Senate Bill 77 (S-1 as passed by the Senate)

Committee:� Appropriations








FY 2020-21


FY 2021-22




FTE Positions............................................................

����������������� 519.0

����������������� 440.1

������������������ (78.9)

�������� (15.2)


������ 121,295,000

������ 122,277,300

������������� 982,300

����������� 0.8�






�� Interdepartmental Grants Received.......................

������������� 324,400

������������� 320,000

���������������� (4,400)

���������� (1.4)

ADJUSTED GROSS.................................................

������ 120,970,600

������ 121,957,300

������������� 986,700

����������� 0.8�






�� Federal Funds........................................................

�������� 13,129,500

�������� 13,599,800

������������� 470,300

����������� 3.6�

�� Local and Private....................................................

��������������� 71,300

��������������� 71,300

������������������������ 0

����������� 0.0�

TOTAL STATE SPENDING......................................

������ 107,769,800

������ 108,286,200

������������� 516,400

����������� 0.5�






�� Other State Restricted Funds.................................

�������� 44,153,000

�������� 44,152,300

������������������� (700)

���������� (0.0)


�������� 63,616,800

�������� 64,133,900

������������� 517,100

����������� 0.8�

PAYMENTS TO LOCALS.........................................

���������� 8,800,000

�������� 11,800,000

���������� 3,000,000

��������� 34.1�

*As of February 8, 2021.





FY 2020-21 Year-to-Date Appropriation.................................................




Changes from FY 2020-21 Year-to-Date:



   1.   Local Conservation Districts. Senate included $3.0 million GF/GP in on-going funds to provide operational support for local conservation districts.



   2.   County Fairs, Shows, and Exhibitions. Senate included additional funding of $2.0 million GF/GP for grant program, for a total FY 2021-22 appropriation of $2.5 million GF/GP.



   3.   Laboratory Integration of Food Safety System. The Governor and Senate recommended adding $600,000 in available Federal fund support for an integrated food safety system.



   4.   Farm Stress. Senate included $225,000 GF/GP in one-time funds for a program to respond to mental stress and fatigue of Michigan farmers and agricultural workers and their families.



     5.    Licensing and Inspection Programs. The Governor and Senate recommended ongoing maintenance and support costs for the licensing and inspection system, including $210,000 GF/GP and $44,900 in restricted funds.



   6.   Rural Development Specialist. The Governor recommended the creation of a new FTE position to specialize in rural development, at an ongoing cost of $175,000 restricted. Senate did not include.



     7.    Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program. The Governor and Senate recommended the elimination of the one-time program from FY 2020-21.



   8.   Fair Food Network - Double Up Food Bucks. Senate eliminated funding for the grant program for FY 2021-22.



   9.   Food Safety and Quality Assurance. Senate included a reduction of 1.0 FTE and $100,000 gross, $50,000 GF/GP.



10.   Michigan Animal Agriculture Alliance. The Governor recommended a reduction of $1,253,000 from the GF/GP funded grant program designed to support agriculture animal research, which would result in a proposed appropriation FY 2021-22 of $1,747,000 GF/GP. Senate rejected reduction and chose to continue FY 2020-21 funding level of $3.0 million GF/GP for FY 2021-22.



11.   Food and Agriculture Investment Program. Senate included an increase of $740,000 GF/GP, leaving an appropriation of $3,210,600 GF/GP for FY 2021-22.



12.   Information Technology. The Governor and Senate recommended a technical adjustment to reflect actual revenues, including a reduction of $3,200 IDG and $700 in State restricted funds.



13.   Pesticide and Plant Pest Management. The Governor and Senate recommended a shift of $101,800 in existing revenues from restricted to Federal to accurately reflect funding.



14.   Unclassified Salaries. The Governor recommended an increase from $599,900 GF/GP for FY 2020-21 to $617,900 GF/GP. Senate did not include an increase.



15.   Economic Adjustments. Includes ($433,700) Gross and ($307,900) GF/GP for total economic adjustments, of which an estimated ($1,592,100) Gross and ($1,103,900) GF/GP is for legacy retirement costs.



16.   Comparison to Governor's Recommendation. The Senate is $6,025,000 Gross and $6,250,000 GF/GP over the Governor.




Total Changes......................................................................................



FY 2021-22 Senate-Passed Appropriations..........................................




