out the claim that you’re a republic. You’ve lost that right. You’ve lost the control of your government. And under those circumstances, those who can steal the most votes, who can engage the most voter fraud and get away with it, are going to be the ones that rule the roost in Washington, D.C. . . . I can either sit back and surrender and be a part of the surrender caucus, or I can fight for our country, and that’s what I’m going to do. So on January the 6th, I’m going to object to the submissions of Electoral College votes from various states that in my judgment have such flawed election systems that their vote counts are unworthy of our ratification in the United States Congress. What I need is a United States Senator who will join me . . . that forces a House vote and a floor vote on whether to accept this systematically flawed election system or to reject it. I want to reject it so that we can have an honest and fair and accurate election. . . . [T]his effort, for it to succeed, requires the participation of the American people, who do not want their vote negated by an illegal vote someplace else in some other part of the country, and the remedy for them, if they want to stop voter fraud and election theft, is to contact their congressmen and senators and demand, demand that they get active on January the 6th, that they cosponsor these objections to various state submissions of flawed Electoral College vote totals and state quite plainly to their senators and congressmen that ‘if you don’t fight for America, I will never vote for you again, and I will fight against you.’ That is the only way for us to get the votes needed on the House floor and the Senate floor is for the American people to rise up and say ‘we support our country, we support our republic, and we demand an honest and accurate election system, not the systematically flawed one that we saw in this past November. . . . [A] systematically flawed election system . . . has allowed millions upon millions of votes to be illegally cast in this past election. . . . It’s not just illegal aliens and non-citizens, . . . it’s also the violations of Article I, Section 4 of the United States Constitution, the Election Clause, by so many government officials who are not empowered to do it, but they did it anyways, resulting in huge masses of illegal votes.”

  • December 15, 2020, on Twitter: “A republic is nothing without honest & accurate elections.

Heroic patriots fought & died to give America a republic.a

Media reports Senate ducks election fraud theft …because it requires a ‘terrible vote’??!!

I can only hope that is ‘Fake News’.”

  • December 16, 2020, on Facebook: “Check out my interview on Newsmax TV’s “National Report” this morning. I’m cautiously optimistic that at least one if not more Senators will join me on January 6th in objecting to Electoral College votes from states that have flawed election systems.”

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  • December 17, 2020, on Twitter: “.@RandPaul is SPOT ON: ‘The courts never looked at the facts. The courts don’t like elections, hence they stayed out of it by finding an excuse, standing or otherwise, to stay out of it. But the fraud happened, the election in many ways was stolen.’”

  • December 17, 2020, on Twitter: “18 House colleagues joined me in sending a letter to @senatemajldr, @SpeakerPelosi, and various House & Senate committee chairs seeking election fraud hearings ahead of the Jan 6th Electoral College vote submissions.”

  • December 17, 2020, on Twitter: “My House Floor speech today focused on the 105 page report of the bipartisan Commission on Federal Election Reform that specifically forewarned America of the very same systemic election flaws the Socialist Democrats used in 2020 to steal elections.”

Additional context: As addressed above, this report found that where safeguards were in place, as in Oregon, which has voted by mail since 1998, there has been little evidence of voter fraud in the context of vote-by-mail systems.

Video: “In 2020, hundreds of thousands, and more likely millions of illegal aliens and other non- citizens illegally voted for Joe Biden after he promised them amnesty and citizenship, if he is elected President. Second, vote by mail schemes are both horribly prone to voter fraud and are illegal… In 2020, socialist Democrats foisted vote by mail schemes on America in order to more easily engage in voter fraud and election theft. … If elections are defective, the entire democratic system is at risk. … I can’t speak for anyone else, but as for me, Mo Brooks of Alabama’s 5th congressional district, I choose to fight for America.”

  • December 17, 2020: In an appearance on One America News, Rep. Brooks says Congress will reject the election results and that “we need to fight for our country and not surrender.”

“[I]t’s incumbent upon the leadership in the House and the leadership in the Senate to conduct the kind of investigation that is necessary so that the members of the House and the members of the Senate will have the information that they need in order to cast informed decisions when I along with others contend that various states had subpar election systems . . . .”

Rep. Brooks calls criticisms that this is a coup “absurd.” “You’ve got a lot of Socialist Democrats who rely on voter fraud and election theft to accumulate the power that they have accumulated.You don’t see Republicans . . . advocating these kind of weaknesses in our election system that allow voter fraud and election theft to occur. […]And when we have all these election recounts, you know statistically it should even out about 50/50 right? Why does it seem like 90-percent of the time when there’s a recount, it ends up favoring the Socialist Democrat and not the Republican?”

“The evidence is . . . [o]verwhelming, that there’s been massive voter fraud and election theft to the benefit of Joe Biden . . . .”

  • December 18, 2020, on Twitter: “All throughout American history, time after time, American men and women have stood strong and fought for their country. That’s what we need to do now!”

Video: “I can only control my own vote, how I am going to conduct myself concerning this voter fraud and election theft, and I can assure the American people that I am going to do everything I can to reverse these Electoral College votes submitted by states that have election systems that are so badly flawed that their reporting of Electoral College votes is rendered untrustworthy. That’d be Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, the list goes on and on. We should not be certifying those votes; rather, we should be rejecting them, which is our absolute right under the United States Constitution and United States Code given our role in Congress as the ultimate judge, jury, and arbiter of all federal election contests for the House, for the Senate, and the White House. . . . We elect people to Congress, to the House and Senate, to be leaders on behalf of our country, not to shake in their boots and foxholes while the battle is being fought only to rise up after the battle is over with and jump with the winners and claim we won. . . . That’s not what our ancestors did. When it came time to fight in the Revolutionary War beginning in 1776, people actually put their lives at stake. All throughout history, American history, there have been time after time where American men and women have stood strong and fought for their country often losing their lives in order to keep our republic, keep our liberty, keep our freedoms, and the bedrock of all those things are accurate and honest elections, and right now, the Socialist Democrats have successfully stolen those from the American people in 2020 and we need to fight and take it back. . . . A vote to acquiesce to voter fraud and election theft is horrific to the future of our country. . . . I believe the evidence is overwhelming and compelling, but more importantly they [the American people] need to know what that evidence is so they can make their own judgment as to whether this election has been stolen or all this ‘election fraud stuff’ is just being conjured up, which is what the fake news media and the Socialist Democrats reiterate time after time with their big lie tactics. . . . There are three major systemic flaws with this election that have resulted in merely millions and millions and millions of illegal votes cast; that makes the difference in elections.

  • December 18, 2020, on Twitter, Rep. Brooks issues a Twitter thread referencing the 2005 Report of the Commission on Federal Election Reform: “In 2005, a bipartisan Commission on Federal Election Reform co-chaired by Dem President Jimmy Carter and Reagan White House Chief of Staff James Baker issued a 105 page report specifically warning about the very same systemic flaws the Socialist Dems used steal 2020 elections.”

“The Commission recommended that, ‘all states should use their best efforts to obtain proof of citizenship before registering voters.’ That means repealing the Socialist Democrat law that makes it illegal to require proof of citizenship to register to vote.”

Additional context: According to one think tank, there are “numerous eligible voters” who would not be able to provide proof of citizenship if it were required to register to vote. Those most likely not to have such documentary evidence are historically marginalized groups such as Native Americans and African Americans along with students, the elderly, the disabled, the poor, and the homeless.

“The Commission warned: ‘Vote by mail is … likely to increase the risks of fraud and of contested election,’ adding it ‘remain(s) the largest source….’”

‘“….of potential voter fraud [because it] is vulnerable to abuse in several ways: Blank ballots mailed to the wrong address or to large residential buildings might get intercepted. Vote buying schemes are far more difficult to detect when citizens vote by mail.’”

“‘The Commission warned that the lack of photo ID eases voter fraud, noting ‘Photo IDs currently are needed to board a plane, enter federal buildings, and cash a check, [that] [v]oting is equally important, [and that] [v]oters in nearly 100 democracies use photo identification.’’”

“The Comm said, ‘[C]itizens should identify themselves as the correct person on the registration list when they vote. …The problem…is not the magnitude of the fraud. In close or disputed elections, and there are many, a small amount of fraud could make the margin of difference.’”


  • December 21, 2020, on Twitter (retweet): “Rep. Mo Brooks: Americans Must Urge Congressmen to Block Electors From Disputed States

@EpochTimes @RepMoBrooks”

  • December 21, 2020, on Twitter (retweet): “Several members of Congress just finished a meeting in the Oval Office with President @realDonaldTrump, preparing to fight back against mounting evidence of voter fraud.

Stay tuned.”

  • December 21, 2020: Rep. Brooks speaks to OAN on the House Floor about his plan for challenging the election results. Rep. Brooks says to OAN that the election system is “very flawed” and that the American people need to “demand” from their representatives that they reject the election results. He says some other representatives are starting to understand “how badly” the fraud is.
  • December 22, 2020, on Twitter: “Honored to host the @seanhannity

radio show today from 2-5 p.m. CT. We will have wall to wall coverage on the rampant fraud that took place in the 2020 presidential election. #StopTheSteal #SaveTheRepublic”

Note: Tweeted by Rep. Gohmert. Includes audio from Rep. Brooks

Audio (Rep. Brooks): at 1:40 “On January the 6th, this is somewhat akin to the Alamo, although I hope we will survive. But it was the Alamo where you had courageous people stand tall.”

  • December 22, 2020, on Twitter: “TUNE IN: I’ll appear on The Story with @marthamaccallum on @FoxNews tonight at 7:00 ET to discuss the growing momentum behind my objection to certifying Electoral College votes from states with flawed election systems.”

  • December 22, 2020: Rep Brooks says Congress is “shirking its responsibility” in failing to investigate voter fraud.

On Fox News, Rep. Brooks says, “[T]here are now dozens in the House of Representatives who are persuaded, as I am, that there’s been massive voter fraud and election theft and we can either accept that or fight it. And we’ve chosen to fight. . .” [He mentions some other representatives taken lead roles in their states].

Rep. Brooks describes the process for challenging the certification. Rep. Brooks suggests that one outcome of the required public policy debate in this process is “most importantly to help the public understand how egregious this voter fraud and election theft really is, in contrast to the hear-nothing, see-nothing reaction in the news media by and large about the fraud that occurred.”

Rep. Brooks reiterates his theory that the Republicans can win the vote against certification in the House because they hold a majority of the state delegations.

[Another representative answers questions, thanking Rep. Brooks for his leadership. He suggests they will present affidavits of voter fraud when they challenge the election in Congress.]

Rep. Brooks highlights that courts have recognized it is the Congress’s responsibility to solve election disputes. “Unfortunately, the Congress has been shirking its responsibility by not engaging in the kinds of investigations that need to take place so that congressman and senators will have the information they need in order to make informed judgments and decisions when we vote on whether to accept or reject the submittals of various states Electoral College votes.”

When asked if there has been any discussion about martial law, Rep. Brooks says that has not happened in his presence, stories of such considerations are “overblown,” and he doesn’t think there is “any real substance to it.”

  • December 22, 2020: Rep. Brooks says “voter fraud and election theft … has occurred on a massive scale.”

In an appearance on Newsmax with former Trump aide Sebastian Gorka, Rep. Brooks describes a meeting he says coordinated with the White House about rejecting the election results. He says he intends to object to states with “election systems that are so badly flawed as to render their reported results untrustworthy.” He calls on Americans to contact their Republican senators to demand they “fight for their country.” He continues, “Anyone who would contend that this year’s election was both honest and accurate has not been doing their homework or paying attention.” He insists, “This is the time to be a patriot for your country and to stand up and take the difficult stance that needs taking. If we’re going to allow election theft to occur this year, then you better bet your bottom dollar that it’s gonna occur in 2022 and 2024. . .” He says “the law is not going to stop them, we have to beat them at the ballot box.”

