Dr. Ruth's Granddaughter Got Engaged in the Sweetest Way Possible – Kveller
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Dr. Ruth’s Granddaughter Got Engaged in the Sweetest Way Possible

Dr. Ruth Granddaughter

Design by Evelyn Frick; Photo by John Parra/Getty Images for Hulu

Love and sex don’t always go together hand-in-hand. But for the granddaughter of famed sexologist and Holocaust survivor Dr. Ruth Westheimer, her grandmother’s profession seems to not have gotten in the way in the slightest.

Last night, Dr. Ruth took to Twitter to announce the engagement of her granddaughter Leora Einleger to long-time boyfriend Elan Kane.

“My granddaughter Leora got engaged last night,” Westheimer wrote, attaching a photo of the happy couple post-proposal. “And her fiancé, Elan, picked the perfect place to give her the ring: the bench I dedicated to my late husband, Fred, at the Heather Garden in Ft. Tryon Park. And it was on her birthday! I’m so happy for them.”

For Leora, the New York City spot Elan chose to propose was equally significant.

“My Opa [grandfather] died when I was 1 year old so I never got to know him. Everyone who meets Elan and knew my Opa says how similar they are because of their sense of humor,” Leora told Kveller via email, adding, “Fort Tryon Park is a big part of my family because both of my parents grew up hanging out in the park; and my Omi [grandma] lives right next to it and is on the board. The bench dedicated to my Opa overlooks the garden and the Hudson [River]. It was so meaningful that Elan proposed at the bench which is inscribed with a quote from Song of Songs – ‘my beloved has gone down to the garden, to the bed of spices, to pasture his flock in the garden and to gather lilies.’”

In addition to the location, Elan connected the moment to Leora’s family in another very sweet way. “The ring Elan gave me is a yellow diamond which matches my Omi’s ring,” Leora explained.

And just when we thought we couldn’t kvell more over this wonderful moment!

Mazel tov, Leora and Elan! We wish you happiness in your engagement and marriage — though we’re sure there’s nothing quite as happy as getting the Dr. Ruth seal of approval!

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