MCL - Section 556.121

Act 224 of 1967

556.121 Instruments relating to powers to appoint interests in land; recording as conveyances.

Sec. 11.

    (1) Any of the following instruments relating to powers to appoint interests in land is entitled to be recorded as a conveyance upon compliance with section 23 of chapter 65 of the Revised Statutes of 1846, being section 565.23 of the Compiled Laws of 1948:
    (a) An instrument, other than a will, exercising a power.
    (b) An instrument expressing consent to exercise.
    (c) A release.
    (2) If a power is exercised by a will, a certified copy of the will and of the certificate of probate thereof may be recorded.

History: 1967, Act 224, Eff. Nov. 2, 1967