Asked what his message is to Americans, he says “In my judgment this is a pivotal moment in American history, our ancestors stood and up and fought for our country making it the greatest nation in history, and we’ve held that lofty status for about 75 years. But there was sacrifice. There was effort. There was sometimes blood and tears, and sometimes death. That’s the sacrifice that patriots often have to make. And so what I ask people today is to think about this, yes you are one person; but you know what? All of those people who have sacrificed before us individually, they were one person. But if we band together collectively, then we can get done what needs doing for our country. So please, contact your Senators, contact your Congressman, and demand that they fight for America, and if they aren’t willing to fight for America, let them know that you’re no longer going to fight for them, and in fact you are going to fight against them, and you will never vote for them again, whether it be in a Republican primary or a general election.”

  • December 27, 2020, on Twitter: “.@AdamKinzinger says fight for honest & accurate elections is a “scam” with no Constitutional basis. Const. Art. I, Section 4 and 3 U.S.C. 15 differ.

AK says many citizens will be disappointed. YEP – BECAUSE SO MANY POLITICIANS SURRENDER TO VOTER FRAUD!”

  • December 27, 2020, on Twitter: “TUNE IN: I’ll join @foxandfriends tomorrow morning at 7:15 am ET to discuss the growing effort to reject electoral college votes on Jan 6th from states with badly flawed election systems!”

  • December 28, 2020: Brooks “there has been massive voter fraud and election theft unlike anything we have seen in American history.”

On Fox News Rep. Brooks says, “Well the evidence is overwhelming and compelling that there has been serious voter fraud and election theft in this election in a number of different ways and I can detail them if you wish. . . . The real issue is whether we are going to have any Senators who have done their homework, who have studied what has transpired to the point, where they understand, as we do, that there has been massive voter fraud and election theft unlike anything we’ve seen in American history.”

When asked about his critics, Rep. Brooks says those congressmen would see that the “evidence is overwhelming, and [they] can either surrender to the people who support voter fraud and election theft or [they] can fight for [their] country. On this particular issue, there is nothing more important to a republic than having an election system that is honest and accurate. And I suggest that everyone who is listening to my voice go to the 2005 Commission on Federal Election’s Report . . . co-authored by Democrat President Jimmy Carter and White House Chief of Staff James Baker. They identified the very same problems that we faced in this election. They warned us that this was going to happen and for fifteen years Congress did nothing as this election was stolen just as they prophesized.”

  • December 29, 2020, on Twitter: “#Socialist #Democrat = voter fraud!

17 #Pennsylvania legislators & CPA examine govt election docs & find that 200,000+/- MORE votes COUNTED in election returns than people who actually voted!

Legally impossible.

See voter fraud yet, #FakeNewsMedia?”

Additional context: This claim put forth by Rep. Brooks and others (including President Trump) is untrue and was based on incomplete data according to the Pennsylvania Department of State.

  • December 29, 2020, on Twitter: “TUNE IN: I’ll join the @IngrahamAngle tonight at 9:05 CT to explain Socialist Dem election theft tactics & preview the January 6th objection to Electoral College votes from states with flawed election systems and rampant voter fraud. Don’t miss!”

  • December 29, 2020: “If you were to count votes cast by eligible American citizens Joe Biden didn’t win the Electoral College.”

On Fox News, Rep. Brooks describes his motives. He says, “It’s quite clear to me that the evidence is overwhelming. If you were to count only lawful votes cast by eligible American citizens, Joe Biden did not win the Electoral College. You’ve got a report from a Georgia Senate subcommittee on elections that discusses the election process in Georgia. They had affidavits, they had live witnesses, they had documents and they concluded that Georgia’s own election system was unworthy of trust in November of this year.”

When asked what he wants to see happen, Rep. Brooks says, “We need a House member and a Senator to cosponsor an objection for each state that we believe has such a badly flawed election system that it’s untrustworthy and should not be supported by the American people.”

  • December 30, 2020, on Twitter: “SENATOR JOSH HAWLEY (R-MO) JOINS 30+ CONGRESSMEN IN OBJECTING to electoral college vote submissions from states with such flawed election systems as to render their election results untrustworthy.

BAM! The fight for America’s Republic IS ON!


  • December 31: 2020 Brooks refers to “massive voting fraud” and calls on other Republicans to “reject the electoral college votes.”

Rep. Brooks says on Fox News, “It’s always heart-warming to see newly elected people and established congressmen who will actually do the homework, the investigative work, that is necessary to reach an informed judgment on how bad the massive voting fraud, casting of illegal ballots, and election theft activities, have been on the part of the Socialist Democrats.”

When asked if this is a high hill to climb, Brooks says, “Well certainly if I were and others were to join the surrender caucus and look the other way when the foundation of any republic, the honesty and accuracy of our election system, if we were to look the other way and surrender, we have zero chance. This is the only chance we have of trying to restore credibility to our election system. And that is to reject the Electoral College vote submittals of those states who have such seriously flawed and illegal election systems as to render them untrustworthy. So that’s what the fight is all about: Are you going to vote for election fraud or are you going to vote to protect the accuracy and honesty of America’s election system. I chose to fight and I’m going to vote and act accordingly.”

When asked about the Electoral Count Act of 1887, Brooks said state legislatures should have “been more active and would have submitted the Electoral College votes that they believe are most accurately reflecting the will of the majority of the lawful voters in their states. . . .We don’t need to go back to the legislatures under the applicable law which is 3 United States Code 1 through about 20, 21 . . . .What we need is to have Republicans stick together to fight for an honest and accurate election system.”

  • December 31, 2020, on Twitter: “.@JakeTapper quotes others saying 140+ House GOPers will vote against voter fraud, illegal ballots & election theft. For once, I hope #CNN & Jake Tapper are not #FakeNewsMedia! 140+ is a WHOLE LOT MORE than the ONE we started with the week of November 3rd. ;-)”

  • January 1, 2021, on Facebook: “Momentum is building! Now that Senator Josh Hawley has stepped up to defend honest and reliable elections, Members of Congress will have an easy vote on January 6. They can ratify or reject the electoral college votes from states with badly flawed election systems that resulted in massive voter fraud and election theft.”

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  • January 2, 2021, on Twitter: “.@SenTedCruz & TEN Senators join fight against voter fraud, illegal ballots & election theft!

Momentum to protect honesty & accuracy of America’s elections is gaining steam as more & more elected officials fully grasp the depravity of election theft.”

  • January 2, 2021, on Twitter: “Our fight for honest & accurate elections gains momentum!

@Jim_Jordan & I co-lead conference call w 50+ Congressmen who join & fight for America’s Republic!

Conf. call began 6PM ET. Now 715PM & continuing.

President Trump & CoS Mark Meadows speaking.

Morale is HIGH! FIGHT!”

  • January 3, 2021, on Twitter: “TUNE IN: I’ll be on Sunday Morning Futures with @MariaBartiromo on @FoxNews today at 9:10 CT to discuss growing momentum for Jan 6 objection effort!”

  • January 2, 2021, on Twitter (retweet): “Join us tomorrow ⁦@SenTedCruz @SundayFutures @FoxNews 10am et #Exclusive also w us- ⁦@Jim_Jordan @RepMoBrooks

⁩ ⁦@mtgreenee⁩ ⁦ @RepVernonJones⁩ ⁦@sendavidperdue⁩ ⁦@Perduesenate”

  • January 3, 2021: Rep. Brooks says the evidence he had seen of voter fraud was “overwhelming and compelling.” On Fox News Rep. Brooks says, “Oh, no question, the evidence is overwhelming and compelling, in my judgment if you were to get a non-bias jury that listened to the evidence they would find 99% of the time that there was massive voter fraud and election theft in the November 3rd election.”

When asked how he chose the six states to object to, Rep. Brooks says, “Some of them quite clearly violated Article I, Section IV of the United States Constitution, the election clause, that empowers the United States Congress paramount authority and then legislatures secondary authority to set the times, places, and manner of elections. Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, all clearly violated Article I, Section IV so we can either ratify that with our votes, that illegal conduct, or we can oppose it.”

  • January 3, 2021, on Twitter: “It was great to join Sunday Morning Futures w/ @MariaBartiromo today alongside stalwart fighter @Jim_Jordan to discuss the growing movement in Congress to reject unreliable electoral college votes from Nevada, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, & Michigan. WATCH PART 1:”

Video: “Oh, no question. The evidence is overwhelming and compelling. In my judgment, if you were to get a nonbiased jury that listened to the evidence, they would find 99 percent of the time that there was massive voter fraud and election theft in the November 3rd election.”

  • January 3, 2021, on Twitter: “It was great to join Sunday Morning Futures w/ @MariaBartiromo today alongside stalwart fighter @Jim_Jordan to discuss the growing movement in Congress to reject unreliable electoral college votes from Nevada, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, & Michigan. WATCH PART 2:”

Rep. Brooks joins Rep. Jim Jordan on Maria Bartiromo’s show on Fox News to describe the plans for Republicans to object to the certification of votes on January 6.

Bartiromo asks Rep. Brooks about the evidence that there was fraud.

“In my judgment if you were to get a nonbiased jury that listened to the evidence, they would find 99% of the time that there was massive voter fraud and election theft in the November 3rd election. “

Asked how many states he intends to object to, Rep. Brooks says:

“Well I intend to object to six: Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada… there are different reasons for each of them, but for example as Congressman Jim Jordan just pointed out, some of them quite clearly violated Article I Section IV of the United States Constitution, the election clause that empowers the United States Congress paramount authority and then legislatures secondary authority to set the times, places and manner of elections. Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin all clearly violated Article I Section IV, so we can either ratify that with our votes, that illegal conduct, or we can oppose it. I stand for opposing the violation of the United States Constitution, federal statutes and state statutes.”

Asked by Bartiromo to “lay out the evidence,” Rep. Brooks says:

“Well it’s difficult to do in such a short period of time, but I’ll give it a shot. Let’s talk about Nevada just for example. Joe Biden purportedly prevailed by 33,000 plus or minus votes. Yet there have been over 130,000, 130,000 votes identified that were illegal. Noncitizens were voting, roughly 4,000. Individuals, roughly 40,000 voted twice. Not once, but twice in this election, of course that’s illegal. You’ve got people who purported to live at an address that doesn’t exist. People who purported to live at an address that is a business address where of course nobody lives. You’ve got dead people voting. 130,000, add it all up, in the state of Nevada, and I’m quite confident that overwhelmingly they voted for Joe Biden. You remove those from the equation and Donald Trump carried Nevada. You can go to Georgia where you have videotape of poll workers ordering- ordering- the media and poll watchers to leave and they use as an excuse some kind of pipe leak, okay, and they announce that they’re not going to count any more votes which is quite clearly a lie, there was no pipe leak of the kind expressed, there was a leak in a toilet 12 hours earlier that was fixed 12 hours earlier, so that couldn’t have been the justification, yet that was the excuse used, so why are these people lying? Well right after the lied and tell people they are going to stop counting votes, right after the poll watchers and the media leave, they pull out four suitcases full of ballots and start doing what they said they weren’t going to do, and that’s continue to count votes . . .”

“Well, how it plays out, quite frankly, is dependent upon the American people. This is an organic movement that has risen up from angry American voters, 70+ million, who have been disenfranchised by voter fraud and election theft. To the extent they contact their senators and their congressmen and demand honest and accurate elections, then we’re going to win this fight on January 6th. But if the American people do not rise up, if they don’t contact their senators, if they don’t contact their congressmen, demanding that their congressmen and senators do the right thing for our Republic, well then, we’re not going to win on January 6th. So I urge all Americans to participate in this fight on behalf of their country, on behalf of their republic, and of course, the election system that is the underpinning of any republic.”

  • January 3, 2021, on Twitter: “GOP group, including Reps. Brooks and Jordan, to challenge electoral college results @SundayFutures

@FoxNews @Jim_Jordan @RepMoBrooks”

  • January 4, 2021, on Twitter (retweet): “Tune in on #FoxFriendsFirst as @RepMoBrooks discusses his movement to object the Electoral College results this week.”

  • January 4, 2021: Rep. Brooks claimed Democrats were perpetrating “massive voter fraud” and “election theft activity.”

Rep. Brooks says on Fox News, “I discerned early on that there was massive voter fraud and violation of the United States Constitution and various federal election statutes and from that I deduced that the Democrats were actively engaging in voter fraud and election theft, and in my judgment at least from the evidence I had seen, I came to the conclusion that if we only counted legal votes cast by eligible American citizens then Donald Trump, not Joe Biden, won the electoral college.”

