MCL - Act 47 of 2004


Act 47 of 2004

AN ACT to provide for and to regulate access to and disclosure of medical records; to prescribe powers and duties of certain state agencies and departments; to establish fees; to prescribe administrative sanctions; and to provide remedies.

History: 2004, Act 47, Imd. Eff. Apr. 1, 2004

The People of the State of Michigan enact:
Document Typ Description
Section 333.26261 Section Short title.
Section 333.26263 Section Definitions.
Section 333.26265 Section Request by authorized individual to examine or obtain medical record; response by health care provider or facility; extension of response time.
Section 333.26267 Section Inquiry as to purpose prohibited.
Section 333.26269 Section Fee.
Section 333.26271 Section Applicability of act to third party payer.