'Seder: The Movie' Is the Hilarious Passover Parody We Need – Kveller
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‘Seder: The Movie’ Is the Hilarious Passover Parody We Need


If this Passover parody from the Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan had just been cute and well-produced, dayenu! It would have been enough!

But the truth is, this must-see video also happens to be hilarious and incredibly accurate.

“Seder: The Movie,” features a diverse and talented cast playing some very familiar Passover seder guests, like your cousins who brought their guitar to the seder, even though no one asked. (They sing “matzah ball” to the tune of Oasis’ “Wonderwall,” because that song will NEVER get old.) There’s also your niece who does not want to do the Four Questions (that mumbling is VERY familiar), and your cousin who won’t waste any opportunity to try to go viral with #MatzahChallenge.

And of course, no Passover parody video would be complete without a charming visit from a very drunk Elijah — I mean, the prophet does have a lot of wine to drink — and this Elijah is played by a very funny guest star.

And because it’s 2019, this video doesn’t shy away from politics, name-dropping the NRA, the patriarchy, and Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez. Miraculously, we think the good-natured video won’t offend your Fox-watching OR your diehard DSA (that’s Democratic Socialists of America) seder guests. (Of course, we can’t 100% guarantee that it won’t offend ANYONE — that would be a real, parting of the Red Sea-level Passover miracle.)

Get ready for your seder by watching the highly enjoyable parody below:


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