When asked about his goals, Rep. Brooks says, “I hope if nothing else we will abide by some of the recommendations of a Commission on Federal Elections in 2005 that was co-chaired by Democrat President Jimmy Carter. We need to have photo identification of voters to minimize the fraud that occurs there. We need to make it easier for our boards of registrars to deny illegal aliens and non-citizens voter registration cards. You know the Democrats in 1993, rammed through the United States Congress the National Voter Registration Act that makes it illegal for our voter registrars to require proof of citizenship when an illegal alien or other non-citizen demands to be registered to vote. That’s insanity. So we need to fix the non-citizen voting problem. And then finally we need to do what Jimmy Carter recommended which is minimize, minimize the use of mail out ballots, absentee ballots because as the Commission noted in 2005, that is probably the most vulnerable fraud-prone area of our election system.”

When asked about Congressmen not voting against the results, Brooks says, “The bottom line is this. There is massive voter fraud. There is election theft activity.”

Audio: “It’s going to be a difficult road to hoe, unless the American citizens are able to be more persuasive with some of our surrender caucus congressmen and senators. We have to get all Republicans on board in order to prevail. And right now, there is some obvious and unfortunate opposition within Republican ranks. Some, because they’re soft on the issue, others because they believe that Congress should play no role in this whatsoever. … I would hate to think that only Democrats are entitled to challenge presidential election Electoral College submittals but Republicans aren’t.”

  • January 4, 2021, on Twitter: “‘It’s a distraction! That phone call has nothing to do with whether in fact Georgia’s election results accurately reflect the lawful votes casts by eligible American citizens,’ @RepMoBrooks tells Newsmax TV.

Video: “It’s a distraction. That phone call has nothing to do with whether in fact, Georgia’s election results accurately reflect the lawful votes cast by eligible American citizens in the state of Georgia. And that is the issue that we ought to be focusing on. And quite simply stated, if only lawful votes were counted in Georgia, Donald Trump won.”

Additional context: As has been stated above, there is no evidence that there was widespread voter fraud in Georgia, and certainly news reports of the phone call made by President Trump to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, a Republican, were more than a mere distraction. During the call, President Trump repeated without evidence that he had won the state of Georgia by hundreds of thousands of votes and attempted to pressure Raffensperger to “find 11,780 votes” to overturn Biden’s victory. A new report by the Brookings Institution has reviewed publicly available evidence, including this phone call, and concluded that President Trump could be charged with multiple crimes related to election interference.

  • January 4, 2021, on Twitter: “Promises made. Promises kept.

Today I signed objections to tainted electoral college vote submissions of Arizona Georgia Michigan Nevada Pennsylvania Wisconsin.

Senators? Time to sign on, too!

America must not tolerate voter fraud & election theft that undermines our Republic!”

  • January 4, 2021, on Twitter: “TUNE IN: don’t miss me on @LouDobbs Tonight on Fox business right now. I’ll discuss the Wednesday challenge of Electoral College votes from states with flawed election systems. 50+ House members & 12+ Senators have joined the movement.”

  • January 4, 2021, on Twitter (retweet): “This is it: Join Lou at 5 & 7 PM/ET as the fate of the republic hangs in the balance this week @TomFitton @EdRollins @Jim_Jordan @RepMoBrooks @VoterGA and Georgia citizen, David Cross #MAGA #AmericaFirst #Dobbs”

  • January 4, 2021, on Twitter (retweet): “Protecting Election Integrity: @RepMoBrooks slams the cowering Republicans ignoring overwhelming evidence of electoral fraud, and vows to stand up for election integrity on January 6. #MAGA #AmericaFirst #Dobbs”

Video: “Well, let me sum it up: this vote on Wednesday is about the underpinnings of a republic. Are we going to have an honest and accurate election system? And those who vote to fight for America and our republic, who show that kind of courage, they’re going to do the right thing. But I’m very much concerned that we have far too many congressmen and senators who have yet to do their homework. Who have yet to perceive that the evidence is overwhelming and compelling of voter fraud and election theft, and who are more apt to duck and run, cower in their foxhole, rather than do the right thing for our country. If the American people who demanded their senators and their congressmen to stand up and fight for America, then we’ll do fine and we’ll win this vote on Wednesday. But if we have Republicans who are afraid to fight, who are unwanting to do so, who are half hearted in their measures, well then, of course, we’re going to lose and voter fraud’s going to win. It comes down to that. I’m going to fight to protect the integrity of our election system. I hope others will join me.”


  • January 4, 2021: Rep. Brooks speaks to OAN saying the Democrats “have stolen the White House from the American People.” Rep. Brooks says to OAN that the evidence is “overwhelming that there was voter fraud and election theft activities on a level unparalleled in American history where the Socialist Democrats have outright sought to steal and perhaps have stolen the White House from the American people through the casting of millions upon millions of illegal ballots.”

He expresses his concerns that the Senate will not fight to protect “an honest and accurate election system.”. He calls on the Senators to do more research and catch up to the investigative efforts of the House.

“We need the American people to express to their senators that they expect those senators to stand up and fight for our country, fight for our election system.” He calls for open debate on the election flaws that allowed the Democrats to “steal the White House from the American people.”

He calls for reforms that prevent illegal aliens and non-citizens from voting at the levels they did in November. “In my judgment, probably in the range of one to three million non-citizens voting in our election . . . foreign interference in our elections, we should stop that . . .but unfortunately the Socialist Democrats are promoting that.” He calls for more voter identification to ensure it is not “someone who is stealing someone else’s vote.” He mentions that the 2005 Commission said mail in ballots were the major source of fraud.

  • January 5, 2021, on Twitter: “I’m confident we’ll have a significant number of House GOPers who will fight for & protect America’s election system. I’m less confident in GOP Senators. Now is the time to call on Senators to demand they stand for honest & accurate elections, and support House members on Jan. 6.”

Video: “Well, on the House side, we’re very strong. I would anticipate that we will have over 100 United States congressmen who will support this effort on the House floor, either by cosponsoring the objections or by speaking to reject these Electoral College votes from tainted states, or from voting. Voting, speaking, cosponsoring – those three things. On the Senate side though, I’m a little bit disheartened . . . We’ll see what the total number of objections are, versus the total number of Republicans in the House side that will vote to reject the Electoral College vote submittals from the states that have very tainted and unreliable, untrustworthy election systems.”

  • January 5, 2021: Rep. Brooks says that if the Republicans come together “I am quite confident that Donald Trump would be sworn in on January the 20th.”

Appearing on Fox News Radio, Rep. Brooks says that his goal is an “education process” where Americans “started getting concrete information about the law and the evidence that shows overwhelmingly that there has been massive voter fraud and election theft in this election to such a degree that we’ve lost . . .house and senate seats. And certainly Joe Biden would have lost the electoral college if we had limited the count to lawful votes cast by eligible American citizens.”

59:08 He reiterates his view that, “The Democrats have been very active in taking advantage of . . . systemic weaknesses in our election system to steal votes. And what the battle really is about is making sure that we have an honest and accurate election system in the United States of America. That we don’t act like some third world country or some communist nation where you go and vote but the actual results reported come nowhere close to the opinions of the electorate.”

1:00:12 He says of Democrats, “They’re the direct beneficiaries of this election theft. They are the proponents of it, they are the ones who have prevented us from plugging the holes in our election system and they are the ones who are taking advantage of it.” 1:00:30 “I’m sure quite a number of Democrats would be found guilty if the issue is whether they are aiding and abetting voter fraud and election theft.”

1:02:10 Rep. Brooks goes on to explain his goals. First, is “helping the American people understand how badly flawed America’s election system is, how easy it is to steal elections using and exploiting those bad systemic flaws that the Democrats have worked so hard to put into place.” Next, is “if we get all the Republicans standing together I am quite confident that Donald Trump would be sworn in on January the 20th.”

1:03:57 Rep. Brooks says that if only “lawful” votes were counted, then Senator Perdue won reelection November 3rd and that Democrats stole the election from him, leading to the runoff. He says “If I were in the United States Senate […] I would seat David Perdue regardless of what happens today because David Perdue already won. You […] shouldn’t have to win twice in order to be seated in the United States Senate.”

Rep. Brooks echoes distrust in the Georgia runoff election, “But with the Democrats doing what they are doing to steal votes on a massive scale in a variety of different illegal ways [… ] what you’re seeing in Georgia today is Loeffler and Perdue having to swim upstream against a very strong current.”

1:06:03 He reiterates that legislators have authority over the time and place of elections. But this year, “You had non-legislators, non congressmen unilaterally, changing the law illegally, that resulted in massive numbers of votes for the Democrats that they otherwise would not have gotten.”

  • January 5, 2021, on Twitter: “Progress made. NEED more!

LOTS of Congressmen object to AZ GA MI NV PA WI electoral college votes.

In Senate, Hawley=PA Cruz=AZ Loeffler=GA, so battle engaged there. STILL NEED SENATORS FOR MI NV WI!

America – urge your senators to fight voter fraud & election theft!”

  • January 5, 2021, on Twitter: “Update: So far, 36+ patriotic Congressmen signing ALL six objections to AZ GA MI NV PA WI electoral college votes.

YET, only 3 Senators (Cruz-AZ, Hawley-PA, Loeffler-GA) signing ONE objection apiece.

GOP House Members are FIGHTING for honest & accurate elections! Senate: HELP!”

  • January 5, 2021: Rep. Brooks says “you still have a massive number of illegal ballots that are in the system.”

Rep. Brooks appears on Newsmax to discuss the Georgia election system. Of the results, he says, “It’s one thing for the ballots to be accurately counted, it’s another thing for those ballots that are counted to be legal. The Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger, he conspired with the socialist Democrats to illegally alter Georgia’s election system, thereby violating Article I, Section IV of the Constitution, the United States Code, and Georgia statutory law. So in my judgement, you still have a massive number of illegal ballots that are in the system because nothing changed from November to today.” He says the Senate should install the Republican candidates because of “the number of illegal votes that the system still is going to count on behalf of Ossoff and Warnock.” He then discusses the next day’s challenge. He mentions he will speak at the rally and continues, “The problem is that it seems that the Senators are about a month behind in doing the homework that we’ve done on the House side, and so they’re not fully up to speed on how bad the election theft problems were in November. And the consequence of that is, at least as of this moment, we only have three senators, versus our dozens and dozens of congressmen who are willing to cosponsor these objections to state electoral college vote submissions. Right now it appears that we’re limited to Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania, and that is depriving Michigan, Wisconsin, and Nevada citizens of a lawful count of the votes cast by eligible American citizens.”

  • January 5, 2021, on Twitter: Rep. Brooks posts a link to his upcoming speech at the rally at the Ellipse on the morning of January 6. YouTube later removed the link for violating its community guidelines. “BIG DAY: I speak at tomorrow’s #StoptheSteal rally @ 7:50 am CT. @realDonaldTrump asked me personally to speak & tell the American people about the election system weaknesses that the Socialist Democrats exploited to steal this election. Watch:”

January 6th

On January 6, Rep. Brooks gives a fiery speech at President Trump’s rally at the Ellipse, and later gives a speech on the House floor claiming millions of people unlawfully participated in the 2020 election. When the Capitol is breached by the President’s supporters, he claims ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter activists are behind the violence.

  • 9:06 AM, January 6, 2021: Rep. Brooks appears at President Trump’s Save America rally at the Ellipse.


Thank you so much for being here today to help save America! Now I’m Congressman Mo Brooks from Alabama’s fifth congressional district, and I’ve got a message that I need you to take to your heart and take back home, and along the way, stop at the Capitol!

For seven decades America has been the greatest nation in world history. We have a standard of living that is the best in history, we have a military that is unmatched in history, and we are a beacon of freedom for all. Have you ever thought about why? Is it because we’re just lucky? I would submit no. We are great because our ancestors sacrificed their blood, their sweat, their tears, their fortunes, and sometimes their lives. And what did they sacrifice for? They sacrificed for foundational principles that have combined to make us the greatest nation in world history.