Boilerplate Changes from FY 2020-21 Year-to-Date:

     1.    Acronyms and Definitions. The Governor removed definition of "Fiscal Agencies," "HHS," "LARA," "MDEGLE," and "Subcommittee", terms currently used throughout FY 2020-21 boilerplate. Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 203)

   2.   Reporting Requirements. The Governor removed a subsection that required notification when a report has been placed on the Department's website. Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 204)

   3.   Purchase of Goods and Services. The Governor amended language that required preferences, all things being equal, to purchase USA, Michigan, and veteran-owned business goods and services, by adding "to the extent possible under MCL 18.1261". Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 205)

     4.    Contractual Services and Supplies in Deprived and Depressed Communities. The Governor amended language requiring that steps be taken to ensure businesses in deprived and depressed communities compete for State business, by adding "to the extent permissible under the management and budget act". Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 206)

   5.   Out of State Travel Report. The Governor amended language by adding reference to MCL 18.1217. Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 207)

   6.   General Fund Lapse Report. The Governor amended the language to shift the due date of the report from no later than November 30 to December 30. Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 209)


   7.   Contingency Fund Legislative Transfers. The Governor amended language to increase the maximum of Federal fund transfers from $3.0 million to $5.0 million, increase the maximum for Restricted funds from $2.0 million to $6.0 million, and keep the local and private funds limit at $100,000 that would be eligible for transfer. Senate deleted entire boilerplate section. (Sec. 210)

   8.   Web-Based Fiscal Status Reporting. The Governor amended language by changing that the Department shall "cooperate with the SBO" to "shall report to SBO." Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 211)

   9.   Restricted Fund Balances Report. The Governor amended language by changing that the Department shall "cooperate with the SBO" to "shall report to SBO". Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 212)

10.   Disciplinary Action. The Governor recommended elimination of this section, which prohibited action against an employee for communicating with legislative staff. Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 215)

11.   Quarterly Employee Status Reports. The Governor deleted this reporting requirement. Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 216)

12.   Work Project Expenditures. The Governor deleted this section, which required that, to the extent possible, appropriations in part 1 not be spent until all existing work project funds for that same purpose have been spent. Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 217)

13.   Administrative Board Transfers. The Governor deleted this section, which allows the Legislature to transfer funds via resolution should the Administrative Board transfer funds. Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 218)

14.   Retention of Reports. The Governor and Senate recommended elimination of this section, which requires the Department to receive and retain records. (Sec. 219)

15.   Policy Changes Made to Implement Public Acts. The Governor deleted language that required the Department to report annually on policy changes made to implement recent public acts. Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 220)

16.   Costs of Whole Herd Bovine TB Testing. The Governor added language that MDARD must pay for all "required regulatory" testing costs. Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 451)

17.   MDARD Collaboration with USDA on Monitoring Bovine TB. The Governor and Senate removed a reference to a specific memorandum of understanding (MOU) date and supplanted it with "currently required" MOU. (Sec. 454)

18.   Environmental Stewardship. The Governor and Senate struck a reference to grants within the 2014 Federal farm bill and kept a reference to 2018 farm bill. (Sec. 601)

19.   Local Conservation Districts. Senate added language providing that funds in part 1 for local conservation districts shall be distributed equally to each local conservation district in operation as of April 15, 2021. (Sec. 609)

20.   Farmland and Open Space Preservation. Senate added new language requiring the department to work with the Department of Treasury to improve the timely processing and issuance of tax credits for Michigan�s farmland and open space preservation program. (Sec. 610)

21.   Food and Agriculture Investment Program. The Governor amended the language by changing the tentative work project date from 2023 to 2024 and increasing the allowable percent of administration costs charged to the grant program from 5% to 10%. Senate concurred with date change, rejected increase in admin allowance, and added to the purposes of the program, facilities "with a focus on new and expanding protein processors." (Sec. 701)

22.   Double Up Food Bucks. The Governor amended language to update reporting requirements for the program from 2021 to 2022. Senate deleted entire boilerplate section. (Sec. 703)

23.   Agriculture Equine Industry Development Fund. The Governor and Senate amended language to update a reference from 2021 to 2022. (Sec. 802)

24.   Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program. The Governor and Senate deleted this language, which refers to a one-time FY 2020-21 program. (Sec. 901)

25.    Farm Stress Program. Senate included language providing that one-time funds in part 1 for the farm stress program shall be used to respond to the mental stress and fatigue of Michigan farmers and agriculture producers and their families. (Sec. 902)


Date Completed:� 5-11-21��������������������������������������������������������� Fiscal Analyst:� Bruce Baker

This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.