Chapter 1 Trenton Seat of Government; Location of Legislative Sessions
Chapter 2 Description of Great Seal of State
Chapter 2A Official Colors
Chapter 3 State Flag; Color
Chapter 4 Promulgation of National Census
Chapter 4A Actions On Tort Against State
Chapter 4B Criminal Injuries Compensation Act of 1971
Chapter 4C Findings, Declarations Relative to Persons Mistakenly Imprisoned
Chapter 4D Cigarette Smoking, Health, Financial Concerns to State; Policy
Chapter 5 State Fiscal Year
Chapter 6 Appointment; Number; Designation and Description; Application; Fees
Chapter 7 Notaries Public
Chapter 8 Apportionment of Surplus Revenue Among Counties; Repayment; Loans; Annual Statement
Chapter 9 State Director of United New Jersey Railroad and Canal Company; Appointment, Compensation and Duties
Chapter 9A Eastern Goldfinch Designated as State Bird
Chapter 9B Commission Established; Functions
Chapter 9DD New Jersey Human Relations Council
Chapter 9E Spinal Cord Research Act
Chapter 9EE Brain Injury Research Act
Chapter 9H Budget Message; Recommendations for Appropriations
Chapter 9HH Pension and Health Benefits Review Commission
Chapter 9J Creation of Commission
Chapter 9M State Commission of Investigation
Chapter 9P
Chapter 9Q Erstellung
Chapter 9R Joint Committee On the Public Schools; Creation; Membership; Appointment; Compensation; Vacancies
Chapter 9RR Findings, Declarations Relative to Housing Affordability
Chapter 9S
Chapter 9U Cancer Research Act
Chapter 9W Establishment; Membership; Terms; Vacancies
Chapter 9WW Asian American Study Foundation
Chapter 9X Findings
Chapter 9YY Health Data Act
Chapter 9Z Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission Established
Chapter 9ZZ
Chapter 10A Salaries of Legislators
Chapter 11 President of Senate to Exercise Powers of Vice President of Council
Chapter 12 Official Handbook of Legislature; Printing; Binding
Chapter 12A
Chapter 13 Attendance of Witnesses; Production of Books and Papers; Legal and Clerical Assistance
Chapter 13A Expenses of Trial of Impeachment to Be Paid by State Treasurer
Chapter 13B Review of Introduced Bill, Determination of Need and Request for Fiscal Note
Chapter 13C Declaration of Intent
Chapter 13D Legislative Findings
Chapter 13E
Chapter 13F Economic and Environmental Impact Statement Act of 1976
Chapter 13G Legislative Findings and Declarations
Chapter 13GG
Chapter 13H Findings, Declarations Relative to State-Imposed Mandates
Chapter 14 “Department” and “Head of Department” Defined
Chapter 14A Emergency Interim Executive Succession Act
Chapter 14B Administrative Procedure Act
Chapter 14C Executive Reorganization Act of 1969
Chapter 14D State Agency Transfer Act
Chapter 14E Emergency Services Act of 1972
Chapter 14F Establishment; Allocation Within Department of State; Office Defined
Chapter 15 Salary of Governor
Chapter 15A
Chapter 15B Findings, Declarations Relative to an Office of the Inspector General
Chapter 15C Findings, Declarations Relative to the Office of the State Comptroller
Chapter 15D Findings, Declarations Relative to Deployment of Oversight Monitors in Implementation of Certain Recovery and Rebuilding Projects.
Chapter 16 Bond; Conditions; Surety; Filing
Chapter 16A Department Established
Chapter 17A Purpose of Act
Chapter 17B Establishment of Department; “The Department” Defined
Chapter 17C
Chapter 18 Death, Resignation, Etc., of Treasurer; Account; Delivery of Funds to Successor
Chapter 18A “Department” Defined
Chapter 18B Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation Act
Chapter 19 Oath; Filing
Chapter 20 State House Commission, Composition, Compensation, Terms
Chapter 22 Director of the Division of Budget and Accounting Authorized to Transfer Certain Monies
Chapter 24 Office of State Auditor Continued; Employees Continued
Chapter 25
Chapter 27 Local Government Board to Be Constituted the “Municipal Finance Commission”
Chapter 27A Powers and Duties of Funding Commission Vested in Local Government Board
Chapter 27B Terms Defined
Chapter 27BB
Chapter 27BBB Municipal Rehabilitation and Economic Recovery Act
Chapter 27BBBB Municipal Stabilization and Recovery Act
Chapter 27C Department of Economic Development
Chapter 27D Establishment
Chapter 27E Communications, Records; Confidentiality Protected
Chapter 27EE
Chapter 27F
Chapter 27G Legislative Findings and Declarations
Chapter 27H Department of Commerce and Economic Development Act
Chapter 27I Additional Powers of Authority
Chapter 27J
Chapter 28 Preamble
Chapter 29 Triennial Inspection and Replacement or Repair of Monuments; Setting of Monuments Where Wanting
Chapter 30 Consent to Acquisition of Land by United States
Chapter 31 Sale, Conveyance of State’s Interest; Terms; Conditions; Public Hearing; Proceeds
Chapter 31A Repeals
Chapter 31B Relocation Assistance Law of 1967
Chapter 31C Structured Financing Act
Chapter 32 American Goods and Products to Be Used in State Work
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 Purchases or Contracts Payable Out of State Funds; Public Advertisements for Bids
Chapter 34A
Chapter 35 “Person”, “Official” and “Officer” Defined
Chapter 35A
Chapter 35B
Chapter 36 Powers and Duties of Division of Purchase and Property in Department of Treasury and Its Director
Chapter 38 Findings, Declarations Relative to Project Labor Agreements
Chapter 39 The Development Subsidy Job Goals Accountability Act
Chapter 39A
Chapter 40 Findings, Declarations Relative to the “American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.”

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