First, they believed in moral principles that are the compass, that help us do the right thing rather than the wrong thing, with a power that we enjoy as a great nation. Second, we have a Bill of Rights that protects individual liberty from abuse of government power. A Bill of Rights that is based on the principle that a government is simultaneously our best friend and our worst enemy. That a government powerful enough to give us anything is powerful enough to take everything from us. Third, we are a free enterprise economy, an economy where you get to decide what you want to do with your God given talents. An economy based on freedom and liberty that allows us individually to excel. And fourth, we are a republic. We as individuals collectively control how our government works and what our destiny will be.

But we are here today because America is at risk unlike it has been in decades and perhaps centuries. Socialist Democrats attack and mock our moral values, even to the point of sarcastically- in the United States Capitol, one of the most revered places in America- mockingly closing their hedonistic prayers with a man and a woman. What is that? Socialist Democrats attack our Bill of Rights on a daily basis. They attack freedom of speech. They attack freedom of association. They attack freedom of all kinds, including the right to bear arms.

Now let’s be clear about these socialist Democrats, they also want to destroy our free enterprise system. They don’t trust you with your individual liberty and freedom to do what’s best for yourselves or your families. However, we’re going to stop them. Now we have definitely had some setbacks with what happened in November, we have had some setbacks with what happened last night in Georgia, but we are not going to let the socialists rip the heart out of our country. We are not going to let them continue to corrupt our elections and steal from us our God given right to control our nation’s destiny.

The 2020 election is behind us. Today is a time of choosing and tomorrow is a time for fighting. Today is also a day of revelation and separation. Today the curtain will be pulled back and American patriots will learn by their votes which Republican Senators and Congressmen have the courage to fight for America. Today by their votes, Americans will learn which Republican congressmen and senators love their bourbon, love their cigars, love their prestige, love their personal power, love their special interest group money more than they love America. Because today Republican Senators and Congressmen have a simple choice. Today Republican Senators and Congressmen will either vote to turn America into a godless, amoral, dictatorial, oppressed, and socialist nation on the decline, or they will join us and they will fight and vote against voter fraud in election theft and vote for keeping America great.

Now I can’t speak for anyone else, but I can promise you that as for me, Mo Brooks from Alabama’s fifth congressional district, I will vote and fight for America on the house floor. But let’s be clear, regardless of today’s outcome, the 2022 and 2024 elections are right around the corner. And America does not need and cannot stand, cannot tolerate, any more weakling, cowering, wimpy Republican Congressmen and Senators who covet the power and the prestige the swamp has to offer while groveling at the feet and the knees of the special interest group masters. As such, today is important in another way. Today is the day American patriots start taking down names and kicking ass.

Now our ancestors sacrificed their blood, their sweat, their tears, their fortunes, and sometimes their lives to give us, their descendants, an America that is the greatest nation in world history. So I have a question for you, are you willing to do the same? My answer is yes. Louder! Are you willing to do what it takes to fight for America? Louder! Will you fight for America?

Let me conclude with these remarks. In 1776, at a time of great peril, an American patriot by the name of Thomas Paine said, “These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will in this crisis shrink from the service of their country, but he that stands by it now deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny like hell is not easily conquered, yet we have this consolation with us that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.”

Such was the metal of our founding fathers, and today’s times do try our souls. But today we can make our voices heard for America by uttering words, uttering words that cause socialists and weak-kneed Republicans on Capitol Hill to know that we, American patriots are not going to take it anymore. That we American patriots are going to come right at them. That we American patriots are going to take America back and restore the foundational principles that have combined to make us the greatest nation in world history.

What are the simple words we must shout to the heavens and carry the message to Capitol Hill? What are the words that cause socialists and weak-kneed Republicans on Capitol Hill to shake in their boots and cower in their foxholes? What are the words that scare the hell out of socialist and weak-kneed Republicans alike? Join with me, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA. Washington, America, heed those words because we’re going to carry them right to you. USA, God bless America, and the fight begins today!

  • 12:01 PM, January 6, 2021, shares a segment of his speech at the rally at the Ellipse on Twitter (before riot): “Is America the greatest nation in world history because we’re lucky? NO! I would submit that we are great because our ancestors sacrificed their blood, sweat, tears, and lives for America’s foundational principles.”

  • 1:16 PM, January 6, 2021, on Twitter (before riot): “BREAKING FROM HOUSE FLOOR!

Congressman Paul Gosar (R, AZ) & Sen. Ted Cruz (R, TX) join to object to the electoral college submission of Arizona.


Now we will find who supports, and who fights, voter fraud & election theft!


  • 1:29 PM, January 6, 2021, on Twitter (before riot): “.@SteveScalise is first GOP speaker.

Excellent outline of 2020 voter fraud, Congress’s presidential election contest role & #Socialist #Democrat obstruction to legislative efforts that promote policies that will guarantee the honest & accurate elections that Americans deserve.”

  • 1:38 PM, January 6, 2021, on Twitter (before riot): “.@Jim_Jordan 2nd GOP Speaker.

GREAT speech re questionable election won by “Basement Man”.

70 million Americans think election suspect.

Why House refuse election investigations?

Russia Hoax investigated . . . But not election system essential to Republic’s functioning?”

  • 2:00 PM, January 6, 2021, on Twitter: “.@laurenboebert = GOP #4.

Boebert hammers on legislature duty to determine electors & blatant violations of AZ legislature election laws.


@BrianMastFL = GOP #5. Asks question about validity of electors contested in pending court cases. Pelosi refuses to answer.”

  • 2:11 PM, January 6, 2021, on Twitter (during riot): “.@MikeJohnson GOP #6.

Covers Constitution Art. 1, Sec. 4, which reserves 100% control of election rules & laws to Congress & legislatures.

Judges blatantly violated Election Clause & usurped power by dictating election laws in conflict with legislative & Congressional acts.”

  • 2:18 PM, January 6, 2021, on Twitter (during riot): “.@RepGosar OF ARIZONA = Objection sponsor. GOP #7.

Details massive AZ election fraud compounded by AZ officials refusing to investigate fraud allegations, thus aiding voter fraud & election theft.


  • 2:20 PM, January 6, 2021, on Twitter (during riot): “HOUSE RECESSSED UNTIL ORDER & SAFETY CAN BE ASSURED.

Rumor: ANTIFA fascists in backwards MAGA hats. Time will tell what truth is.

Capitol Police Announcement: Capitol breach. Locked down! DO NOT LEAVE CHAMBER!”

Additional context: The claim that those who stormed the Capitol building were antifa has been consistently debunked, including by the FBI. This did not stop right-wing media including the Washington Times and Fox News from perpetuating this falsehood. Some hosts on Fox News such as Tucker Carlson have also promoted the conspiracy theory that the FBI planned the January 6 attack. Notably, Rep. Brooks was not the only Republican to push the antifa lie; just hours after the riot, Rep. Matt Gaetz claimed that many of the individuals who had broken into the Capitol were part of the “violent terrorist group antifa,” and Sen. Ron Johnson made similar claims in multiple interviews in the months following January 6.

  • 2:39 PM, January 6, 2021, on Twitter (during riot): “At least #Socialist #Democrats have NOT defunded Capitol police.

Evacuating chamber.”

  • 3:36 PM, January 6, 2021, on Twitter (after riot): “Congressmen safe (as far as I know).

As strong supporter of Rule of Law, I hope EVERYONE who illegally breached Capitol is prosecuted to fullest extent of the law.

Quite frankly, I am surprised by the constraint of Capitol Police.

Senseless. Achieves nothing productive.”

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  • 5:19 PM, January 6, 2021, on Twitter: “MY FULL STATEMENT ON CAPITOL VIOLENCE:”

  • 6:45 PM, January 6, 2021, on Twitter (retweet during riot): “Updated with new statement from @RepMoBrooks condemning violence at the Capitol and advocating for U.S. election system even as he maintains Democrats “exploited” flaws in it.”

  • 7:30 PM, January 6, 2021: Rep. Brooks suggests that “it could be any number of other groups,” besides Trump supporters, “anarchists or what have you, that could have taken advantage of this opportunity to try to vandalize the United States Capitol.”

Calling into Lou Dobbs’ show on Fox Business, Brooks goes on to say, “I promise you, we will know whether it was one or more of those groups in combination that conducted this violence.”

In response to the suggestion that “there have been reports of instigators,” Brooks responds, “Well we did have some advanced warning that there might be Antifa elements masquerading as – as, uh, Trump supporters in the advance of the attack on the Capitol. So there is some evidence, but whether that’s true or not I can’t say.”

  • 8:10 PM, January 6, 2021: Rep. Brooks says he has “seen evidence that it was fascist Antifa” that conducted the attack on the Capitol.

Rep. Brooks tells Newsmax, “There was some intelligence received prior to today that Antifa was going to try to impersonate Trump supporters and attack the Capitol. Now whether these people who did the actual violence were Antifa or Antifa plus Trump supporters, or only Trump supporters, or anarchists or somebody else, we really need to wait until an investigation has been conducted and not just jump to conclusions when the evidence is incomplete . . . But I’ll add I have seen evidence that it was fascist Antifa involved.”

He laments that the attack, “did distract from our message, and you have to ask yourself, ‘Well who would be motivated to distract from the message of talking about the voter fraud and election theft that has occurred on a massive scale?’ And I don’t believe that that’s in the interest of the Trump supporters to detract from that message.” He concludes, “these people, whoever they are, ought to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”

  • 9:41 PM, January 6, 2021, on Twitter: “Evidence mounts that fascist ANTIFA infiltrated Trump rally & stormed Capitol.

I don’t know the true facts yet, and neither does 99.99% of public.

I suggest no rush to judgment until an investigation reveals whatever the truth may be.

Then Prosecute!”

  • Approximately 9:45 PM, January 6, 2021: Rep. Brooks gives a speech on the House floor objecting to the certification of Electoral College votes.

Full text of Congressman Brooks’ speech follows:

Madam Speaker, for years, Democrats and their media allies deceived America about Trump-Russian collusion and the extent of foreign interference in the 2020 election.

Yet, in 2020, Democrats promoted massive foreign interference in American elections by helping illegal aliens and other noncitizens vote in American elections, thereby cancelling the votes of, and stealing elections from, American citizens.

Want evidence?

Exhibit A. In 1993, Democrats rammed through Congress the National Voter Registration Act, making it illegal, illegal, to require proof of citizenship that prevents illegal aliens and noncitizens from registering to vote.[1]

Why did Democrats do that?

Simple. To steal elections, of course.

Exhibit B. How bad is the noncitizen voting problem?

In 2005, Democrat President Jimmy Carter’s Commission on Federal Election Reform warned that “Non-citizens have registered to vote in several recent elections” and recommended that “all states should use their best efforts to obtain proof of citizenship before registering voters.”

Exhibit C. A June 2005 General Accountability Office report discovered that up to 3 percent of people on voter registration lists are not U.S citizens.[2]

Exhibit D. In 2008, Electoral Studies surveyed 339 noncitizens. 8% admitted voting in American elections.[3][4]

As an aside, I have seen higher percentages in other studies.

Exhibit E. The 2010 Census counted 11 million illegal aliens in America.

Exhibit F. A 2018 Yale study estimated as many as 22 million illegal aliens in America![5]

Exhibit G. The math means between 880,000 and 1.72 million illegal aliens illegally voted in the 2020 elections.

Exhibit H. In 2014, Old Dominion University and George Mason University professors surveyed noncitizens and illegal aliens and found they vote Democrat roughly 80% of the time.[6]

Exhibit I. The math is again straight-forward. The 60% Biden advantage times the illegal alien voting number means Joe Biden gained roughly 1,032,000 votes from illegal alien voting. That’s the high number.

Exhibit J. While no one knows for sure how massive the illegal alien voting block is, we do know Joe Biden and his campaign believed it large enough, and critical enough, to winning the presidential race that, at the October 22 Presidential Debate, Joe Biden publicly solicited the illegal alien block vote by promising, “Within 100 days, I’m going to send to the United States Congress a pathway to citizenship for over 11 million undocumented people.”[7]

Ladies and gentlemen, Madam Speaker, that is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for illegal aliens. Joe Biden knew exactly what he was doing by seeking the illegal alien block vote.

