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July Fourth Fireworks Illegal In City Limits

By BJ Austin, KERA News

Dallas, TX –

Dallas Police and firefighters are warning Fourth of July party-ers that possession of firecrackers or cherry bombs within the city limits could blow up your wallet with a hefty fine. KERA's BJ Austin reports.

Dallas Fire-Rescue Captain Rebecca Mathews says fireworks are dangerous and should be left to the professionals -- like the Grucci Brothers who will put on a big July 4th fireworks show at Fair Park.

Mathews: Last year in 2008 we had 11 fires; structure fires that were cause by fireworks. And these were fires that were preventable. Unfortunately it happened, and it caused over than 200 thousand dollars worth in damage of property loss.

You don't have to light a string of Black Cats in your driveway to get in trouble. The mere "possession" of fireworks within the city limits could result in a two thousand dollar fine.

Dallas Fire-Rescue Section Chief Cynthia Michaels says teams of police and firefighters will be on patrol all holiday weekend.

Michaels: We will be at the parks. We will be talking to people as they enter Lake Ray Hubbard, all the different entrances there; as well as White Rock and Mountain Creek.

In Fort Worth, Fire Lt. Kent Worley says they got 16 hundred calls about neighborhood fireworks last year. He also says "outside" the city limits, it is illegal to shoot fireworks unless you are the property owner or have permission. He says you just can't pull over on a Farm to Market road and fire off bottle rockets.

Email BJ Austin