
This center has over a dozen interactive, immersive water education exhibits

Learn all about water conservation at Edwards Aquifer Authority Education Outreach Center

With over a dozen interactive and immersive water education exhibits, the Edwards Aquifer Authority’s Education Outreach Center is now opened at Morgan’s Wonderland Camp.

The center is the EAA’s first permanent facility. Some of the exhibits include performances and educational presentations in the Karst Theater, a cloud launcher, a demonstration garden and one-of-a-kind global perspective display.

With its mission of managing, enhancing, and protecting the Edwards Aquifer, the EAA has been committed to educating the public for over 25 years. The EAA is a regional water management agency that regulates the use of the aquifer through integrity, transparency and respect for the resource and the people who use it.

The EAA Act (Act) was adopted by the Texas Legislature in 1993 in response to the legal threat of federal takeover of the aquifer under the Endangered Species Act. The Act created the EAA as a political subdivision of the state to preserve and protect the Edwards Aquifer, according to the EAA.

By mandating a capped permitting system that limits withdrawals from the aquifer, the Act was intended to preserve the resource while also protecting threatened and endangered species in the aquifer-fed Comal and San Marcos springs to the extent required by federal law.

The EOC is the only center of its kind in the recharge zone and free to the public, officials with the EAA said.

To schedule a visit, go to EAAEOC.org and click “Schedule A Visit” and select your preferred day and time.

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