After all, on May 11, 1993, then Senator Joe Biden voted for the National Voter Registration Act that makes it illegal to require proof of citizenship from illegal aliens and other noncitizens when they seek to register to vote!

Madam Speaker, the evidence is compelling and irrefutable.

Noncitizens overwhelmingly voted for Joe Biden in exchange for the promised amnesty and citizenship and, in so doing, helped steal the election from Donald Trump, Republican candidates, and American citizens all across America.

Madam Speaker, in my judgment, if only lawful votes cast by eligible American citizens are counted, Joe Biden lost, and President Trump won, the electoral college.

As such, it is my Constitutional duty to promote honest and accurate elections by rejecting electoral college vote submissions from states whose electoral systems are so badly flawed as to render their vote submissions unreliable, untrustworthy, and unworthy of acceptance.


Rep. Brooks’ citations:

[1] Kansas challenged this Democrat abomination by requiring “satisfactory evidence of United States Citizenship” before registering someone to vote. Kan.Stat.Ann. §25 S2309(l)). Unfortunately, two Democrat-appointed 10th Circuit Court of Appeals judges held the National Voter Registration Act voids Kansas’ common-sense, pro-America law.

[2] U.S. Government Accountability Office, Report to Congressional Requesters, “Elections, Additional Data Could Help State and Local Officials Maintain Accurate Voter Registration Lists.”, June 2005.; P. 42.

[3] “Do Non-Citizens Vote in U.S. Elections?” by Jesse T. Richman, Gulshan A. Chattha, and David Earnest. Electoral Studies, December 2014, Pages 149-157.

[4] Ibid. In 2020, Electoral Studies estimated that between 14,679 and 50,058 noncitizens voted in Arizona.


In his speech, Rep. Brooks introduces a range of figures purporting to be evidence that “Democrats promoted massive foreign interference in American elections by helping illegal aliens and other noncitizens vote in American elections, thereby cancelling the votes of, and stealing elections from, American citizens.”

Washington Post fact checker Glen Kessler noted later that “the speech is actually rather detailed in showing Brooks’s math. But it relies on dubious assertions, some of which we have fact-checked before, to come up with these numbers.” He rates his assertions as false.

  • 10:34 PM, January 6, 2021, on Twitter (after riot): “Retired Huntsville Police Officer at Capitol today: ‘We were approached several times by individuals stating the police had tear gassed elderly people & abused them & asked for our support & attack the police. No one in the large group supported him and states he was ANTIFA.’”

  • 10:38 PM, January 6, 2021, on Twitter (after Congress resumes): “.@TTuberville –

Way to go Alabama freshman Senator Tommy Tuberville!

You make Alabama proud, fighting for honest and accurate elections!”

  • 11:11 PM, January 6, 2021, on Twitter (after riot): “House Vote on rejection of Arizona electoral college vote submission:

GOP: Reject = 121; Accept = 83

#Socialist #Democrats: Reject = 0; Accept = 219


After the Insurrection

Following the violence on January 6, Rep. Brooks becomes an apologist for the insurrection. He points to “evidence” of ANTIFA involvement on January 6, a claim he is later forced to discard. He continues to assert the election was stolen, and to advance the notion of vast fraud with millions of illegal votes cast by dead people and undocumented people, despite warnings from DHS that the spread of such claims risks inspiring further acts of violence. He appears to defend the apparent ideological motivations of a suspect in a bomb threat to the US Capitol. Sued by Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-CA for his role in inciting violence at the Capitol, Rep. Brooks claims he was acting that day in his official capacity with the support and in coordination with the White House, the DOJ rejected his claim to be acting in an official capacity in a brief to the court. Finally, he denies playing any role in the coordination of the rally at the Ellipse, suggesting only that his staff may have played a role.

  • January 7, 2021, on Twitter: “Please, don’t be like #FakeNewsMedia, don’t rush to judgment on assault on Capitol. Wait for investigation. All may not be (and likely is not) what appears. Evidence growing that fascist ANTIFA orchestrated Capitol attack with clever mob control tactics.

Evidence follows:”

“1. A Congressman warned me on MONDAY of a growing ANTIFA threat & advised that I sleep in my office rather than leaving Capitol complex & sleeping in my condo. I heeded that advice & have slept on office floor for 4 straight nights.”

“2. Congressman told me he was warned on TUESDAY by Capitol Police officer that intelligence suggested fascist ANTIFA was going to try to infiltrate the Trump rally by dressing like Trump supporters.

3. Capitol Police advised TUESDAY that it best not to leave Capitol complex.”

“4. Evidence, much public, surfacing that many Capitol assaulters were fascist ANTIFAs, not Trump supporters.

Again, time will reveal truth. Don’t rush to judgment. Don’t be fooled by #FakeNewsMedia whose political judgment drives their reporting.

My view: fully prosecute all!”

  • January 7, 2021, on Twitter: “(1/2) Part of text I just sent to media person: “In the past, when citizens of a Republic lose faith in their ability to guide the destiny of their country via the election process, they have been FORCED by that country’s rulers into a box and FORCED to chose from any of”

“(2/2) 3 bad options:

1. Flee (emigrate).

2. Submit.

3. Fight back with violence.

THAT is why we must fight for honest & accurate elections.

We don’t ever want citizens in America feeling they have been forced into the aforesaid box, with 3 bad options.”

  • January 7, 2021: Rep. Brooks tells the Matt Murphy Show that there is “mounting evidence concerning facsist ANTIFA’s involvement.”

Rep. Brooks: “I encourage your listeners to review [the above tweet]. It’s the evidence that I am aware of personally and then what I have received – or the public has generally received, the mounting evidence concerning fascist ANTIFA’s possible involvement in all of this.”

. . .

Rep. Brooks: “In a republic your principle form of redress of political grievances is at the ballot box. What are your options if you no longer have faith that the ballot box is a way to address grievances because it is no longer honest or accurate – if that’s your perception? Where do you go from there if you’re a citizen of a country? And there are three possibilities. What do you think they might be?”

Host: “Well first off, if you’re asking me a question I’ll give you an answer, but first you have to back up. We don’t have one election for President of the United States, we have 50. So … I have every faith in Alabama’s election process November third. I don’t live in Pennsylvania. I don’t live in Arizona. I mean I’m answering your question, am I not? Do we not have 50 separate elections? The Tenth Amendment means something, right?”

Rep. Brooks: “We do have 50 state elections for President of the United States. But what was stolen in Georgia, or Pennsylvania, or Nevada, or Wisconsin, or Michigan, or Arizona is also stolen from the people of Alabama.”

Host: “The remedy is in the court system.”

Brooks: “Well might I suggest that over history when you’re in a republic, and there is no longer confidence in the elections system, you have three options. You can immigrate [sic] from that country, which is what a lot of people did in the 1920s and 1930s in socialist Germany, with Adolf Hitler. You can submit, which is also what a lot of people did in Germany, or you can resist, often through violence. None of those three options are good, and that is why it is so important for us to ensure that we have an honest and accurate election system that people have confidence in.”

Rep. Brooks: “I’m telling you what has happened historically over time when a republic loses confidence in its election system. What do people, individual people do?”

Host: “Individual people educate others on the malfeasance and the illegitimacy of election integrity in the areas in which there is illegitimacy, to the point that those people then demand of their elected officials that they remedy or repair the illegitimacy.”

Brooks: “But that only works if the election system works.”

Host: “When you bring up one of your options to be violent, it brings us directly to your words yesterday, Mo. And I’m wondering if you regret saying what you said at the rally yesterday.”

Brooks: “Absolutely not.”

Brooks: “On Monday, a fellow Congressman advised me that I should not leave the Capitol complex, that I should sleep in my office . . . because of the perceived threat from fascist Antifa. So that’s Monday. That’s coming from another Congressman to me, serious enough to cause me to not go to my condo but instead to sleep on the floor in my office. On Tuesday, another Congressman – and he reported it to me – was advised by the Capitol Police that they were receiving intelligence that fascist Antifa elements were going to pose as Trump supporters and infiltrate the rally and engage in some unknown nefarious conduct, which Antifa is known to engage in. But we didn’t know why. … Also on Tuesday I get a formal notice from the Capitol Police akin to what I got from another Congressman on Monday. It’s best to stay in your office, don’t travel around Washington, DC, don’t sleep in your condo – in my instance. Now . . . the Capitol Police did not detail what the nature of the threat was. They kept that to themselves in the formal notification. Now historically, the Trump rallies have not involved violence. There might be one instance where there’s some harsh words said and someone punches somebody else, uh, you know, isolated things like that, but not the kinds of riots or arsons, shootings, um, stabbings, assaults that you’re used to seeing with respect to fascist Antifa. And so that lays the groundwork for my perception on Wednesday [January 6] . . . Keep in mind that more evidence may change this appearance [but] it appears at this point in time that fascist Antifa elements did in fact infiltrate the Trump rally, and orchestrated what happened. And what is extraordinarily unfortunate – and citizens need to be aware of this – too many Trump people cooperated, aided and abetted, whatever you want to call it, in entering the United State Capitol . . . Those who were unable to resist the manipulative efforts of what appears to be fascist Antifa, they should be prosecuted for their bad judgment and the crimes that they committed.”

Rep. Brooks: “Now I don’t believe Joe Biden personally orchestrated any of this [voter fraud] stuff with perhaps the exception of his trying to induce illegal aliens to illegally vote in the presidential election. But the people who surround him, the people in his campaign who are hired to get votes, I am quite confident that they saw weaknesses in our election system, and they were willing to exploit them to the degree of shifting illegally the campaign results from Donald Trump to Joe Biden.”

Rep. Brooks: “At no time, if you go through my remarks . . . did I encourage anybody to engage in violence, and I strongly encouraged people to take down names and kick ass in an election way. Now that, those – all the words I used, by the way, are in the Bible.”

  • January 7, 2021, on Twitter: “Did USA Patriots protest at Capitol? Yes. AS IS THEIR RIGHT!

Did SOME Trump supporters illegally break into Capitol? Yes. Prosecute!

But don’t blindly accept #FakeNewsMedia claim fascist ANTIFA not there. Investigation will reveal what truth may be.”

  • January 8, 2021: Rep. Cori Bush, D-MO proposes a resolution to sanction or remove Rep. Brooks from Congress.

“I see no relationship between my remarks before the ellipse crowd and what happened at the Capitol,” said Rep. Brooks, according to Huntsville, Alabama news station WAFF.

  • January 8, 2021: Rep. Brooks says that at least one individual had “participated in both Antifa and BLM rallies in which some people have lost lives.”

Rep. Brooks appears on Alabama regional news program WAFF48 to defend his speech at the Ellipse on January 6th. He insists he was focused on getting Republican wins for 2022 and 2024. Asked whether he felt any regret for his remarks at the Ellipse, he said, “It never occurred to me anyone would engage in violence as a result of my speech or any others. From what I understand with Donald Trump’s speech, you know, he wanted people to go protest, I wanted people to go protest, because I thought what happened with the elections with the voter fraud and election theft was horrible for the American republic. But not withstanding that, traditionally we have lots of people who protest at the Capitol, who encircle the Capitol, who are outdoors, and they do their chants, they make their presence known. The fact that there was violence, that happens occasionally, of course never to this degree in my experience, but I see no relationship between my remarks before the Ellipse crowd and what happened at the Capitol.”

Asked about the Department of Justice report that said there was no indication of ANTIFA presence in the crowd at the Capitol, Brooks pointed to conflicting “intelligence.” “I was not persuaded at that point that there was Antifa in the audience at the Ellipse next to the White House. … But I’m quite confident that Antifa was not going to react to my remarks whatsoever.” Pointing the interviewers to news sources such as, Brooks said there was information that “The individual who was taking the photographs or the film of the lady who was shot, standing close to her, had recently participated in both Antifa and BLM demonstrations and rallies in which some people have lost their lives.” He insists that after investigation, the DOJ’s conclusion that there was no ANTIFA will “change.” He repeats he was informed by a Congressman who got his information from the Capitol Police before the riot that there would be ANTIFA dressed as Trump supporters. He said the attack at the Capitol “has all the fingerprints of an ANTIFA operation, it’s the way they operate” and that it should not be dismissed before a “true investigation.”

