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Sustaining Membership

The Sustaining Membership Program is a convenient and reliable way to manage your financial support for KERA through ongoing monthly payments, which are automatically transferred from your bank account or credit card. A record of each monthly contribution will appear on your bank account or card statement.


As a Sustaining Member, you will:

  • Enjoy the convenience of secure, automatic monthly payments that transfer from your bank account to KERA
  • Enable more dollars to go to programs by helping reduce KERA’s administrative and mail costs
  • Receive the KERA Member Rewards card each January, valid for that full calendar year
  • Receive a calendar year-end report of your contributions for tax purposes
  • Know that your continuing contribution provides North Texas with informative, enriching and enjoyable public radio and television programs.

Your monthly Sustaining Member contribution is charged automatically each month until you tell us to stop. Spreading your support over time is easier on your budget, and you’ll know that you’re supporting KERA’s vital service to North Texas.

How to Participate

If you want to become a sustaining member, check the Monthly Sustaining box on the online donation forms for KERA TV, KERA FM or KXT 91.7.

Beginning with the second month, your authorized monthly contributions will be automatically transferred to KERA. Please notify KERA as soon as possible if you plan to change bank accounts, close an account or open a new bank account.

Contributions are tax deductible, less the fair market value of a requested thank-you gift. KERA is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization registered in the State of Texas. All gifts provided to KERA originating as ACH transactions comply with United States law.
View all our donation methods here at our membership portal.