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Meow Wolf Grapevine to unveil new botanical parking lot mural by Tin District artist

Tin District artist Lauren Lewchuk has collaborated with Meow Wolf Grapevine to bring her new mural P.A.R.K.E.D. in the venue's parking lot.
Meow Wolf Grapevine
Tin District artist Lauren Lewchuk has collaborated with Meow Wolf Grapevine to bring her new mural P.A.R.K.E.D. in the venue's parking lot.

New art is blossoming at Meow Wolf Grapevine, but not inside The Real Unreal explorable house. The immersive, interactive exhibition is expanding past the entrance doors into the parking lot.

Tin District artist Lauren Lewchuk will unveil P.A.R.K.E.D, a mural covering the parking lot area adjacent to Meow Wolf Grapevine, on May 27.

Lewchuk, whose work in graphic design and scenic art spans more than 14 years, said the mural explores themes of growth, identity and existentialism.

The new mural P.A.R.K.E.D. by Tin District artist Lauren Lewchuk will unveil May 27.
Meow Wolf Grapevine
The new mural P.A.R.K.E.D. by Tin District artist Lauren Lewchuk will unveil May 27.

“It’s botanical but with some microorganisms thrown in there,” she said. “It’s spread out, so when you’re walking around this large section of the parking lot, you can see different things, but they all relate to each other.”

Lewchuk is one of the more than 40 Texas artists featured at Meow Wolf Grapevine. Meow Wolf is an art and entertainment company known for its large-scale, immersive art experiences. Its location in Grapevine is the fourth installment in the country that combines mesmerizing artscapes by Texas artists and interactive storytelling.

Lewchuk is one of the more than 40 Texas artists featured at Meow Wolf Grapevine.
Meow Wolf Grapevine
Lewchuk is one of the more than 40 Texas artists featured at Meow Wolf Grapevine.

“Continued collaboration with the Texas artist community is vital to us,” said Will Heron, Meow Wolf Grapevine’s artist liaison. “Our community boasts an impressive array of talented artists. This project presents a fantastic opportunity to welcome new Texas talent into Meow Wolf Grapevine’s multiverse.”

Arts Access is an arts journalism collaboration powered by The Dallas Morning News and KERA.

This community-funded journalism initiative is funded by the Better Together Fund, Carol & Don Glendenning, City of Dallas OAC, The University of Texas at Dallas, Communities Foundation of Texas, The Dallas Foundation, Eugene McDermott Foundation, James & Gayle Halperin Foundation, Jennifer & Peter Altabef and The Meadows Foundation. The News and KERA retain full editorial control of Arts Access’ journalism.