  • January 8, 2021, on Twitter: “Again, don’t rush to judgment, but evidence below is not distributed by major #FakeNewsMedia. Investigation & time will divulge truth.

#BLM & fascist #ANTIFA supporter arrested for role in Capitol assaults, “standing next to” killed Trump supporter.”

  • January 9, 2021. Rep. Brooks says “I make no apology” for his speech during President Trump’s rally at the Ellipse.

“I make no apology for doing my absolute best to inspire patriotic Americans to not give up on our country and to fight back against anti-Christian socialists in the 2022 and 2024 elections,” Rep. Brooks told “I encourage EVERY citizen to watch my entire rally speech and decide for themselves what kind of America they want: One based on freedom and liberty or one based on Godless dictatorial power.”

The Alabama news site pointed out that Brooks made a repeated call for kicking Democrats’ “ass.”

“For emphasis, an ‘ass’ is a donkey, the socialist Democrat’s mascot and symbol,” Brooks told the site. “I call again for kicking that ‘ass’ all the way back to the communist dictatorships that ‘ass’ now worships.”

  • January 11, 2021: Rep. Tom Malinowski (R-NJ) introduces a resolution to censure Rep. Brooks for his role in inciting violence on January 6.

The resolution, supported by Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, references Rep. Brooks’ speech at the Ellipse and actions on the House floor.

  • January 12, 2021: Rep. Brooks claims that “there were militant groups that infiltrated the Trump Rally.”

Rep. Brooks tells Newsmax, “My office has informed me that we are accumulating more and more evidence that there were militant groups that infiltrated the Trump rally.” He continues, “Those militant groups, they, unfortunately, they engaged in good planning, at least from their terrorist-type perspective, and they effectively and illegally breached capitol security, as was seen in so many of these videos.”

When asked about the Democrats’ attempt to censure him, he says he is focused on winning future elections. When asked about President Trump’s speech, he claims not to have seen it, but says he had heard that Trump “talked about a peaceful march to the Capitol.” He laments that conservative groups cannot have protests.

  • January 12, 2021, on Twitter (excerpts selected by staff and highlights added by staff): “I defend my honor and reputation. Read my statement:…”

Text of statement: Tuesday, Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-05) issued the below statement in response to scurrilous Fake News Media and Socialist Democrat attacks related to his January 6th “Save America” rally speech:

As one of America’s most effective conservative leaders, I defend my honor and reputation against scurrilous, George Orwellian, 1984, Socialist Democrats Politics of Personal Destruction, the same attack strategy used in 2012 against then-presidential candidate Mitt Romney, and nonstop against President Trump with false Russian Collusion charges and the 2019 sham impeachment effort.

Let’s be clear, this entire smear campaign is about intimidating, censoring and suppressing the ability of American citizens to fight at the ballot box the efforts of Socialist Democrats to seize control of the United States of America.

So that I am unambiguously clear, American citizens’ recourse is at the ballot box (maybe this comment will deter Socialist Democrats and Fake News Media from again shrilly shouting false claims of violence advocacy).

As you read these remarks, I ask that you consider two quotes.

First, as Jesus said in the Bible, John 8:32, “And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free”.

Second, I quote the words of American patriot Martin Luther King, who stated in 1958 that, “True peace is not merely the absence of tension; it is the presence of justice.”

I ask the Members of Congress, the citizens of the great State of Alabama, and the citizens of America, to bear these words in mind, set their political stridency aside, and strive for justice.

Before I get into the meat of my remarks, let me add that January 6 was supposed to be a day of great debate on the floors of the House and Senate about voter fraud and election theft that is supposed to propel America to more honest or accurate elections.

Instead, our message was hijacked by people whose illegal breach of the Capitol did a great disservice to our cause and America.

Those who engaged in illegal conduct should be ashamed of themselves because their attack on the U.S. Capitol destroyed two months of debate and work.

Those who engaged in the illegal breach of the U.S. Capitol could not have done more damage if they had followed any script written by the Democrat National Committee.

I take great offense at anyone who suggests I am so politically inexperienced as to want to torpedo my honest and accurate election system effort I spent months fighting on.

Mo Brooks Background

Let me share a little about myself. My long-time acquaintances and family would describe me as a straight arrow or a “square”.

I have never smoked tobacco.

I don’t consume alcohol.

I have never taken illegal drugs.

I have never been accused or convicted of any felonies or misdemeanors.

In half a century of driving, I have never had a DUI, a reckless driving ticket or even a speeding ticket.

I did once misjudge a traffic light and deservedly got a ticket, but that is it.

I have never had a vehicle wreck in which anyone claimed I was at fault.

My parents raised me to be a good, self-supporting citizen and I have strived to be just that.

My parents also encouraged me to participate in government if the opportunity arose, as this was a part of my ancestry.

On my mother’s side, we have a North Carolina ancestral history that includes a county sheriff, a state legislator, a board of education member, a road commissioner, and the like.

In fact, the first rest stop you come to on I-40 when you enter North Carolina from Tennessee is named after my grandfather, D. Reeves Noland.

I am proud of that ancestry. I have tried to follow it.

As such, I have served the public for 36 years as a Tuscaloosa assistant district attorney, an Alabama legislator, the Madison County District Attorney, a county commissioner, and U.S. Congressman.

In my 36 years as a public servant, I have a perfect ethics record, having never been found guilty of an ethics violation, large or small.

I am proud that, in 1982, I was the first Republican legislator ever elected in Alabama House District 18.

I am proud that, in 1983, I was the first Republican legislator ever elected in Alabama House District 10.

I am proud that, in 2010, I was the first Republican elected in Alabama Congressional District 5 in more than 130 years.

I am proud that, in the history of the State of Alabama, no person has successfully carried the Republican banner in general elections more than I have.

You can imagine my dismay upon learning that Socialist Democrats, without ever even bothering to first discuss this matter with me to discern the truth, and without any substantive and connective evidence, so viciously besmirch my good name and character that took 66 years to build.

It is with that as a background, that I will address how misplaced and malevolent the motives are of those who falsely accuse me of bad conduct.

Accusation Flaw #1:

Mr. Malinowski, in his Censure Resolution, alleges that “Representative Mo Brooks addressed a rally in Washington, DC, attended by numerous members of known extremist and anti-government groups, including the Proud Boys, QAnon, Boogaloo Boys, and Oathkeepers, who would shortly thereafter march to seize the United States Capitol”

That statement is meaningless because it omits a key fact. Mr. Malinowski fails to allege I knew any of that!

Why? Because I did not know any of that.

For the record, I have never knowingly associated or communicated with any of those groups in my life and I certainly had no inkling any of these groups were a part of the Trump rally at the Ellipse. Perhaps, at some political event, I have had a photo with one, or a five second conversation with another, but, if so, I don’t recall it and paid no attention to it.

Per my cell phone records, on Tuesday morning, January 5, I had a telephone call with Brian Jack, White House Political Director. He asked me to speak at the Trump rally the next day, Wednesday morning.

I had never attended a Trump rally in my life but had seen many on TV, and thought it an honor for the White House to invite me to address Trump volunteers and supporters, so I readily agreed.

Due to lack of time, I did not draft my speech from scratch.

The bulk of my January 6 White House Ellipse speech comes from my often-used “America is Great” political speeches that I have given dozens of times, perhaps hundreds of times, in my 34 years of public service as a Tuscaloosa assistant district attorney, an Alabama legislator, the Madison County District Attorney, a county commissioner, and U.S. Congressman.

Further, I spoke very early in the political rally. There was music, there was my speech, there was more music, then there was some number of speakers, then a couple hours or so later, President Trump began speaking.

I ask this question, if my remarks were as inspirational as the Socialist Democrats and their Fake News Media allies want the public to believe, why didn’t the Trump rally participants, after my remarks, immediately get up and storm the Capitol?

Why not indeed! The answer is simple. No one at the rally interpreted my remarks to be anything other than what they were: A pep talk after the derriere kicking conservatives suffered in the dismal 2020 elections.

As I will prove later, my remarks were clearly designed to reinvigorate people for the 2022 election cycle that had already begun two months ago and is now only a year away.

Accusation Flaw #2:

Mr. Malinoski’s Censure resolution alleges, “Whereas, Representative Brooks then exhorted the audience: “Today is the day American patriots start taking down names and kicking ass”.

While I did utter those words, what is deceitfully omitted is the immediately preceding sentence, that begins with, “But let’s be clear, regardless of today’s outcome, the 2022 and the 2024 elections are right around the corner.”

This preceding sentence, clearly and unambiguously confirms that my “take names and kicking derrieres” remarks refers to fighting to win elections in 2022 and 2024 and had absolutely nothing to do with the illegal breach of the Capitol that occurred later in the day.

Notably, Mr. Malinoski’s Censure Resolution deceitfully omits the key introductory clause of the “take names” sentence that confirms what I just said. After focusing on winning the 2022 and 2024 elections, the beginning of the next sentence is “As such”. “As such, today is the day American patriots start taking down names and kicking as.”

The phrase “As such” confirms that my “take names” sentence is in the context of the preceding 2022 and 2024 sentence and that I was encouraging people to join our fight to win the 2022 & 2024 elections “Today”.

I was not encouraging anyone to engage in violence. I was encouraging people to begin a 2022 and 2024 election fight!

Accusation Flaw #3.

Mr. Malinoski’s Censure Resolution alleges I “encouraged and incited violence against his fellow Members of Congress, as part of an assault on the United States Capitol.”

That statement is utterly false and beyond contempt.

In addition to the foregoing rebuttals, consider the following:

1. I was in the House Chamber when the attack began! The idea that I would encourage and incite violence” on myself, my friends, and my colleagues is absurd.

2. The Censure resolution (and the Fake News Media) conveniently and deceitfully omit the action I asked rally attendees to undertake: take WORDS (not violence) to the Capitol!

At the start of my speech, I tell the audience quote, “I’ve got a message that I need you to take to your heart, and take back home, and along the way stop at the Capitol.”

My message is NOT violence, it is WORDS. Only the most malevolent or partisan of people would construe my speech otherwise.

At the very end of my speech, I emphasize that:

“What are the simple words we must shout to the heavens and carry, the message, to Capitol Hill? What are the words that cause Socialists and weak-kneed Republicans on Capitol Hill to shake in their boots and cower in their foxholes?

What are the words that scare the hell out of Socialists and weak-kneed Republicans alike?

Join with me! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! Washington! America! Heed those words, because we’re going to carry them right to you.

That is right. I exhorted the Trump rally attendees to bring words, NOT VIOLENCE, to the U.S. Capitol.

And those words are USA, USA, USA.

3. Mr. Malinowski and the Censure Resolution deceitfully attributes to me things that are absolutely false. It asserts, with no credible evidence, a linkage between my words and the illegal breach of the Capitol.

Let me emphasize something in that regard. I have proudly served the people of the Great State of Alabama for 34 years.

I have given hundreds if not thousands of political speeches. I have given dozens if not hundreds of political rally speeches. Not once in those 34 years of speech-giving has anyone been incited to violence. Not once!

As far as I knew, the Trump rally attendees were patriotic Americans who wished to exercise their Constitutional right to freely assemble, freely speak, and freely exercise their Constitutionally guaranteed right to protest.

Certainly, as far as I am aware (and granted I have never previously attended one), no prior Trump rally resulted in violence.

4. I made my speech in front of a bank of TV cameras. The notion that I would give a recorded speech calling for riots and violence is the height of arrogance and stupidity. I called for fighting in the 2022 and 2024 elections

5. The growing evidence is that various Militant groups came to Washington, DC on January 6 to engage in violent acts regardless of speech content.

For example, Mr. Malinowski’s Censure Resolution claims that militant, “extremist and anti-government groups, including the Proud Boys, QAnon, Boogaloo Boys, and Oathkeepers”, helped “seize the United States Capitol”.

One or more of these groups brought pipe bombs, firearms, and other explosive devices with them.

This level or preparation is evidence that violent actions were planned long before my remarks. Ergo, my remarks had nothing to do with the ensuing violent acts.


