
20,000+ rainbow trout to be stocked in New Braunfels

Rainbow trout will be stocked every week through end of January

NEW BRAUNFELS, Texas – The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department will stock 20,921 rainbow trout in the Canyon Tailrace over the course of eight weeks starting Dec. 4.

Trout will be stocked just below the dam at Guadalupe Park, Whitewater Camp, 4th River Road Crossing, 3rd River Road Crossing and Camp Huaco Springs in New Braunfels, according to TPWD.

The tentative dates for rainbow trout stocking along the tailrace are Dec. 4, 11, 18, 23 and 31, as well as Jan. 8, 15, 22, and 29.

Rainbow trout are stocked as part of the Neighborhood Fishin’ program which encourages families to spend time together outdoors.

Anglers looking to fish along the tailrace will be able to access Camp Huaco for free from Dec. 7 through March 7.

“Rainbow trout stockings begin around Thanksgiving in Bexar County and will continue through February,” a TPWD spokesperson previously told KSAT.

A total of 334,088 rainbow trout will be stocked in lakes and ponds across Texas for the 2020-2021 trout stocking season, TPWD reported.

Kids aged 16 and younger can fish for free but anyone over 17 must have a valid fishing license. However, licenses and endorsements are not required when fishing in a Texas state park.


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