International Court of Justice (ICJ)

Taking Stock of ICJ Decisions in the ‘Ukraine v. Russia’ Cases—And implications for South Africa’s case against Israel


Feb 5th, 2024

National Security at the United Nations This Week (Jan. 29-Feb. 2)


Feb 2nd, 2024

Between Rhetoric and Effects: The ICJ Provisional Measures Order in South Africa v. Israel

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Feb 1st, 2024

Strategic Litigation Takes the International Stage: South Africa v Israel in Its Broader Context


Jan 31st, 2024

Why the ICJ Ruling Misses the Mark: Mitigating Civilian Harm With An Enemy Engaged in Human Shielding

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Jan 29th, 2024

The Just Security Podcast: ICJ Provisional Measures in South Africa v. Israel

by , , , and

Jan 26th, 2024

Top Experts’ Views of Int’l Court of Justice Ruling on Israel Gaza Operations (South Africa v Israel, Genocide Convention Case)


Jan 26th, 2024

National Security at the United Nations This Week (Jan. 22-Jan. 26)


Jan 26th, 2024

Unpacking the Int’l Court of Justice Judgment in South Africa v Israel (Genocide Case)

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Jan 26th, 2024

International Courts as the Last Hope for Humanity


Jan 24th, 2024

South Africa vs. Israel at the International Court of Justice: A Battle Over Issue-Framing and the Request to Suspend the War

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Jan 16th, 2024

How the International Court of Justice Should Stop the War in Gaza


Jan 15th, 2024

National Security at the United Nations This Week (Jan. 8-12)


Jan 12th, 2024


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Jan 9th, 2024

The Role of the United Nations in Atrocity Response: Limited, But Not Obsolete


Jan 5th, 2024

The Promise and Risk of South Africa’s Case Against Israel

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Jan 4th, 2024

Selective Use of Facts and the Gaza Genocide Debate

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Jan 2nd, 2024

Nine Stories That Deserved More Attention in 2023 – and That May Shape 2024


Dec 29th, 2023

Syrian Torture Victims Deserve a Hearing Before the ICJ

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Oct 13th, 2023

In the Case Against Syria, a New Tool for Enforcing Human Rights

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Oct 9th, 2023

Поступки щодо територій, правопорядку та світового миру: доля міжнародного права спочиває на кордонах України

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Oct 6th, 2023

Compromises on Territory, Legal Order, and World Peace: The Fate of International Law Lies on Ukraine’s Borders

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Oct 6th, 2023

Starvation as a Means of Genocide: Azerbaijan’s Blockade of the Lachin Corridor Between Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh


Aug 11th, 2023

Why Terrorism Exceptions to State Immunity Do Not Violate International Law


Aug 10th, 2023

Iran’s ICJ Case against Canada Tests the Terrorism Exception to Sovereign Immunity


Jul 24th, 2023

Expert Q&A on What International Law Has to Say About Assistance to Russia’s War Against Ukraine


May 2nd, 2023

After ICJ’s “Certain Iranian Assets” Judgment, Iran and United States Both Claim Victory


Apr 17th, 2023

Does Russia Exercise Overall Control over the Wagner Group? Expert Q&A from Stockton Center’s Russia-Ukraine Conference


Apr 5th, 2023

Why the European Commission’s Proposal for Russian State Asset Seizure Should be Abandoned


Mar 23rd, 2023

Just Security Podcast: Spies, Balloons, and International Law

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Mar 10th, 2023

Насильницьке переміщення Росією українських цивільних осіб: Громадянське суспільство, підзвітність, справедливість

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Mar 3rd, 2023

Russia’s Forcible Transfers of Ukrainian Civilians: How Civil Society Aids Accountability and Justice

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Mar 3rd, 2023