The reckless, defamatory, and deceitful nature of the Censure Resolution begs the question of why would Socialist Democrats go to such lengths to deceitfully slander and defame the reputation of an honorable member of the opposition party?

Perhaps I can share a few very plausible motives.

Motive #1: Hypocrisy.

There is no end to the hypocrisy of Socialist Democrats who are so often willing to condemn what they themselves do!

I submit the following quotes, and the absence of any Censureship efforts regarding them, as evidence of how hypocritical this Censure Resolution is.

In 2019, Congressman Joaquin Castro stated, “We’ll also fight him [Trump] … in the streets!”

In 2020, Congresswoman Maxine Waters stated, “And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd, and you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”

In 2018, former Attorney General Eric Holder stated, “Michelle [Obama] always says that, you know, ‘When they go low, we go high.’ No. When they go low, we kick them. That’s what this new Democratic Party is about,”

In 2020, Vice-President Elect Kamala Harris encouraged people to help post bail out for violent protestors in Minnesota when she posted, ““If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota.”

In 2020, Congresswoman Cori Bush stated, “We DISRUPT PEACE because lives are on the line. NO, I won’t coddle you or baby you by giving you a peaceful protest. Get a backbone- get some fight in you! We’re putting our lives on the line because black people are and IT STOPS NOW!! NO JUSTICE NO PEACE!!”

If Socialist Democrats were really concerned about stopping the violence, then why do they encourage, rather than discourage, the violence, the looting, the arson, the killings by Black Lives Matter or fascist ANTIFA?

Socialist Democrats are not motivated by justice. They are motivated by political advantage.

Socialist Democrats acquiesce to violence they believe helps them at the polls and engage in fake, manipulative politics when they believe the violence hurts them at the polls.

In contrast, I oppose all violence of the kind we saw last week at the U.S. Capitol and have, as such and on numerous occasions, called for aggressive prosecution of every person who illegally breached Capitol security, regardless of their political motivation for doing so.

Motive #2:

I have evolved into a national leader in the:

Fight against dictatorial Socialism and fight for free enterprise and the freedom and liberty on which freedom is based.

Fight against the killing of unborn babies and fight for life.

Fight against unsustainable deficits that threaten America’s solvency and fight for financial responsibility that threatens to cut off a reliable Socialist Democrat block vote: those people on welfare who prefer to vote for a living rather than work for one.

Fight against Big Tech censorship and Socialist Democrats’ suppression of free speech and fight for freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, freedom of speech and the right to bear arms.

Fight against the voter fraud and election theft so many Socialist Democrats rely on to get elected and fight for honest and accurate elections.

The burden of being a national leader in the fight for the foundational values that have combined to make America the greatest nation in world history is being a target of deceitful Socialist Democrat politics of personal destruction.

But know this, I am from the Great State of Alabama, where our motto is “We Dare Defend our Rights”.

Socialist Democrats and their Fake News Media Allies won’t get an apology from me because my remarks were not wrong. Conversely, the Socialist Democrats and their Fake News Media Allies should be apologizing to the public for the egregiously and manipulative way they have deceived the public on this issue.

Rest assured; I will never apologize for fighting to win our causes at the ballot box. That is the American way!

I conclude with two famous quotes.

The first is from Jesus, in the King James Bible, Matthew, Chapter 7, Verse 2: “For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged, and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.”

I recommend everyone take these words to heart and very carefully consider them.

The second is from American patriot Martin Luther King, in his Letter from Birmingham Jail, April 16, 1963:

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”

  • January 12, 2021, on Twitter (retweet): “‘This entire smear campaign is about intimidating, censoring and suppressing the ability of American citizens to fight at the ballot box.’

@RepMoBrooks releases a fiery defense after Democrats push for him to face censure.”

  • January 12, 2021, on Twitter (retweet): “Ala. @RepMoBrooks blows the whistle on his ‘fake’ censure.

‘I will never apologize for fighting to win our causes at the ballot box. That is the American way!’”

  • January 12, 2021, on Twitter (retweet): “.@RepMoBrooks releases lengthy statement defending himself from censure resolution #alpolitics

By @sean_yhn”

  • January 13, 2021: Multiple Democratic Congressional Representatives join a resolution to remove Rep. Brooks from Congress.

The document notes that Rep. Brooks “continues to advocate for violence against the United States Government, and in doing so, continues to disgrace himself and bring dishonor to the House of Representatives,” before calling for his removal.

  • January 13, 2021: The Washington Post reports that “Stop the Steal” organizer Ali Alexander claimed, in a since-deleted Periscope broadcast, that Rep. Brooks, along with Reps. Paul Gosar and Andy Biggs, helped him plan the events of January 6.

“We four schemed up of putting maximum pressure on Congress while they were voting so that . . . we could change the hearts and the minds of Republicans who were in that body, hearing our loud roar from outside.”

When reached for comment by the Post, Rep. Brooks’ office responded that he “has no recollection of ever communicating in any way with whoever Ali Alexander is.”

  • January 19, 2021, on Twitter: “.@RepCohen & other Socialists should prove their wild, off-the-wall, panicky statements . . . Or apologize.

Proof is simple. What do Capitol security cameras show?

Where is news media? If a Republican had said the same about a Democrat….”

Additional context: To date, questions about the tours that Rep. Boebert led ahead of the insurrection such as those made by Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) remain unresolved.

  • January 22, 2021, on Twitter: “What is more ethical? GOP Senators #JoshHawley & #TedCruz fight for honest & accurate elections?

Or #Socialist Senators Kaine Brown etc. (who support voter fraud) filing bogus ethics charges against Hawley & Cruz for OPPOSING voter fraud?

Orwellian 1984”

  • January 29, 2021, on Twitter: “I PROUDLY stand with Senators Cruz & Hawley; Jim Jordan, Louie Gohmert & 130+ Congressmen fighting for honest elections.

Leadership = attacks by voter fraud profiters.

Read Jimmy Carter/James Baker 2005 election theft report for truth & warning.”

  • January 29, 2021, on Twitter: “Watch my @newsmax TV interview where I hammer President Biden’s damaging executive orders, Socialists’ costly and financially irresponsible COVID-19 spending bill and Nancy Pelosi’s dangerous and divisive proclamation that House Republicans are an ‘enemy within.’”


He says to Newsmax, “To engage in this kind of name calling, without naming the names, I believe is counterproductive […] In my state, Alabama, the Democrats challenged our electoral college vote in 2017 even though Donald Trump won by more than 20 percentage points. The Democrats have challenged electoral college votes every single year that a Republican has been elected in 2000, 2004 and 2016 in this century … Well, don’t be so hypocritical; that’s my message to them. If y’all can do it, if you can have that kind of healthy debate about whether we’re going to have an honest and accurate election system … [w]hy can’t we Republicans assert the same thing, particularly when we’ve got the backing of the report by Democrat Jimmy Carter and former White House Chief of Staff James Baker on the Commission for Federal Election Reform back in 2005 that specifically identified some of the weaknesses in our election system that the Democrats quite clearly exploited in 2020.”

Additional context: House Democrats did indeed unsuccessfully challenge electoral votes in 2000, 2004, and 2016. The Democrats only had support from a Senator in 2004 to formally challenge the electoral votes from Ohio.

  • March 3, 2021: Rep. Brooks appears on CSPAN Washington Journal where he disputes characterizations of his speech at the January 6 rally at the Ellipse.

Rep. Brooks disputes testimony by FBI Director Christopher Wray that there were no Black Lives Matter or Antifa activists involved in the insurrection, but accepts that his prior assertions about the role of left-wing activists were incorrect and that “the Black Lives Matter and Antifa presence to date seems to be relatively insignificant, certainly much less significant than I thought, around January the 6th based on the information that I had.”

When asked whether he regrets his role in the rally at the Ellipse, he says “Well, we’re talking about a rally a mile and a half away that was permitted in many different ways by the 1st Amendment, freedom of assembly, freedom of speech, freedom to petition the government with your grievance. So that’s a different event from what happened at the United States Capitol.” When asked whether Joe Biden is the legitimate President, Rep. Brooks states, “Joe Biden has been sworn in, he is the President of the United States.”

In an angry exchange with a caller, he addresses the language he used, particularly the statement “Today is the day that American patriots start taking down names and kicking ass, are you willing to do what it takes to fight for America, will you fight for America?” has been taken out of context.

When a caller asks about “the deep state” that “is running our country,” Brooks says, “there are a lot of factors in my judgment that have contributed to what happened on January the 6th. It might be the voter fraud and election theft which in my own opinion was the worst in the history of the United States of America.” He goes on to name other factors, such as “racial animosity” that he says Democrats are “stoking.”

A CSPAN Caller says, “I vote Republican sometimes and, I was going to vote for Trump and I was standing in line, I was standing beside the guy with the badge before I go in the door, and one of our neighbors come up and said, ‘All Democrats ought to be shot.’ I’ve had people come by the house cause we’re in a small community, counting how many Democrats voted in the, in our precinct knowing my wife votes Democrat. So y’all pushing y’all’s rhetoric y’all are doing, when are you gonna stand up and straighten this stuff out so me and my neighbors ain’t shooting each other?”

Rep. Brooks replies, “Well, I’ve never advocated violence in the political arena. I don’t believe we should engage in violence, but we have to have honest and accurate elections. If we don’t have honest and accurate elections, then we no longer have a Republic. So we need to do everything we can, by way of example, to implement the suggestions of the Commission on Federal Election Reform. There was a report in 2005, and that was co-chaired, that commission, by Democrat Jimmy Carter and Republican former White House chief of staff, James Baker. And we should be implementing those recommendations: voter ID, minimization of mail out ballots, because that’s one of the places where the greatest risk of, uh, election fraud occurs. There are plenty of things that we need to do. Another recommendation was do the things that are necessary to minimize non-citizen voting in American elections, which is becoming a bigger and bigger problem, where non-citizens are participating in our elections, thereby canceling out the votes of American citizens. American elections ought to be exclusively for the benefit of American citizens, but that’s not the case in all parts of the country. And certainly it’s not the case around the country when you talk about, uh, those non-citizens who violate our laws register to vote and then vote in our elections. So if we’ll do that, then the proper remedy is at the ballot box. And that’s where we need to win or lose as the case may be. But that’s where the fight has to be, that’s the battle that needs to be undertaken. And I urge all American citizens to participate in our Republic as much as they possibly can because it’s our destiny, that those citizens are going to control. And when we talk about our destiny, that also means their lives, their children’s lives, their grandchildren’s lives. And so, as is the case with you, you went and voted. That’s a good thing. I hope you cast an educated vote. Although I must admit it’s getting harder and harder to be educated about public policy because you see so much false information, so much propaganda by the fake news media on the internet, on the radio. And it’s much, much more difficult than it used to be to discern what the true facts are. Good luck at that.”

The CSPAN host replies, “I suppose the Democrats will say that HR1 offers a remedy to when it comes to elections, how would you respond to that?”

To which Rep. Brooks says, “Oh, absolutely not. That does the exact opposite of what the Commission on Federal Election Reform. Again, 2005, co-chaired by Jimmy Carter, Democrat and James Baker – it does the exact opposite of what is recommended. It eliminates voter ID, a photo ID, as an example, that’s horrific, that’s, uh, opening the gates, the floodgates for voter fraud. It starts registering people to vote, to vote at age 16 and 17. It makes it harder to prevent non-citizens from voting. I mean, just go down the list. Heritage, um, Foundation has a very, very good report. I sent out a news release yesterday, I believe it was, that explains why I’m voting no, and it itemizes all the problems with this bill. It is one of the worst bills in the history of the United States of America. It will undermine our election system like it’s never been undermined before.”

Later a caller asks, “Yes. I was wanting to know, what’s your, how can you say there’s voter fraud in the past election when there’s 60 plus cases being thrown out in court, including Trump installed judges that has thrown out the cases too?”

