
Cocaine bundles wash up on beach at Padre Island National Seashore

The find comes a month after another bundle of drugs washed up in Brownsville

US Border Patrol RGV Sector reported two bundles of cocaine washed up on the beach at Padre Island National Seashore on Oct. 20, 2023. (US Border Patrol RGV Sector)

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas – Two bundles of cocaine washed up last week on the beach along Padre Island National Seashore.

Officials with the U.S. Border Patrol Rio Grande Valley Sector said Corpus Christi station agents found the bundles on Friday.

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The drugs were wrapped in cellophane bricks that weighed about six pounds and were found miles apart from each other.

Last month, the agency reported that 25 bricks of cocaine washed up on Boca Chica Beach in Brownsville. RGV agents seized those drugs that were estimated to be worth $2.3 million.

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