To which Rep. Brooks replies, “I very much appreciate your asking that question. I’m a litigator. I’ve been in litigation in a courtroom for over three decades, and you could go to Clarence Thomas’ dissenting opinion in a recent Supreme court decision that outlines it to some degree, but here’s from a lawyer’s perspective where you have to prove things in court, here’s the problem. If you’ve got, say 130,000 illegal ballots in Nevada, or 27,000 in Georgia, and the 130,000 comes from testimony in the United States Senate hearing that 27,000 comes from the attorneys, an itemization of illegal votes cast in Georgia – here’s the problem. Once you mix those illegal ballots with the legal ballots, it’s impossible at that point to undo what’s been done. So once those fraudulent votes are cast, you can’t prove who they were cast for because they’re intermingled, co-mingled with all of the legal ballots, and as such, you can’t prove who benefited as such. You can not change the election results. So it’s one thing to say that there was no voter fraud. That’s absolutely false. There was lots of voter fraud. It’s another thing to say, ‘Who benefited from that voter fraud?’ Now we can all have opinions. In my judgment, it was Joe Biden and the Democrats who’ve benefited from it. Democrats might say the, uh, the opposite thing. But there’s no question, but there was massive voter fraud on a level that we’ve never before seen in the history of the United States of America. But there’s no way to undo it in a court of law because you can’t prove which person that ballot was cast for. Once it’s co-mingled with all the other legal ballots…”

The CSPAN host interjects: “It was [Attorney General] Bill Barr who even said himself that he didn’t see evidence of widespread fraud.”

Rep. Brooks responds, “Now that’s false. Oh, okay. He said that he was unaware of any evidence and that was within a week or two of the election. What no reporter dared to ask him, but should have asked him, ‘Well, how many reports have you received?’ No one asked him that. If you, in the position he’s in, aren’t receiving the reports from the investigators, or if the investigators have not completed their investigations and provided the reports, then of course he would say that. I don’t disagree with the honesty of what he said. I think that’s what he believed at that time. But we’ve got contrary evidence that was developed over the ensuing weeks. So when you’ve got an itemization of 130,000 illegal votes cast in Nevada, according to the United States Senate hearing testimony, or you’ve got 27,000 itemized illegal ballots cast in Georgia, uh, I – I go with that. When dead people are voting and you can prove that they’re deceased under Social Security records, yet they voted, that’s pretty compelling evidence. When you’ve got 40,000 people, more or less, in Nevada who voted twice, that’s pretty compelling evidence. When you’ve got in Nevada, tens of thousands of people who claim they were Nevada citizens, but they don’t have Nevada addresses, that’s pretty compelling evidence.”

  • March 5, 2021: Rep. Eric Swalwell files a lawsuit naming Donald J. Trump, Donald J. Trump Jr., Rep. Mo Brooks and Rudolph Giuliani as defendants, stating that “The horrific events of January 6 were a direct and foreseeable consequence of the Defendants’ unlawful actions. As such, the Defendants are responsible for the injury and destruction that followed.”
  • March 9, 2021: Rep. Mo Brooks appears on the Jeff Poor radio show to discuss the lawsuit against him by Rep. Eric Swalwell. Rep. Brooks tells Poor, “Well first, I’m proud to be standing tall with President Donald Trump and Donald Trump Jr. in the fight for honest and accurate elections, because that’s what it’s all about if you look at the details of this litigation.”

  • March 11, 2021: Rep. Brooks appears on NewsMax to contest the lawsuit filed against him by Rep. Eric Swalwell.

In an interview with John Bachman, Rep. Brooks addresses the lawsuit against him by Rep. Eric Swalwell. “Well, Eric Swalwell’s accusations are scurrilous, they are simply a part of an overall effort by the socialists to suppress freedom of speech and to retaliate politically against those who disagree with them. Quite frankly it appears that I’m in this as a defendant with the likes of Donald Trump, President, Donald Trump, Jr. And I’m trying to decide how much to disclose on my federal election commission – this as an in kind contribution by Eric Swalwell. Because in the state of Alabama, this is helping tremendously.”

  • March 19, 2021: Rep. Brooks appears on Steve Bannon’s program Bannon’s War Room. Bannon says that a lot of President Trump’s supporters are depressed because they believe the election was stolen, and asks Brooks what advice he has for them. He says “My advice is don’t surrender… our ancestors who built this country, they fought for it, and many of them sacrificed for it. . . We should honor those sacrifices by fighting back, by being determined to make sure that on our watch we’re not going to lose this republic to dictatorial socialism.” He encourages listeners to get involved in the election process by “do[ing] whatever it takes to make sure the election process is honest. Be a poll worker or a poll watcher.”

  • March 26, 2021: Rep. Brooks appears on Steve Bannon’s program Bannon’s War Room. Brooks underscores his contention that Donald Trump had nothing to do with inciting violence at the Capitol on January 6, citing as proof that the investigations uncovered there was pre-planning by “militants” ahead of the attack. He claims that a suite of election reforms that Democrats put forward, H.R.1, should be named “the Voter Fraud Enhancement Act.” He says that “the socialists exploited” weaknesses in the election system “to, in my judgment, steal the election from a number of different candidates who were on the ballot in 2020, much to the detriment of our republic.”

  • April 7, 2021. Rep Mo Brooks receives an endorsement from former President Trump in his Alabama Senate bid.

“Few Republicans have as much COURAGE and FIGHT as Alabama Congressman Mo Brooks,” said Trump in a statement, according to the Associated Press. He added that Rep. Brooks “will stand up for America First no matter what obstacles the Fake News Media, RINOs, or Socialist Democrats may place in his path.”

  • June 6, 2021: Rep. Mo Brooks is served in the Swalwell suit. Rep. Brooks claims on Twitter that the agent that served his wife committed criminal trespassing.

  • June 8, 2021: Rep. Brooks appears on Steven Bannon’s program Bannon’s War Room to advance vote audits in additional states.

After attacking Rep. Eric Swalwell and his lawsuit against him, Rep. Brooks says to Bannon that he supports the ‘audits’ led by Republicans in Arizona and other states. “Let me break it very briefly into three different categories. First, how many ballots were cast by non-citizens and how do you undo them when they’ve been mixed in with lawful ballots? That’s a real issue. How about how many ballots were cast by dead people? Or how many ballots were cast from people who don’t even exist? So those kinds of things have to be addressed. Then second, the United States Constitution, Article I, Section IV, the Election Clause, mandates that Congress and legislatures are the ones authorized to set the times, places and manner of elections. So how do you disregard the ballots that were cast in violation of Article I, Section IV of the United States Constitution, when you had ballots that were cast pursuant to schemes illegally devised by Secretary of States and judges, who are not authorized by the Constitution to set the times, places, and manner of elections. And then third, you’ve got the United States Code that sets the day of an election as the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. We all know what a day is, it’s a 24 hour period in which to cast your votes, and the United States Code has certain limited exceptions where you’re not in that precinct on the day of an election, you’re gone, like military personnel that are overseas. So there are exceptions for people to vote outside of that 24 hour window, but those exceptions are limited. How do you not count all of those illegal ballots that were cast outside of that 24 hour window established by the United States Code with the limited exceptions for absentee ballots where you physically were unable to get to the precinct on Election Day. So we’re talking about massive fraud, massive election theft, violations, and probably tens of millions of ballots that were cast in violation of federal statutory law, Article I, Section IV of the United States Constitution, and of course the non-citizen voting problem, along with people who are dead voting, and people who don’t even exist voting.

Bannon asks, “Is there any doubt in your mind given the evidence you’ve seen that Joe Biden lost the 2020 election? Any doubt in your mind?” Brooks responds, “Let me phrase it this way: In my judgment, if we only counted votes lawfully cast by eligible American citizens, Donald Trump won the election.”

  • June 7, 2021: Rep. Brooks tells the Washington Examiner that Donald Trump beat Joe Biden “if only lawful votes cast by eligible American citizens were counted.”
  • June 9, 2021: Rep. Brooks appears on Fox News with Laura Ingraham to discuss the lawsuit against him by Rep. Eric Swalwell. Ingraham asks Brooks, “did you incite a riot at the Capitol?” Brooks responds, “Absolutely not, and with respect to Eric Swalwell, let me emphasize this. I have gone through the complaint. There are at least 50 occasions that I’ve identified – I’m sure there are a lot more – that I readily identified that are flat out lies, they’re deceit in these allegations, and there is gonna be zero evidence to support it, much like there is zero evidence to support the two years of Russian collusion allegations by Eric Swalwell and others. Not counting the sham impeachment efforts by Eric Swalwell, and others, that’s what we’re looking at, unfortunately, in Washington D.C.”

  • July 2, 2021. Rep. Brooks argues in a court filing that he should be dismissed as a defendant in the Swalwell lawsuit.

“Brooks drafted, practiced and gave his Ellipse rally speech at the request of the White House and pursuant to Brooks’ duties and job as a congressman concerning presidential election dispute resolution obligations imposed on Congress by the U.S. Constitution and, generally, U.S. Code,” the petition said.

  • July 27, 2021: The Department of Justice declines to defend Rep. Brooks.

The DOJ determines that Rep. Brooks was not acting in his official capacity when he delivered a speech at the rally at the Ellipse on January 6. “The record indicates that Brooks’s appearance at the Jan. 6 rally was campaign activity, and it is no part of the business of the United States to pick sides among candidates in federal elections,” wrote the DOJ.

  • July 28, 2021. It emerges that Rep. Brooks wore body armor to the Rally at the Ellipse.

“I was warned on Monday that there might be risks associated with the next few days,” he said. “And as a consequence of those warnings, I did not go to my condo. Instead, I slept on the floor of my office. And when I gave my speech at the Ellipse, I was wearing body armor. That’s why I was wearing that nice little windbreaker, to cover up the body armor.”

  • August 4, 2021. News reports say Rep. Brooks asked a federal judge to grant him immunity from the civil lawsuit filed by Rep. Eric Swalwell.

Brooks filed an affidavit in July to suggest that he was “acting within the scope of his office or employment” as a Member of Congress when he gave his speech at the Ellipse on January 6.

  • August 19, 2021: After a man makes a bomb threat on Capitol Hill, Rep. Brooks says he is sympathetic to “anger directed at dictatorial Socialism.”

Rep. Brooks‘ tweet on the subject draws condemnation from Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), a member of the January 6 Select Committee, who calls Brooks’ statement “evil”. In a tweet, Kinzinger asks, “Are we going to be the party that keeps stoking sympathy for domestic terrorists and pushes out truth, or finally take a stand for truth.”

  • August 20, 2021: Rep. Brooks appears with former President Donald Trump at a rally in Cullman, Alabama.
  • August 25, 2021: Rep. Brooks calls the January 6 Committee the “Witch Hunt Committee” and says its records requests violate the 4th Amendment.
  • October 24, 2021: Rolling Stone reports Rep. Brooks was among the members of Congress who coordinated directly with organizers of the rally at the Ellipse.

Two anonymous sources who played a role in coordinating the rally near the White House told Rolling Stone’s Hunter Walker that the Trump White House, rally organizers and members of Congress, including Rep. Brooks, coordinated closely to plan the rally that day.

“According to these sources, multiple people associated with the March for Trump and Stop the Steal events that took place during this period communicated with members of Congress throughout this process…. Along with Greene, the conspiratorial pro-Trump Republican from Georgia who took office earlier this year, the pair both say the members who participated in these conversations or had top staffers join in included Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.), Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.), Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.), Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.), and Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas).”

  • October 25, 2021: Rep. Brooks denies that he was involved in planning the rally at the Ellipse on January 6, but did not confirm whether his staff was involved, stating that, “Quite frankly, I’d be proud of them if they did help organize a First Amendment rally to protest voter fraud and election theft.”

“If you’re talking about someone participating in meetings, setting the agenda, raising the money, I don’t know of anything that suggests my staff as doing that stuff,” Rep. Brooks told the Montgomery Advertiser. According to the newspaper, “The congressman said he had no involvement in fundraising for the rally, recruiting speakers or handling logistics.”

In a separate phone interview on the same day, Rep. Brooks told that, “I had no intentions of going to that rally until Jan. 5, when the White House asked me to speak,” and the newspaper said he noted the date marked the “beginning” of his involvement in the rally at the Ellipse. “The congressman said he could not say whether his staff interacted with two anonymous Rolling Stone sources — only identified as an organizer and a planner of the Jan. 6 rally and other protests — because he had not spoken to them about it.”